Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Mad I'm the 1st tweet on there lol

 The police officer was attacked, a struggle for his gun then ensued and then Brown was shot thereafter.

I do find it relevant however, that Michael Brown just robbed the store.  Five minutes after robbing the store, the cop stops him which obviously put Brown in a heightened state.  He figured he was busted and was going to do everything to get away, including assaulting the cop.  I find it amusing that many claim the robbery is irrelevant.  It most certainly is.

"The store's owners, through their attorney, sent the message that they want to stay as far away from the situation as possible. In fact, he said, even after the initial alleged theft, it was a customer who called police."
"They would hope that the people of this community, who have consistently supported them, would continue to support them, and realize that whatever the police are looking at on the surveillance tapes has nothing to with what went on in the streets," said Kanzler.


the store owners really didn't care and called it petty. It does have nothing to do with it because it does not chang the fact that he was unarmed and shot 6 times in surrendering position.
He doesn't need to turn in his badge. He needs to throw that **** in a landfill.

Next news conference he should to clear his name and air these ****** out.

Wishful thinking I guess.
Another hole in the story.

I'm predicting the cop walks with no charges and that's when **** will hit the fan.
Ron Johnson had to have known what was up.

Had to.

I feel bad for the brotha.

 The police officer was attacked, a struggle for his gun then ensued and then Brown was shot thereafter.

I do find it relevant however, that Michael Brown just robbed the store.  Five minutes after robbing the store, the cop stops him which obviously put Brown in a heightened state.  He figured he was busted and was going to do everything to get away, including assaulting the cop.  I find it amusing that many claim the robbery is irrelevant.  It most certainly is.

Again, how was it a robbery if neither the store owner nor an employee reported it? He figured he was busted over $5-$8 worth of cigarillos? Again that's IF he stole them???? Ok let's assume he assaulted the cop because that where evidence is pointing, does that justify the cop shootin him SIX TIMES, ONE OF WHICH WAS 1-2 FEET FROM THE TOP OF HIS HEAD AND EXITED THROUGH HIS CHIN??

I find it amusing how you're over looking facts
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Yo can someone fill me in on whats going on with Johnson and throwing him under the bus or something? Is he on TV right now?
He was on TV lying through his teeth about protestors provoking the cops into throwing smoke canisters and tear gas. You could see it on his face and here it on his voice. He needs to turn in his badge
Thanks for the info bruh, repped. I cant give a big enough SMH for that esp after all his parading around "for the people"

People really think someone is going to assault a cop + charge at him when his gun is out over some cigars. Unless PCP was in his system, no one is that crazy.
Yeah even in a worse case scenario, there's no way you can justify shooting the young kid execution style. That's just OD. There's no way you can justify 6 shots i'm sorry.

If a battle for the gun ensued, then I mean I can understand shooting him but 6 times? In the head? Come on man that's just...no words.
I'm black and this situation is NOT the problem. If only we could do this to stop the real problem in our community which is killing each other
"Gov. Jay Nixon has signed an executive order directing additional resources through the Missouri National Guard to help restore peace and order and to protect the citizens of Ferguson."

People really think someone is going to assault a cop + charge at him when his gun is out over some cigars. Unless PCP was in his system, no one is that crazy.

Yeah even in a worse case scenario, there's no way you can justify shooting the young kid execution style. That's just OD. There's no way you can justify 6 shots i'm sorry.

If a battle for the gun ensued, then I mean I can understand shooting him but 6 times? In the head? Come on man that's just...no words.

You guys have common sense and others are coming in here trying to side with a murderer because he was wearing a badge. God forbid if the races were reversed the cop would have started serving consecutive life sentences yesterday
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