Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

The facebook post and what the witnesses saw/said in this video match

6:44 "He was fighting (him)......then he ran"

6: 52 " next thing i know he was coming back towards him...the police got his gun drawn"

7:15 " i thought he was missing...dude started running toward the police"

8:29 " Police was like at least 10 yards away dude was still Standing ...im thinking he kept missing him then he kept coming towards him"

Matches the "coming at me full speed" and explains the amount of shots.
im sure this is not the last time this video will be used 
I don't even want to bring attention to that cornball brother that's at the rally for the police officer.
Silent protest in Love Park, Philadelphia:

  1. A silent protest in Love Park, downtown Philadelphia orchestrated by performance artists protesting the murder of Michael Brown in Ferguson. The onslaught of passerby’s  wanting to take photos with the statue exemplifies the disconnect in American society.  Simply frame out the dead body, and it doesn’t exist.  

    Here are some observations by one of the artists involved in the event:

    I don’t know who any of these folks are.

    They were tourists I presume.

    But I heard most of what everything they said. A few lines in particular stood out. There’s one guy not featured in the photos. His friends were trying to get him to join the picture but he couldn’t take his eyes off the body.

    "Something about this doesn’t feel right. I’m going to sit this one out, guys." "Com’on man… he’s already dead."


    There were a billion little quips I heard today. Some broke my heart. Some restored my faith in humanity. There was an older white couple who wanted to take a picture under the statue.

    The older gentleman: “Why do they have to always have to shove their politics down our throats.” Older woman: “They’re black kids, honey. They don’t have anything better to do.”

    One woman even stepped over the body to get her picture. But as luck would have it the wind blew the caution tape and it got tangle around her foot. She had to stop and take the tape off. She still took her photo.

    There was a guy who yelled at us… “We need more dead like them. Yay for the white man!”

    "One young guy just cried and then gave me a hug and said ‘thank you. It’s nice to know SOMEBODY sees me.’
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Looks like a cross between Mike Singletary & DeMaurice Smith
On point.

They been practicing the fusion technique.

Traffic is backed up, cops want people to leave but they are blocked in
Kids are getting tear gassed
What kind of morons are bringing their kids to these protests?

While I understand your point, they were promised that they wouldn't be attacked


Traffic is backed up, cops want people to leave but they are blocked in

Kids are getting tear gassed

Just started watching the stream. Why was tear gas shot into the crowd? 

Edit: Apparently it got too rowdy and someone may have gotten shot, not by police, grazed by a bullet.

Also a fight that was broken up

Was a younger crowd many people from other areas
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Capt. Ron went on TV and told them there would be no tear gas, no rubber bullets, etc and they started going without warning :smh:
but yeah the kids should be home by now. Also a woman in a wheelchair got hit with tear gas too :smh:

So the woman in a wheelchair? She's a civil rights attorney. They tear gassed the wrong one.
— Dee C. (@NaijaRoyale) August 18, 2014

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Capt. Ron went on TV and told them there would be no tear gas, no rubber bullets, etc and they started going without warning

but yeah the kids should be home by now. Also a woman in a wheelchair got hit with tear gas too

I'm still on westcoast time, but I feel as if kids should be apart of it...they're the ones who are being targeted.
I'm still on westcoast time, but I feel as if kids should be apart of it...they're the ones who are being targeted.

Yeah, but it's almost 10pm here and school resumes tomorrow. She said she was actually on her way back to her car when he got hit with the tear gas can :smh:
"Police gave a disperse warning, five seconds later the gas barrage started. Enveloped entire street for 75 yards."
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