Penny Hardaway is/was Overrated.

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

I think that the title of the most overrated 90s Nike player goes not to Penny, but Gary Payton.


Dog, GP?

Not GP from the Heat. But GP from the Sonics... in your opinion was the most overrated 90's player?? Damn son.

nitzski wrote:
Pip was a good player nothing more. You have to look no further than his years in Houston and Portland to realize he wasn't the player you guys would like to remember him as.

You're actually using years when he was clearly on the downside of his career to justify your remarks??
Come on now.
People forget to realize those All-NBA teams also have a little to do with team Records. The best players on the teams with the best records get picked forthose teams respectively. The First Team All NBA are the 5 MVP candidates. And usually MVP candidates are on teams with the best records in the league.

I was a damn kid in 95(but my mental age is always double that of my biological age). My NBA memory is quite vivid. Penny was on a stacked team. Anyoneremember that Magic squad with Nick Anderson, Shaq, and Horace Grant? Penny was playing the point on a team of excellent offensive threats. Not to mention Shaqwon the scoring title one of those years. All this consider, Penny was still a beast. He was a true one two punch at the guard position. Is he overrated? Yes..All these over hyped guys are. They have flaws, but they get overlooked because of the hype that goes with being who they are. One aspect of Penny's gamethat is the most overrated is his scoring. He wasn't that great of a scorer. I don't care about the numbers. Penny was never a pure scorer. He was anexceptional shooter though. His athleticism was that exceptional, but his PASSING WAS OTHERWORLDLY!

Nike always use to throw around the next Jordan comparisons, to sell shoes(just as they do with LeBron), but I thought he would be the next Magic. We alldon't know what he would have been though, because he got injured.
Penny Hardaway was NOT overrated. You say you saw the man play so you should know this. Penny was the first modern era mold of that two guard who could handlethe ball, pass and be the ultimate playmaker. His stats are certainly not reflective of the skill and talent the man posessed. I dont see anyone in here sayingthat penny is the best player of that time, or saying hes the best ever... hell your %*$$$%+ crazy if you think he is a hall of famer, but one thing is forcertain: he helped pave the way for the all around player. All of a sudden after penny we started see 6 "6, 6 "7 dudes who could actually handle theball word to tmac, vince, etc.

He was unquestionably a first team all star during those years. Not only did he put up those numbers but his intangibles were always there. He could d up guysas well. The media and hype and commercials certainly HELPED make his image, but they did not MAKE him a star. He still went out and performed. He still pulledoff those no look passes under the hoop, he still broke guys from the three point line and crammed it on dudes. I think he would have been a much better playerif that whole penny personna did not come about but thats just me. The same thing that hurts penny also helps him. A lot of people look at those years and sayhe only played well for a short period of time, he wasnt consistent, etc, but it was those years that we can also look back at and appreciate the man forbecause he was undoubtedly one of the greatest talents the league has ever seen. YES i said ever. its just a shame it didnt turn out the way it should have.

ONLY knock on penny and im not sure how many of you guys remember this was when he said he could average 40 a game when shaq left.
and dont even get me started on GP being overrated..... if anything son is UNDERRATED.

GP from the sonics> your life
Penny isnt overated at all its easy to say that now but the years that he played he was a star he was Rookie Game MVP in a stacked rookie class that includedMashburn,Webber,Kukoc,Cassell,Van Exel,Rider amongst others and was a consistant All star 94-98.

One thing you have to remember he was a star on a solid team all 5 starters contributed even before Horace Grant went to the Magic you dont have many teams inthe NBA today that have a complete team that compliments eachother Penny averaged those numbers within the system of the team with Shaq there for the mostpart.The Magic also had a solid bench so he didnt play extended minutes he had Skiles and then Shaw to back him up.

When Shaq was out with the thumb injury from Matt Geiger in late 95 Penny carried the Magic on his back makeing game winners and carrying the Magic past astacked Bulls team they had no busines beating and they had a much better record than anybody anticipated without the big fella.

After Shaq left it was Pennys team and he played well but I dont really think he wanted it to be HIS team he was a team player a quiet leader on the court hewas given the weight of the franchise but I doubt he wanted it.

He played great in the 96 Olympics also was a key contributer on a stacked team he belonged with the stars of the mid 90s NBA he was right up there and how canI overlook the Playoff series against the heat where he was on fire for 4 consectuve games he was unstopable just nobody else helped him out that series

Yes he was bigger because of his shoes and the Lil Penny commercials but he only got that exposure and shoe from being the player he was if anything the onlyproblem I had with him was when he gave up on Orlando when times got rough and he cried to be traded

To the guy who said Pippens overated u have no clue about the game of basketball Scottie Pippen created the modern small forward he was tha completecomplimentry player on both ends of the floor athletic,great scorer,incrediable defender and he could handle the rock like a point and pass what are u talkinbout man?

Yes injurys took away the latter years of Pennys career but I think we got to see the best of him in the 90s he was never the same in Phoenix or New Yorkmostly because of his knee and it was hard to watch but Ive got great memorys of the 90s Penny.

Originally Posted by PrinSe3

and dont even get me started on GP being overrated..... if anything son is UNDERRATED.

GP from the sonics> your life
Payton underrated. He was never half the passer Stockton wasand neither the passer and scorer Tim Hardaway and Kevin Johnson were. All the comments I've heard about this guy.. I've heard people say that he wasbetter than John Stockton, I've heard people say that they would take a prime Payton over any other player, and that he was the greatest defender ever. IfGary Payton isn't overrated, then they should take the words "overrated player" out of the sports forums dictionary, because then there's nosuch thing.
^ hold up hold up hold up.....

Gary payton is overrated????

lets start off slow: your comparing Gary Payton's passing ability to John Stockton's. As if that was payton's niche.

Okay lets get to scoring.... just because payton scored in a manner that was not typical of the average point guard, that does not make him a bad scorer. Homiedo some research before you get at me wtih ridiculous statements like Tim Hardaway was a better scorer than payton... payton had 5 straight years of 20 plus atone point and dropped 25.8 one season now NEITHER of your scoring point guards accomplished this feat. Yah they scored in a flashier style but they werentnecessarily better scorers and ill argue this to the death. yah kj crowned dudes threw down and hardaway crossed guys up, but guess what payton backed guysdown and scored all the same. PLUS KJ WAS A TURNOVER MACHINE!!!! dont mention those cats int he same breath as payton.

now lets compare them defensively cuz taht is half the game...... Actually wait oh noo??? KJ has never made an all defensive team, and neither has hardaway.Lets look at some of GP's overrated numbers.

HOW IN GODS NAME CAN YOU SAY A GUY WHO HAS BEEN NAMED 9 TIMES ,YES 9 ALL DEFENSIVE FIRST TEAM MENTIONS IS OVERATED? ARE YOU CRAZY??? of course he was the bestdefensive point guard ever. not even close. get outta here ... you dont even come up wtih any numbers or justifications just "payton is overrated"


your out of your damn mind im wasting my time arguing with you

Your compare payton to stockton, who is one of the best players of alltime, and top 3 best point guard of all time. Thats not what were saying here. We'rejust saying payton is not overrated!
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ So would you agree that LeBron isn't as good as the hype around him would have most believe?

(If you're not a LeBron fan, then... nevermind that question. Just thought you were, so I wanted to throw that out there.)
Cmon man.

LeBron in game 5 vs DET.



Ska, he takes care of his business on the court. THAT is clear.

His game helps his marketability, not the other way around.
GP is definitely not overrated. If anything, he's underrated. He was the best defensive point guard ever. And he wasn't too shabby on theoffensive end
The hype overrated Lebron to a legendary level when he's done one thing I guess you could consider legendary, game 5 last year. His current stats also areconsidered legendary.

As far as Penny, the hype he gets makes it seem overrated but he had a style and game that was very innovated.

Notice after Penny you seen the 6'7'' or taller ball handlers that can play point and not just score? Magic was more of a point but Penny couldscore also. Jordan could score but PROBABLY couldn't have ran point all the time.

Penny changed the game for the next generations. That is why I believe many current players and fans love him no matter how his career finished and regardlessof his tendacies. Word to Cat/Franchise connection.
I've always thought this, and im old enough that ive seen him play in his prime.
O' Really? I notice you don't reference any game that you saw him play to back up your comments. In fact your aurgument contains nothingfrom th 90's that can't be googled.

Two time first teamer correct?
You should be telling us, it's your point.

In all seriousness do any of you think that

Two time first teamer correct?

20 pts 4 reb 7 ast
21 pts 4 rebs 7 ast

are first team stats? even on a good team?

Who should have made the 1st team in those years, That should be you enitre supporting argument, yet you only name players from 07' as if thatmakes any since at all.

In 96 Shaq got hurt in Preseason, Penny led the Magic to an almost perfect record at home that year he was dropping about 26 a game, and the Magic had thesecond best reord in the East, When Shaq came back Penny avg dropped some as he got other invoved and played more as a traditional point guard. The Magic'sRecord was actually better before Shaq came back. The Team finished with 60 wins and the 3rd best record in the NBA. And yes Penny was the second best guard inthe NBA in 96. He deserved to be on both all NBA first teams.

Dwyane Wade has put up comparible but superior stats on a good heat team the past 3 seasons and still has not made first team.

Sam Cassell put up 19, 7 and 3 , in 03/04 again 2nd team

TMac had 26, 7 and 4, in 00/01, 2nd team
________28, 6 and 5, in 03/04, 2nd team
________24, 5 and 6, in 06/07, 2nd team

paul pierce had 26, 7, and 4 in 02/03, 3rd team.

VC had 25, 6, and 4 in 06/07 and no all nba selection.

AI had 33, 3 and 7 in 05/06, 3rd team.
These players have nothing whatsoever to do with this thread. It's such a ridiculous point it's not even worth comparing the totlalydifferent eras. You may as well throw in Oscar Robertson and Jerry West stats in there as well for all the relevance it has. What on Earth does this have haveto do with what Penny did in the 90s? If you can't make a point beyond what can be googled in 2 mins about the games and time Penny played in pre-injuryrelative the other guard at that time you should at least remove was and change the titleto is overrated.

Also Penny Harday didn't get his own signature shoe until the start of his 3rd year by that time he already had been to the finals where he personallyplayed quite well, named and all-star and had been named to the NBA 1st team.
Originally Posted by PrinSe3

Homie do some research before you get at me wtih ridiculous statements like Tim Hardaway was a better scorer than payton... payton had 5 straight years of 20 plus at one point and dropped 25.8 one season now NEITHER of your scoring point guards accomplished this feat.

Who needs to do some research???

Anyway, his highest scoring season, including his career-high of 24.2 ppg came after 1999-00 where a series of offense-friendly rules were introduced and allthese stars had their scoring averages increase SIGNIFICANTLY from 98-99 to 99-00:

and Payton

So his offensive numbers post 1999-00 don't make me think that he was a better scorer than KJ or Timmy, no.

He was a great defender, but the biggest "steal" of his career came in 1996, where he robbed Pippen of his DPOY. People have been using his defenseto overrate him for years. But his defense wasn't really better than that of early 00s Jason Kidd.
Again, do some research.
Originally Posted by PrinSe3

Homie do some research before you get at me wtih ridiculous statements like Tim Hardaway was a better scorer than payton... payton had 5 straight years of 20 plus at one point and dropped 25.8 one season now NEITHER of your scoring point guards accomplished this feat.

If you count 5 playoff games as a season, then I guess you're correct.
its his opinion but to me penny was my fav player growing up and still is a fav in my eyes for what he did in his career.
To the guy who said Pippens overated u have no clue about the game of basketball Scottie Pippen created the modern small forward he was tha complete complimentry player on both ends of the floor athletic,great scorer,incrediable defender and he could handle the rock like a point and pass what are u talkin bout man?
1st of all reading is fundamental! What did you add to the conversation that hasn't already been said?!? None of this (which is all youropinion) refutes the fact that he was/is overrated... Again no one said he wasn't a good player, that has nothing to do with being overrated.

2nd I' m quite certain that I've forgotten more about the game of basketball than you'll ever know. Try coming up with some tangible facts tosupport your position. It won't change my opinion but it would make you seem alot smarter than just saying "Oh he was a great all-around player whocould score and play defense..." and "I had his shoes when I was a kid so he must have been the greatest..." argument.
I ddint read the thread, but this has to be one of the worst discussion S/T has ever had. Penny being overrated? C'mon bro did you sleep throught the mid'90's?

You think the love for Kobe is crazy on here? if this was 1995 Penny wouldve been talked about as the second comming.
^^ my mistake about hte ppg it was really 24.2 i was looking at playoffs but Xtapolapacetl in relation to the mistake about the ALL NBA FIRST TEAM'S hesmade it was hard to figure it out because of all these accomplishments... take a look:

1990-91 NBA All-Rookie (2nd)
1993-94 NBA All-Defense (1st)
1993-94 NBA All-NBA (3rd)
1994-95 NBA All-Defense (1st)
1994-95 NBA All-NBA (2nd)
1995-96 NBA All-Defense (1st)
1995-96 NBA All-NBA (2nd)
1996-97 NBA All-Defense (1st)
1996-97 NBA All-NBA (2nd)
1997-98 NBA All-Defense (1st)
1997-98 NBA All-NBA (1st)
1998-99 NBA All-Defense (1st)
1998-99 NBA All-NBA (2nd)
1999-00 NBA All-Defense (1st)
1999-00 NBA All-NBA (1st)
2000-01 NBA All-Defense (1st)
2000-01 NBA All-NBA (3rd)
2001-02 NBA All-Defense (1st)
2001-02 NBA All-NBA (2nd)
How people comparing a Portland Scottie to an early to mid 90s Pippen? That is just stupid.

GP overrated? There is NO way that he was any more overrated than Penny.
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