Penny Hardaway is/was Overrated.

Originally Posted by nitzski

^^ Pippen is overrated too, if that helps...

Originally Posted by Clutchshooter

In all seriousness do any of you think that

20 pts 4 reb 7 ast
21 pts 4 rebs 7 ast

are first team stats? even on a good team?

Here are the All-NBA teams for 96:
  • All-NBA First Team:
  • All-NBA Second Team:
  • All-NBA Third Team:
And here's 95:
  • All-NBA First Team:
  • All-NBA Second Team:
  • All-NBA Third Team:
So really, Penny WAS one of the top 2 guards in the L for both of those years. Offense AND defense. Post game, passing game, good shooter, slasher, goodfinisher. He did it all and earned his spots for sure.
Dwyane Wade has put up comparible but superior stats on a good heat team the past 3 seasons and still has not made first team.

Blame Steve Nash.
Sam Cassell put up 19, 7 and 3 , in 03/04 again 2nd team

JKidd and Jack Bauer were 1st team while TMac (scoring champ) was second team with Sam I Am. Who did you want Sam to bump?
TMac had 26, 7 and 4, in 00/01, 2nd team
________28, 6 and 5, in 03/04, 2nd team
________24, 5 and 6, in 06/07, 2nd team

Now this man has a reason to be mad. In 01, Kidd and AI were first team. In 04, see above. And in 07, Nash and Jack Bauer.
paul pierce had 26, 7, and 4 in 02/03, 3rd team.

KG, Duncan, Dirk, and C-Webb all had fantastic years to finish ahead of PP.
VC had 25, 6, and 4 in 06/07 and no all nba selection.

If Wade couldn't crack 2nd team, no way Vince was gonna sniff 3rd team as a guard. And at forward, Dirk, Timmy, KG, Melo, LBJ, and Bosh all had betteryears.
AI had 33, 3 and 7 in 05/06, 3rd team.

Yeah, out of Nash, 24, Wade, and Billups, I could see people wanting to put AI instead of Chauncey.

So the bottom line is this: the All-NBA spots are for the most part well deserved.
Was waiting for a good time to use this...seems perfect to me

@ This thread and the Pippen comment.
only in NT. I'm pretty sure other people outside of NT that he was pretty good when he wasn't injured, but nothing too special. NT seems to think thathe was GOAT when he got injured which isn't true.
no he is not under rated. he played in the best era of basketball periord. where rules were tougher harder fouls better players. that magic team with shaqwould win the chip easy if it was today. pennys story is a sad one but he is one of my fav players ever next to jordan,pippen,rodman. its sade to see he hasgone full circle.
which is something Dwayne Wade (spelling corrected)
isnt it even a little embarrasing to be so smug and sure of yourself when you're wrong?

when people think they're dropping knowledge.

it's DwYane. his parents are stupid for spelling it like that but it doesnt make you any less wrong.

I think people blow him up to be greater than he was because of his great shoes and original commercials. That kind of attention endorsed by a power like Nike can make someone seem bigger than they really are.

The reality is that he was a good player with lots of potential with 2 above average seasons under his belt...but injuries ruined him. Although a productive player and a good scorer despite having faulty knees, people shouldn't gas him up like they do.
pretty much.

^^ Pippen is overrated too, if that helps...
its a sad sad day when people really have no idea.

Pippen is quite possibly the most complete basketball player of all time, and without a doubt the best perimeter defender ever.
So in an interesting sequence of ironic events, you shared the opinion that Penny was overrated, someone else shared their opinion that Pippen was overrated,and you stated that the Pippen comment is based on someone having no idea.

The Magic were bad, and Penny was dope.

Right now, Durant is putting up nice numbers... on a crappy team. I'm not looking at the stats, but what's he got? It's gotta be something like 18,5, and 5. If he were doing that on the Pistons, dude would be getting crazy hyped.

So part of it is that he did it, and part of it is that he did on an awesome team.
Penny was IMO. I grew up watching dude and he was a hype machine. I admit, I was caught up in it, but looking back, he was not more deserving on the 1st teamover stockton, or GP.

His marketability really helped his image.

Most of NT is too young to form a logical opinion, so I didn't even read the majority of this thread.
^ So would you agree that LeBron isn't as good as the hype around him would have most believe?

(If you're not a LeBron fan, then... nevermind that question. Just thought you were, so I wanted to throw that out there.)
Seeing Penny and GHill (who's enjoying somewhat of a success with phoneix after a comeback), feel sorry for the dude. He used to be one of nba'sbaddest dudes in the mid 90's.� <BR>
Penny had all the talent in the world and was great all around...

Penny in his prime > Wade now
cant always use numbers to back up your argument. penny was a great player. watching him would tell you that... not looking his box scores.
when the stats don't show what the fans want them to, they resort to other methods to justify why their favorite player means more than what the stats andbox scores say.

(like kobe vs mj comparisons)
Originally Posted by presequel

when the stats don't show what the fans want them to, they resort to other methods to justify why their favorite player means more than what the stats and box scores say.

(like kobe vs mj comparisons)

call it however you want... i just don't choose to live and die by numbers as some of you do. John Thompson once told me in all his years of coachinghe never looked at box scores because he knew all he needed to know by watching.
stats can lie to you also... just as much they can prove your point. But i guess im only saying this because the stats "don't show what thefans want them to"
As stated earlier, he shot a higher % than the fg% of today's guards. Penny also elevated his game in the playoffs. He's def. not overrated
Thank you Ska for addressing "Clutchshooters" ignorant and foolish responseto my comment abt his beloved Scottie Pippen...who no doubt was a prettygood player but far from what "Clutchshoooter" believes him to be.

It saves me the time of hijacking this thread and telling him why, he not only has "no clue", but has disgraced himself and the game of basketball byeven hinting that Scottie Pippen was even remotely close to being the greatest all around player of all time. Magic Johnson, Oscar Robertson, Bill Russell,Wilt Chamberlain and Michael Jordan, Tim Duncan are rolling over in their graves and most of them aren't even dead yet...
he was good those 2 seasons, nothing else. penny fell off...hard

why people get hyped when he "gets" back, i dont get it, he will never be the same or even half as good as he was

just let it go and leave the past for us to remember about penny

sure Penny was hyped up, but so was every player after MJ ..... How is he overrated? By some people, maybe, but that holds true for any player..... I meanthere's dudes that think Kobe is better than MJ
...... but if Penny never got injured (same with Grant Hill), they'd likely be Hall Of Famelocks.....

at Pippen being overrated.... name one player today that come close defensively.......
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