Pastor Creflow Dollar is asking for 60 million to purchase new G6 to spread the gospel across the gl

Yea creflo been hustling for a minute...

One of the first pastors to put an atm in his church
Bruh, West Angeles on the shaw got an ATM, take debit/credit tithes, and full of philandering pastors and members.

Religion is by far the most profitable business model in the world.

Prey on insecure people, TAX FREE.
Anybody who trust a guy who last name is dollar deserves whatever they got coming towards them...

The bible is a joint venture of hypocrisy and fables.... just a sprinkle of truth to keep it holy.. lol
When they translate the book from Hebrew/Aramaic and Greek, they translate the names also (to the equivalent of the language they are translating to).
Matityahu- Matthew
Yeshua- Jesus (which is actually mistranslated. Joshua is more accurate)
you mean to tell me the bible was retrofitted to make it more appealing and relatable to those who read it? ya dont say...............
There's really dudes in here defeding Creflo?

 Holy ****. 

This brainwashing **** runs deep
Hellreloaded in church rite now like


I don't go to church player.  Never did I say or even claim anything in this thread other then watching his TV programs when I was in living in CA, and being out in the trenches and seeing his congregation out there as well looking to help people with food, money, jobs, job related resources, and the word of encouragement. Where NIke, Apple, TRU's, HP, Beats, and 2Chainz don't go 

High horse huh?  Point out the quotes that gave you any kinda idea that I was looking down on anyone.  The only thing I called ya'll out on is being the direct equivalent of his congregation when it comes to corporate America and these rappers.  Not to mention the money y'all sow goes straight to supporting disgusting conflicts oversees.  Sweat shops, blood diamond, blood batteries, etc, etc.  But that's ok, because YOUR getting something out of it.  WOW

But y'all want to call out people that give this guy money  Show me where this dude has taken the money given to him and used it to help support destruction(murder, decapitation) and exploiting(rape, slavery) of other nations, and even here lets not forgot about Corporate Welfare(look it up if your not sure what that is).  I swear some of you dudes are asleep at the wheel.  Trying to point out others faults, but fail to see your wrong doing that exceeds the people your talking about.

You defend your argument with, "it's ok, because I'm getting something I can hold in my hand", but don't address where the money goes after you hand it over. 

ATM's at his church and Angeles; submitting W2's.  Where do I go to submit my W2?  Where is the ATM?  In the lobby? I need to get a couple dollars to drop in the bucket point me to it. Have you ever even stepped foot in GA.  So understand how dumb it sounds for you to be posting about a place in a state the you've never even been in.  Ya'll love screaming "FACTS".  Well, where they at?

He's asking for 60 Million dollars.  The title of this thread says just that, and y'all have reiterated that he is asking for 60 Million dollars.  Who said that?  He did?  Where?  Be even handed with everything not JUST when it's convenient to you.  Any other thread with a misleading title y'all would waste no time calling it out.  Just say you don't believe in Christianity(religion) or ignore them and move on.  Don't be the fool out here laughing and pointing talking about how crazy they are when your actions mirror there actions.  But yours being much worst in several different ways with no goo intentions on your end or the people your giving you money away too.  Have you folks not been out in line in the cold for product releases time and time again.  Posted in front of your glowing lights eager to give your money away for a product launch.  Saved up your cash for weeks or even months to piss it off on a product that will be obsolete withing 3 months.  Just to go back to saving so you can get the latest obsolete product.

I'm a victim?
  Reps all around, because I said dudes messages spoke to me.
  True colors are ugly.  You never been to a seminars, a speaking engagement, talk to some one at a party, or on the street that had words that felt like they were tailor made for you at the time.  I spit unbiased even handed truths, and y'all out here talking dumb **** day in and day out.  Gossiping like joes, and out here sheeping calling others out on they sheeping.  One thing I can say is this mentality is highly interesting.  There should be a behavioral study done based off NT as a whole based just off post, and then have individual analysis's.   

But carry on with the reaches and rep thirsting fishing for weak lol's.  Instead of giving a relevant argument.  Which NON OF YOU HAVE DONE.  Instead you make weak false claims, and some how gained silly conclusions about me and my beliefs based off my post calling y'all out for being sheeper then the sheepist, and highly hypocritical.  But y'all the ones pointing fingers and laugh at people that give there money with good intentions.  While y'all giving up big bucks to y'all material churches with what intentions?
I didn't expect the usual suspects to.  Its to real for you.  You'd rather bash, and fish for lols and reps.  Yall' couldn't wait
  Check the sequence of the reps.


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Son really kicked his mom off da hp to write a dissertation on why he mad.

You aint foolin nobody wit those rollin smileys b .
I didn't expect the usual suspects to.  Its to real for you.  You'd rather bash, and fish for lols and reps.  Yall' couldn't wait:rofl:   Check the sequence of the reps.:lol:  

:rofl: :rofl:   

What are you crying about? Who are you to be above anyone you lable as sheep? What are you using to post? What car are you driving? Who'd you fork your money over to? What shoes do you have on?some 6 year old got paid 5cents to make it. You're a hypocrite. Then you sit and talk about the message and then you say you don't even go to church? Nothing you've said is even respectable anymore.

We get it, you like to be mr. Opposite guy
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Y'all boys got me in tears

Ay fam I was just busting your balls calling u a victim. Of course that bull**** spoke to you. That's how he gets ppl
I don't ever take anything seriously.  It's the Internet.  Its the behavior interest m.  How they pretend to want to have intellectual conversation at first, but NEVER post anything relevant to the quotes.  And the lengths taken to deflect from whats real, because it doesn't fit in their present agenda.  Then the twist and turn attempts to derail from the quotes.  How they abandon certain tactics because it will dead there whole end of the conversation.  It funny and interesting at the same time.  It's crazy how different people come  
What are you crying about? Who are you to be above anyone you lable as sheep? What are you using to post? What car are you driving? Who'd you fork your money over to? What shoes do you have on?some 6 year old got paid 5cents to make it. You're a hypocrite. Then you sit and talk about the message and then you say you don't even go to church? Nothing you've said is even respectable anymore.

We get it, you like to be mr. Opposite guy
The pot calling the kettle black while the kettles calling the pot black.  While the pot calling the pot black?
You and your clan were making fun of and calling these people out for there good intentions.  My responds was y'all ain't any better in your ways.  If anything your intentions and your material church is 100x worst.  But some how you didn't get that from my post.  How?  I do not know.  Some how you translated my post as me the pot calling the kettle black.
  That's your new argument?
  Use my argument against me tactics?

Everything I've said from start to now has been respectable.  You just refused to see it that way because it doesn't fit into your anti-religion Christan bashing campaign.

I'm done with the distortion and the weak attempts.  I like to be Mr. Evenhanded.  Something you obviously know nothing of when it comes to religion.  Yelling equality till you get in this thread, OK.

Now call this post un-respectable or unreal.  I'm sure you figure some way too.
I don't ever take anything seriously.  It's the Internet.  Its the behavior interest m.  How they pretend to want to have intellectual conversation at first, but NEVER post anything relevant to the quotes.  And the lengths taken to deflect from whats real, because it doesn't fit in their present agenda.  Then the twist and turn attempts to derail from the quotes.  How they abandon certain tactics because it will dead there whole end of the conversation.  It funny and interesting at the same time.  It's crazy how different people come  
The pot calling the kettle black while the kettles calling the pot black.  While the pot calling the pot black?:rofl: You and your clan were making fun of and calling these people out for there good intentions.  My responds was y'all ain't any better in your ways.  If anything your intentions and your material church is 100x worst.  But some how you didn't get that from my post.  How?  I do not know.  Some how you translated my post as me the pot calling the kettle black.:lol:   That's your new argument?:lol:   Use my argument against me tactics?:lol:   Clever.  

Everything I've said from start to now has been respectable.  You just refused to see it that way because it doesn't fit into your anti-religion Christan bashing campaign.

I'm done with the distortion and the weak attempts.  I like to be Mr. Evenhanded.  Something you obviously know nothing of when it comes to religion.  Yelling equality till you get in this thread, OK.

Now call this post un-respectable or unreal.  I'm sure you figure some way too.

You yet again make a post saying nothing. Nobody said anything you're crying about. The argument is that the pastor is a fake going for money, that is unless you believe he needs the jet because Jesus wouldn't have it any other way........You're 0/4 right now. One more try

YOU brought up that stupid "who do you give your money to?" joke of an argument which was so ridiculous nobody took you seriously
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