Pastor Creflow Dollar is asking for 60 million to purchase new G6 to spread the gospel across the gl

Members gotta submit their W2s @ creflo church

****** won't answer a call from collectors but giving ya W2s to a ******* preacher
Word?  But Creflos the clown
As in submit your W2 to the church so he can see if you're tithing the right amount compared to what you made....God damn a 7 year could comprehend what I meant.

Nice reach tho
Man that money is used to pay church staff/employees, and keep the lights and water on.
They don't want to hear that.  They could careless about the fact that they have several full-time positions that pay a competitive wage with great benefits to match.  They want to read negative propagandist articles, and watch you tube videos full of straight gibberish.  

These dudes ain't even been to church let a alone this church, but they're going to tell you how it should be ran.  Ain't never read the bible but going to school you on how a Christian is supposed to be.  Don't come in here expecting rationality, intelligence.  They just won't to bash peoples beliefs even when the argument has nothing to do with religious beliefs.  Regardless they'll try to find a way to take it there at any means necessary. 
I'm willing to bet you haven't read the Bible either. Do you speak Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek? Get off your high horse. 
Yall bring up a good point. Middle eastern dude during the BC times named......... Matthew????

That like finding someone living in Ming dynasty China named bob


"The book is truth" :lol:
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This dude is on local TV down here in Atlanta all the time. Creflo been around for a while.
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Yea creflo been hustling for a minute...

One of the first pastors to put an atm in his church :pimp:
Ca$hFlow Dollar bout his shine.  Why stop at the 65 milli jet, might as well cop da spaceship to spread the message to the universe.   
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I'm not sure about him hustling, but I do know his pops was PD and not the straightest of arrows.  But from what I heard pops keep a foot on his neck to make sure he stayed in line at all times. 
I don't really know, but I do know is the couple of the OO's at fond of his pops.  

That helicopter thing I don't know about I haven't checked up on that.  It just doesn't make since traffic on a Sunday?  IDK 

But I don't question Creflo.  Every time me or/and my girl see him on TV when I was living in CA It was like he was talking to each of us individually, but at the same time.  I have no doubt, and trust in dudes walk with God.  


Yall bring up a good point. Middle eastern dude during the BC times named......... Matthew????

That like finding someone living in Ming dynasty China named bob

When they translate the book from Hebrew/Aramaic and Greek, they translate the names also (to the equivalent of the language they are translating to).
Matityahu- Matthew
Yeshua- Jesus (which is actually mistranslated. Joshua is more accurate)
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My goodness this guy is pathetic. Takes all types to make the world work I guess, leaders need followers.
The irony is that the dude is trying to flip it calling everyone else dumb/sheep :lol:  
I saw that but I tried my best to just not comment but cmon man :lol: . Dude claiming we're sheep for buying material things yet I guess is posting via mind melding? Would be hypocritical any other way :lol:

Claiming we're sheep when Christians are literally referred to as gods flock and sheep?? when christian means follower of christ?? :rofl:
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