Pastor Creflow Dollar is asking for 60 million to purchase new G6 to spread the gospel across the gl

I neither praise the people you listed, nor care for most of them. And I haven't bought Nikes in forever.

You can say he is uplifting people, but he isn't. He is fleecing the blind with false hope while they keep lining his pockets, building his mansions,and buying his jets. All while struggling to get by and receiving nothing in return, but a promise that god will be good to them. Well, I say nothing, but in reality they/you do get prepped for the next time he asks for a handout.

And I highlighted brought because I can't stand how many people can't differentiate between bought and brought. They don't mean the same thing. I pray that Creflo can help you remedy that issue.
From what your saying I guess you go to or went to his church?  You've spoken with people from his congregation?

It's crazy how people believe this propaganda media with these half stories and whole lies articles these days.  Apparently ya'll don't get this new age internet journalism, and didn't dude break it down on CNN where his money comes from, and the jet and rolls.  Maybe some should post that.  
That's why I asked you to post sources. Instead of insulting people, present facts and support them. 

He deleted it.

Y u defendin that man
What?  Why am I defending a man that is out in his community and other impoverished communities putting back and trying to help?  WTF!!

Maybe because I've seen it for myself verses you guys going off articles that are based off hits, and what other people have told you that have probably never even set foot in GA let alone Atlanta(College Park).  

Ya'll dudes are all mixed up, but ya'll don't know nothing other then what a website trying to generate hits tells you.
That's why I asked you to post sources. Instead of insulting people, present facts and support them. 

Typical NT.  Your the doing the accusing.  Where yo facts at?  You ever been to Atlanta, College Park, Georgia, huh?  

Arguing aint gonna change peoples beliefs in here so you think what you think and ima think what i think.
thats just what it is.

That's why I asked you to post sources. Instead of insulting people, present facts and support them. 

Typical NT.  Your the doing the accusing.  Where yo facts at?  You ever been to Atlanta, College Park, Georgia, huh?  
Look at how defensive you are. You're not interested in having an intelligent discussion, you just want to preach your holier than thou nonsense.
Reading comprehension is very low around here I see.  
Ironic. Notice how I never accused you of anything?
Like I said ya'll are spaced, and it's really about the chip on your shoulders that you hold against Christianity.  What hollier then tho thing have I said ONCE in here point it out.  You accused someone of something with no "FACTS"
, and then try to call me out on "FACTS"
.  Yea I'm just going to be on here lying about another mans good deeds

Have you ever been to CP?  Answer me that.

And what preachy thing have I said all I did was praise dude for bring his congregation into the trenches to letting people know this isn't end all be all, and where to find help.  Whether it be spiritual or help with resources.  To be honest take it how you want, but a few of you and are incapable of an intelligent discussion.   I.E see below
How do you know they're just trying to generate hits? Have you ever been to their corporate offices?
I'm not a huge church goer myself but i dont really have a problem with religion. Creflo def has some...questionable lifestyle habits for a pastor but thats but this jet thing is confusing to me. Why cant he fly commercial? I understand that he's got a global outreach with his ministries and thats cool but Delta, AA, United, etc. all fly internationally.

My cousin was tight with Creflo and used to hustle with him back in the day when they were in HS and a lil after. When my cousin left for the navy they lost touch. Fast forward 20 years (about the early 90's) and he heard he was preaching i remember him saying he thought it was a joke at first.

Also, I'm kinda torn. One of my close friends was a street dude and he passed away in 2013 from heart complications. His parents do well in life but since he was 27 and didnt have health ins they were paying outta pocket for his medical bills. HIs parents went to one of the sister churches of World Changers (Creflos church) and the church helped out with the bills until it was lost cause. Yes a "man of God" asking for a private plane is ridiculous but i cant use that to justify all mega churches or religion as a whole being a crock of ****

Last thing, my friend goes to a church where the pastor has a helicopter. Why does he have a helicopter you ask? Well apparently he does sermons at 2 churches on sunday's that are on opposite sides of town (College park and Lithonia for my ATL people in here) and doesnt want to take the risk of being in traffic and missing the other sermon. They legit land the chopper in parking lot too :rofl: now THOSE folks are triipping hard. No way in hell paster ____ bout to land like the President while i hop in a broke down Nissan Sentra. Not today!
I'm not sure about him hustling, but I do know his pops was PD and not the straightest of arrows.  But from what I heard pops keep a foot on his neck to make sure he stayed in line at all times. 

I don't really know, but I do know is the couple of the OO's at fond of his pops.  

That helicopter thing I don't know about I haven't checked up on that.  It just doesn't make since traffic on a Sunday?  IDK 

But I don't question Creflo.  Every time me or/and my girl see him on TV when I was living in CA It was like he was talking to each of us individually, but at the same time.  I have no doubt, and trust in dudes walk with God.  
I'm not sure about him hustling, but I do know his pops was PD and not the straightest of arrows.  But from what I heard pops keep a foot on his neck to make sure he stayed in line at all times. 
I don't really know, but I do know is the couple of the OO's at fond of his pops.  

That helicopter thing I don't know about I haven't checked up on that.  It just doesn't make since traffic on a Sunday?  IDK 

But I don't question Creflo.  Every time me or/and my girl see him on TV when I was living in CA It was like he was talking to each of us individually, but at the same time.  I have no doubt, and trust in dudes walk with God.  

Oh ok, I get it now :lol:
I hope the irony of this guy asking for incontrovertible proof isn't lost on anyone other than himself.
Bro you atheist stay sounding stupider and stupider by the day.  Just like websites aren't in it for hits which is there revenue.
 Acknowledge how stupid that **** sound, and promise to do better.

Don't worry homie it was all a lie, because that's what I do is lie about people doing good things in bad neighborhoods.  By the way well before you asked about "FACTS" I asked you have you ever been to GA?

You dudes gotta be like 15 16 yearold  that think you've got the entire world figured out after a summer of watching you tube videos
Bro you atheist stay sounding stupider and stupider by the day.  Just like websites aren't in it for hits which is there revenue.
 Acknowledge how stupid that **** sound, and promise to do better.

Don't worry homie it was all a lie, because that's what I do is lie about people doing good things in bad neighborhoods.  By the way well before you asked about "FACTS" I asked you have you ever been to GA?

You dudes gotta be like 15 16 yearold  that think you've got the entire world figured out after a summer of watching you tube videos
Bro. Greflo speaks directly to you. Be gone. 
Bro you atheist stay sounding stupider and stupider by the day.  Just like websites aren't in it for hits which is there revenue.:rolleyes  Acknowledge how stupid that **** sound, and promise to do better.videos:lol:

I was mocking you when I said that.

Please don't call me stupid.
I'm pretty sure the CEO of a non-profit organization such as the American Red Cross isn't flying commercial.
Oh ok, I get it now
What I don't get is the lack of comprehension.  I been let y'all know what it was.  I respect dudes tireless outreach to the bad areas in and surrounding his community, and the world(emphasis on the resources they offer beyond spreading the word).  I've said the same thing time and time again, but some how that continues to get distorted.  When I've said it clear as day
.  Either some of y'all logic meters don't work of y'all are just trolling.  

The craziest thing is y'all have a problem with people giving there money to a worthy cause whether you see and believe it or not.  But y'all pissing off y'all money to these corporate goons that wouldn't spit on you if you were on fire, and you know damn well their just going to take your money, and use it to light their cigars.  But that's all good tho.
.  Naw, lets talk about the man that putting it back in the hood a crook instead.  How can y'all not see how ridiculous this logic is?
Bro. Greflo speaks directly to you. Be gone. 
Teenagers man

You ain't never had someone tell you exactly what you needed to hear exactly when you needed to hear it concerning an issue in your life, and them not really know you at all?  You must be 12 years old then?
Last edited:
Like I said ya'll are spaced, and it's really about the chip on your shoulders that you hold against Christianity.  What hollier then tho thing have I said ONCE in here point it out.  You accused someone of something with no "FACTS"
, and then try to call me out on "FACTS"
.  Yea I'm just going to be on here lying about another mans good deeds

Have you ever been to CP?  Answer me that.

And what preachy thing have I said all I did was praise dude for bring his congregation into the trenches to letting people know this isn't end all be all, and where to find help.  Whether it be spiritual or help with resources.  To be honest take it how you want, but a few of you and are incapable of an intelligent discussion.   I.E see below
How do you know they're just trying to generate hits? Have you ever been to their corporate offices?
Go back and read. Let me know when it clicks.
But I don't question Creflo.  Every time me or/and my girl see him on TV when I was living in CA It was like he was talking to each of us individually, but at the same time.  I have no doubt, and trust in dudes walk with God.  
Ah, it's starting to make sense. 
80% of the people in the church give little to no money to the church they attend. Yall do know this right?
And I'm sure 80% of the people that watch the television broadcast don't give anything either.
Go back and read. Let me know when it clicks.

Ah, it's starting to make sense. 
Yea it has been making sense.  You know if you tell someone they'll do something about that you just gotta let it out, and tell them what your pastor did to you.  But that's no reason to shut off you logic to common sense, or what should be common sense.  It's pretty obvious what it is with you.  

Take your war on Christianity else where, because up until two post ago all I ever talked about was him putting resources and opportunity back in the surrounding areas.  But you some how accuse me of being preachy and hollier then tho long ago.
 When I was showing you respect, and taking you somewhat seriously.  

Take your own advise go back read, because non of your post quoting me were not even relevant to my quotes, other then your first post with you quoting me.   
Did this dude really just accuse somebody of hating Christianity because they got molested by their pastor? After admitting Creflo spoke to him through his TV show in spite of being an atheist?

80% of the people in the church give little to no money to the church they attend. Y'all do know this right?
And I'm sure 80% of the people that watch the television broadcast don't give anything either.
They don't want sense they want to bash all things Christan.  I haven't even bothered to tell them where the money really comes from.  I'm a let there Christan bashing continue.  Because no matter what you say they'll just jump from one side of the field to the next.  Doing there absolute best to stay all over the place, and then start screaming "FACTS"

It's interesting to see how far people will go to prove a point about something they know nothing about other then what they half read in a Internet article. 
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