Pastor Creflow Dollar is asking for 60 million to purchase new G6 to spread the gospel across the gl

You part of his ministry that donates?

His extravagant lifestyle in mansions, luxury cars, and private jets is a worthy cause?
Apple and their lithium consumptions. Lithium mining in Africa is the new Sierra Leone.  People are being killed and forced into modern day slavery for the stuff.  It's no secret.  All you favorite gadgets use it as well.  But it's all good because were being entertained    

People pouring there last nickles and dimes out to JB/MJ, and everybody knows how he lloooves his adoring fans.  We've heard the stories of what he likes to do with his profits.  By the way how many charities does this guy have?  Has he ever but a million dollars into the inter-city or any city for that without something in return.  Someone refresh my memory on how much it cost an adolescent child to attend his camp or any Nike camp.  Free Nike shoes go to who?  People that can afford to by truck loads of their product. 

People don't have a problem giving their money away to these organizations like loyal cult members.    Correct me if I'm wrong but when I hear Jay or Ye all I hear is them ******** on people for not having the money they have.  But y'all run to they're products and concerts like that Futurama gif of Fry.  How much money do they give to charity again?  How are they helping improve the communities they came from again I forgot?  Are they hands on are they really there after just coming off a 2 week oversees tour.  

Because I heard about Creflo and his squad out there on Old Nat giving out food speaking to people after just arriving from Australia where he was setting up another ministry    

But forget about that lets **** on a man that dedicated 30 years of his life to helping people physically, mentally, and financially all around the world.
can you elaborate on this please?
Comparing entertainers & organizations established for the sole purpose of creating a profit to a pastor in a church is probably the best example of how hard Christianity has fell off. We shouldn't be comparing buying a cd to increasing the gluttony of an alleged conduit to God.
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You part of his ministry that donates?

His extravagant lifestyle in mansions, luxury cars, and private jets is a worthy cause?
No.  I just don't get ya'll logic.  You guys praise the Jayz's, Puff's, Ye's, MJ's, the J princes for what they have; and your inspired by these guys.  Not mention the money you guys throw at these blood sucking companies.  When it's no secret everyone of the dudes I just mentioned most likely had some direct part in someone loosing their life or suffering.  All while putting next to 0 money back into their communities(or then JP) compared to the money they've made off those same communities.  

But y'all running at these cats and these organizations with money in hand begging them to take your, and having the nerve to call these arrogant, pompous, wasteful fools your inspirational.  What?

At least Creflo is putting the money back into the community, and not just the community but the world all while uplifting.  

But a person that tells you in the album you just brought from them that you ain't **** because you don't have his money is inspiring to some of you.  Talk about as backwards. 

Look at Nike/JB. They charge y'all top dollar for variant quality.   Y'all complained, and Nike said middle finger take it or leave it; and y'all still took and continued to complain while y'all brought release after release.
If he wuz in da streetz people would call him a hustla.

But since hes behind dat pulpit people call dis dude a preacher.

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Can't wait to see all these folks talk about wrestling come wrestlemania sunday. Calling em out one at a time b
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I got a list of people that post regularly on there. So if u ain't on there and then WM31 you closet fans come out we gonna F5 you back into your closet.
I cant believe fam is in here really justifying this crap :lol:This fool wants donations for a G6..... A DAMN G6!!!To spread his ministry
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No.  I just don't get ya'll logic.  You guys praise the Jayz's, Puff's, Ye's, MJ's, the J princes for what they have; and your inspired by these guys.  Not mention the money you guys throw at these blood sucking companies.  When it's no secret everyone of the dudes I just mentioned most likely had some direct part in someone loosing their life or suffering.  All while putting next to 0 money back into their communities(or then JP) compared to the money they've made off those same communities.  

But y'all running at these cats and these organizations with money in hand begging them to take your, and having the nerve to call these arrogant, pompous, wasteful fools your inspirational.  What?

At least Creflo is putting the money back into the community, and not just the community but the world all while uplifting.  

But a person that tells you in the album you just brought from them that you ain't **** because you don't have his money is inspiring to some of you.  Talk about as backwards. 

Look at Nike/JB. They charge y'all top dollar for variant quality.   Y'all complained, and Nike said middle finger take it or leave it; and y'all still took and continued to complain while y'all brought release after release.:rofl:  

I neither praise the people you listed, nor care for most of them. And I haven't bought Nikes in forever.

You can say he is uplifting people, but he isn't. He is fleecing the blind with false hope while they keep lining his pockets, building his mansions,and buying his jets. All while struggling to get by and receiving nothing in return, but a promise that god will be good to them. Well, I say nothing, but in reality they/you do get prepped for the next time he asks for a handout.

And I highlighted brought because I can't stand how many people can't differentiate between bought and brought. They don't mean the same thing. I pray that Creflo can help you remedy that issue.
Reading comprehension is very low around here I see.  An unbiased realist is what I am.  But I see what this is.  You dudes are the equivalent.

The money you give Apple(other tech companies as well) right now contributes to peoples deaths and being enslaved in Africa right now today.  

The money you give Nike goes now where but back to Nike.  The only free products they give out are to a handful of colleges and people that can afford to buy all the Nikes they want already.  Jay Z ain't doing **** for nobody but Jay Z.

All these people above primarily profit off the impoverished and urban communities.  Yet they ain't putting **** back in them.  But that ok with you fellas.

You'd whether attack the dude that is all around the world putting smiles on faces and helping the impoverished.  Look it up for yourself if your that interested.  I'm not going to be on here making something up if I wasn't on Old Nat, CPK, and at the strip clubs seeing for myself with my own eyes.  I even here his wife be on the track at night trying to minister to girls as well as the strip clubs.

If you need job training you can go to World Changers and get it, you need some food, some clothes, a place to stay, I even heard they've given a couple people cars.  These folks doing more then the government and billion dollar companies for this country, and I wouldn't doubt they're doing the same thing oversees as well.  

But ya'll dudes is silly man pimp on.  Know what you talking about before you talk it.

Ya'll boys keep tugging them chariots for the ones that inspire you.  Make sure your blinders are on straight. 
Rappers are entertainers and not comparable to a celebrity preacher who preys on the grief and fear of others.
I neither praise the people you listed, nor care for most of them. And I haven't bought Nikes in forever.

You can say he is uplifting people, but he isn't. He is fleecing the blind with false hope while they keep lining his pockets, building his mansions,and buying his jets. All while struggling to get by and receiving nothing in return, but a promise that god will be good to them. Well, I say nothing, but in reality they/you do get prepped for the next time he asks for a handout.

And I highlighted brought because I can't stand how many people can't differentiate between bought and brought. They don't mean the same thing. I pray that Creflo can help you remedy that issue.
From what your saying I guess you go to or went to his church?  You've spoken with people from his congregation?

It's crazy how people believe this propaganda media with these half stories and whole lies articles these days.  Apparently ya'll don't get this new age internet journalism, and didn't dude break it down on CNN where his money comes from, and the jet and rolls.  Maybe some should post that.  
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Just watched the video.  I don't recall hearing 60m nothing that entire video.  But maybe I missed it some where. *shrug*
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