Pastor Creflow Dollar is asking for 60 million to purchase new G6 to spread the gospel across the gl

He needs to get some damn shoes first before a plane
this negro here is really rocking a conk.  

 have some shame man, damn.
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I wish there was someone on NT that went to his church so we could get a perspective from someone that isn't against religion, isn't an atheist, etc.

I'm curious what his congregation thinks. I should ask my aunt.
I'm not an atheist. I can't say I'm not against religion, but I will say I'm 1million% for a firm healthy relationship with God.

Creflo and other prosperity preachers are crooks. Their congregations are fools.
If you ask them what is their doctrine that their teaching are based on, they will say the Bible.
Yet 20% of what they preach is from the Bible, the rest is spin.
People like him take the same approach to the scripture. How can I contort this to suit my agenda?
He is equal to the white plantation owners and everyone else who perpetrated the enslavement
of black during the trans- Atlantic slave trade. Perverting scripture for to further their cause and
generate profit. I he is either delusional or doesn't believe in God, cus he's gonna have to account for this.

"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."
Mat 7:15
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I can't imagine how many of his congregation and outside organizations can benefit from that 60 million he is asking for. With the money he has received and spent on personal things, I hope that he has spent that same amount helping his community, credible charities, and especially those in his congregation that need help

This type of story is one of the reasons why I haven't been a member of a church in years. I can't see how you can position yourself to have a nice house,  cars, boats, etc. while some of your members may be going through legitimate hardships while still giving their tithes and offerings praying and hoping for things to turn around for them. 
Well maybe you should look his positive moves up to find out instead of joining in with the fellow followers from the congregation of JB, Nike, BMW, Supreme, J****, Nas, etc.  

Ya' ll try walking up on Jayz for an autograph or MJ when you see them.  J**** might have you rushed and pushed out the way by hid bodyguards, and MJ might say, "give me $10k, and your mothers throat ***** *****". .

Y'all give these cats and others like them your hard earned money, so they can continuously smoke big fat cohibas on tropical vacations; and constantly **** on there followers(bread and butter) face to face and through lyrics by telling you in song after song that you ain't ****, because you don't have the money they have.

Before you cast judgment check out the moves he was making with his previous jet, and I highly doubt him and his wife have his and her jets.  Don't really know or care these folks are out here doing positive things not only in their community, but all around the world.  

I can't speak for these other cats tho.  I don't know what their up to or into, and I'm not going to make any kind of judgment either.  
He needs to get some damn shoes first before a plane
WHOTF is this^^^^^^^^^
.  Creflo?
 My point exactly half truths and whole lies. 

Poopus as people always wanting to chime in like they know something, and acting like their in the middle of it all are posting half truths, outright lies, or not giving up the whole story.  Find out what he's going to do with that jet before you give your two wooden pennies.  
I wish there was someone on NT that went to his church so we could get a perspective from someone that isn't against religion, isn't an atheist, etc.

I'm curious what his congregation thinks. I should ask my aunt.
 My mother is a religious person and she hates the guy.
He needs to get some damn shoes first before a plane
Just to clarify, for those who don't know this pic and thus won't get the joke, this is gold st, NOT creflo.
If people donate even a nickel towards this I hope he letting them get chauffered in 1 of 2 rolls royce's he has or spend the night in one of those 2.5 million dollar cibs he chillin at. 
For the life of me, I can't understand why anyone that reads the Bible would believe in a prosperity gospel. Yes, Jesus taught how to manage money and finances, but he also warned many times about the yeast that infests people once money and "things" become the center of one's life.

For many years, Billy Graham was American Airline's top flier traveling millions of miles per year IN COACH. Any pastor asking for a jet should ask whether they have more influence than that man and his ministry.
For the life of me, I can't understand why anyone that reads the Bible would believe in a prosperity gospel. Yes, Jesus taught how to manage money and finances, but he also warned many times about the yeast that infests people once money and "things" become the center of one's life.

For many years, Billy Graham was American Airline's top flier traveling millions of miles per year IN COACH. Any pastor asking for a jet should ask whether they have more influence than that man and his ministry.
Because people simply have selective hearing when it comes to the Bible. It's unfortunate, but it's the truth.

God isn't a genie. 
Biggest hustle in America.......Apple
Your Welcome.  

But it's ok their all good all they do is help people waste their time and distract them with mindless BS while they suck up infinite amounts of lithium, and make it a highly sought out material in Africa. But that's no biggie, because we all know how lithium mining is improving Africa as a whole.*shrug*.  

Nooo, lets talk about a preacher that wants a jet that he's going to use primarily to minster to people that want to hear from him all around the world.  There are a ton of causes that bring death, destruction, and immorality that all of you in this thread have contributed to directly more the a few times.

Do the research on your favorite companies that you constantly throw your hard earned money at.  Check out the destruction they cause in other countries and even here at home with non other then YOUR hard earned buck.  

But y'all speaking ill on people that proudly give their money to what they see as a worthy cause.  Talk about the pot calling the kettle black
Really hilarious hearing folks try to justify his extravagance because he's spreading the "gospel."

Homeboy's middle name is probably Takeyo.
Really hilarious hearing folks try to justify his extravagance because he's spreading the "gospel."

Homeboy's middle name is probably Takeyo.
It's even funnier how people try to condemn others for giving to what they think to be a worthy cause.  While they themselves are giving to cause they know isn't worthy, but still continue to give to it any way.  It doesn't get any more funnier then that.
It's even funnier how people try to condemn others for giving to what they think to be a worthy cause.  While they themselves are giving to cause they know isn't worthy, but still continue to give to it any way.  It doesn't get any more funnier then that.

can you elaborate on this please?
Crazy how a 1200 page book that hardly anyone who's dedicated their lives to it has even read cover to cover.

Selling ham sandwiches on Wednesday. Frying shrimp at fish fries on Fridays. Women wearing all that polyester & pearls to church on Sunday. All things "God"condemns in the Bible. But it's done in almost every Baptist church I've been to.

So it's not really surprising that nobody in the thousand full congregation would point out to their pastor that this prosperity preaching & money donating to luxury living is literally the one thing Jesus got mad about in the Bible.

Cause none of em actually read it
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