Pastor Creflow Dollar is asking for 60 million to purchase new G6 to spread the gospel across the gl

Did this dude really just accuse somebody of hating Christianity because they got molested by their pastor? After admitting Creflo spoke to him through his TV show in spite of being an atheist?

Oh oh oh.  You figure it out all on your own.  No one comes across your path and tells you exactly what you need to hear at the perfect time?  Please continue to chime in.  
I respect christians and all religions.

I dont respect idiots though...especially impressionable ones.

Dude is a clown lol.

But do ya thing tho
****** really caping creflo? :lol:

Yall worshipping a book based in the Middle East with a bunch of characters rocking english names :lol:

Also :lol: @ 80% of members not tithing...maybe in a struggling *** church but not in a successful one
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Yea it has been making sense.  You know if you tell someone they'll do something about that you just gotta let it out, and tell them what your pastor did to you.  But that's no reason to shut off you logic to common sense, or what should be common sense.  It's pretty obvious what it is with you.  

Take your war on Christianity else where, because up until two post ago all I ever talked about was him putting resources and opportunity back in the surrounding areas.  But you some how accuse me of being preachy and hollier then tho long ago.
 When I was showing you respect, and taking you somewhat seriously.  

Take your own advise go back read, because non of your post quoting me were not even relevant to my quotes, other then your first post with you quoting me.   
I'm sorry, but this is a lot of incoherent rambling. While you were accusing everyone else of having issues with reading comprehension, I'm thinking it was all you. 

You still haven't provided any sources to back your claims. Good job, dude!!

I'll break it down for you since you can't seem to figure it out.
Well maybe you should look his positive moves up to find out instead of joining in with the fellow followers from the congregation of JB, Nike, BMW, Supreme, J****, Nas, etc.  
Reading comprehension is very low around here I see.  An unbiased realist is what I am.  But I see what this is.  You dudes are the equivalent.
All you're doing is making accusations, pulling the "you're all sheep" card while providing ZERO useful information. I asked you to provide sources to make your posting better, but you refused. THIS is why you appear to have a holier than thou attitude.

Also, I want to remind of this:
Reading comprehension is very low around here I see.  
Ironic. Notice how I never accused you of anything?
I don't think you read it. 
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Sooooo what about this dude makes him a clown, again?  Found this in the link you just posted.  Oh I forgot 50, Jay, and them can live the best life possible; and do nothing for nobody unless they stand to make a profit.  But the man that has dedicated 30 years of his life to helping people accuracy is not allowed to live like a king.  Got chaaa.  But I'm sure one of you cats that never read a bible in your life is about to tell what the bible says about prosperity.  

By the way dude has a publishing company, and other companies as well.  Hes' written over 200 books.  Just in case you were wondering where his money is coming from.

English names ?  Sit-down out side this thread it can only take so much............. 
Sooooo what about this dude makes him a clown, again?  Found this in the link you just posted.  Oh I forgot 50, Jay, and them can live the best life possible; and do nothing for nobody unless they stand to make a profit.  But the man that has dedicated 30 years of his life to helping people accuracy is not allowed to live like a king.  Got chaaa.  But I'm sure one of you cats that never read a bible in your life is about to tell what the bible says about prosperity.  

By the way dude has a publishing company, and other companies as well.  Hes' written over 200 books.  Just in case you were wondering where his money is coming from.

English names ?  Sit-down out side this thread it can only take so much............. 

You know what man.

If that dudes message has improved your life, made you a better more successful person, given you some hope.....then roll with that.
Thing I'm tripping on is how people follow a religion that was forced upon their ancestors by those that enslaved them?

Hell the more I thought about it, the fact that my ancestors were animists or perhaps buddhists.

Until they were conquered and Islam was forced upon them.

Likewise I can't understand how so many people never question Christianity when it too was forced upon them.
Yall ****** do read that altered *** Kings James version. Ay keep reading the bible tho cause ya linage wasn't reading that **** until the white man put the whip on ya *****. Getting oppressed but worshipping their God as a way of passage

mr marcus mr marcus Naw it's all churches.

"The church of today is not great at at giving.  

This isn’t exactly news. But it is a statistical fact: 

Tithers make up only 10-25 percent of a normal congregation. 
Only 5 percent of the U.S. tithes, with 80 percent of Americans only giving 2 percent of their income. 
Christians are only giving at 2.5 percent per capita, while during the Great Depression they gave at a 3.3 percent rate."
Thing I'm tripping on is how people follow a religion that was forced upon their ancestors by those that enslaved them?

Hell the more I thought about it, the fact that my ancestors were animists or perhaps buddhists.

Until they were conquered and Islam was forced upon them.

Likewise I can't understand how so many people never question Christianity when it too was forced upon them.

I feel the same way,it's crazy that a lot of them have become some of the most ardent supporters/believers now.
Guess it makes sense when you equate members that don't attend weekly...decent sized churches still turn very nice profits

My people put their faith in each other like they do with the church things would look a whole lot better. Church is one of the biggest detriment because of the ******** a lot of preachers preach. They preach what women want to hear...**** is pathetic

Speaking on black churches...only attended a couple majority white churches and it was a complete 180
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Reading comprehension is very low around here I see.  An unbiased realist is what I am.  But I see what this is.  You dudes are the equivalent.

The money you give Apple(other tech companies as well) right now contributes to peoples deaths and being enslaved in Africa right now today.  

The money you give Nike goes now no where but back to Nike.  The only free products they give out are to a handful of colleges and people that can afford to buy all the Nikes they want already.  Jay Z ain't doing **** for nobody but Jay Z.

All these people above primarily profit off the impoverished and urban communities.  Yet they ain't putting **** back in them.  But that that's ok with you fellas.

You'd whether rather attack the dude that is all around the world putting smiles on faces and helping the impoverished.  Look it up for yourself if your you're that interested.  I'm not going to be on here making something up if I wasn't on Old Nat, CPK, and at the strip clubs seeing for myself with my own eyes.  I even here hear his wife be on the track at night trying to minister to girls as well as the strip clubs.

If you need job training you can go to World Changers and get it, you need some food, some clothes, a place to stay, I even heard they've given a couple people cars (source citation needed).  These folks (are) doing more then the government and billion dollar companies for this country, and I wouldn't doubt they're doing the same thing oversees as well.  

But ya'll dudes is silly man pimp on.  Know what you talking about before you talk it.

Ya'll boys keep tugging them chariots for the ones that inspire you.  Make sure your blinders are on straight. 
There. Vocabulary fixed. Hopefully my "reading comprehension" is up to par.

O, and just because he does good stuff (apparently), doesn't mean an extravegant $100 million plane is needed (after insurance, maintenance, fuel, etc). I know plenty of well known pasters that fly commercial. Even Joel Osteen who has the largest megachurch in America flies first class. At $10,000, it would take 6000 person flights just to break even on the cost of the plane, not accounting for the $2200/hr it costs to fly the plane and $1000/hr. for maintenance.

If he really is making $100,000/speech, I would recommend he lectures much more and buy a used plane in the mean time. There are PLENTY of used gulfstreams on the market and those things last for decades.
I'm sorry, but this is a lot of incoherent rambling. While you were accusing everyone else of having issues with reading comprehension, I'm thinking it was all you. 

You still haven't provided any sources to back your claims. Good job, dude!!

I'll break it down for you since you can't seem to figure it out.

All you're doing is making accusations, pulling the "you're all sheep" card while providing ZERO useful information. I asked you to provide sources to make your posting better, but you refused. THIS is why you appear to have a holier than thou attitude.

Also, I want to remind of this:

I don't think you read it. 
You know what man.

If that dudes message has improved your life, made you a better more successful person, given you some hope.....then roll with that.
This was never the argument.  i just let those cats derail with the preachy holier then thou new age bible thumper comment.  

When all I was saying from jump is why the double standard.  All these clowns can live lavish lives without contributing nothing to society other then a negativity arrogant, and a deeming, persona.  

It was about why y'all have a problem with his congregation and partners giving to him, so he can buy a "60 million dollar"
 jet.  When y'all out here happily giving away yawl duckets to companies and people that have been known to be tied to death and destruction here and all around the world.  All while Creflo is looking to utilizes this jet to help create a positive existence for people all around the world.  Double standard has been my argument, but y'all wanted to take it else where. 
Members gotta submit their W2s @ creflo church :rofl:

****** won't answer a call from collectors but giving ya W2s to a ******* preacher :smh:
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Man that money is used to pay church staff/employees, and keep the lights and water on.
They don't want to hear that.  They could careless about the fact that they have several full-time positions that pay a competitive wage with great benefits to match.  They want to read negative propagandist articles, and watch you tube videos full of straight gibberish.  

These dudes ain't even been to church let a alone this church, but they're going to tell you how it should be ran.  Ain't never read the bible but going to school you on how a Christian is supposed to be.  Don't come in here expecting rationality, intelligence.  They just won't to bash peoples beliefs even when the argument has nothing to do with religious beliefs.  Regardless they'll try to find a way to take it there at any means necessary. 
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