Pastor Creflow Dollar is asking for 60 million to purchase new G6 to spread the gospel across the gl

@crcballer55 That's not the correct scriptural reference. Satan isn't a demon so he doesn't shudder.
Christianity teaches that satan is a fallen angel that was kicked out of heaven and banished to Earth.
Basically satan was Gods highest angel until he rebelled against God.
I'm not sure I get the point you are making. Just because someone believes they are something, doesn't make it true.

And the link you posted pretty much discredits the initial point that Satan (Lucifer) believed he was Jesus.

Christians believe Satan acts as leader of the fallen angels. These demons, existing in the invisible spirit realm yet affecting our physical world, rebelled against God, but are ultimately under His control.
People like you are really interesting. Despite the fact that everyone  around you is telling you the same things, you insist that the problem is everyone else. That should be the red flag to you.

When you make generalizations and call everyone sheep, you're not educating anyone. In fact, you just come off as annoying and pretentious. I tried to help you by asking you to present sources so that at least your posts had something to offer to this topic. 

Honestly, just stop embarrassing yourself at this point. 
I can't even be mad at the fraud pastor now that I think about. It's the comolete idiots that give him the money that are the problem. You REALLY think it's all for "gods work"? :lol:
Thing I'm tripping on is how people follow a religion that was forced upon their ancestors by those that enslaved them?

Hell the more I thought about it, the fact that my ancestors were animists or perhaps buddhists.

Until they were conquered and Islam was forced upon them.

Likewise I can't understand how so many people never question Christianity when it too was forced upon them.
I feel the same way,it's crazy that a lot of them have become some of the most ardent supporters/believers now.
Using your logic, the better religion won...because anamist gods couldn't protect people from being enslaved?
that basically people believe what they believe because they were dominated.
Right, so how the **** does that fit into your subsequent statement?
one could argue that your being dominated inspite of your beliefs speaks to the inferiority of your beliefs; that is if we look at the merit of a belief being purely on how it was delivered and not its substance. No?
one could argue that your being dominated inspite of your beliefs speaks to the inferiority of your beliefs; that is if we look at the merit of a belief being purely on how it was delivered and not its substance. No?


That's quite a jump to make.

Fact is throughout history religion was spread through conquest.

Miss me with that "substance" BS.

By YOUR logic nobody should of ever had any religion forced upon them because the SUBSTANCE of the scripture should have been enough to compel them.
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that basically people believe what they believe because they were dominated.
Right, so how the **** does that fit into your subsequent statement?
one could argue that your being dominated inspite of your beliefs speaks to the inferiority of your beliefs; that is if we look at the merit of a belief being purely on how it was delivered and not its substance. No?
wow.... so according to YOUR logic.... white people are superior because europeans have dominated most of the world.
that basically people believe what they believe because they were dominated.
Right, so how the **** does that fit into your subsequent statement?
one could argue that your being dominated inspite of your beliefs speaks to the inferiority of your beliefs; that is if we look at the merit of a belief being purely on how it was delivered and not its substance. No?
wow.... so according to YOUR logic.... white people are superior because europeans have dominated most of the world.
I'm trying to figure out what his point is because I'm lost 
. So what I'm getting from what he's saying is that certain beliefs are deemed inferior when they can't be forced upon more people through force?
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one could argue that your being dominated inspite of your beliefs speaks to the inferiority of your beliefs; that is if we look at the merit of a belief being purely on how it was delivered and not its substance. No?

That's quite a jump to make.

Fact is throughout history religion was spread through conquest.

Miss me with that "substance" BS.

By YOUR logic nobody should of ever had any religion forced upon them because the SUBSTANCE of the scripture should have been enough to compel them.
no, my point is that
that basically people believe what they believe because they were dominated.
Right, so how the **** does that fit into your subsequent statement?
one could argue that your being dominated inspite of your beliefs speaks to the inferiority of your beliefs; that is if we look at the merit of a belief being purely on how it was delivered and not its substance. No?
wow.... so according to YOUR logic.... white people are superior because europeans have dominated most of the world.
I'm trying to figure out what his point is because I'm lost 
. So what I'm getting from what he's saying is that certain beliefs are deemed inferior when they can't be forced upon more people through force?
someone originally stated that people (specifically black people) don't realize that they believe what they believe because they where enslaved.

now retrace and follow...
 someone originally stated that people (specifically black people) don't realize that they believe what they believe because they where enslaved.

now retrace and follow...
thats a fact.... 

how does that relate to anything being "superior" or "inferior"?
 someone originally stated that people (specifically black people) don't realize that they believe what they believe because they where enslaved.

now retrace and follow...
thats a fact.... 

how does that relate to anything being "superior" or "inferior"?
well if you say that the 'only reason' someone believes something is because they were dominated into believing it, that is pretty much attacking the substance (quality...superiority etc)  of their beliefs. No?
well if you say that the 'only reason' someone believes something is because they were dominated into believing it, that is pretty much attacking the substance (quality...superiority etc)  of their beliefs. No?

Yeah bruh, you got it.

Black folk would of took up Christianity all on their own recognizance and not because it was forced upon them.

You got it my guy.

Same with Islam, my ancestors would've dug the quality bars Muhammad was spittin'. Forget the fact they would've died had they not switched up.

You got it.

My bad B, we forgot that Christianity is superior to all other religions and given enough time, everyone will eventually see this.

Your logic is infallible. Yerp. Brb going to church.
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