Pastor Creflow Dollar is asking for 60 million to purchase new G6 to spread the gospel across the gl

And I'm sorry but isn't is religions job to prove it as TRUTH??? That's like selling something and asking the clients to prove that it works or selling something as medicine but it's hasent actually cured anyone yet.

Where did you get that from?
Bottom line, fam doesn't need a 60 million dollar jet to spread the word.

Period. Can do a lot of good with that money. A ton of missionaries live very meager lifestyles, go off into foreign countries, feeding and teaching the poor.

This dude is a fraud and a snake oil salesman.
Where did you get that from?
If I make a bold statment about life the next logical question anyone would ask would be "prove it" correct? What religion does is the opposite. They ask to be proven wrong. Well the thing is I can't go back in time and I can't tell you what happenes when I die. We now have the "prove me wrong" paradox :lol: it's what's kept religion alive. Different topic for a different thread
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Dude really said truth can never be known :smh:

That mindset is what leaves ppl ripe for the taking. Like I said, Pleeease try and come out of that way of thinking it's a moral fallacy
damn right I got it.
People like you make me sick.

The type that believe they're truly better than another person because they adhere to a particular religion.

Epitomizes everything wrong with organized religion.

It is that very belief that makes tyrants and dictators feel justified in the crimes they commit against humanity.

The same belief that made those slavers feel justified in their actions.
No. I don't make you sick.

The fact of the matter is you don't know what I believe. And the fact that you can't engage in meaningful discourse is the type of attitude that actually leads to dictators and tyrants.

Mind you some of the greatest tyants have been those who have rallied against religion. so the argument is more complex than you assume it is.
Bottom line, fam doesn't need a 60 million dollar jet to spread the word.

Period. Can do a lot of good with that money. A ton of missionaries live very meager lifestyles, go off into foreign countries, feeding and teaching the poor.

This dude is a fraud and a snake oil salesman.

Yup. Him "NEEDING" these things is what makes him a fraud. religious or not if you can't see this you're an idiot
Bottom line, fam doesn't need a 60 million dollar jet to spread the word.

Period. Can do a lot of good with that money. A ton of missionaries live very meager lifestyles, go off into foreign countries, feeding and teaching the poor.

This dude is a fraud and a snake oil salesman.

Yup. Him "NEEDING" these things is what makes him a fraud. religious or not if you can't see this you're an idiot

On nt, as long as You get money that's all that matters.
this guy was a fraud way before he had any jets. He's a pastor. Fraud is part of the job description.
execution was perfect 
Yall know he getting that plane right?
He's gotten millions of dollars of free airtime over the past week.
Might not be the one he wants, but he'll have a new plane before the year is out.
No. I don't make you sick.

The fact of the matter is you don't know what I believe. And the fact that you can't engage in meaningful discourse is the type of attitude that actually leads to dictators and tyrants.

Mind you some of the greatest tyants have been those who have rallied against religion. so the argument is more complex than you assume it is.

Nah what you mean to say is that if I don't subscribe to your logic then I'm wrong.

You made it abundantly clear what you believe. You clearly believe your faith makes you superior to others.

You sitting here really trying to argue that its the SUBSTANCE which led to so many converts and not the conquest.

You can't be ******* serious B.
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Hopefully the maiden voyage is for missionary work in Malaysia and he lets some of y'all tag along.
Creflo's first stop on his international tour will end up being Dubai or some **** and people will still defend it watch :lol:
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And whats wrong with that.

You just said it yourself. 

Can't get mad at him for his hustle.

Big picture is the same as a JB, or an Apple.

Why is he a crook and JB and Apple aren't.
Does Apple lead anyone to believe that purchasing their products is morally obligatory? Serious question. 
If I bring my W-2 into the Apple store, can they charge me the correct percentage of my income for their phone?

Want to make sure I'm doing my part to go to technology heaven with Steve Jobs.
Does Apple lead anyone to believe that purchasing their products is morally obligatory? Serious question. 


I'm not arguing religion.

Seems like most of you want to do that.

All I'm saying is that these people WANT his services.

How is he a crook for legally giving them what they want.

And please don't ever try to use big businesses as your bases of morality :lol:
Creflo's first stop on his international tour will end up being Dubai or some **** and people will still defend it watch :lol:


Ole boy could be using church donations to fly yambs out so he could crap on their chest and dudes would still defend him.....Talking about "He just giving her the Dookie of Christ" :smh:

Dude is a scam artist, praying on the gullible.
Does Apple lead anyone to believe that purchasing their products is morally obligatory? Serious question. 

I'm not arguing religion.

Seems like most of you want to do that.

All I'm saying is that these people WANT his services.

How is he a crook for legally giving them what they want.

And please don't ever try to use big businesses as your bases of morality
Then I don't think they're comparable.

People donate to this cause because they expect their donations to benefit others, and because the Bible instructs them to give their money to the church. Based on their beliefs, members of the church are morally obligated to support the church. 

People's minds are malleable when the afterlife is involved, and Creflo Dollar could easily be taking advantage of that. RELLIRELOADED said himself he doesn't question Creflo Dollar.

I asked RELLIRELOADED to post sources to support his claims because I'm genuinely curious whether this guy contributes to the world. Does Creflo Dollar give his wealth to the poor as the Bible instructs? Does Creflo Dollar need a $60,000,000 jet to accomplish his alleged goals? 

It's not like anyone thinks that buying an iPod will help end human suffering, but people do believe that supporting Creflo Dollar will. 
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