Pastor Creflow Dollar is asking for 60 million to purchase new G6 to spread the gospel across the gl


I'm not arguing religion.

Seems like most of you want to do that.

All I'm saying is that these people WANT his services.

How is he a crook for legally giving them what they want.

And please don't ever try to use big businesses as your bases of morality
big business got away with the same crime.

what he's doing, preying on insecure folks, is wrong.

All churches should just change their names to what they truly are...a swindler's den.
No. I don't make you sick.

The fact of the matter is you don't know what I believe. And the fact that you can't engage in meaningful discourse is the type of attitude that actually leads to dictators and tyrants.

Mind you some of the greatest tyants have been those who have rallied against religion. so the argument is more complex than you assume it is.
Nah what you mean to say is that if I don't subscribe to your logic then I'm wrong.

You made it abundantly clear what you believe. You clearly believe your faith makes you superior to others.

You sitting here really trying to argue that its the SUBSTANCE which led to so many converts and not the conquest.

You can't be ******* serious B.
This is why I rarely give nters credit for reading comprehension.

How can you make that statements when you don't even know what I believe. 

You're the one who said that people believe what they believe because they where conquered (have you really thought about the insulting nature of such a statement?). It's pretty much walking up to black people and saying "ya'll believe what you believe because you was some slaves"?

That was actually my bigger point 

And frankly it's about time dudes on nt stop trying to win arguments and start engaging. You made all sorts of assumptions about me for the sake of winning some made up argument that existed in your own mind.
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Apples entire marketing plan is to make the person using their new Apple device feel like they are super cool and hip. For the average person and 99% of NT, feeling and thinking that you are cool and hip is their religion.

So the comparison between the church and a corporation that sells a feel good message is valid.
Apples entire marketing plan is to make the person using their new Apple device feel like they are super cool and hip. For the average person and 99% of NT, feeling and thinking that you are cool and hip is their religion.

So the comparison between the church and a corporation that sells a feel good message is valid.
Apple is selling a tangible product which creates business, keep people in touch and can be used to learn and further their development of their craft.

How does a religion even compare in the remotest aspect?

I don't even own an iPhone currently but I can't help but notice all the positives that comes with apple technology. ..
Apples entire marketing plan is to make the person using their new Apple device feel like they are super cool and hip. For the average person and 99% of NT, feeling and thinking that you are cool and hip is their religion.

So the comparison between the church and a corporation that sells a feel good message is valid.

Right................... View media item 1449441
Apples entire marketing plan is to make the person using their new Apple device feel like they are super cool and hip. For the average person and 99% of NT, feeling and thinking that you are cool and hip is their religion.

So the comparison between the church and a corporation that sells a feel good message is valid.
Don't get us confused.

This is NOT what I'm saying.

I'm saying both parties are willingly selling goods to consumers who want them.

Apple is not gonna tell you, don't need the iphone 7 if you already have 6.

They will try any method to persuade you into coughin up that money for a new phone, being moral or unmoral.

I don't see the big difference between the two besides the fact that NT hates religion.
Don't get us confused.

This is NOT what I'm saying.

I'm saying both parties are willingly selling goods to consumers who want them.

Apple is not gonna tell you, don't need the iphone 7 if you already have 6.

They will try any method to persuade you into coughin up that money for a new phone, being moral or unmoral.

I don't see the big difference between the two besides the fact that NT hates religion.

I'm holding my 6 as I type this.

You're not touching a spirit.
The premise behind Apples commercials isn't to show you how to use the phone.

The commercials sole purpose is to show you how happy and how good you look using the phone. That's a feel good message playing on a person's emotions to get that person to give Apple their money, in return for an Apple product that will make you happy while using it.
How many lives have been lost because of religion?
probably the same has have been lost to politics, business, "science", and human pride.

Religion is a problem but the intelectuals seem to gloss over the general fact that mankind is generally ****** up regrdless of what modus it uses to translate its f'edupness with.
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Look at my post and then tell me how this^^^^^^ is relevant to it.  Did I even say the word religion one time in that post, or even reference it.>D   

You're condemning these organizations for their wrongdoings and simultaneously defending an institution that is responsible for more deaths than those organizations combined.
probably the same has have been lost to politics, business, "science", and human pride.

Religion is a problem but the intelectuals seem to gloss over the general fact that mankind is generally ****** up regrdless of what modus it uses to translate its f'edupness with.
I feel what you're saying...

But it's not eem close bruh...

Religion BY FAR the leading cause of conflicts through history..
Yeah I definitely wouldn't agree with religion being the leading cause of conflicts throughout history. Greed by far is the leading cause. Nothing else really comes close.
It's no doubt in my mind some of you can't grasp whats real.  You see the mask as the truth.  This death by religion you speak of all throughout history is just that a mask to cover up whats real.  It was always been about politics, and territory throughout the history of man.  You control the land you have the power, and control the wealth simple as that.  

But that's nether here nor there, because all throughout this thread my argument has been about your hatred for religion blinding you from the truth of it all, and were your focus and hate should lay.  But some of you will never grasp it, and will continue to point the finger at the lesser evil while supporting the greater.
I need every one of you nters to paypal me 300 bucks each so I can cop a lambo. I'll use it to ride around and recuit new members to this online community. Can I get an amen?
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