Pastor Creflow Dollar is asking for 60 million to purchase new G6 to spread the gospel across the gl

I tried to address this in my comment towards you. Is Creflo Dollar providing the goods/services that consumers want?

Since he preaches that the Bible is the Word of god, my assumption is that his congregation expects him to follow what the Bible commands. Does he?

As I pointed out previously, I asked RELLIRELOADED repeatedly  for sources for this discussion.

Apple, on the other hand, is a very well known for-profit business. People expect Apple to maximize their profit. 
Like I told Blaster, the people who give him the money truely believe they are recieving something from their money.

No matter how you feel about religion, you can't call him a crook for that?
As I pointed out, this is because they believe he follows what he preaches, the Word of god. 

This is where the criticism comes in. I can call him a crook if he doesn't practice what he preaches. 

crook: a person who is dishonest or a criminal 
This is why I rarely give nters credit for reading comprehension.

How can you make that statements when you don't even know what I believe. 

You're the one who said that people believe what they believe because they where conquered (have you really thought about the insulting nature of such a statement?). It's pretty much walking up to black people and saying "ya'll believe what you believe because you was some slaves"?

That was actually my bigger point :wink:  

And frankly it's about time dudes on nt stop trying to win arguments and start engaging. You made all sorts of assumptions about me for the sake of winning some made up argument that existed in your own mind.

Don't give the slightest damn who my statements insult. After all I was introspective enough to look at my former faith and how my people came to believe it.

So I wasn't singling out blacks or christians. I was speaking about the spread of religion as a whole.

But maybe if you had the very reading comprehension you're accusing me of lacking, you would have realized that by now.

And no, I assumed nothing of you. You made it abundantly clear that you feel that certain religions (likely your own) "won" out because they were "superior" or that the message was better.

Without looking at the historical aspect of the spread of religion by conquest.

So you can live in your fairytale hypothetical little bubble, maybe create some revisionist Earth where Christianity would've found its way to blacks and hispanics without it being forced upon them.

But here, in a place called reality, the truth is arguments are won by facts. The fact of the matter is that Christianity (or Islam for that matter) was not spread in some benign manner.
Im not sure of your background but growing up in a Baptist church I can assure you these people BELIEVE they are receiving what you call goods and services.

They also believe that man delivering the word of Christ is entitled to his fair share.

They not givin him the money not knowing where its going.
Like I told Blaster, the people who give him the money truely believe they are recieving something from their money.

No matter how you feel about religion, you can't call him a crook for that?
And another valid statement from the know all atheist.

Now the argument is shifting. It doesn't matter what they believe is going to happen. The reality is they're being taken advantage of and the money they are giving is going into his bank account. If church was looked at as an actual company the pastor would be charged with fraud and embezzlement.
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So this black man in Georgia is claiming to be a preacher and tricking people into giving him their money. Not only is he tricking them into giving him their money, he's so bold he asked them to buy him an airplane and posted it on the internet, and he hasn't been arrested?

If yall know this man is a crook why don't you turn him in to the FBI or the local police? That would be the right thing to do wouldn't it?
If black people believed in uplifting each other the way they do in the slave master taught Christianity the communtiy would be in a better place. Instead of action we'll hands up don't shoot and say prayers for our white counterparts :rofl:

Christianity is a detriment to our communtiy...I don't know how it's taught at white churches but in black churches it's taught to make you be a submissive punk *** ***** and just pray about it because "God will make it better" :smh:

"You pay your tithes and sew your seed in the church and god will bless you in multiple ways" :lol:

Preachers don't even preach economic empowerment unless it's for a church building fund that never gets built after the goal is met
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As a Christian, I have to agree that there are many false prophets out there that say things that sound "good", but are not always biblical. Which is why it is up to each individual Christian to study the Bible forthemselves and test what preachers say vs. what the Bible actually says and teaches. As far as Creflo Dollar, I have heard some of his sermons and they almost always incorporate some type of prosperity Christianity or name it-claim it Christianity. Meaning come to church or pray to God and he will bless you with the desires of your heart. Or give you tithe/offering and God will multiply it back to you. But neither of these teachings are biblical and sadly there are many Christians that fall for it because they like the way it sounds. The Bible is clear on the purpose of the tithe and offering. I give because I believe everything I have comes from God and to help expand the gospel. Christians believe God made and owns everything so he doesn't need us to pay him, but like any human, where your treasure lies is where your heart lies. It's easy to say I love God or I trust God, but does one trust Him enough to put that faith into action is the question? Money and goods are mentioned all throughout the Bible and there is nothing wrong with having a lot of it. It's what you do with it that matters. Many Christian dollars have been used to set up hospitals, housing for the homeless, meals for the hungry ect which is what I believe a lot of the tithe and offering should be used for. On the flip side many people have come in the name of Christ and have manipulated the Bible for their own wealth or agenda. It has and will always be like that. To me Creflo exposed his intentions long ago.
If black people believed in uplifting each other the way they do in the slave master taught Christianity the communtiy would be in a better place. Instead of action we'll hands up don't shoot and say prayers for our white counterparts :rofl:

Christianity is a detriment to our communtiy...I don't know how it's taught at white churches but in black churches it's taught to make you be a submissive punk *** ***** and just pray about it because "God will make it better" :smh:

"You pay your tithes and sew your seed in the church and god will bless you in multiple ways" :lol:

Preachers don't even preach economic empowerment unless it's for a church building fund that never gets built after the goal is met

Because Christianity and other forms of religion weren't practice for thousands of years before American slavery.

I remember this one chick tellin me her family doesn't say sir and mam because it's slave mentality. :smh:

How bout its called respect.
The Bible is clear on the purpose of the tithe and offering. 
tithing is an old testament concept.

Nowhere does jesus speak about tithing.

If people still believe tithing is a requirement of a christian, then they should also do goat sacrifices and all the other things that were necessary in the old testament....
That black dollar is something powerful boii. Just loves going in all the wrong hands.
Because Christianity and other forms of religion weren't practice for thousands of years before American slavery.

I remember this one chick tellin me her family doesn't say sir and mam because it's slave mentality. :smh:

How bout its called respect.

Respect is earned.
tithing is an old testament concept.
Nowhere does jesus speak about tithing.
If people still believe tithing is a requirement of a christian, then they should also do goat sacrifices and all the other things that were necessary in the old testament....

I'm just speaking on the purpose of tithing and offering. You are correct though about Jesus and the tithe. The principle in the New Testament is to give voluntarily to support the needs of others (Acts 2:45; Romans 15:25-27), support Christian workers (1 Corinthians 9:11-12; 1 Timothy 5:18), and expand Christian outreach (Philippians 4:15-16). No specific amount is ever commanded, and no percentage is suggested. Although a tithe or tenth of one’s finances is a good standard to use for Christian giving, but I believe the Bible teaches to give from one heart and cheerfully. It is clear the early church did not focus on a specific amount but rather on meeting needs. This sometimes included giving much more than a tenth, as some believers sold homes or land to meet the needs that existed in the church (Acts 4:34-37). This has and will always be an issue for Christians. I think anyone that gives to their church should ask themselves why they give and why they give the amount they do?
I don't care what concept it is but its preached about weekly in the BLACK church....I can't speak for Billy's church
I don't care what concept it is but its preached about weekly in the BLACK church....I can't speak for Billy's church

Co-sign. When my wife was into the church heavy, bishop Blake at west Angeles would always ask for at least 10....let God see 100 of you give $100 or more before offering.

He has celebs there so it was easily made but one day my then gf, current wife, just got her tax return and was filling out the paper for $400! I gave her that look and she ended up putting $100 just to give up on the church a month later.

My people? Man, in l.a. You have 1000s of hole in the wall churches that play concerts everyday and have abusive, alcoholic, lazy followers.

The women serve 1 purpose. Cook and serve the congregation.
I don't care what concept it is but its preached about weekly in the BLACK church....I can't speak for Billy's church
Co-sign. When my wife was into the church heavy, bishop Blake at west Angeles would always ask for at least 10....let God see 100 of you give $100 or more before offering.

He has celebs there so it was easily made but one day my then gf, current wife, just got her tax return and was filling out the paper for $400! I gave her that look and she ended up putting $100 just to give up on the church a month later.

My people? Man, in l.a. You have 1000s of hole in the wall churches that play concerts everyday and have abusive, alcoholic, lazy followers.

The women serve 1 purpose. Cook and serve the congregation.
I dont get nor understand how people one defend this and 2nd say he deserves his fair share, when clearly in galatians it states that a preacher that has been blessed with the gospel should GIFT the word to all those who shall receive it.

Last i check if you GIFT something to someone, you arent looking for or asking for compensation. Ive never gifted or gave someone a present and in turn wanted compensation for it. And in timothy it states that a preacher should not be in dire, but should be supported to live comfortably like the common man.

Iuno what people equate "comfort" and "common man", but for damn sure common man doesnt have a damn 60 million dollar plane. And if thats what people associate with comfort, then what the hell do you call everyone else short of 20+ million this man has? 
Not to get off subject, but why are ya'll actin like this is a "BLACK" thing?

It's just as many super wealthy white preachers doin the same thing to white people.
If black people believed in uplifting each other the way they do in the slave master taught Christianity the communtiy would be in a better place. Instead of action we'll hands up don't shoot and say prayers for our white counterparts :rofl:

Christianity is a detriment to our communtiy...I don't know how it's taught at white churches but in black churches it's taught to make you be a submissive punk *** ***** and just pray about it because "God will make it better" :smh:

"You pay your tithes and sew your seed in the church and god will bless you in multiple ways" :lol:

Preachers don't even preach economic empowerment unless it's for a church building fund that never gets built after the goal is met

Sometimes, you are a little too extreme with the views...

Most times, you're spot on...

This is one of those times where you're spot ******* on...

Not to get off subject, but why are ya'll actin like this is a "BLACK" thing?

It's just as many super wealthy white preachers doin the same thing to white people.

I agree... But from a financial perspective black people just don't have the same amounts of discretionary income as their white counterparts...
I dont get nor understand how people one defend this and 2nd say he deserves his fair share, when clearly in galatians it states that a preacher that has been blessed with the gospel should GIFT the word to all those who shall receive it.

Last i check if you GIFT something to someone, you arent looking for or asking for compensation. Ive never gifted or gave someone a present and in turn wanted compensation for it. And in timothy it states that a preacher should not be in dire, but should be supported to live comfortably like the common man.

Iuno what people equate "comfort" and "common man", but for damn sure common man doesnt have a damn 60 million dollar plane. And if thats what people associate with comfort, then what the hell do you call everyone else short of 20+ million this man has? 
like I said earlier. If these guys where critiqued solely using their source material they would be found lacking.

But if dudes want to throw their money at some crook in hopes of geting some sort of divine blessing, then that speaks to their own gulibility and lack of intelligence.

And it's not exclusive to the black community jimmy swagart been fleecing white folk for decades.
Not to get off subject, but why are ya'll actin like this is a "BLACK" thing?

It's just as many super wealthy white preachers doin the same thing to white people.

I agree... But from a financial perspective black people just don't have the same amounts of discretionary income as their white counterparts...
these hucksters (black or white) arent't preying on rich folk. Their message speaks to people with very little to give (poor black and poor white). "If you give now god will see to it that you get a new tractor to keep your family farm going".
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