Pastor Creflow Dollar is asking for 60 million to purchase new G6 to spread the gospel across the gl

these hucksters (black or white) arent't preying on rich folk. Their message speaks to people with very little to give (poor black and poor white). "If you give now god will see to it that you get a new tractor to keep your family farm going".

You known why that is? Look at how the bible is written. From the BEGINNING it's targeted the poor. Look at the stories and situations. Look at the characters depicted. ALL POOR. The ones who had money GAVE IT UP to follow God. That's no mistake.
tithing is an old testament concept.
Nowhere does jesus speak about tithing.
If people still believe tithing is a requirement of a christian, then they should also do goat sacrifices and all the other things that were necessary in the old testament....


How can someone claim to know what they're talking about and still give/ask for 10%? :lol:
The best description of this megachurch.

"Prosperity gospel is a theology that promises wealth and health to those who tithe 10% of their income to the church."

It's from a CNN article so it's legit. I'm dying here :rofl:
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I agree... But from a financial perspective black people just don't have the same amounts of discretionary income as their white counterparts...
That's not the churches fault.

That's decades of oppression.

You can't blame religion on it, it's just unfortunately a horrible mix.

Kill this notion that pastors and churches around the world have this coordinated secret plan to keep ****** down.

It's just a absurd.

Religion didn't stop Black Wall Street, bombs did.

Are some peoples thought process towards the church a hindrance in their own lives, yes?
like I said earlier. If these guys where critiqued solely using their source material they would be found lacking.

But if dudes want to throw their money at some crook in hopes of geting some sort of divine blessing, then that speaks to their own gulibility and lack of intelligence.

And it's not exclusive to the black community jimmy swagart been fleecing white folk for decades.
these hucksters (black or white) arent't preying on rich folk. Their message speaks to people with very little to give (poor black and poor white). "If you give now god will see to it that you get a new tractor to keep your family farm going".
You known why that is? Look at how the bible is written. From the BEGINNING it's targeted the poor. Look at the stories and situations. Look at the characters depicted. ALL POOR. The ones who had money GAVE IT UP to follow God. That's no mistake.
I agree with ALL this.
That's not the churches fault.

That's decades of oppression.

You can't blame religion on it, it's just unfortunately a horrible mix.

Kill this notion that pastors and churches around the world have this coordinated secret plan to keep ****** down.

It's just a absurd.

Religion didn't stop Black Wall Street, bombs did.

Are some peoples thought process towards the church a hindrance in their own lives, yes?

I never said it was the church's fault, my g...

My b if it came off like that...

I just believe that black people are way more submissive to the church than the white homeys...

Latinos, I'm not too sure... I've never heard a Mexican woman say "I'll just put it in God's hands" doe...

If i EVER catch my girl giving an absurd amount to the church... An argument will ensue.
these hucksters (black or white) arent't preying on rich folk. Their message speaks to people with very little to give (poor black and poor white). "If you give now god will see to it that you get a new tractor to keep your family farm going".
You known why that is? Look at how the bible is written. From the BEGINNING it's targeted the poor. Look at the stories and situations. Look at the characters depicted. ALL POOR. The ones who had money GAVE IT UP to follow God. That's no mistake.
But it's not though; that's as simple minded an approach to looking at its message as you are blaming hucksters like Creflo Dolllar for doing. They pick up on one theme and ride it out till they fill their coffers. 

Confidence men say that the easiest people to con are greedy people. When you look at people who allow themselves to fall prey to the creflo dollar types they are materialistic as hell; and you don't have to be rich to be materialistic, some of the brokest people are the most materialistic...and thats who the creflos really speak too, dudes who want something for nothng. And the dumb part is that they see their pastor in bentley and private jet so they bellieve the system works.

It has very little to do with the source material,and more to do with human greed.
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I just dont get this whole im a christian, but i dont actually follow and adhere to the bible and its teachings, in fact in some respects do the exact opposite of what i profess to be...but its justified because i show up somewhere on sunday, or i state im not perfect.

In no other aspect would this be accepted or seen credible. Would we not question iuno a vegan who profess to be one, but yet in still has a fridge full of ribs, with a hamburger in one hand and a drumstick in the other. Could they say oh i know i eat meat etc... but hey im not because im not perfect so im still a vegan

Would we not question a drug addict/alcoholic who claims sobriety, yet hangs out in bars/corners... and you see them with a 40 oz in one hand, and a shooter in the other... if they said ok yea im shooting up and drunk...but hey im not perfect, and i attend na/aa meetings so therefore im am living sober living...

Why does religion, in particular christianity gets a pass? Why is it you can claim and profess to practice and be apart of something without actually practicing it, and performing, and adhering to the very thing you claim that you do? And why do you get a pass just off the premise of "im not perfect" or a tithe, i go to church.

Like i said if a addict goes to na/aa meetings swears he will never drink/snort again, should we give him a pass and say he is sober living despite the fact he still still does drugs/drinks? 
I just dont get this whole im a christian, but i dont actually follow and adhere to the bible and its teachings, in fact in some respects do the exact opposite of what i profess to be...but its justified because i show up somewhere on sunday, or i state im not perfect.

In no other aspect would this be accepted or seen credible. Would we not question iuno a vegan who profess to be one, but yet in still has a fridge full of ribs, with a hamburger in one hand and a drumstick in the other. Could they say oh i know i eat meat etc... but hey im not because im not perfect so im still a vegan

Would we not question a drug addict/alcoholic who claims sobriety, yet hangs out in bars/corners... and you see them with a 40 oz in one hand, and a shooter in the other... if they said ok yea im shooting up and drunk...but hey im not perfect, and i attend na/aa meetings so therefore im am living sober living...

Why does religion, in particular christianity gets a pass? Why is it you can claim and profess to practice and be apart of something without actually practicing it, and performing, and adhering to the very thing you claim that you do? And why do you get a pass just off the premise of "im not perfect" or a tithe, i go to church.

Like i said if a addict goes to na/aa meetings swears he will never drink/snort again, should we give him a pass and say he is sober living despite the fact he still still does drugs/drinks? 

Damn this was a great post!
So this black man in Georgia is claiming to be a preacher and tricking people into giving him their money. Not only is he tricking them into giving him their money, he's so bold he asked them to buy him an airplane and posted it on the internet, and he hasn't been arrested?

If yall know this man is a crook why don't you turn him in to the FBI or the local police? That would be the right thing to do wouldn't it?
Technically it's not a crime. It would be the right thing to do but tithes are considered a charitable donation so it can't be considered tax evasion.
So this black man in Georgia is claiming to be a preacher and tricking people into giving him their money. Not only is he tricking them into giving him their money, he's so bold he asked them to buy him an airplane and posted it on the internet, and he hasn't been arrested?

If yall know this man is a crook why don't you turn him in to the FBI or the local police? That would be the right thing to do wouldn't it?
Technically it's not a crime. It would be the right thing to do but tithes are considered a charitable donation so it can't be considered tax evasion.
misappropriation of funds, and claiming a nonprofit status when you are running a for prfit enterprise can be prosecuted.
misappropriation of funds, and claiming a nonprofit status when you are running a for prfit enterprise can be prosecuted.
true but the very ppl that you would be reporting this to, are the same ppl who often finnacially backed and supported them and wanted this to flourish and turn into what it is..... 

It be like telling on rick ross the dealer, to the cia and the feds. 
mr marcus mr marcus were it not for Christianity you would still be picking cotton and sleeping in huts on the plantation.

I refuse to believe that you believe, the same people that wanted African Americans to believe they were the scum of the Earth, are the same people that gave them a book of inspiration that encourages the reader that they can do all things. That's a wack argument and contradicts everything we know about the cruelty and abuse our people suffered at the hands of their oppressors.

It's well known that African American "slaves" weren't taught to read, weren't allowed to read, and were violently beaten and some even killed. So at what point did good ol massa have a change of heart and let his "slaves" watch the reading rainbow?
I don't care what concept it is but its preached about weekly in the BLACK church....I can't speak for Billy's church

Just curious are you an atheist?

Idk what I am but I was raised in the church. In college I stopped going as much but didn't know why besides not wanting to go. when I started wanting more knowledge about being black and our history in this country I started becoming disgusted about black churches and things I saw.

our situation is complex and with too many variables but religion is one especially with the way it's taught here in America.

also malcolm x > mlk

Black panthers >

**** Lee Daniels for demonizing both in his movies. I despise that *****
Idk what I am but I was raised in the church. In college I stopped going as much but didn't know why besides not wanting to go. when I started wanting more knowledge about being black and our history in this country I started becoming disgusted about black churches and things I saw.

our situation is complex and with too many variables but religion is one especially with the way it's taught here in America.

also malcolm x > mlk

Black panthers >

**** Lee Daniels for demonizing both in his movies. I despise that *****

View media item 970349
@Mr Marcus were it not for Christianity you would still be picking cotton and sleeping in huts on the plantation.

I refuse to believe that you believe, the same people that wanted African Americans to believe they were the scum of the Earth, are the same people that gave them a book of inspiration that encourages the reader that they can do all things. That's a wack argument and contradicts everything we know about the cruelty and abuse our people suffered at the hands of their oppressors.

It's well known that African American "slaves" weren't taught to read, weren't allowed to read, and were violently beaten and some even killed. So at what point did good ol massa have a change of heart and let his "slaves" watch the reading rainbow?
if it werent for it they would be still slaves.... the word was the nucleus to slavery... it was used to get slaves to adapt and accept and indoctrine a subservient mentality, it was used to instill hope over sheer will, and it was used to justify all the actions and premise of slavery
mr marcus mr marcus were it not for Christianity you would still be picking cotton and sleeping in huts on the plantation.

I refuse to believe that you believe, the same people that wanted African Americans to believe they were the scum of the Earth, are the same people that gave them a book of inspiration that encourages the reader that they can do all things. That's a wack argument and contradicts everything we know about the cruelty and abuse our people suffered at the hands of their oppressors.

It's well known that African American "slaves" weren't taught to read, weren't allowed to read, and were violently beaten and some even killed. So at what point did good ol massa have a change of heart and let his "slaves" watch the reading rainbow?

I've read some pretty dumb stuff...

But this post, especially the highlighted part... Is a high ranking stupid statement

1. Its been WIDELY recognized in war books that in order to conquer a people, you must first destroy their history... This encompasses erasing religion and replacing with their own.

This also means showing people that their god doesn't look like them, therefore "certain groups" are children of God

2. Christians used the bible to justify slavery... And the bible was used to tell the slaves "see, you're supposed to be enslaved because god looks like us and told us to do it"

What is better for a slave owner? A person that's forcefully enslaved... Or a person that BELIEVES HE SHOULD BE enslaved...

That's the effect of giving the bible to the slaves... Putting in their minds that they're SUPPOSED to be here
I've read some pretty dumb stuff...

But this post, especially the highlighted part... Is a high ranking stupid statement

1. Its been WIDELY recognized in war books that in order to conquer a people, you must first destroy their history... This encompasses erasing religion and replacing with their own.

This also means showing people that their god doesn't look like them, therefore "certain groups" are children of God

2. Christians used the bible to justify slavery... And the bible was used to tell the slaves "see, you're supposed to be enslaved because god looks like us and told us to do it"

What is better for a slave owner? A person that's forcefully enslaved... Or a person that BELIEVES HE SHOULD BE enslaved...

That's the effect of giving the bible to the slaves... Putting in their minds that they're SUPPOSED to be here
I thought dude was trolling when he said that we would still be picking cotton. lol
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Idk what I am but I was raised in the church. In college I stopped going as much but didn't know why besides not wanting to go. when I started wanting more knowledge about being black and our history in this country I started becoming disgusted about black churches and things I saw.

our situation is complex and with too many variables but religion is one especially with the way it's taught here in America.

also malcolm x > mlk

Black panthers >

**** Lee Daniels for demonizing both in his movies. I despise that *****

Bro you're overreacting, there is nothing wrong with the black church
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Idk what I am but I was raised in the church. In college I stopped going as much but didn't know why besides not wanting to go. when I started wanting more knowledge about being black and our history in this country I started becoming disgusted about black churches and things I saw.

our situation is complex and with too many variables but religion is one especially with the way it's taught here in America.

also malcolm x > mlk

Black panthers >

**** Lee Daniels for demonizing both in his movies. I despise that *****

Bro you're overreacting, there is nothing wrong with the black church

View media item 1450909
I've read an NTer seriously post "if not for slavery, you'd be living in a hut in Africa instead of the US" so I wouldn't just assume that the person is trolling
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