OVERRATED MOVIES? *flamesuits must be worn beyond this point*

Here you go prof. Not saying old dude is right but to bluntly disregard anybody who thinks the movie is a great piece of film history isn't fair or objective.

I didn't read the whole thing but, not do I absolutely agree. Just posted to prove I'm not outlandish with my thoughts this movie is rated where it needs to be.

Here you go prof. Not saying old dude is right but to bluntly disregard anybody who thinks the movie is a great piece of film history isn't fair or objective.

I didn't read the whole thing but, not do I absolutely agree. Just posted to prove I'm not outlandish with my thoughts this movie is rated where it needs to be.

:lol: dude said the film "anticipates the rise of hip hop culture"... like wtf ?

He also goes on to call it "comically over the top"... comically

Thats how I see the movie.... a live action cartoon so poorly produced its bordering on the verge of comedy.
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dude said the film "anticipates the rise of hip hop culture"... like wtf ?
Cinderella has the same theme. I guess it too, anticipated hip hop culture based on his definition.

I saw it once not knowing the name of it and it bore me. Then later on ppl kept hyping up this movie as the best of Pacino and De Niro together. I try again and :x :smh: Then ppl continue to do the same here on NT. I mean c'mon Val Kilmer.

I find it to be one of the more overrated and boring movies that's suppose to be the best of two excellent actors. The movie is extra forgettable.
The whole front page of this thread needs to be burned to the ground. Not eem gonna read een more.
Anybody that says Scarface is a bad movie should be banned from ever having an opinion again

Movie is a straight classic 
the avengers


toy story 2 and 3

man of steel

hunger games
Rappers act like it's the greatest gangster movie ever

Pacino does a good job and there are some very solid scenes but overall the movie is too over the top especially the end

Godfather, Casino, Goodfellas, Carlito's Way etc are all better
the ending is one of the best parts. Say hello to my little friend!
[QUOTE url="[URL]http://niketalk.com/content/type/61/id/658212/[/URL]"]
View media item 658212

utter crap.

"action" movie masquerading as sci-fi. 

so many plot holes.


I thought Inception was great.
really? why?

Inception is first big budget movie Ive seen in a long time with a totally original script. Its one of those films that actually makes the viewer think about the concept of time, reality and how the brain processes information/emotions. Dreams have always intrigued me so a movie like this is right up my alley.

What plot-holes were you dissatisfied with ?[/quote]
How is Inception any more original concept wise than the Matrix? I mean the difference in concept comes down to dreams or virtual reality. Movies like that are really rehashes of Twilight Zone episodes (which are copies of sci fi books and radio shows). Any movie where you got the character questioning their reality falls in that realm.
After reading through every page :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The volume of this thread should be Vol. Let There Be Rustling There Will Be Rustling :lol: I've only come across a couple movies, I can count on both hands, that I did a head turn like what? to when I saw mentioned. For the most part I can categorize and compartmentalize the posters and the movies mentioned as them clearly not liking a specific actor or perhaps not liking that type of story and that's just for ppl that didn't explain themselves in depth.

So for instance, the thread starts off with Blow which I'd disagree about being overrated but when I think about it I can totally see someone not liking it but one huge problem in this thread is ppl are simply naming movies they didn't like or hated. Many movies that were never even rated and of course the aforementioned difference between a movie being praised as entertaining and being acclaimed as a classic. Like I don't get why that trash Avatar is mentioned in here but I can see the confusion given how much it made.

Godfather being mentioned is perplexing as well. However, I don't get why ppl keep saying Godfather trilogy like the 3rd installment was worth ****. Lets be real now. It's Godfather 1 & 2 and that's it.

Blade Runner is a cult classic. The movie got ******* on when it came out on the money and the critic level. It got more fans over time but someone saying it's overrated now wouldn't get much of an argument from me cuz it was orginally seen as nothing special. Depends on which version you saw as well. Fight Club is kinda cultish as well and after a few watches you should know if you like it or not. Not just one. I can always enjoy that in the background for certain scenes. Norton plays the introverted shy kinda weird guy on his journey to self revelation and Pitt plays his weird dirty looking cool guy that doesn't make all that much sense yet until he's ready to explain. I can always enjoy that.

I don't get arguing on for pages about the Pursuit of Happiness :lol: A grip of those Will movies listed are forgettable. I happen to like 7 Pounds more though.

I won't understand not liking Casino or Goodfellas. I can see why one wouldn't like Raging Bull though. Posters saying they aint like Pulp Fiction or Resevoir Dogs get put in that don't like QT movies. Not liking a good action flick like Kill Bill is weird but w/e that was never anything more than it was suppose to be anyway. Same goes for Will Ferrel, if you don't like his movies don't watch them :lol:

I busted out laughing when like 5 ppl corrected goldenchild about There Will Be Blood :lol: I can see that movie in a similar mold to The Master. I liked everything about it from the score to how the character development was handled. I think I talked about that in the other thread though.

As For Paid in Full, entertaining flick. It aint no Killa Season but it'll do. I can see why ppl might not like those or Boyz in The Hood and the rest.

Scarface really isn't that good. I don't see what the fuss is about. It's easily one of Pacino's worst flicks while in his prime. Scarface is like the gonzo porn flick of theatrical film. All action bs and badass scenes with forced subplots and bad dialog.

:lol: @ bringing up any M. Night movie.

I'm not gonna get started on how Batman Begins wasn't that good, solid at best, TDK was all Ledger's greatness (saying Ledger's Joker was overrated lets me know you're not capable at recognizing good let alone amazing acting performances), and TDKR was basura. I've went over that plenty enough of times. As far as a nice concise critique on the trilogy, @Rexanglorum does a refreshingly well job with his post in this thread.

Oh btw, if you posted in here that you didn't like Ferris Bueller's Day Off I'm reporting you to the Feds. You're clearly a member of Al Queda and hate America.
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the ending is one of the best parts. Say hello to my little friend!

I prefer the ending to Carlito's Way personally, One of my favourite moments of Cinema that end scene,
Now im not saying it's the greatest ending b4 people start abusing me, I just think the ending is great

It was okay. 40 Year Old Virgin is still the best comedy Judd Aptatow has made. The others were just decent at best.
[QUOTE url="[URL]http://niketalk.com/content/type/61/id/658212/[/URL]"]
View media item 658212

utter crap.

"action" movie masquerading as sci-fi. 

so many plot holes.


I thought Inception was great.
really? why?

Inception is first big budget movie Ive seen in a long time with a totally original script. Its one of those films that actually makes the viewer think about the concept of time, reality and how the brain processes information/emotions. Dreams have always intrigued me so a movie like this is right up my alley.

What plot-holes were you dissatisfied with ?
How is Inception any more original concept wise than the Matrix? I mean the difference in concept comes down to dreams or virtual reality. Movies like that are really rehashes of Twilight Zone episodes (which are copies of sci fi books and radio shows). Any movie where you got the character questioning their reality falls in that realm.[/quote]

Totally original was a poor choice of words, especially considering its actually inspired by a Japanese Manga. But I feel like there are very few American films released today that are willing to take the viewer out of the 3rd dimension and their understood reality. Everything has to be simple and spelled out for the average viewer. Even the Batman franchise was revamped to make everything explainable and understandable in our physical world. Inception is one of the few films released in the last 10 years that actually make the viewer think about reality and perception. IMO its Nolans best work.... far better then the Batman franchise which he is so often praised for. Inception is the kind of film people have to watch twice to fully understand, Batman is the kind of film people want to watch twice because you understand it. Hollywood is not fond of the former.... movies that make people think dont appeal are not as profitable as the archetypal blockbuster. I believe this has alot to do with the death of the movie store and the weekend rental. I believe outside the box movies that made people think were much more popular at the height of video rental because people had one movie to watch all weekend over and over, allowing them to immerse themselves in the film and pickup on subtle nuances not noticed during their initial viewing. Netflix and 24 hour redbox rentals have done away with that..... if a movie doesn't totally captivate someone the first time they view it chances are they wont ever go back to re evaluate it.
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Are y'all ****** really serious in here?

I try to respect everybody opinion, but anybody talking as if their personal opinion is fact I can't take serious AT ALL 

I'm not even going to get into my own personal analysis of Scarface, because y'all ****** in here clearly don't wanna have a discussion

I will say this tho, Spielberg and Scorsese both thought it was a great film and supported it early on and Ebert praised it, gave it two 4 out of 4 reviews (one in 1983 the initial release, one in 2003 for the anniversary DVD release) and put it on his Great Movies list.

But they opinions don't matter either tho,  right? 

And I'm not even saying it like their opinions are the end all be all because nobody's is, but to make the point that y'all dudes in here talking like it's impossible for anybody to think Scarface is a good film sound dumb as hell
can we just move past Scarface, no one is trying to change anyone's mind here.  Some love, some like, some don't.
I think Scarface is great. I will say they weren't concise enough. You could have cut about 25 minutes out of that movie and the whole would've benefited from it.
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