OVERRATED MOVIES? *flamesuits must be worn beyond this point*

Another one for me, the breakfast club.
Agreed, part of it probably was the time period the movie came out in though. Nowadays there's added emphasis on togetherness/accpetance and anti-bullying and there was much less of this back then. I didn't grow up during that time period, but it very well could have been the most relatable piece of entertainment that emphasized the serious issues that teens deal with.
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OG Karate Kid
There Will Be Blood....

Jumped around from year to year and when doing that, you really need to connect the storyline to foster character development, TWBB did not do that.

Daniel went from a gritty frontiersman, to an ambitious entrepreneur to a raving lunatic with no real impetuses or backstory to nail home those changes.

The movie score was screeching and took away from the immersion. The sound effects were very good but the music was terrible. I wished I was deaf like his son at times, while watching this film.

Speaking of his son, he was a more engaging character than Daniel, imo. We got to see him develop and I was more attached to him than Daniel, who had no backstory and went from brilliant to maniacal. His character was just plain stupid to me.

The movie dragged on waaaay too long. The cinematography was great in the beginning, then it started feeling like showing off. 30 seconds clips of Daniel just sitting around.

The writing was amazing, I'll give it that but I would have enjoyed this story more in book form.

Just an overall unsatisfying and overrated cinematic experience for me.

Like I said in the movie thread, "The Assassination of Jesse James..." did many of the things this movie tried to do in a much better way.
i appreciate your comments.

but there is a lot of character development IMO from DDL's character

you see him talk to and kill his fake half brother

beat up but then then bow down to dano

meanwhile he backdoored him this entire time 

i don't know i thought it was well executed. the score could have used some improvement, sure.

the writing was definitely fantastic something i always criticize when deciding on a movie. 
Acting from everyone in he film is mediocre

Pacinos fake Cuban accent was absolutely terrible

Poorly written dialogue with virtually no realistic person to person interaction.

Very little character development. As Tony moves up from nothing to becoming the Kingpin, he still remains the same egotistical cartoon of a person the entire film.. There is even less backstory and development for everyone else in the movie. There are huge gaps and they dont even bother to explain how his wife goes from hating him to being married to him.

Full of cheesy one liners that sound like their straight out of a Schwarzenegger film.

That damn synthesized sound effect whenever they do a closeup shot of Tony feeling some kind of way... Its like something out of a terrible b-grade monster movie. Like wtf ? :rofl: Absolutely comical.

Scarface is quite possibly the most overrated movie ever.... I can appreciate the rags to riches aspect, but the storytelling itself is awful. I really think most people say they like just because they think its the cool thing to say.

these are great points man. this is what i think people fail to realize. there is a difference

between liking a movie and a movie being great. as far as you know you could like nothing

but terrible movies. all the points this dude made are obvious and makes me understand

why someone would say it's not that good of a movie. everybody else in here, for the most part,

just saying "man it's stupid...how could you like that?"
See you missed it. The film lapsed time. The only way out of that village was through corruption. He had to take a 'job' to get his papers. Then he worked at the hotdog stand for 3 months, asking around for his 'shot.' Then, through hustle, cleverness and pure ambition he made all the right moves and grinded his way to the top. Took a **** boy job and flipped it into a sit down with the area boss, grinder it out as his right hand til he met the boss boss, then he got to ambitious...

Now I'm convinced the people saying they didn't like it didn't watch it and are more speaking that as a reaction to everyone else's love for it...I.e hate.

just stop bro. we all saw the movie. all you just did was give a plot synopsis. there was no

actual character development throughout these events as dude said and that's a great story

and all, but that doesn't mean it was executed well. so don't throw out the word hate because

you don't care about character development, depth, and cohesion of the story. and he was spot

on w/ Michelle Phifer going from hating Tony to loving Tony w/ no development in between.

And Tony's mom and sister's acting was not good. The script was not astounding. Literally the

only thing people who love that movie talk about is the concept behind it. :lol:
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Opinions are like *** holes. I guess.

I loved everything in Scareface, from his attitude throughout the film, the the vice style of shooting. His over the top persona and everything he goes through with ole girl is an allegory for everything he's been through. Ill agree, you don't get much backstory on the two kingpins, but it wasn't a story about them, it was a story about tony and how easily one goes down the rabbit hole once they reach success. His sister represented losing his family, his innocence, his women represented losing the life and his homeboy represented losing himself. That last scene when he's getting capped and he's still trying to win is the perfect metaphor for his life, for how the 'successful' live their life. I view as a cautionary tale of unbridled ambition.

Pacino did an excellent job portraying an over the top drug dealer. The 'I'm the bad guy' speech is brilliant.

I d be curious to see what flicks you guys think are 'good' or properly rated, I'd Scareface is over rated, top ten gangster flicks of all time (like 7) then I must have ****** taste in movies.
*Kanye Shrugs*

By the way I thought all the themes in the movie were pretty obvious, also I felt like I saw everything I needed from Tony's backstory in how he acted throughout the movie, and his rise was as clear as a video game, leveling up.
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Opinions are like *** holes. I guess.

I loved everything in Scareface, from his attitude throughout the film, the the vice style of shooting. His over the top persona and everything he goes through with ole girl is an allegory for everything he's been through. Ill agree, you don't get much backstory on the two kingpins, but it wasn't a story about them, it was a story about tony and how easily one goes down the rabbit hole once they reach success. His sister represented losing his family, his innocence, his women represented losing the life and his homeboy represented losing himself. That last scene when he's getting capped and he's still trying to win is the perfect metaphor for his life, for how the 'successful' live their life. I view as a cautionary tale of unbridled ambition.

Pacino did an excellent job portraying an over the top drug dealer. The 'I'm the bad guy' speech is brilliant.

I d be curious to see what flicks you guys think are 'good' or properly rated, I'd Scareface is over rated, top ten gangster flicks of all time (like 7) then I must have ****** taste in movies.

*Kanye Shrugs*

that's why you liked it though...why is it a great film? there's a difference.
Good story, good directing. Good acting. That's what made it an iconic film. The character of tony Montana was one of the greatest, he was simple and easily understandable. As far as filmography the way it was shoot portrayed 80s vice beautifully, visually, if that was shot in Hd there would be no disputing. Each character represented a different part of tony.

Overall it was a great movie because it was beautifully simplistic.
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Most people agree that the story wasn't developed well and the acting was just ok

I think people fall in love with the idea/rise of Tony Montana and elevate the movie. I understand those who enjoy the movie but that doesn't make it great.

I mean I enjoyed Starship Troopers a lot but I understand its not a great movie (or even good). And I'm not saying the movies are comparable at all. Just an example
Im going to need a frame of reference for 'great'. I keep asking, not one person has answered.

If you start naming some obscure indie movies, not saying their not great, but I'm going to disregard, personally, until I watch said films.

The story was well developed, I'm not getting what more you guys want. It wasn't as well developed as say The Godfather, it also wasn't 9 hrs of story. I honestly don't know what you guys want from a movie.

That being said Scareface, great movie.
I hate every Will Ferrell and Adam Sandler movie with a passion.
One of the few things I'll cosign from you.

Sandler in his defense has Waterboy. I can't recall a good Ferrell movie. He's terrible in every sense of the word.
I can understand why people don't like Ferrell's schtick in movies like Anchorman and Step Brothers but always surprised when someone doesn't like Old School

Great gangster movies - Godfather I and II, Casino
Great performances - Pacino and DeNiro in Godfather series, Pesci in Goodfellas

I don't believe Scarface is on that level. Can't objectively prove that though obviously
Good story, good directing. Good acting. That's what made it an iconic film. The character of tony Montana was one of the greatest, he was simple and easily understandable. As far as filmography the way it was shoot portrayed 80s vice beautifully, visually, if that was shot in Hd there would be no disputing. Each character represented a different part of tony.

Overall it was a great movie because it was beautifully simplistic.

I understand you like the movie.... hell.... overrated as it is, I still like the movie.... but liking a movie and a movie being well written, filmed and acted are 2 totally separate things. Scarface is none of the latter and it has nothing to do with the time period or lack of HD filming. The Godfather was made over 10 years before Scarface and manages to blow it out of the water in every category. The characters in Scarface were not truly "characters", they were nothing more than plot devices only there to move the story faster and showcase Tonys rage and insanity. If the characters were truly intended to be representative of different parts of Tony... THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN DIFFERENT PARTS OF TONY..... but there weren't. He was a stagnant character who inspite of his newfound wealth and power, remained the same psychotic cartoon of a person from start to finish.

The movie is cinematically bad.... very bad... maybe even so bad its good (ala 1970s grindhouse films)... but the fact people are actually attempting to justify this movie from a film making standpoint is proof positive that is quite possibly the most overrated movie in the history of cinema.
Reading through the thread, I think the voice I usually read online text is taking all of you guys post out of context, like into some dead serious "my opinion is fact" voice, and it's making my jimmies rustled. :lol:
I understand you like the movie.... hell.... overrated as it is, I still like the movie.... but liking a movie and a movie being well written, filmed and acted are 2 totally separate things. Scarface is none of the latter and it has nothing to do with the time period or lack of HD filming. The Godfather was made over 10 years before Scarface and manages to blow it out of the water in every category. The characters in Scarface were not truly "characters", they were nothing more than plot devices only there to move the story faster and showcase Tonys rage and insanity. If the characters were truly intended to be representative of different parts of Tony... THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN DIFFERENT PARTS OF TONY..... but there weren't. He was a stagnant character who inspite of his newfound wealth and power, remained the same psychotic cartoon of a person from start to finish.

The movie is cinematically bad.... very bad... maybe even so bad its good (ala 1970s grindhouse films)... but the fact people are actually attempting to justify this movie from a film making standpoint is proof positive that is quite possibly the most overrated movie in the history of cinema.

I disagree. This is completely subjective.

I loved his lines, so iconic of the time.

Scene where he's sitting at the table in that room with the palm trees on the back would have been beautiful today.

The look of desperation in his eyes when he had that sling and gun.

Him reloading his assault rifle

The pan over his castle. With the 'the world is yours'

The disco scene would have been so vivid.

How the showed the slum in the beginning. The chaos of the riot

All great shot scenes.

Manny character constantly hollering at women

His sister faking into the scene, loved that aspect

How his character didn't change or grow, so often in films characters are forced to grow, in reality 'man you was who you was before you got here'

****** acting like film critics, but not actually saying anything. Godfathers greatness doesn't take away from scareface.

Sister equaled love of family, said it many times

Mammy equaled everything he represented, respect loyalty, honor, passion

Ole girl represented his rising success and ultimate failure.

He didn't need to change, their death proved he should have, but he refused.

This is all subjective, me and most of the 'uncool/ironic' world seem to agree, Scareface is, was and will always be a classic. You think it's overrated, don't watch it.

* Kane shrugs*
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Why did you just cliff the whole movie though? 

We've seen it. It's a below average movie. Almost hard to believe DePalma and Pacino are affiliated with something so silly.
I understand you like the movie.... hell.... overrated as it is, I still like the movie.... but liking a movie and a movie being well written, filmed and acted are 2 totally separate things. Scarface is none of the latter and it has nothing to do with the time period or lack of HD filming. The Godfather was made over 10 years before Scarface and manages to blow it out of the water in every category. The characters in Scarface were not truly "characters", they were nothing more than plot devices only there to move the story faster and showcase Tonys rage and insanity. If the characters were truly intended to be representative of different parts of Tony... THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN DIFFERENT PARTS OF TONY..... but there weren't. He was a stagnant character who inspite of his newfound wealth and power, remained the same psychotic cartoon of a person from start to finish.

The movie is cinematically bad.... very bad... maybe even so bad its good (ala 1970s grindhouse films)... but the fact people are actually attempting to justify this movie from a film making standpoint is proof positive that is quite possibly the most overrated movie in the history of cinema.

I disagree. This is completely subjective.

I loved his lines, so iconic of the time.

Scene where he's sitting at the table in that room with the palm trees on the back would have been beautiful today.

The look of desperation in his eyes when he had that sling and gun.

Him reloading his assault rifle

The pan over his castle. With the 'the world is yours'

The disco scene would have been so vivid.

How the showed the slum in the beginning. The chaos of the riot

All great shot scenes.

Manny character constantly hollering at women

His sister faking into the scene, loved that aspect

How his character didn't change or grow, so often in films characters are forced to grow, in reality 'man you was who you was before you got here'

****** acting like film critics, but not actually saying anything. Godfathers greatness doesn't take away from scareface.

Sister equaled love of family, said it many times

Mammy equaled everything he represented, respect loyalty, honor, passion

Ole girl represented his rising success and ultimate failure.

He didn't need to change, their death proved he should have, but he refused.

This is all subjective, me and most of the 'uncool/ironic' world seem to agree, Scareface is, was and will always be a classic. You think it's overrated, don't watch it.

* Kane shrugs*

lol @ the irony of "acting like film critics but not actually saying anything" All you did was recap the movie :lol:

I stated my case pretty well and most of the points I made in my posts are objective and any film critic or theater professor will back up my claims. The majority of what you said were subjective opinions.

Also.... its Scarface.... not Scareface... initially I thought it was a typo but you've said it a few times now.
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I'm to blown for this thread. This Scareface disrespect got my blood pressure sky high. I'm goin back to lurking.

'A professor would say this' I simply disagree.

We've probably read the same amount of books on film am script writing, story telling etc. IMHO there was so much good about this movie, critics have given it great reviews.

N I know the name of the movie, there are typos in all my posts, iPhone ftl.
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:lol: not trying to give you a heart attack

Like I said earlier.... I like the movie... but I also Like Masters of the Universe..... that doesn't mean either of them are good films, let alone cinematic masterpieces.
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