OVERRATED MOVIES? *flamesuits must be worn beyond this point*

I just wanna say that when Scarface 1983 came out - although it was a big-budget movie - it was deemed a "b-movie" by a lot of critics due to the campiness, etc.

So it's kind of a cult-classic or underground classic that over the years has pretty much gone mainstream.

What I'm saying is that it was never meant to be a masterpiece - it was made for shock & entertainment value.

The Godfather, although about organized crime, is whole other animal. It was put together as a mainstream classic & won best picture at the Oscars.

Hope this provides a little context to these two movies.

IMO - Scarface is still slightly overrated but the ending sequence is one of the most exciting I've ever seen!
And they woulda been better off doing the Godfather movies (I & II) like the original novel - combining the two in mostly chronological order. I've seen it played like that on TV before.
I just wanna say that when Scarface 1983 came out - although it was a big-budget movie - it was deemed a "b-movie" by a lot of critics due to the campiness, etc.

So it's kind of a cult-classic or underground classic that over the years has pretty much gone mainstream.

What I'm saying is that it was never meant to be a masterpiece - it was made for shock & entertainment value.

The Godfather, although about organized crime, is whole other animal. It was put together as a mainstream classic & won best picture at the Oscars.

Hope this provides a little context to these two movies.

IMO - Scarface is still slightly overrated but the ending sequence is one of the most exciting I've ever seen!
And they woulda been better off doing the Godfather movies (I & II) like the original novel - combining the two in mostly chronological order. I've seen it played like that on TV before.

Godfather Tv show you say???
I just wanna say that when Scarface 1983 came out - although it was a big-budget movie - it was deemed a "b-movie" by a lot of critics due to the campiness, etc.

So it's kind of a cult-classic or underground classic that over the years has pretty much gone mainstream.

What I'm saying is that it was never meant to be a masterpiece - it was made for shock & entertainment value.

The Godfather, although about organized crime, is whole other animal. It was put together as a mainstream classic & won best picture at the Oscars.

Hope this provides a little context to these two movies.

IMO - Scarface is still slightly overrated but the ending sequence is one of the most exciting I've ever seen!
And they woulda been better off doing the Godfather movies (I & II) like the original novel - combining the two in mostly chronological order. I've seen it played like that on TV before.
Uh...so how would you have split the two movies--Godfather I being the young Vito (de Niro) storyline followed by the beginning of the Michael storyline and Godfather II being the Michael storyline that wasn't covered by I?
The Batman Trilogy was overrated. The movies were like everyone other Super Hero block buster, extremely well funded b-movies that were melodramatic and a safe bet commercially for the studio. The problem comes from the fact that the makers of the Trilogy tried to make it into a complex and nuanced anti-hero movie that would be full of moral ambiguity.

The complexity proved to be a thin veneer and what we were left with was a visually unappealing melodrama about the notion that the hoi polloi need to be protected from the free thinkers and the rabble rousers by an unaccountable obscenely rich, slightly aged, white, lawless vigilante.

I have to give credit to heath Ledger though, he was absolutely great as the Joker.

I wholeheartedly agree my NT brotha.
Godfather Tv show you say???


Both movies have been played together on TV before, putting the scenes in rough chronological order. I'm gonna say it was on Bravo.
When I saw it presented like this - it rang truer to the novel (if you've read it) & I enjoyed it more.
(Also wish they went more into the Sinatra character in the movies as it was a bigger part of the book.)

But they had to split into two movies for time concerns (I believe they both had theater intermissions as is so a 5-6 hour movie wouldn't have worked.
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Totally original was a poor choice of words, especially considering its actually inspired by a Japanese Manga. But I feel like there are very few American films released today that are willing to take the viewer out of the 3rd dimension and their understood reality. Everything has to be simple and spelled out for the average viewer. Even the Batman franchise was revamped to make everything explainable and understandable in our physical world. Inception is one of the few films released in the last 10 years that actually make the viewer think about reality and perception. IMO its Nolans best work.... far better then the Batman franchise which he is so often praised for. Inception is the kind of film people have to watch twice to fully understand, Batman is the kind of film people want to watch twice because you understand it. Hollywood is not fond of the former.... movies that make people think dont appeal are not as profitable as the archetypal blockbuster. I believe this has alot to do with the death of the movie store and the weekend rental. I believe outside the box movies that made people think were much more popular at the height of video rental because people had one movie to watch all weekend over and over, allowing them to immerse themselves in the film and pickup on subtle nuances not noticed during their initial viewing. Netflix and 24 hour redbox rentals have done away with that..... if a movie doesn't totally captivate someone the first time they view it chances are they wont ever go back to re evaluate it.
memento was easily his best work. 

no one has to watch inception twice to fully understand it. that's the flaw of those of can't seem to fathom that people just don't like inception because it sucked. 

anyone i've ever encountered that was shocked that i didn't like inception posed me this question: "did you get it????"

yeah, i got it. it just wasn't very good. it was sloppy writing. it was boring. plot hole? oh wait gotta go deeper, can't explain. what's this machine? IV dream drip it just works ok. juno what are you doing here? oh you're a master builder architect. did the dreidel drop or not?! OMG NOLAN S0 BRILLIANT.

and i've watched it twice now and still dislike it. 
Godfather Tv show you say???


Both movies have been played together on TV before, putting the scenes in rough chronological order. I'm gonna say it was on Bravo.
When I saw it presented like this - it rang truer to the novel (if you've read it) & I enjoyed it more.
(Also wish they went more into the Sinatra character in the movies as it was a bigger part of the book.)

But they had to split into two movies for time concerns (I believe they both had theater intermissions as is so a 5-6 hour movie wouldn't have worked.
I know what you're talking about. I think I saw that version air as well cuz I was pretty lost when they had it chronologically at one point like I was watching a new movie. I haven't read the book but I can see how one would like it better that way.
memento was easily his best work. 

no one has to watch inception twice to fully understand it. that's the flaw of those of can't seem to fathom that people just don't like inception because it sucked. 
anyone i've ever encountered that was shocked that i didn't like inception posed me this question: "did you get it????"
yeah, i got it. it just wasn't very good. it was sloppy writing. it was boring. plot hole? oh wait gotta go deeper, can't explain. what's this machine? IV dream drip it just works ok. juno what are you doing here? oh you're a master builder architect. did the dreidel drop or not?! OMG NOLAN S0 BRILLIANT.

and i've watched it twice now and still dislike it. 

I don't think you got it.
Not gonna lie, only seen the last ep of lotr, the part that pissed me off was (and sorry if you didn't see it but going into detail here)  when frodo, sam, and golem get to the end and frodo has to throw the ring into lava, and then decides to keep the ring.  You mean to tell me you go from here to here, almost die, get a bunch of other people killed in the process, and other godly things happen, and you deicide keep the ring.  At that point I wanted body slam the tv.  Eventually the right thing happens but that scene is what makes me hate that movie.  Plus I worked with lotr finaticas who were just obsessed with the movie.
memento was easily his best work. 

no one has to watch inception twice to fully understand it. that's the flaw of those of can't seem to fathom that people just don't like inception because it sucked. 
anyone i've ever encountered that was shocked that i didn't like inception posed me this question: "did you get it????"
yeah, i got it. it just wasn't very good. it was sloppy writing. it was boring. plot hole? oh wait gotta go deeper, can't explain. what's this machine? IV dream drip it just works ok. juno what are you doing here? oh you're a master builder architect. did the dreidel drop or not?! OMG NOLAN S0 BRILLIANT.

and i've watched it twice now and still dislike it. 
I don't think you got it.
oh. ok.

It was okay. 40 Year Old Virgin is still the best comedy Judd Aptatow has made. The others were just decent at best.

I agree. Theres so many of these comedies I hear are amazing but when I watch it, might hopes are high, as they should be if everyone calls it amazing, but ends up getting a total of 7 chuckles and one part worthy of a rewind. I stopped trusting gen pop after this lol.
Humor is pretty subjective. Personally, I like the toilet humor Apatow produces. I don't think he was going for Oscars, just brainless laughs.
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