Osama Bin Laden is dead

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

But at the same time the people who believe such nonsense are usually the ones screaming loudest about how inept government is. Then, when it comes to covering up a false flag terror operation they are evil geniuses. The logic here is flawed. In actuality, it would be impossible to cover something like 9/11 up. Too many people would need to be involved and too much planning would be needed. Government really is not that good at what it does to have either of these things work.
Also, they're committing all these crimes against others, not their own people. The risk is significantly too high, because if someone talks then that is essentially the end of the state. 

I feel like conspiracy theories about 9/11 serve two purposes. They explain why it happened in a simple way because people don't understand the anger and hate toward America for it's foreign policy over the past fifty years and they comfort people who can't believe that the United States could be attacked by an outside force on that scale in the modern era because we are supposedly the greatest nation in history and some people in caves could not have pulled this off. 

Like I mentioned, I don't know what to believe, but I like to keep my mind open.

Operation Northwood was a plan to hijack American planes and crash them and say the Cubans did it. Although this plan never came to fruition, it highlights the intentions of the highest military chiefs to intentionally kill American citizens to realize political and military goals and it proves the capacity to use hijacked or remote-controlled commercial airliners to stage high profile terror attacks by the U.S. Government. This plan was cancelled. Imagine the false flag operations by the U.S. Government killing its own citizens that we do not know about.

I don't know why it does not seem plausible that a democratic Government like the U.S. would want to kill its own citizens to pursue their agendas. They sent U.S. troops basically to fight their wars and kill them off based on false blooded lies for corporate and oil money. How many U.S. troops dead for this bogus War on Terror? Over 100,000 now? Someone correct me. 

I don't see how it would be so hard to cover up 9/11. The biggest proof to me that it could have been a false flag operation is the after effects and how they used 9/11 as a pretext. The creation of the War on Terror, Iraq, Afghanistan, stripping civil liberlies away and enabling them to redefine patriot laws based on National Security, etc. With no 9/11, they would not have been able to do all this so easily.

Yes, maybe these conspiracy theories are a crock of B.S.. but I am not definitely ruling out the possibility it is a cover up.

I quoted you earlier in the thread but I'm curious why you keep saying "I don't know what to believe" and such when you clearly do have your beliefs and it is that what the government tells the public is a lie.

Personally, I don't believe or trust the government or politicians in general, I just find it funny because you've been so outspoken and clearly have spent time to formulate your opinions.
Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

I quoted you earlier in the thread but I'm curious why you keep saying "I don't know what to believe" and such when you clearly do have your beliefs and it is that what the government tells the public is a lie.

Personally, I don't believe or trust the government or politicians in general, I just find it funny because you've been so outspoken and clearly have spent time to formulate your opinions.
Basically, I am just saying it could be both truth or lies or a mix of the two. I can't say for sure this is a cover up or a false flag operation because it yet has to be confirmed. It is kind of like the question to me if God exists or not.

Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

I quoted you earlier in the thread but I'm curious why you keep saying "I don't know what to believe" and such when you clearly do have your beliefs and it is that what the government tells the public is a lie.

Personally, I don't believe or trust the government or politicians in general, I just find it funny because you've been so outspoken and clearly have spent time to formulate your opinions.
Basically, I am just saying it could be both truth or lies or a mix of the two. I can't say for sure this is a cover up or a false flag operation because it yet has to be confirmed. It is kind of like the question to me if God exists or not.

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

You're right on that first point, there are many Liberal Muslims who do not agree with Bin Laden on all of his points, however he did and still does have a strong following that could have been offended if the burial had not been carried out the right way. They didn't need an autopsy, they knew how he died, they shot him in the head. They took DNA from him and matched it to DNA from one of his sisters which confirmed that it was him.
The water burial is one accepted way for a Muslim to be buried.

We are worried about how the Arab world views us. We have been trying to repair our image in the region for the two years Obama has been in office and this is one way that we could. To show that even though this man committed his life to fighting America we can still respect his beliefs and give him a just Muslim burial instead of desecrating his body shows the entire world something. 

The group of his supporters are extremely small. However the group of people who view the United States in a negative light in the region is rather large, and with very good reason. This is the group we did this for. 
Great point and i can see how given the small time frame and the weight of the decision how he could have made it but rashi said what i was thinking basically

What would be a drastic change? Depending on who is asked in the govenrment to the story is different. On top of it the U.S. is debating whether to release the photos and video of this charade because they "want to be sensitive" to Muslims. Are you kidding me? They have been dropping bombs and murdering innocent civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Yemen for 10 years, and NOW you are getting sensitive?

They hate American's for a reason.  For this^^^ and our lifestyle.  I don't see not burying one person could make them any more angry then all the innocent people we have killed over there.  Some one posted pages ago an info-graphic from wikileaks that said we have killed over 100,000 innocent people with the wars in the middle east.  Il try to find it in this giant thread lol
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

You're right on that first point, there are many Liberal Muslims who do not agree with Bin Laden on all of his points, however he did and still does have a strong following that could have been offended if the burial had not been carried out the right way. They didn't need an autopsy, they knew how he died, they shot him in the head. They took DNA from him and matched it to DNA from one of his sisters which confirmed that it was him.
The water burial is one accepted way for a Muslim to be buried.

We are worried about how the Arab world views us. We have been trying to repair our image in the region for the two years Obama has been in office and this is one way that we could. To show that even though this man committed his life to fighting America we can still respect his beliefs and give him a just Muslim burial instead of desecrating his body shows the entire world something. 

The group of his supporters are extremely small. However the group of people who view the United States in a negative light in the region is rather large, and with very good reason. This is the group we did this for. 
Great point and i can see how given the small time frame and the weight of the decision how he could have made it but rashi said what i was thinking basically

What would be a drastic change? Depending on who is asked in the govenrment to the story is different. On top of it the U.S. is debating whether to release the photos and video of this charade because they "want to be sensitive" to Muslims. Are you kidding me? They have been dropping bombs and murdering innocent civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Yemen for 10 years, and NOW you are getting sensitive?

They hate American's for a reason.  For this^^^ and our lifestyle.  I don't see not burying one person could make them any more angry then all the innocent people we have killed over there.  Some one posted pages ago an info-graphic from wikileaks that said we have killed over 100,000 innocent people with the wars in the middle east.  Il try to find it in this giant thread lol
Originally Posted by spacerace

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Why would a mother have TWO children with the name Mark?

In 2001 it was IMPOSSIBLE to get a cellphone signal 30,000 feet in the air traveling at 500+ miles per hour.
"Calling from the AIRPHONE"
him using the AIRPHONE was cited in both videos.

im not sure if you're just trolling me or if you're just completely lost. 

you also ignored the first part of my last response, it's almost like you did that on purpose 
Airphone or not, the whole story is bogus.. No one calls their mother and uses their FULL NAME, period. & your  "to prevent confusion" argument is nonsense. I GAURANTEE if you call your mother and say "Hey Mom it's ____" she WILL know who you are 

I am very open minded and I listen to everyone's opinions on everything.... But 9/11 has too many unanswered questions... and a lot of what we're being told about this Osama situation is shady & hard to believe.
Originally Posted by spacerace

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Why would a mother have TWO children with the name Mark?

In 2001 it was IMPOSSIBLE to get a cellphone signal 30,000 feet in the air traveling at 500+ miles per hour.
"Calling from the AIRPHONE"
him using the AIRPHONE was cited in both videos.

im not sure if you're just trolling me or if you're just completely lost. 

you also ignored the first part of my last response, it's almost like you did that on purpose 
Airphone or not, the whole story is bogus.. No one calls their mother and uses their FULL NAME, period. & your  "to prevent confusion" argument is nonsense. I GAURANTEE if you call your mother and say "Hey Mom it's ____" she WILL know who you are 

I am very open minded and I listen to everyone's opinions on everything.... But 9/11 has too many unanswered questions... and a lot of what we're being told about this Osama situation is shady & hard to believe.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Like I mentioned, I don't know what to believe, but I like to keep my mind open.

Operation Northwood was a plan to hijack American planes and crash them and say the Cubans did it. Although this plan never came to fruition, it highlights the intentions of the highest military chiefs to intentionally kill American citizens to realize political and military goals and it proves the capacity to use hijacked or remote-controlled commercial airliners to stage high profile terror attacks by the U.S. Government. This plan was cancelled. Imagine the false flag operations by the U.S. Government killing its own citizens that we do not know about.

I don't know why it does not seem plausible that a democratic Government like the U.S. would want to kill its own citizens to pursue their agendas. They sent U.S. troops basically to fight their wars and kill them off based on false blooded lies for corporate and oil money. How many U.S. troops dead for this bogus War on Terror? Over 100,000 now? Someone correct me. 

I don't see how it would be so hard to cover up 9/11. The biggest proof to me that it could have been a false flag operation is the after effects and how they used 9/11 as a pretext. The creation of the War on Terror, Iraq, Afghanistan, stripping civil liberlies away and enabling them to redefine patriot laws based on National Security, etc. With no 9/11, they would not have been able to do all this so easily.

Yes, maybe these conspiracy theories are a crock of B.S.. but I am not definitely ruling out the possibility it is a cover up.


I know about Northwood, and I know that it wasn't carried out. It's good to know that this plan was seen as too ridiculous and dangerous at a time where things could easily be hidden from people due to lack of communication technology. To think that the government would do something similar in a time where information is at everyones fingertips should tell you that it's highly unlikely. 
As of this month, there are almost 6,000 dead due to both operations. Nowhere NEAR 100,000. However if you want to factor in Iraqi and Afghani civilian deaths that's a completely different story.

You're right, it was used as a pretext for a lot of war and "regime change." But that doesn't mean that we had a hand in it. Is it possible that the government knew something big was going to happen and had details? Yes, they actually admit this. However they say that they didn't have specific dates, times, or events. They could have ramped up security at that point but chose not to. It could have very well been another Pearl Harbor situation, but to say Bush and the American government was behind it is just a bit much. It also is no secret that NeoCons wanted to get rid of Saddam years before 9/11, this was simply the most convenient way to do it. 

The reason I don't think any of this is a giant conspiracy? Bin Ladens grievances with United States foreign policy, in all honesty, make sense. He was against the support we gave Israel in occupying Palestinian land. He was against the United States building military bases in Saudi Arabia which is home to the two holy cities. He was against our, what he saw as, meddling in the region on the whole and saw it as nothing more than a continuation of Western imperialism that had only ended in the region 50 years beforehand. It was still fresh in the minds of many people, which is one way he gained a following, and the other way was using religion and religious imagery (such as speaking Qur'anic Arabic and living in caves/living the life of an ascetic) to get the younger population, as well as using propaganda. 
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Like I mentioned, I don't know what to believe, but I like to keep my mind open.

Operation Northwood was a plan to hijack American planes and crash them and say the Cubans did it. Although this plan never came to fruition, it highlights the intentions of the highest military chiefs to intentionally kill American citizens to realize political and military goals and it proves the capacity to use hijacked or remote-controlled commercial airliners to stage high profile terror attacks by the U.S. Government. This plan was cancelled. Imagine the false flag operations by the U.S. Government killing its own citizens that we do not know about.

I don't know why it does not seem plausible that a democratic Government like the U.S. would want to kill its own citizens to pursue their agendas. They sent U.S. troops basically to fight their wars and kill them off based on false blooded lies for corporate and oil money. How many U.S. troops dead for this bogus War on Terror? Over 100,000 now? Someone correct me. 

I don't see how it would be so hard to cover up 9/11. The biggest proof to me that it could have been a false flag operation is the after effects and how they used 9/11 as a pretext. The creation of the War on Terror, Iraq, Afghanistan, stripping civil liberlies away and enabling them to redefine patriot laws based on National Security, etc. With no 9/11, they would not have been able to do all this so easily.

Yes, maybe these conspiracy theories are a crock of B.S.. but I am not definitely ruling out the possibility it is a cover up.


I know about Northwood, and I know that it wasn't carried out. It's good to know that this plan was seen as too ridiculous and dangerous at a time where things could easily be hidden from people due to lack of communication technology. To think that the government would do something similar in a time where information is at everyones fingertips should tell you that it's highly unlikely. 
As of this month, there are almost 6,000 dead due to both operations. Nowhere NEAR 100,000. However if you want to factor in Iraqi and Afghani civilian deaths that's a completely different story.

You're right, it was used as a pretext for a lot of war and "regime change." But that doesn't mean that we had a hand in it. Is it possible that the government knew something big was going to happen and had details? Yes, they actually admit this. However they say that they didn't have specific dates, times, or events. They could have ramped up security at that point but chose not to. It could have very well been another Pearl Harbor situation, but to say Bush and the American government was behind it is just a bit much. It also is no secret that NeoCons wanted to get rid of Saddam years before 9/11, this was simply the most convenient way to do it. 

The reason I don't think any of this is a giant conspiracy? Bin Ladens grievances with United States foreign policy, in all honesty, make sense. He was against the support we gave Israel in occupying Palestinian land. He was against the United States building military bases in Saudi Arabia which is home to the two holy cities. He was against our, what he saw as, meddling in the region on the whole and saw it as nothing more than a continuation of Western imperialism that had only ended in the region 50 years beforehand. It was still fresh in the minds of many people, which is one way he gained a following, and the other way was using religion and religious imagery (such as speaking Qur'anic Arabic and living in caves/living the life of an ascetic) to get the younger population, as well as using propaganda. 
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy


lol I knew that number was wrong. That is what I stated for someone to correct me. The number I was looking at was for wounded. So, it looks like it is about 4,000 killed. That seems more plausible.
but how do you KNOW it's only 4,000 dead??.... because the government told you?
You give a false and completely unlikely number as to the number of dead you THINK there is....

Then actually do real research and ACCEPT the number the government TELLS you.

I bet if some guy made a few youtube Videos talking about "the government is hiding the true number of dead" then you would eat that idea up without hesitation.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy


lol I knew that number was wrong. That is what I stated for someone to correct me. The number I was looking at was for wounded. So, it looks like it is about 4,000 killed. That seems more plausible.
but how do you KNOW it's only 4,000 dead??.... because the government told you?
You give a false and completely unlikely number as to the number of dead you THINK there is....

Then actually do real research and ACCEPT the number the government TELLS you.

I bet if some guy made a few youtube Videos talking about "the government is hiding the true number of dead" then you would eat that idea up without hesitation.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy


lol I knew that number was wrong. That is what I stated for someone to correct me. The number I was looking at was for wounded. So, it looks like it is about 4,000 killed. That seems more plausible.
So, 4,000 troops killed based on lies and what are they fighting for again? Oh yea, to replace those countries with American puppets to fit the status quo and to get those untapped oil reserves and get their hands on that opium trade.

How does that figure even sound reasonable though?

100k dead?

Like are you serious>?

Also, spare us the melodramatics. If it wasnt america doing it there would be another country in its place.

Sometimes i wonder how some NT'ers can come off as sheltered as they do.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy


lol I knew that number was wrong. That is what I stated for someone to correct me. The number I was looking at was for wounded. So, it looks like it is about 4,000 killed. That seems more plausible.
So, 4,000 troops killed based on lies and what are they fighting for again? Oh yea, to replace those countries with American puppets to fit the status quo and to get those untapped oil reserves and get their hands on that opium trade.

How does that figure even sound reasonable though?

100k dead?

Like are you serious>?

Also, spare us the melodramatics. If it wasnt america doing it there would be another country in its place.

Sometimes i wonder how some NT'ers can come off as sheltered as they do.
Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Originally Posted by spacerace

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Why would a mother have TWO children with the name Mark?

In 2001 it was IMPOSSIBLE to get a cellphone signal 30,000 feet in the air traveling at 500+ miles per hour.
"Calling from the AIRPHONE"
him using the AIRPHONE was cited in both videos.

im not sure if you're just trolling me or if you're just completely lost. 

you also ignored the first part of my last response, it's almost like you did that on purpose 
Airphone or not, the whole story is bogus.. No one calls their mother and uses their FULL NAME, period. & your  "to prevent confusion" argument is nonsense. I GAURANTEE if you call your mother and say "Hey Mom it's ____" she WILL know who you are 

I am very open minded and I listen to everyone's opinions on everything.... But 9/11 has too many unanswered questions... and a lot of what we're being told about this Osama situation is shady & hard to believe.
brah, each and every one of your arguments as to why 9/11 was an inside job are weak. Also, i'm a JR, and my mom gets my dad's voice and my voice confused almost daily. oh. 
it's hard to believe that the president ordered an assassination on the most wanted man on the planet, which resulted in his death? 
Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Originally Posted by spacerace

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Why would a mother have TWO children with the name Mark?

In 2001 it was IMPOSSIBLE to get a cellphone signal 30,000 feet in the air traveling at 500+ miles per hour.
"Calling from the AIRPHONE"
him using the AIRPHONE was cited in both videos.

im not sure if you're just trolling me or if you're just completely lost. 

you also ignored the first part of my last response, it's almost like you did that on purpose 
Airphone or not, the whole story is bogus.. No one calls their mother and uses their FULL NAME, period. & your  "to prevent confusion" argument is nonsense. I GAURANTEE if you call your mother and say "Hey Mom it's ____" she WILL know who you are 

I am very open minded and I listen to everyone's opinions on everything.... But 9/11 has too many unanswered questions... and a lot of what we're being told about this Osama situation is shady & hard to believe.
brah, each and every one of your arguments as to why 9/11 was an inside job are weak. Also, i'm a JR, and my mom gets my dad's voice and my voice confused almost daily. oh. 
it's hard to believe that the president ordered an assassination on the most wanted man on the planet, which resulted in his death? 
Originally Posted by spacerace

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Originally Posted by spacerace

"Calling from the AIRPHONE"
him using the AIRPHONE was cited in both videos.

im not sure if you're just trolling me or if you're just completely lost. 

you also ignored the first part of my last response, it's almost like you did that on purpose 
Airphone or not, the whole story is bogus.. No one calls their mother and uses their FULL NAME, period. & your  "to prevent confusion" argument is nonsense. I GAURANTEE if you call your mother and say "Hey Mom it's ____" she WILL know who you are 

I am very open minded and I listen to everyone's opinions on everything.... But 9/11 has too many unanswered questions... and a lot of what we're being told about this Osama situation is shady & hard to believe.
brah, each and every one of your arguments as to why 9/11 was an inside job are weak. Also, i'm a JR, and my mom gets my dad's voice and my voice confused almost daily. oh. 
it's hard to believe that the president ordered an assassination on the most wanted man on the planet, which resulted in his death? 
You being a JR is irrelevant
... Like I said in my last post. 
I GAURANTEE if you call your mother and say "Hey Mom it's ____" she WILL know who you are 

So your dad calls your mom and says "Hey mom its ____"...... why would YOUR FATHER address your mom, as "mom" in a phone conversation?... what kinda family do you live in b 
Originally Posted by spacerace

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Originally Posted by spacerace

"Calling from the AIRPHONE"
him using the AIRPHONE was cited in both videos.

im not sure if you're just trolling me or if you're just completely lost. 

you also ignored the first part of my last response, it's almost like you did that on purpose 
Airphone or not, the whole story is bogus.. No one calls their mother and uses their FULL NAME, period. & your  "to prevent confusion" argument is nonsense. I GAURANTEE if you call your mother and say "Hey Mom it's ____" she WILL know who you are 

I am very open minded and I listen to everyone's opinions on everything.... But 9/11 has too many unanswered questions... and a lot of what we're being told about this Osama situation is shady & hard to believe.
brah, each and every one of your arguments as to why 9/11 was an inside job are weak. Also, i'm a JR, and my mom gets my dad's voice and my voice confused almost daily. oh. 
it's hard to believe that the president ordered an assassination on the most wanted man on the planet, which resulted in his death? 
You being a JR is irrelevant
... Like I said in my last post. 
I GAURANTEE if you call your mother and say "Hey Mom it's ____" she WILL know who you are 

So your dad calls your mom and says "Hey mom its ____"...... why would YOUR FATHER address your mom, as "mom" in a phone conversation?... what kinda family do you live in b 
Also, for the people in here that say the story keeps changes or for the conspirarcy theorists I sure you will have something more to say in the coming days at the Navy Seal Team 6 just flew into Andrews Air Force base last night to be debriefed.  Now that the White House and military officials have been given more accurate updates as to what occured during the mission I'm sure the general public will receive more information as well regarding mission, so expect once again for the story to "change" as you put it.  Either way I'm sure this still isn't good enough for alot of you conspirarcy theorists as you yourself weren't asked to join in on the mission so you can see it for yourself or because you weren't given a live feed on your webcam at home and watch the event take place like the scene in American Pie when the girl is changing her clothes. 
Also, for the people in here that say the story keeps changes or for the conspirarcy theorists I sure you will have something more to say in the coming days at the Navy Seal Team 6 just flew into Andrews Air Force base last night to be debriefed.  Now that the White House and military officials have been given more accurate updates as to what occured during the mission I'm sure the general public will receive more information as well regarding mission, so expect once again for the story to "change" as you put it.  Either way I'm sure this still isn't good enough for alot of you conspirarcy theorists as you yourself weren't asked to join in on the mission so you can see it for yourself or because you weren't given a live feed on your webcam at home and watch the event take place like the scene in American Pie when the girl is changing her clothes. 
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by rashi

For the astute, intelligent, and the oh so rational thinking individuals who balk at "conspiracy theorists". I would like to hear an explanation on why the White House continues to change their story. It seems a day to day thing with these people.

Keep in mind, you are eating *%!% that the government is telling you, and you don't even care. They can completely change their story and nobody questions why.
Considering the government are the ones who carried out the operation and know the most about it, who's !+@# should I be eating? Some random person on a message boards who's proven to be less than credible in the past?
It isn't like the story has changed drastically. He didn't go from being in Pakistan to Tunisia, or from being killed with a predator missile to being killed by SEALs. The location stayed the same with some variation on the description of the compound, and considering the whole mansion thing came out before Obama's address that should probably be ignored. You're talking about minor details like "Did he have a gun? Did he not have a gun? Was he using his wife as a shield? Did his wife rush the SEALs?" 

Make your own conclusions. The government is telling you what they think you should know, not what actually happened, and there isn't an independent entity that can confirm any of this. I can careless is someone believes what I say, my whole is that I want people to think. We are to believe by per the government, that bin Laden is responsible for 9/11, but they have no proof, they never even charged the man with anything. This country is suppose be about Rule of Law, but we invade a country, and kill 3 people. It's obvious they killed bin Laden because if they brought him to court the U.S. and the world would have heard something they (U.S. government) didn't want us to know.

What would be a drastic change? Depending on who is asked in the govenrment to the story is different. On top of it the U.S. is debating whether to release the photos and video of this charade because they "want to be sensitive" to Muslims. Are you kidding me? They have been dropping bombs and murdering innocent civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Yemen for 10 years, and NOW you are getting sensitive?

They have no proof Bin Laden is responsible because of the exremely loosely tied structure of Al Qaeda. There may very well be no proof other than him on video claiming responsibility for the attacks. This is exactly why we didn't provide the Taliban the evidence when they said they'd hand him over if we could.

The Bush administration had been in power for eight of those years. Over the past two, as I've posted here before, we've gone to considerable lengths to change our image in the eyes of the Muslim world.

They hate American's for a reason.  For this^^^ and our lifestyle.  I don't see not burying one person could make them any more angry then all the innocent people we have killed over there.  Some one posted pages ago an info-graphic from wikileaks that said we have killed over 100,000 innocent people with the wars in the middle east.  Il try to find it in this giant thread lol
No, they don't hate us for our "freedoms" or any of the simplistic reasons the media fed people after 9/11. They hate our governments policies in the region. Read the post I just made above.
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by rashi

For the astute, intelligent, and the oh so rational thinking individuals who balk at "conspiracy theorists". I would like to hear an explanation on why the White House continues to change their story. It seems a day to day thing with these people.

Keep in mind, you are eating *%!% that the government is telling you, and you don't even care. They can completely change their story and nobody questions why.
Considering the government are the ones who carried out the operation and know the most about it, who's !+@# should I be eating? Some random person on a message boards who's proven to be less than credible in the past?
It isn't like the story has changed drastically. He didn't go from being in Pakistan to Tunisia, or from being killed with a predator missile to being killed by SEALs. The location stayed the same with some variation on the description of the compound, and considering the whole mansion thing came out before Obama's address that should probably be ignored. You're talking about minor details like "Did he have a gun? Did he not have a gun? Was he using his wife as a shield? Did his wife rush the SEALs?" 

Make your own conclusions. The government is telling you what they think you should know, not what actually happened, and there isn't an independent entity that can confirm any of this. I can careless is someone believes what I say, my whole is that I want people to think. We are to believe by per the government, that bin Laden is responsible for 9/11, but they have no proof, they never even charged the man with anything. This country is suppose be about Rule of Law, but we invade a country, and kill 3 people. It's obvious they killed bin Laden because if they brought him to court the U.S. and the world would have heard something they (U.S. government) didn't want us to know.

What would be a drastic change? Depending on who is asked in the govenrment to the story is different. On top of it the U.S. is debating whether to release the photos and video of this charade because they "want to be sensitive" to Muslims. Are you kidding me? They have been dropping bombs and murdering innocent civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Yemen for 10 years, and NOW you are getting sensitive?

They have no proof Bin Laden is responsible because of the exremely loosely tied structure of Al Qaeda. There may very well be no proof other than him on video claiming responsibility for the attacks. This is exactly why we didn't provide the Taliban the evidence when they said they'd hand him over if we could.

The Bush administration had been in power for eight of those years. Over the past two, as I've posted here before, we've gone to considerable lengths to change our image in the eyes of the Muslim world.

They hate American's for a reason.  For this^^^ and our lifestyle.  I don't see not burying one person could make them any more angry then all the innocent people we have killed over there.  Some one posted pages ago an info-graphic from wikileaks that said we have killed over 100,000 innocent people with the wars in the middle east.  Il try to find it in this giant thread lol
No, they don't hate us for our "freedoms" or any of the simplistic reasons the media fed people after 9/11. They hate our governments policies in the region. Read the post I just made above.
Originally Posted by BigUglyAmerican

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy


lol I knew that number was wrong. That is what I stated for someone to correct me. The number I was looking at was for wounded. So, it looks like it is about 4,000 killed. That seems more plausible.
So, 4,000 troops killed based on lies and what are they fighting for again? Oh yea, to replace those countries with American puppets to fit the status quo and to get those untapped oil reserves and get their hands on that opium trade.

How does that figure even sound reasonable though?

100k dead?

Like are you serious>?

Also, spare us the melodramatics. If it wasnt america doing it there would be another country in its place.

Sometimes i wonder how some NT'ers can come off as sheltered as they do.
not taken sides but 'if it wasnt america doing it there would be another country in its place" lol so thats justifies it ?  lmaoo like are u serious?? lets do anything 
because  if its not us its going to be someone else,,,lol ok

Originally Posted by BigUglyAmerican

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy


lol I knew that number was wrong. That is what I stated for someone to correct me. The number I was looking at was for wounded. So, it looks like it is about 4,000 killed. That seems more plausible.
So, 4,000 troops killed based on lies and what are they fighting for again? Oh yea, to replace those countries with American puppets to fit the status quo and to get those untapped oil reserves and get their hands on that opium trade.

How does that figure even sound reasonable though?

100k dead?

Like are you serious>?

Also, spare us the melodramatics. If it wasnt america doing it there would be another country in its place.

Sometimes i wonder how some NT'ers can come off as sheltered as they do.
not taken sides but 'if it wasnt america doing it there would be another country in its place" lol so thats justifies it ?  lmaoo like are u serious?? lets do anything 
because  if its not us its going to be someone else,,,lol ok

Originally Posted by spacerace

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Originally Posted by spacerace

"Calling from the AIRPHONE"
him using the AIRPHONE was cited in both videos.

im not sure if you're just trolling me or if you're just completely lost. 

you also ignored the first part of my last response, it's almost like you did that on purpose
Airphone or not, the whole story is bogus.. No one calls their mother and uses their FULL NAME, period. & your "to prevent confusion" argument is nonsense. I GAURANTEE if you call your mother and say "Hey Mom it's ____" she WILL know who you are

I am very open minded and I listen to everyone's opinions on everything.... But 9/11 has too many unanswered questions... and a lot of what we're being told about this Osama situation is shady & hard to believe.
brah, each and every one of your arguments as to why 9/11 was an inside job are weak.

Missile? oh
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