Osama Bin Laden is dead

Originally Posted by swendro88

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

9/11 was an inside job though.. IDC what ANYONE says.

That's the problem with conspiracy theorists.

Well, some people just have certain beliefs set because of what seems more logical, plausible, and the obvious truth to them.

For a Government that has repeatedly lied to the people to pursue their agendas by sending troops to their death beds to fight their wars to place money in their pockets, on top of having a record of detrimental and abominable foreign policies over the last decades (including acts of false flag operations - what about Operation Northwood even though it was not pursued?) and violating international human rights and commiting war crimes, why put faith in a superpower of a government like that when you know they have intentional agendas to pursue? This is also based on history.There is no denying 9/11 served as a pretext to allow to do what they did.  

Originally Posted by swendro88

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

9/11 was an inside job though.. IDC what ANYONE says.

That's the problem with conspiracy theorists.

Well, some people just have certain beliefs set because of what seems more logical, plausible, and the obvious truth to them.

For a Government that has repeatedly lied to the people to pursue their agendas by sending troops to their death beds to fight their wars to place money in their pockets, on top of having a record of detrimental and abominable foreign policies over the last decades (including acts of false flag operations - what about Operation Northwood even though it was not pursued?) and violating international human rights and commiting war crimes, why put faith in a superpower of a government like that when you know they have intentional agendas to pursue? This is also based on history.There is no denying 9/11 served as a pretext to allow to do what they did.  

Pleaaaasseeee don't use loose change for any argument... Ever.
Originally Posted by PoloLax

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Your thinking too rationally in response to some of these conspiracy theorists in this thread.  See for them it doesn't matter what the timeframe was for when President Obama killed Osama Bin Laden because they would have something negative to say regardless.  If President Obama killed Osama the day after he got inaugurated they would have said "this is just a set up by President Obama to have his presidency start off on a high note", if President Obama killed Osama the day before elections coming up in a few months they would have said "this is just a set up by President Obama to have him win the 2012 elections."  No matter what happened, no matter when it happens it's ALWAYS going to be something with these conspiracy theorists, there simply is no pleasing them and no way to be rational with them.  It's going to be the same statements from them no matter what for any event..........."I wasn't there.........I didn't see it"


I agree completely.

   I hear you. Guess I'll stop trying to get them to understand.
yeah, please do because im on neither side.

nobody is going to get the complete truth, so til then, everyone gonna be right and everyone gonna be wrong.
Originally Posted by PoloLax

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Your thinking too rationally in response to some of these conspiracy theorists in this thread.  See for them it doesn't matter what the timeframe was for when President Obama killed Osama Bin Laden because they would have something negative to say regardless.  If President Obama killed Osama the day after he got inaugurated they would have said "this is just a set up by President Obama to have his presidency start off on a high note", if President Obama killed Osama the day before elections coming up in a few months they would have said "this is just a set up by President Obama to have him win the 2012 elections."  No matter what happened, no matter when it happens it's ALWAYS going to be something with these conspiracy theorists, there simply is no pleasing them and no way to be rational with them.  It's going to be the same statements from them no matter what for any event..........."I wasn't there.........I didn't see it"


I agree completely.

   I hear you. Guess I'll stop trying to get them to understand.
yeah, please do because im on neither side.

nobody is going to get the complete truth, so til then, everyone gonna be right and everyone gonna be wrong.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by swendro88

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

9/11 was an inside job though.. IDC what ANYONE says.

That's the problem with conspiracy theorists.

Well, some people just have certain beliefs set because of what seems more logical, plausible, and the obvious truth to them.

For a Government that has repeatedly lied to the people to pursue their agendas by sending troops to their death beds to fight their wars to place money in their pockets, on top of having a record of detrimental and abominable foreign policies over the last decades (including acts of false flag operations - what about Operation Northwood even though it was not pursued?) and violating international human rights and commiting war crimes, why put faith in a superpower of a government like that when you know they have intentional agendas to pursue? This is also based on history.There is no denying 9/11 served as a pretext to allow to do what they did.  


But at the same time the people who believe such nonsense are usually the ones screaming loudest about how inept government is. Then, when it comes to covering up a false flag terror operation they are evil geniuses. The logic here is flawed. In actuality, it would be impossible to cover something like 9/11 up. Too many people would need to be involved and too much planning would be needed. Government really is not that good at what it does to have either of these things work.
Also, they're committing all these crimes against others, not their own people. The risk is significantly too high, because if someone talks then that is essentially the end of the state. 

I feel like conspiracy theories about 9/11 serve two purposes. They explain why it happened in a simple way because people don't understand the anger and hate toward America for it's foreign policy over the past fifty years and they comfort people who can't believe that the United States could be attacked by an outside force on that scale in the modern era because we are supposedly the greatest nation in history and some people in caves could not have pulled this off. 
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by swendro88

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

9/11 was an inside job though.. IDC what ANYONE says.

That's the problem with conspiracy theorists.

Well, some people just have certain beliefs set because of what seems more logical, plausible, and the obvious truth to them.

For a Government that has repeatedly lied to the people to pursue their agendas by sending troops to their death beds to fight their wars to place money in their pockets, on top of having a record of detrimental and abominable foreign policies over the last decades (including acts of false flag operations - what about Operation Northwood even though it was not pursued?) and violating international human rights and commiting war crimes, why put faith in a superpower of a government like that when you know they have intentional agendas to pursue? This is also based on history.There is no denying 9/11 served as a pretext to allow to do what they did.  


But at the same time the people who believe such nonsense are usually the ones screaming loudest about how inept government is. Then, when it comes to covering up a false flag terror operation they are evil geniuses. The logic here is flawed. In actuality, it would be impossible to cover something like 9/11 up. Too many people would need to be involved and too much planning would be needed. Government really is not that good at what it does to have either of these things work.
Also, they're committing all these crimes against others, not their own people. The risk is significantly too high, because if someone talks then that is essentially the end of the state. 

I feel like conspiracy theories about 9/11 serve two purposes. They explain why it happened in a simple way because people don't understand the anger and hate toward America for it's foreign policy over the past fifty years and they comfort people who can't believe that the United States could be attacked by an outside force on that scale in the modern era because we are supposedly the greatest nation in history and some people in caves could not have pulled this off. 
at anyone who calls their moms and says their full name.

if you believe the BS story about a hijacker's passport being found in the wreckage after 9/11... impossible

Oh ok
at anyone who calls their moms and says their full name.

if you believe the BS story about a hijacker's passport being found in the wreckage after 9/11... impossible

Oh ok
For the astute, intelligent, and the oh so rational thinking individuals who balk at "conspiracy theorists". I would like to hear an explanation on why the White House continues to change their story. It seems a day to day thing with these people.

Keep in mind, you are eating *%!% that the government is telling you, and you don't even care. They can completely change their story and nobody questions why.
For the astute, intelligent, and the oh so rational thinking individuals who balk at "conspiracy theorists". I would like to hear an explanation on why the White House continues to change their story. It seems a day to day thing with these people.

Keep in mind, you are eating *%!% that the government is telling you, and you don't even care. They can completely change their story and nobody questions why.
and I don't mean to derail this thread or whatever... I'm just saying I don't believe most of what this government tells us.

and 9/11 is one of the MAIN reasons.

carry on celebrating the "death" of Osama though.
and I don't mean to derail this thread or whatever... I'm just saying I don't believe most of what this government tells us.

and 9/11 is one of the MAIN reasons.

carry on celebrating the "death" of Osama though.
Originally Posted by sonofsam

its unfortunate that both parties (u.s. And middle east) try to paint each other as the "evil ones" or in this case "terriorist"..but would it be outlandish to consider that we are as wrong as they are for comminiting murders of innocent people? Them for killing people on 9-11 and us for killing people in this war on terror?(civilians caught in the cross fire)
This was an post from yesterday.  I had checked out of this thread because of the idiocy but it's a rainy day and I'm catching up.

While I agree that either is murder, there's a HUGE difference between a concentrated effort to kill innocent civilians in a huge plot that was intended to wreak havoc & kill thousands and those who are caught in the cross fire.  Neither is right or justified (soldiers dying is no better but unfortunately, that is a consequence of war) but if you can't see the difference in that, I've got nothing else for you.
Originally Posted by sonofsam

its unfortunate that both parties (u.s. And middle east) try to paint each other as the "evil ones" or in this case "terriorist"..but would it be outlandish to consider that we are as wrong as they are for comminiting murders of innocent people? Them for killing people on 9-11 and us for killing people in this war on terror?(civilians caught in the cross fire)
This was an post from yesterday.  I had checked out of this thread because of the idiocy but it's a rainy day and I'm catching up.

While I agree that either is murder, there's a HUGE difference between a concentrated effort to kill innocent civilians in a huge plot that was intended to wreak havoc & kill thousands and those who are caught in the cross fire.  Neither is right or justified (soldiers dying is no better but unfortunately, that is a consequence of war) but if you can't see the difference in that, I've got nothing else for you.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by Jking0821

PoloLax wrote: 
Honestly, do you think the United States Government would fake going on a secret mission to find the most wanted man in the world, kill the most wanted man in the world and then feed this information to public, ALL WITHOUT A FABRICATED PICTURE to release in due time? Are you serious? Like you don't think President Obama and his cabinet wouldn't be prepared for the millions of people asking for "proof." Let's be real hear, if this was fake and is a conspiracy, TRUST they would have released that fabricated picture already.

The simple fact is there are most likey pictures that are gruesome. Two headshots from the type of weapons that #%@@@+! Navy Seals are using aren't going to look pretty, his head was most likely damn near blown off. 

I just can't believe some of you don't realize that if it is a conspiracy that they wouldn't have fabricated %#*% already posted everywhere. They know what happened and for most Americans, they believe what happened too. It's these few conspirators out there that they could care less about. You guys cry conspiracy theory over everything. A conspiracy would be killing Osama and never letting the information out, leading you guys to believe our world is still unsafe from this mad man and giving them reasons to continue making up #%%%!$!* to search your bags 1,000 times at the airport. that's a conspiracy. 

I am not saying the whole thing is fake.  But I don't believe it happened anyway near the way they said it to be, that is all.  I think he is dead, when did he die? 2001 a week before it was announced? I really don't know.

I think they the whole "at sea" burial was a huge oversight by everyone involved.  There is no way everyone involved in this scenario, given that we shot an unarmed man in the head for all the cruel things that he did to our country, thought he deserved an honorable grave.

I also think we knew he was there and timed this whole mission thing at least for country morale, help obama in the polls, whatever else.  I believe Osama was used as a sort of figure head to give us a reason to occupy other countries.  And I also think this will be used as a reason to go into Pakistan for whatever agenda we desire.  I think we "killed" him (or announced his death) knowing our next move and decided it was time to actually "kill" him (or announce he was dead).   

So exactly what proof do you have that makes you "believe" all these things? I can say I believe that Hitler was actually Obama's father, but unless I have evidence I'm just insane.

It wasn't a democratic decision to bury him at sea, it was a decision made by the higher ups in government. They understood that desecration of the body would have prompted extreme anger from many people, burying him in ground could have created a situation where the site could be visited as a shrine to a martyr by his misguided followers, and there are certain practices that many Muslims follow which include burying the body soon after death. 

Your last paragraph is ridiculous. To one point, if Obama knew he was there and wanted to use this as political leverage for the election he would have waited a year. Americans have the attention span of gnats, and it would have made much more sense to do it 6 months before the election instead of 18.

I have no proof he is dead....i have words....You say hitler is obama's father...i don't believe it its just words....osama was killed a couple days ago....ok prove it....

You don't think we made them angry by killing him.....O you shot him in the head thats cool......but if you bury him wrong i swear i am going to kill you all....please. The people that were going to do something to us were going to do it when we killed Osama not when we buried him.

You know this will be brought up come election time.  This is American history.  No one will just forget the speech he gave when they are looking at a ballet to pick the next leader of the free world.  I think the decision to announce it was timed that's all.  For what exact reason I am not too sure but i think to help him in the perspective of his people is definitely a possibility.  

This is like the religion argument believe what you want.  By constantly putting down conspiracies makes you just as bad as the people constantly saying them.  Believe what you want, add some good information, but your not going to change anyone's mind.  No need to get worked up and pick sides.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by Jking0821

PoloLax wrote: 
Honestly, do you think the United States Government would fake going on a secret mission to find the most wanted man in the world, kill the most wanted man in the world and then feed this information to public, ALL WITHOUT A FABRICATED PICTURE to release in due time? Are you serious? Like you don't think President Obama and his cabinet wouldn't be prepared for the millions of people asking for "proof." Let's be real hear, if this was fake and is a conspiracy, TRUST they would have released that fabricated picture already.

The simple fact is there are most likey pictures that are gruesome. Two headshots from the type of weapons that #%@@@+! Navy Seals are using aren't going to look pretty, his head was most likely damn near blown off. 

I just can't believe some of you don't realize that if it is a conspiracy that they wouldn't have fabricated %#*% already posted everywhere. They know what happened and for most Americans, they believe what happened too. It's these few conspirators out there that they could care less about. You guys cry conspiracy theory over everything. A conspiracy would be killing Osama and never letting the information out, leading you guys to believe our world is still unsafe from this mad man and giving them reasons to continue making up #%%%!$!* to search your bags 1,000 times at the airport. that's a conspiracy. 

I am not saying the whole thing is fake.  But I don't believe it happened anyway near the way they said it to be, that is all.  I think he is dead, when did he die? 2001 a week before it was announced? I really don't know.

I think they the whole "at sea" burial was a huge oversight by everyone involved.  There is no way everyone involved in this scenario, given that we shot an unarmed man in the head for all the cruel things that he did to our country, thought he deserved an honorable grave.

I also think we knew he was there and timed this whole mission thing at least for country morale, help obama in the polls, whatever else.  I believe Osama was used as a sort of figure head to give us a reason to occupy other countries.  And I also think this will be used as a reason to go into Pakistan for whatever agenda we desire.  I think we "killed" him (or announced his death) knowing our next move and decided it was time to actually "kill" him (or announce he was dead).   

So exactly what proof do you have that makes you "believe" all these things? I can say I believe that Hitler was actually Obama's father, but unless I have evidence I'm just insane.

It wasn't a democratic decision to bury him at sea, it was a decision made by the higher ups in government. They understood that desecration of the body would have prompted extreme anger from many people, burying him in ground could have created a situation where the site could be visited as a shrine to a martyr by his misguided followers, and there are certain practices that many Muslims follow which include burying the body soon after death. 

Your last paragraph is ridiculous. To one point, if Obama knew he was there and wanted to use this as political leverage for the election he would have waited a year. Americans have the attention span of gnats, and it would have made much more sense to do it 6 months before the election instead of 18.

I have no proof he is dead....i have words....You say hitler is obama's father...i don't believe it its just words....osama was killed a couple days ago....ok prove it....

You don't think we made them angry by killing him.....O you shot him in the head thats cool......but if you bury him wrong i swear i am going to kill you all....please. The people that were going to do something to us were going to do it when we killed Osama not when we buried him.

You know this will be brought up come election time.  This is American history.  No one will just forget the speech he gave when they are looking at a ballet to pick the next leader of the free world.  I think the decision to announce it was timed that's all.  For what exact reason I am not too sure but i think to help him in the perspective of his people is definitely a possibility.  

This is like the religion argument believe what you want.  By constantly putting down conspiracies makes you just as bad as the people constantly saying them.  Believe what you want, add some good information, but your not going to change anyone's mind.  No need to get worked up and pick sides.
Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

at anyone who calls their moms and says their full name.

if you believe the BS story about a hijacker's passport being found in the wreckage after 9/11... impossible

Oh ok
from a youtube comment regarding the vid
"9 out of the 19 are alive"...? I've heard this many times, however, no proof has been offered other than a few pics and lots of unproven claims. Why hasn't someone gone to those mis-identified men and got them on video? I mean, it's only been 10 frickin' years. Why hasn't Alex Jones found these men with all his contacts and brought them to be on his radio show? I'm just saying, stop making claims unless you have evidence to back them up otherwise you're not credible.

 at you for ignoring the context of the video was in. 
 at you for 
 at the man who was obviously scared for his life and, i dont know, wanted to use his full name so there wouldn't be any confusion as to who was calling? it's not like Mark is a common name...oh wait. 
Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

at anyone who calls their moms and says their full name.

if you believe the BS story about a hijacker's passport being found in the wreckage after 9/11... impossible

Oh ok
from a youtube comment regarding the vid
"9 out of the 19 are alive"...? I've heard this many times, however, no proof has been offered other than a few pics and lots of unproven claims. Why hasn't someone gone to those mis-identified men and got them on video? I mean, it's only been 10 frickin' years. Why hasn't Alex Jones found these men with all his contacts and brought them to be on his radio show? I'm just saying, stop making claims unless you have evidence to back them up otherwise you're not credible.

 at you for ignoring the context of the video was in. 
 at you for 
 at the man who was obviously scared for his life and, i dont know, wanted to use his full name so there wouldn't be any confusion as to who was calling? it's not like Mark is a common name...oh wait. 
Originally Posted by rashi

For the astute, intelligent, and the oh so rational thinking individuals who balk at "conspiracy theorists". I would like to hear an explanation on why the White House continues to change their story. It seems a day to day thing with these people.

Keep in mind, you are eating *%!% that the government is telling you, and you don't even care. They can completely change their story and nobody questions why.
Considering the government are the ones who carried out the operation and know the most about it, who's !+@# should I be eating? Some random person on a message boards who's proven to be less than credible in the past?
It isn't like the story has changed drastically. He didn't go from being in Pakistan to Tunisia, or from being killed with a predator missile to being killed by SEALs. The location stayed the same with some variation on the description of the compound, and considering the whole mansion thing came out before Obama's address that should probably be ignored. You're talking about minor details like "Did he have a gun? Did he not have a gun? Was he using his wife as a shield? Did his wife rush the SEALs?" 
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