Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I don't know if any of you are dying for a fresh zombie film, and I'm not talking about Warm Bodies.

I finally caught Juan of the Dead OnDemand earlier, and it was surprisingly very good. The concepts of the zombie apocalypse aren't exactly new, but the way in which they deal with it are.

Basically, the Cubans believe that the US military has sent down some kind of plague to Havana, and it's basically become a zombie post-apocalyptic world. So what does Juan and his cohorts do about it?

Become a gang of vigilantes who go around killing your zombie family members for a low cost. :lol:

It has a lot of the same qualities as Shaun of the Dead, just not really the same budget, but it's easily forgotten because of the great script and excellent cast. The only english-speaking man is kind of a letdown, but it's okay, he's not in the film for too long.

It's like nothing I've ever seen in a zombie film. It's great.

I'll be checking out Warm Bodies tomorrow. It's gotten pretty good reviews.
Best thing I heard, someone called Warm Bodies, 500 Days of the Dead. :lol:

It looks like Twilight mixed with Zombieland. Might check it eventually.

How have I never heard of "Carnage"? came out like a year and a half ago

directed by Roman Polanski

Jodie Foster, Kate winslet, John C reiley, CHRISTOPH WALTZ

7.2 on IMDB which is pretty damn good review from 50,000 users
How have I never heard of "Carnage"? came out like a year and a half ago

directed by Roman Polanski

Jodie Foster, Kate winslet, John C reiley, CHRISTOPH WALTZ

7.2 on IMDB which is pretty damn good review from 50,000 users

My wife & I watched it a while ago. Very clever movie nothing but 4 great actors & a solid script... Don't look for any twists or turns or action. Just 4 parents arguing about dealing with a fight between their kids & how things can unravel...It was a piece carried by good acting...
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Yea, like it was good for what it was.

Not exactly funny, not really serious. I wish it would've pushed more for one or the other...or both at separate times.

And you could feel that it was a play originally. But yeah, everyone was really good in it.
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Lame :rofl:

I rewatched First Class earlier and it's on again on HBO and I gotta say I really don't like it. They really missed the mark on how a movie about Prof. X and Magneto should be executed. The what it should be about was right but they seemed way more focused on trying to hamfist in certain characters that don't fit or completely changed their characters to make it work.

I hope Days of Future Past is way better and if anything with all of the characters from the past movies showing up they find a way to reboot within continuity and start over with this whole time travel/alt universe angle. I think it's a good opportunity to start things fresh and do it better.
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So, before the Superbowl festivities, I went and saw Warm Bodies. I'm going to talk about it now because I don't really want to talk about football, I'm still mopping up the tears ( :lol: , no really, congratulations to all the Ravens fans out there).

It's weird how much Teresa Palmer looks like Kristen Stewart in this film, and it's really unfortunate, because Warm Bodies takes a **** on Twilight, any of the Twilight sequels, and all of these crap films that were inspired by Twilight. It's weird that Palmer also does a lot of similar mannerisms as Stewart, she just doesn't act like an idiotic dramatic bimbo during the entire movie.

In a sub-genre where little is ever re-invented, Warm Bodies excels in being unique. If you want to say it's a combination of anything, it definitely is Zombieland, and it's more Dances with Wolves/Avatar than 500 Days of Summer, :lol: .

Of course there's the love element in the film, and while prominent, I enjoyed the Dances with Wolves element much more, because it was DAMN unique, and really, they are entwined.

This is totally about the zombies, yet it's about their humanity even though their dead. Something that has never been explored as far as I'm aware in zombie-lore. Emotion, feeling, love, compassion, and fear, all things that the zombies feel throughout the film.

It's clever and witty enough that it keeps you engaged. Even though the film is Nic Hoult and Teresa Palmer heavy, Rob Corddry provides the finishing touch to the film. Without him, I just don't think it would have been as great.

It was like in Shaun of the Dead, Nick Frost and Simon Pegg made zombie-buddy films cool. Then Woody and Michael Cera #2 (Yes, I know, Zuckerberg [I'm kidding, Jesse Eisenberg]) took it a step further.

Well, Hoult and Corddry reinvented the zombie-buddy film, except they're zombies. :lol: "*******, man..." :lol:

My favorite part was that the film progressed similar to Zombieland, with an interior monologue going through the entire movie, with Nic Hoult expressing his true feeling to the audience, but when interacting with characters, he's as much of a zombie as you'd expect him to be.

Not only that, but he also looks great as a zombie. Everyone does, even the CGI "bonies."

I don't want to go into it too much, rather wait until some others see it. But I really enjoyed it.

I didn't think Juan of the Dead could be topped, but this was a lot of fun.

Jon Levine has done it again. First 50/50, now this. Two-for-two, sir. Touche.

Now the only thing I'm sad about is that'll probably be the best "horror," film I see all year.
Warm Bodies was great. I wasn't expecting too much, since it's mostly a love film that uses the zombie context to make it more unique, but it really was a solid film. Lots of humor that wasn't forced. I was hoping for a little more gore, but that might have pushed it into R-territory, which would have drastically reduced the audience. I agree with JA about Corddry, he was the perfect finishing touch to round out the characters. The girl from Crazy, Stupid, Love who wasn't Emma Stone was great, too. If anyone needs a good movie to take a date to, this is the one.

Overall, surprising little film that works all around.
She wasn't bad, and this was probably Dave Franco's best performance to date, although that's not saying a whole lot... :lol:

Fright Night, 21 Jump, Superbad, he's just always the same character. He always plays it pretty much the same, so he's just kind of there. :lol:

I too would've liked more gore, similar to how Zombieland was with it's gore, but this isn't Zombieland, and I'm kind of happy it isn't Zombieland. This is the first zombie film I can remember since maybe forever where it doesn't at least in some part rely on the gore. And that's a compliment to this film. It's a zombie film that didn't need nor rely on gore.

Zombie, the Romero films, Return of the Living Dead, 28 Days/Weeks, Zombieland, Shaun, all have at least in some way relied on gore. Not here. And it was still successful. Bravo film, bravo.
Watched Flight last night, really enjoyed it. I feel like I'll enjoy any Denzel film to be quite honest. :lol:
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Im gonna give it another try later but what's up with Bridesmaids? I tried probably 8 different times to sit down and watch this movie and just couldn't get in to it but more importantly was not laughing or seeing the correlation for all the praise it and Wiig got. Especially when this was being called a female Wedding Crashers or w/e high praise comparison it got. Granted I didn't get to watch from the very beginning to end (is the scene where she's banging Jon Hamm the first scene? If so I did but couldn't keep watching and opted for other movies).

Also, does the movie need to be 2 hrs? From the competing with the chick to be maid of honor, romance with the cop, shenanigans with all of the bridesmaids, it just wasn't clicking for me. Also why did I think the cast of the bridesmaids would be more well known? Also why weren't they in it more as far as stories?

Wiig was way funnier in Paul which doesn't get talked about.
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Oh yeah I caught that a few days ago, reminded me of another Apatow joint the way it almost went on too long.

It was good and wow @ how much more beautiful Emily Blunt is looking to me :smokin :wow: :evil:

Overall the dynamics of the relationship and flow of what they went through did not sit right with me. Like you know how ppl hate Zooey's character in 500 Days of Summer? That's how I felt with this chick. So I don't know if that's a testament to how good it was or just how I don't like when females are written this way even though I'm sure it's based in real life.

Lot of not so funny-haha morbid humor with the grandparents dropping like flies that I liked and then that facing reality when Jason Segel sat down with his parents, made me think if George Costanza's parents were (even more) blunt with him :lol:

What was that other dramedy where the couple was together most of the film, split up before the last half hr, get with other ppl and things seem to be good until it falls apart and they get back together? :nerd: W/e it was that's what I thought of when I saw where the movie was going there cuz to me this had bad ending written all over it :lol: I knew the message they were sending was about there being no perfect moments, leap of faith for love, and you can't just keep waiting until things are all stable in a relationship but having the Lizard kiss and then later bang your wife left a terrible taste in my mouth.
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How does someone not like Bridesmaids? Helen alone makes that movie a must watch everytime I see it. ***** is fine as hell. Can't believe they made her look like *** in Troy. :smh:

Got thru Gangster Squad.
Liked it overall, but yeah, it wasn't what I was thinking it would/could be. Loved the cast, mainly the squad itself, Brolin was fine, Gosling was very very good, Penn........he bothered me a lil bit. He had a DeNiro like attempt or something, I don't know if he was trying to copy Cohen's mannerisms, or interpreting, he just seemed "off" a bit. I honestly think he woulda been better if he just played Sean Penn in that role, woulda flowed a lot better. He was the only one acting that way imo. It's like a 7.5 movie which is still decent, but the origins of it, the hype, the casting, the story, I expected a 10. Maybe that's why it fell a bit on viewers.

Also caught Bourne Legacy
Well.......it's a start, I guess. I was not amused with the open endedness. Not at all. Finish the film you morons. It's like an episode in a tv series, leaving the door open for next. ****, it's already 2 hours, close it up, you can always re-open when 5 comes. Stupid, and lazy. They took away all the suddeness of og Bourne. The surprise, the intrigue, I'm good on quick elbows and wrists, and fast cut ups, come on. Weiz was fine as usual. Really liked her, she played the role great even if she was out of place a bit. Norton was really underused, why was he even there? All he did was sit in a room and ask nobodies questions. It's Ed Norton guys, make a better role for him. :x I don't even know if I grade it, should I wait for 5, was it broken up like Kill Bill, I don't know what the hell to think. The whole swimming in Alaska, in the snow, with your shirt off, ummmm, yeah, I don't care what a bad *** you are, frozen water is frozen. That was more offensive than any fight scene, or motorcycle scene or any of that. All it did was put me in a bad mood to start the movie. :lol:

And the pilot for The Americans.
Yeah, I'm glad I gave it a look. This could be fun. Not sure where they found the James McAvoy copy, but he was solid. Loved dudes wig when he goes for ol boy, and then steals his burger on top of it. :rofl: The flashbacks thing, is that goin around? Both this and Following want to give us back story by flashing back. Alias did that back in the day. Copy cat mofo's. Felicity was great, not sure how she plays 20 year old self with 40 year old self, but whatever. Outstanding casting the guy from Walking Dead as the FBI guy, but really, he's suspicious after 25 seconds of talkin to the guy? Come on. And my dude stay all out in the garage 24/7 or what the hell are those odds? Bit of a reach there, but intrigue wise, they got me. I'm down to see where it goes. Like the way he explained, a silent war with hidden terrorists on our soil, that could be cool. And raising 2 kids, as Americans, while hating America. :wow: Love that angle and how it could play out.
^And from the guy who directed Sleepers...sounds good...

Outside of Transformers 2 and 3, I feel like every Shia movie is a much watch.
Here are some really cool black and white superhero noir posters from artist Marko Manev featuring Batman, Hulk, Captain America, Spider-Man, Silver Surfer, Thor, Iron Man, Superman, Dr. Manhattan, and Wolverine. Manev does alot of amazing work. These aren't for sale yet but check him out on Twitter to see if he ever makes them available for sale. These would look really good in a man cave. I put them in spoiler form...










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