Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Eh, depends on who you ask. I loved it. As I think Nos (or was it Dub) did. Mr. O was also disappointed by it. But like I said before, if you like Wes Anderson films generally, there's no way you won't like Moonrise. If his movies aren't your thing, I can see why you might not be into it.

It was me and you summed it up perfectly.

If you like Wes Anderson, you will like the movie. If you don't, then this won't convince you

The royal tenenbaums
Moonrise comes in third for me.
30 rock is one of my favorite shows ever honestly. Not as good as the Simpsons, king of the hill, arrested development, Seinfeld. But I always felt that it was extremely consistent.

I have re runs on in the background all the time.

It never fell off in epic fashion like the office, dexter, californication, family guy

Tracy Morgan cracks me up. I liked that entire SNL cast so it makes sense that I'd like a spoof. The ensemble cast all fit their roles to a tee. When it's on, the jokes hit one after another.

It's a new York centric show which I'm sure plays a big part in it.

Jane krakowski DESTROYS her role. Clearly the best actress on the show. Might even be more important than Baldwin. And that part was supposed to be Rachel dratch. TV execs made a great decision. The star is a woman which was pretty new and fresh to a point. Plenty of nerd humor. Kenneth that hillbilly so pure of heart.

Matt Damon, Edie falco, Selma hayek as RECURRING characters is pretty damn impressive. Very unique for a sitcom.

The first two seasons were amazing. Throughout the show they had gigantic guest stars so it's not just me who loved it. Oprah, Jerry Seinfeld, Matt Damon, Alan sorkin, Kelsey grammar

I put it on the same level as malcom in the middle. Another one of my favorite shows ever that is overlooked
30 Rock hit some dull points if the big plot wasn't all that interesting. Jack's wife being stuck in North Korea, Liz trying to adopt, Tracy and his EGOT, Jack and Kabletown, if you don't care for the bigger story, it made the individual episodes less interesting. The side characters don't really grow, and it's basically a live action cartoon.

The AV Club has a series called 10 Episodes and they broke down the episodes that best represented 30 Rock. It's a solid read in light of their finale.


It's not entirely fair since they had the backing of Lorne Michaels, the big star in Baldwin, and the well respected Tina Fey, but their longevity is a positive, not a negative. Despite low ratings, they'd be renewed because they won Emmys and because Tina and Lorne were important to the network. So they'd last longer on NBC than Arrested would on Fox or Community on NBC. That longevity means not every episode will be brilliant, but 30 Rock was always a big joke machine.

There's a fine line between 3 seasons of near perfect in Arrested Development and 2 and a half seasons of brilliance followed by 6 seasons of ok to terrible in The Office. I think 30 Rock hit that mark as well as you can expect. If Parks and Rec gets another season, they'll have a legit claim to the best sitcom in the last decade with the most consistency. They'll be at 80+ episodes if this is their last season and it's been outstanding. If 30 Rock fell flat, you might get a scene or two with Jack and Liz having their friendship, but other than that, if you're not getting the funny.. you might not get much else. Meanwhile, Parks has the heart and sincerity to fall back on if the jokes don't land... just as Community has ambition and creativity if their humor is weak for an episode. 

When the dust settles, it's a top 5 Post-AD sitcom or in the elite/top tier for sure. Between that and the Office ending, plus the strong chance Community and Happy Endings getting cancelled, this will be a rough offseason for TV comedy. I won't start writing the eulogy, but the golden age of TV drama is on the way out and TV comedy is right behind it.
And Moonrise was near perfect.

I didn't need to connect to the kids because their story was done so well. I didn't have to forgive or overlook plot weaknesses like in Super 8 to enjoy their performances. It was nice to see the kids as the focus of the movie or at least share it with the adults. Watching their innocence and simplicity was a nice change of pace compared to the complicated and frustrated adults that Anderson usually focuses on. 
Tarantino box sex
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happy endings is the most hit or miss show I think I've ever seen. Sometimes I feel embarrassed when I'm watching it. It's very funny sometimes, the actors are good, but it's good for 6 corny moments an episode.

Community was brilliant.i tried to do my part. But nobody would listen when I recommended it. They just couldn't do it. I don't understand why. Most ambitious show since arrested development and it's even more creative.
It was me and you summed it up perfectly.

If you like Wes Anderson, you will like the movie. If you don't, then this won't convince you

The royal tenenbaums
Moonrise comes in third for me.

Flip Tennenbaums and Rushmore and then we're pretty much the same. I'd actually put Fantastic Mr. Fox after Moonrise. The Life Aquatic, Bottle Rocket, with Darjeeling Limited last. But I like them all.
I still haven't seen fantastic but i heard it was well... Fantastic and I keep forgetting to watch bottle rocket.

Darjeeling was a HUGE disappointment to me. Maybe because I was expecting a comedy. I dunno. His worst movie for sure.

I remember liking Steve zizzou but didn't think it was classic. I want to rewatch it. Rushmore and tennenbaums to me are certified classics. I have to watch moonrise again to measure how good it is but I left the theater happy with it.

I'm pretty sure Owen Wilson's writing those with him. Maybe he is actually the difference?
30 is one of the GOAT's but my main problem was there want any character development. Tracy act got old by season 4 and the white girl who was a female Tracy (Her name escapes me right now) was the funniest on the show imo
I just can't see what yall see in 30 Rock. Always hovered around average when it came to laughs. To me it should've been wrapped up a few years ago. It's good to have on in the background for occasional entertainment but sitting down giving it all your attention often seems like a waste of time.
That's Jane Krakowski. Definitly shined the brightest on the show.

The lack of character development is a respectable criticism. Like big J said its basically a live action cartoon. So that makes perfect sense. And may be why I loved it because my favorite show is prime Simpsons and king of the hill. Futurama and south park too

You know what it makes sense now why I am such a big fan. It's like the muppets meets the Simpsons in a corporate setting. it really is a cartoon
I loved Life Aquatic and Hotel Chevalier.

Haven't seen Rushmore or Tenenbaums in forever, but I remember really liking them.

And yeah, with 30 Rock, top 5 since AD makes sense, but for me I'd watch Community, Happy Endings, The League, Louie, Archer, Parks and maybe even Eastbound and Venture Bros. Again before I'd go to check it again. I guess I can throw on early Office, but they dragged those characters out and beat them to death in the street for the last 3 years. I'm kinda good on that.

And that's without seeing any of Curb and most of Always Sunny.
^^^wait, wait, wait...you've seriously never seen any of Curb? That can't be true.
I loved Life Aquatic and Hotel Chevalier.

Haven't seen Rushmore or Tenenbaums in forever, but I remember really liking them.

And yeah, with 30 Rock, top 5 since AD makes sense, but for me I'd watch Community, Happy Endings, The League, Louie, Archer, Parks and maybe even Eastbound and Venture Bros. Again before I'd go to check it again. I guess I can throw on early Office, but they dragged those characters out and beat them to death in the street for the last 3 years. I'm kinda good on that.

And that's without seeing any of Curb and most of Always Sunny.


I'm not even going to respond to you for the rest of the night. I don't have the energy to properly scold you right now.

I'm not mad... I'm just really disapointed :smh:
Can I say that I HATE the title of this thread?

I'm deeply bothered that it doesn't say "concentration".
:lol: I dunno...like by the time people really started hyping Curb, I was like 3 or 4 seasons back, and didn't feel like it. And now, there's just a ton of em. :lol:

Still been meaning to watch Seinfeld too. :nerd:

I thought I saw most of em from random reruns, but I got the first 2 seasons when it came out on DVD and that was the first time I saw half of those.
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Can I say that I HATE the title of this thread?

I'm deeply bothered that it doesn't say "concentration".
You can, but CP will likely have something to say. His first attempt was "General Movie Thread" and you could almost hear him sulking when you read it. This was a compromise to make everyone happy.

I'd suggest saying "a movie/TV thread" as well.
anybody seen Paperboy? Thinking about Redboxing it
I haven't, but if you're looking to Redbox a movie I'd suggest Seven Psychopaths that just came out. Sharp dialogue, funny, meta-commentary on film itself, and definitely worth a watch.
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:lol: I dunno...like by the time people really started hyping Curb, I was like 3 or 4 seasons back, and didn't feel like it. And now, there's just a ton of em. :lol:.

All the Curb seasons stand on their own, so you can really pick any one to start. Just find any of the first 4 or 5 seasons and watch one. You won't be disappointed.
I loved Life Aquatic and Hotel Chevalier.

Haven't seen Rushmore or Tenenbaums in forever, but I remember really liking them.

And yeah, with 30 Rock, top 5 since AD makes sense, but for me I'd watch Community, Happy Endings, The League, Louie, Archer, Parks and maybe even Eastbound and Venture Bros. Again before I'd go to check it again. I guess I can throw on early Office, but they dragged those characters out and beat them to death in the street for the last 3 years. I'm kinda good on that.

And that's without seeing any of Curb and most of Always Sunny.


I'm not even going to respond to you for the rest of the night. I don't have the energy to properly scold you right now.

I'm not mad... I'm just really disapointed :smh:

I've seen maybe 3 minutes of Curb, 33 seconds of Seinfeld, total.

And :lol: at J sniping at me over the title. It never shoulda been changed in the first place. This attempt was from multiple people, call that good.
Et tu CP?

I don't understand how you can find the time for jennifer garner and fast and the furious movies but not curb and seinfeld

and I do wish it said concentration :lol: i don't know why but it bothers me. I agree the title shouldn't have ever been changed though
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