Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Speaking of Rocky IV, if I said I had only seen the first Rocky, and none of the Rambos, you would all say... ?

(I'm thinking some of you are just going to copy and paste your responses from before I had seen Pulp Fiction :lol:)

Anyways, I just noticed Coach Carter is on Netflix. Never noticed that before
Rocky 3 is the best...

but this thread is going to get locked in S&T when it people start talking about what they've been talking about the last 580 pages. It's best it gets moved back to general so it will actually live on IMO.
Speaking of Rocky IV, if I said I had only seen the first Rocky, and none of the Rambos, you would all say... ?
(I'm thinking some of you are just going to copy and paste your responses from before I had seen Pulp Fiction :lol:)

Nah, I can't see anyone giving you nearly as hard a time about Rocky/Rambo as about not seeing Pulp Fiction. They're just not really comparable for a lot of reasons.

The original Rocky is by far the best, IMO, but II, III and IV are all good too. I don't think I've seen V or Rocky Balboa all the way through. Its been years since I've seen any of the Rambo movies. I remember liking II better than First Blood as a kid, but I bet my opinion on that would be changed now. I think First Blood is probably the better film, but its darker than the second one. I think there's a Rambo III, but I've never seen it.
D2 is my favorite Mighty Duck and D3 has the best hockey scenes. Reeeeeaaaccctions
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anyone on da twitter? we can make a NT movie buff list ....... @eddostarr305 

im gonna go ahead and make a movie thread on general later today, this thread will be on page 6 in a matter of days if we only discuss sports related movies
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Meth, are we allowed to continue as we were as long as we include other items as well?

For instance I mention Stallone for Rocky, and lead into The Expendables as it comes out?

It was not about excluding anyone, I actually seek out guys that I see post in lots of movie threads and invite them in here. I have PM's to prove that. What we've always wanted to avoid was clutter. Randomness from way more traffic in General than you would see in here. How many successful movie threads have you seen over the years?

We are over 900 pages with nary a warning. The discussions we've had in here have ranged everywhere and always stay in our lane.

You can see the progress of everything thru these two years, no way would it survive in another forumn.
I want this thread to continue, I'm just hoping for some leeway for us to discuss other topics and we'll do a better job bringing it back around. That's all I can ask.
anyone on da twitter? we can make a NT movie buff list ....... @eddostarr305 

im gonna go ahead and make a movie thread on general later today, this thread will be on page 6 in a matter of days if we only discuss sports related movies

Same as here. @CP1708
CP: completely opposed to having a thread in General about movies? There have been threads about things like Breaking Bad and LOST, and more longstanding threads that create a little mini-community of people devoted to that thread, like the Android

Keep this thread as a sports movies thread and start a new 'Movies Thread' in General, or have this one moved to General and start a new 'Sports Movies' thread in here; those are my 2 suggestions.

Because in the end, whoever said this thread will just eventually get locked... is right.
just went back and read the last web page , can we just play some wierd type of 6 degree of seperation......

for example

"happy gilmore is an awesome sports movie"

"adam sandler sure is great , especially in funny people with seth rogan"

"seth was great in that , made it a long way since that freaks n geeks show"

"as was james franco"

"he was also  in planet of the apes"

"just saw planet of the apes , amazing special effects , james franco's father in the movie played the role extremely well....good pacing and excellent action

at the end , sets up the sequel very well....they  shined alot of light and perspective on the apes from a emotional point of view"
But one that combines all movies and shows? I have serious, serious doubts. I obviously don't have any say, just hoping the clean 2 year record would mean something.
It doesn't seem possible to continue in S&T and if we go by the rules there isn't really an argument to keep it here. 

Move this thread to General and change it to a "General Movie Discussion" or "NT Film Thread" or whatever you like. We can still have our same conversations, just with more people likely contributing. Yes, there will be negative contributions as there is with a lot of threads, but you just block or ignore trolls and carry on. Increased traffic might make keeping a conversation going more difficult, but we're a smart group... we can adapt and survive.

If people are intentionally causing trouble or discussing illegal downloads, mods can ban them from the thread. Movie threads already exist in General anyway, so that won't greatly affect this thread. If there's a good conversation that's dominating the thread, then a separate one could be made... just as individual movie threads pop up time to time in General "best sequel", "favorite actors", etc. 

Yes, it won't be the same, but it'll have to do and we'll be fine.
i know cp is a regular on the dexter thread which is a good thread aside from me bombing it with my theories by midweek 

i can vouch for the breaking bad thread aswell

the netflix thread is trash though , ive been burned with so many trash recommendations in there i just stopped going...

those 1 1/2 hours a movie really add up lmao....dudes recommending just to get their post count up
:wow: ...I'm not sure even what to talk about now :lol: but I did check out that Bill Burr (love his podcast) clip...he went IN on all of Philly sports. Talk about the Mona Lisa of rants... the Flyers :lol:
But one that combines all movies and shows? I have serious, serious doubts. I obviously don't have any say, just hoping the clean 2 year record would mean something.
It stopped having a "clean record" the moment it went off topic and stayed that way.

You didn't create an "all purpose" movie thread.  You created a sports thread, knowing, I'm sure, that an all-purpose movie thread would be locked immediately.   

Since then, it's gone off the rails and has deviated from what you originally created.  The latitude granted in this thread has been abused.  For the same reason we're not running a fantasy football thread for people in Nike Retro, we're not going to allow an "all things entertainment" thread in S&T.  

You can keep this as a sports thread - as intended - or you can have it moved to General where you can discuss all movies, tv shows, etc. regardless of genre.  

All this talk about how General forum users will ruin it sounds extremely elitist and prejudicial.  There are TONS of "annoying"/troll comments added to S&T every day.  I bet the average age in the Other Brands forum is higher than it is here.  Maybe we should start an NBA season thread in there so we can keep all those bandwagon Heat fans out of it... and any other uneducated "riff raff."  You know, keep it classy.  

The truth of the matter is that most of the comments you don't like come from young users seeking approval.  If you have a thread in the General forum where it's clear that trolling behavior is ignored, not rewarded, and there's a standard set by a group of regulars, it's an easy call.  The approval-seekers will either try to match the standard you've set to gain acceptance, or you can simply flag rule violations for removal by the staff.  The clown who posts the "cool story, bro" .gif won't get anything but a warning out of it and life will continue on.  

And who knows, you might actually make some NEW friends out of it.  As staff members, we traverse from forum to forum all the time.  It's really not that scary. 

I realize that there were a great many deficiencies in the previous platform that led to creating posts within sections you want to follow - as the only way to really keep up with anything was via email (and a busy topic would amount to tons of messages slamming your inbox/phone), or by mashing F5.  It's 2013.  We're not on Yuku anymore.  Threads on NikeTalk today should reflect the current state of the community.  We're done with compensating for Yuku's garbage service. 

We have a thread ban feature now, unlike the old days, just like we have all of these new subscription features now, unlike the old days.  You can even subscribe to individual users you're friends with.  

As such, allowing a clearly off topic thread in this section creates far more problems than it supposedly solves. 
...I'm not sure even what to talk about now
but I did check out that Bill Burr (love his podcast) clip...he went IN on all of Philly sports. Talk about the Mona Lisa of rants... the Flyers
he gave them a talkin to 

his monday morning podcast (recommended to max) with michael rapaport was my favorite from 2012

rapaport talked what it was like on the set true romance....and of course celtics/knicks bickering

It doesn't seem possible to continue in S&T and if we go by the rules there isn't really an argument to keep it here. 

Move this thread to General and change it to a "General Movie Discussion" or "NT Film Thread" or whatever you like. We can still have our same conversations, just with more people likely contributing. Yes, there will be negative contributions as there is with a lot of threads, but you just block or ignore trolls and carry on. Increased traffic might make keeping a conversation going more difficult, but we're a smart group... we can adapt and survive.

If people are intentionally causing trouble or discussing illegal downloads, mods can ban them from the thread. Movie threads already exist in General anyway, so that won't greatly affect this thread. If there's a good conversation that's dominating the thread, then a separate one could be made... just as individual movie threads pop up time to time in General "best sequel", "favorite actors", etc. 

Yes, it won't be the same, but it'll have to do and we'll be fine.

Yeah just move this to general...Don't want to get this locked... A lot of people will probably think it's an old thread or something anyway...plus some people will be able to add some good insight hopefully
If we were in gen the entire thread woulda been a race war about django though

Can we prevent tat?
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So it's okay for three years but not after today? It's not like we're discriminating against anyone. Anyone that's willing to offer their opinion is more than welcome.
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