Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I don't understand the part that says this thread causes more problems than it "helps". How have we caused any trouble the last 2 years?

When it gets destroyed in General, can we get it moved back in here where its been peaceful the entire time? I don't see how if we suddenly have to start using the report button makes less trouble for mods when no one has needed it here. We haven't had to worry about blocking anyone from here, but its an available option in General? *shrugs*
[quote name="CP1708"]I don't understand the part that says this thread causes more problems than it "helps". How have we caused any trouble the last 2 years?[/quote]He didn't say it has caused trouble the last 2 years, but how does it cause trouble moving forward? 'Kobe is overrated' threads in the Jordan Brand forum, chess threads in the Nike forum, etc.
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^ bruh ska i been here in since 2004 and i never eem seent you post outside sports. next thing we know you quite the movie

buff, active in the thread adding to it and all that jazz... if this thread had been in general , lettuce be reality ....u never woulda gon

bro bro....your a pretty awesome mod , couldnt we just get you to keep things respectable around this parts and keep it moving?

we have 2 mods that contribute to a thread with a handful of regulars who all respect each other , im not getting the hate
I don't understand the part that says this thread causes more problems than it "helps". How have we caused any trouble the last 2 years?

When it gets destroyed in General, can we get it moved back in here where its been peaceful the entire time? I don't see how if we suddenly have to start using the report button makes less trouble for mods when no one has needed it here. We haven't had to worry about blocking anyone from here, but its an available option in General? *shrugs*
So why did you start it off as a Sports movies/books/tv shows thread then?  

Are we just going to flagrantly ignore the fact that this thread doesn't belong in this section UNLESS it relates to sports?  Let's not dance around the obvious.  This is the Sports & Training forum.  If you're going to flout that, I'd tend to think that's a problem.  

If we let this ride, then the people who wanted their own music thread in the General forum will complain and the people who wanted to start their own fantasy sports league in Sneaker Showcase will complain, and the entire forums structure in the board stops being logical and objective and turns into "who's friends with whom and doesn't want to hang out around... THOSE people."  We're not having that. 

Nobody was warned in the Electronica thread in General today.  (It was still a rule violation for that very fact alone, however...)  I'm sure some of the users there wanted to keep it in General because there's this fear that if you go into Music, your thread's going to be taken over by Juelz Santana fans.  If their rationale sounds silly to you - and it should - then you understand our predicament here.  I'm not allowing a Seinfeld thread in S&T because you're afraid of General forum users... who, in many cases, are ALSO S&T regulars.  

And let's be honest:  it's just a message board section.  It's not a continental divide.  Go to your front page right now (niketalk.com or just click the logo in the upper left) and you'll see a list of topics from ALL sections that you're currently subscribed to.  When it's that simple to find updates, I really don't get the necessity of deliberately placing a thread in the wrong forum because it's "convenient." 

Apparently it's not as Utopian as some of you think, either, as people have been complaining about it of late, including gripes about users "trolling" the thread by posting a bunch of unrelated movie titles.

There ARE threads that have a cohesive feel in General and benefit from the participation of a set of devoted regulars.  Several examples to this end have been contributed already.  

Now, if you came in to NikeTalk fresh and you wanted to talk about a great new movie you discovered, where would you go? Let's say you've started really getting in to old suspense movies from the 1950's and 60's and you'd like to join a great, friendly discussion about cinema.  I know, let's talk about that in SPORTS AND TRAINING.  That makes sense.  

I'm not interested in excluding new members and any semblance of logical organization to maintain your clique.  If you have a tight-knit group - fantastic.  I trust that'll survive if you change the stable topic URL by a digit. 

This thread went off topic.  Everyone knows that.  It should've been addressed earlier, but due to the deficiencies of the Yuku platform it was allowed to slide for awhile.  There's no excuse for it now.  If I have to play the bad guy to maintain the same forum structure that's been essential to keeping NikeTalk organized over the years, so be it.  

NikeTalk is a community.  S&T is a forum within that community created to house topics related to sports and training.  Don't tell me either of those facts comes as a surprise.
Right, it's simply a matter of precedent as well. It was the main reason behind the thread about nothing fiasco, and it applies here as well.

It's been a great thread here, but we'll adapt If it's moved. Don't put up with trolls, ignore those who don't contribute and we'll be good
Guys.....I tried. Nothing else I can do really. Just hope that the thread survives. I thank each of you for every post in here. It has been a pleasure choppin it up in here.
I just don't understand why it's become an issue two years into it's length. It's been on the first page every single day of those two years.

I know it's not like it's the first time a mod has stumbled upon it, it's just like suddenly someone became upset that we're off-topic.

If they really want to move it, fine, whatever. Keep the same title, and we'll still have the same randoms come in saying their favorite sports movie is He Got Game, or White Men Can't Jump. :lol:

I just don't see what the hubbub is all about.
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CP right now

We'll be ok, be positive..
In the end, it's still going to be like any other thread.

Same group of folks that always post, with either more or fewer amount of stragglers that come inside that don't care to contribute to an ongoing discussion.
The Lounge should be one big forum in itself period. No S&T, no General, no Music, just the lounge.
I'll be outta here in a hurry... :smh:

This thread is about the only reason I ever come here anymore, and I'm not getting caught up in all the BS that will come in here with a move to General Forum to keep up with all the good stuff we've gotten outta this thread. Call it elitist or whatever you want, but this thread in General will be locked down in a matter of days.

Two years and now we wanna drop the hammer because it "causes more problems than it solves". Ridiculous.
I missed a LOT today :lol:

Just to address some of Meth's point, that I think are being unfairly applied in this case,

1. We dont exclude anyone! Everyone is free to come in and join in. We've had multiple people jump in, as CP pointed out, and stay with us for the long haul. We've gone out and searched out people who we want to join. We've had people post a list of movies then never return, without anyone saying anything bad about them. There's no exclusion. At all.

2. We dont deviate from the topic. We're not discussing music, or Adidas, or *insert random TAN topic*. This is a thread about movies and we stick to that. We dont discuss our personal lives or anything else. Whether it's sports related or not, we discuss movies, and we do still discuss sports movies from time to time, when it's relevant.

3. It's not our fault we exhausted the discussions we can have about sports movies; there's not an infinite amount of basketball movies to discuss. After 900 pages, do you expect us to be stuck solely on sports?

4. We've TRIED to get users from General involved. We had movie drafts in the past, and we brought some of it to General, and it was a huge failure. Some people participated and added to the discussion. But for the most part, the thread died. Like all threads about movies.

5. If the only rule we've broken is that we get off topic in the discussion, why is it that we're being punished? We dont troll anyone, dont share links for anything, we discuss movies. We might as well be called the Niketalk A/V Club. Just let us sit in our cave in the corner of the building, discuss films, and throw a punch & cookie party when we can get new members to join in. You can join us, Meth :smile:

With all that said, I'm not mad if the thread "needs" to be moved. I just felt like the thread and all of us who participate were getting an unfair rep due to past threads that developed a set of regular posters. If you want others to be more involved in these kinds of threads, that's perfectly understandable; I'm sure we'd all like more productive discussion. But please dont act like we're turning into a Thread About Nothing, where people were talking about "I'm going to bed now, goodnight TAN homies. See y'all tomorrow!" and other things that led to it being more of a chatroom than a forum topic.

With the ability to ban people from threads, I feel like we'll survive. It just feels like it'll be more work to keep the discussion relevant, whereas right now it's no work at all. I'm hopeful we'll all still be here in a few months, bros.
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Surely Big J ain't the only one w/ some cotdamn perspective. :lol:

Y'all talking like this thread is the reason you wake up in the morning. :lol:

the location of an online movie thread (points in one direction)... ... and stuff that is worth getting worked up about in life (points in the complete OPPOSITE direction)
Ska, today only I know of 5 regulars that say this thread is their favorite. You've seen a couple of them say it in here. I had a couple more in PM.

You and everyone else know that we're gonna see plenty of distraction pull thru in General, but maybe it'll dissipate at some point. S&T just got worse tho, I know this for a fact. 900 pages, ALWAYS on the first page, daily convos with ZERO issues caused on the board. Gone.

I'm definitely disappointed the thread is getting moved, but I think it will end up being all right. When I think about the specific show threads I've visited in General - Boardwalk Empire, Game of Thrones, Lost, etc. - they we're actually pretty good for the most part. So, I'm cautiously optimistic that this thread won't change much in General.
For a second.. I thought I was in the sports & training forum..

About to watch Rocky..
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