Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

^ Exactly. It's a movie thread with a SOLID 2 year foundation.

Subscribe to the thread. Some of you regulars probably already have.

Continue to proactively discuss movies instead of deciding to eat sour grapes and act like your reason for living has died.

Quentin Tarantino, Django, Rambo, Rocky, Shaun of the Dead, etc...
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Again. I just don't see what all the hubbub is bout.

Show me one time when someone where we tried to exclude someone. :lol:
[quote name="NationalTruckerDave"]S&T regulars are acting snobby because the thread was moved..[/quote]Are you going to be one of the General regulars who acts offended at their fear, or did you have something to contribute? Perhaps a top 10 movie list of 2012 or something? Next movie you're planning on catching?
I can't really say anybody here excludes ppl. I was invited to this thread a few months ago last year and it was nothing but welcoming. We just want to avoid ppl on that bs. There's not a lot of wasteful posts in this thread. I've been going through it. Plus we police our own like when we questioned venom's post in here linking to his site all the time and he's turned out to be another quality poster when he does share his opinion.

Ah well, we'll see how this goes. Hope what I said before about this thread being in General still applies :lol:
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[quote name="NationalTruckerDave"]S&T regulars are acting snobby because the thread was moved..
Are you going to be one of the General regulars who acts offended at their fear, or did you have something to contribute? Perhaps a top 10 movie list of 2012 or something? Next movie you're planning on catching?[/quote]

I only seen 1 movie that released in 2012, Hangover 2..

I'm not really into movies unless it's a comedy or biography

I'll check out Lincoln whenever it comes to PPV
oh well, appreciate the effort from DMX/Ska again.

Look forward to new members coming in with fresh movies/thoughts on movies.

hopefully it'll be a good change. :smile:
^ It will be as good a change as the established thread regulars collectively want it to be. :smile:

Still want to talk about movies? What you're looking forward to in '13? '14? Best Buy bluray sales? Then keep on.
I just don't see what the big issue was about suddenly needing this thread to be in general. It is, fine, whatever, personally it isn't a big deal to me, but why all the sudden uproar? Who cares what thread it's in? Who cares if someone is off-topic in a forum?
I just don't see what the big issue was about suddenly needing this thread to be in general. It is, fine, whatever, personally it isn't a big deal to me, but why all the sudden uproar? Who cares what thread it's in? Who cares if someone is off-topic in a forum?
Umm because you are talking about regular movies in sports.....its pretty simple to understand homie. 

Tell them to change the thread title and other people can catch up.

Looper was good not great.  Expected better
Smh whatever...

Gonna check out zero dark thirty.

Watched IB again...Chris waltz is such a great actor man
Saw ZDT the other day, I really enjoyed it.

Chastain is one of the best in the business and I really think she has a chance to get the Best Actress award at the Oscars.

Her emotions, delivery and mannerisms were really great, loved it.

She's only going to get better.. watched it solely for her and she killed it.

Sidebar: I had no idea Chris from Parks and Rec was in this, I thought I saw him in the trailer but didn't know for sure, glad he got a role in a big movie even though he didn't really bring much to the bigger picture (acting wise).

Suggest you guys see it.. we all know how it ends but getting there was a treat.
I just don't see what the big issue was about suddenly needing this thread to be in general. It is, fine, whatever, personally it isn't a big deal to me, but why all the sudden uproar? Who cares what thread it's in? Who cares if someone is off-topic in a forum?

You need to stop watching movies for a second and learn how to read a little better. Method Man explicitly addressed every single one of your questions in his last two posts.

I don't post much anymore but I still read some threads, sometimes even this one. Hope it persists. Like bossman said, just maintain the standard.
I'll be seeing Zero, Dark, Thirty this weekend. I'm a huge Chastain fan, so I'd see it just for her.. but the positive reviews and Oscar buzz make it a must see.

Jennifer Lawrence in Silver Linings Playbook was my favorite performance so far this year, but I expect Chastain to be tough competition.
Driven From Within 
Wow! My last post from a year ago 

I lurk in this thread every once in a while, and it's much appreciated 

You've got to be more optimistic, trust me, this thread will stay alive and well!
I just don't see what the big issue was about suddenly needing this thread to be in general. It is, fine, whatever, personally it isn't a big deal to me, but why all the sudden uproar? Who cares what thread it's in? Who cares if someone is off-topic in a forum?
Umm because you are talking about regular movies in sports.....its pretty simple to understand homie. 

Tell them to change the thread title and other people can catch up.

Looper was good not great.  Expected better
Exactly. TAN has the same problems. When I found my last post, I read all the posts on that page, and those were definitely not ALL sports movies/books/TV shows. Don't worry, everything will be fine.
^ It will be as good a change as the established thread regulars collectively want it to be. :smile:

Still want to talk about movies? What you're looking forward to in '13? '14? Best Buy bluray sales? Then keep on.
I'm actually looking forward to Riddick. Call me a glutton for punishment but I wanted Chronicles to be good so bad. I still don't even think it was that bad and just recognize it was a dud that didn't hit the mark.

Hopefully the story is better.
Big J love him some Jennifer L. haha

I do do though..fell inlove watching The Hunger Games.
You need to stop watching movies for a second and learn how to read a little better. Method Man explicitly addressed every single one of your questions in his last two posts.

I don't post much anymore but I still read some threads, sometimes even this one. Hope it persists. Like bossman said, just maintain the standard.

Actually, he didn't answer **** about what I was asking about, so you need to learn how to understand what I was talking about for several posts now.

I'm asking why now? He knew, Ska knew, Dmxfury knew, they all knew for I'm sure quite a while. That thread hadn't had any issues in the two years that it was going on, I just don't see why MM is getting bent out of shape that a thread was in a different forum.

Other than it being off-topic, every other point he made wasn't true of that thread. You can sit here and say that it being off-topic is enough to get it moved, and that's fine, but why wait two years?

CP mentioned the very second he made the thread that we would start by talking about sports movies, and have it branch out, and it did.

If we let this ride, then the people who wanted their own music thread in the General forum will complain and the people who wanted to start their own fantasy sports league in Sneaker Showcase will complain, and the entire forums structure in the board stops being logical and objective and turns into "who's friends with whom and doesn't want to hang out around... THOSE people." We're not having that.

You can say that about a lot of threads, but not this thread. Every single person that comes into here once, twice, or two-hundred times has been more than welcome. As with any post, if it's a proper and respectful post, than you'll get engaged into the conversation. If not, you'll be ignored. That goes for any thread, regardless of who posts it in which thread, off-topic or not. There ain't a single post on here where someone wasn't "wanted," because they were an outsider. Disagreements, lengthy rebuttals, yes. Singling people out and shooing them away? Nope.

Apparently it's not as Utopian as some of you think, either, as people have been complaining about it of late, including gripes about users "trolling" the thread by posting a bunch of unrelated movie titles.

I'd be shocked to hear if anyone was complaining about this thread. I don't know if any of the other regulars can vouch for that, but I don't see how moving a thread into General is going to help people posting a bunch of random, unrelated movie titles. General is filled with trolls, and people that just want to boost their post-count up. :lol: You can say the same about S+T, and although that may be true, it's obvious that the exposure in General is much larger than S+T.

This thread went off topic. Everyone knows that. It should've been addressed earlier, but due to the deficiencies of the Yuku platform it was allowed to slide for awhile. There's no excuse for it now. If I have to play the bad guy to maintain the same forum structure that's been essential to keeping NikeTalk organized over the years, so be it.

I just don't see how Yuku being deficient meant the mods couldn't have moved it before. We've been on the new system for quite a while now, and could've done in then. The same forum structure was fine before this thread was moved, and it wasn't any less unorganized because this thread was in S+T. :lol: . This has been off-topic for two years, and on the front page for two years also. Ska seen it everyday he visited S+T, and could've moved it any day he wanted to. He's contributed over 500 posts to the thread, but suddenly because one mod gets flustered with it being off-topic, now he'll listen and move it? It just doesn't make sense.

If you wanted to move it, just move it. If you would've done it from the boot, or a month in, cool, whatever. No biggie.


EDIT: Whoops, I accidentally posted a picture of a politician, hope I'm not reported for being off-topic.

Oh wait, I'm good, there's an athlete in the picture.

Oh wait, we're not in S+T anymore, I'm screwed.

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Big J love him some Jennifer L. haha

I do do though..fell inlove watching The Hunger Games.

Back to business as usual, I don't buy into her hype.

I haven't seen Winter's Bone or Silver Linings Playbook, but I thought she was rather dry as Catnip in The Hunger Games (one of the most overrated films of 2012 IMO), she wasn't all that great in First Class (if it weren't for Fassbender, that wouldn't be nearly as good as it was), and she was in that God-awful film House at the End of the Street.
Those are films that (to me) require very little substantial acting rather than being droned with special effects.. so I can see why you haven't been catching onto her acting skills. You need to watch Winter's Bone and SLP to catch her at her best because she's the focus in the movie and has much more to play with rather than the roles you have seen her in (i thought she was good in Hunger Games btw, didn't stand out too much other than just looking sexy as hell in First Class, and I passed on HatEotS).

She's gonna be around a long time, and I can't wait for it. :smokin
I know I might get grilled for sayin' this but...

NT's most overrated movie of the year: Cabin in the Woods. :rolleyes
Those are films that (to me) require very little substantial acting rather than being droned with special effects.. so I can see why you haven't been catching onto her acting skills. You need to watch Winter's Bone and SLP to catch her at her best because she's the focus in the movie and has much more to play with rather than the roles you have seen her in (i thought she was good in Hunger Games btw, didn't stand out too much other than just looking sexy as hell in First Class, and I passed on HatEotS).

She's gonna be around a long time, and I can't wait for it. :smokin

An excess of special effects and a lack of real substance with a script doesn't excuse poor performances. There can be countless films that one could mention where actors deliver great performances with spectacular special effects and a script lacking substance. I'm a bit over Bradley Cooper for the time being. Since The Hangover, I'm just cool off dude for a bit. Valentine's Day, The A-Team, Hangover 2, The Words, I'm just not interested in rushing to see one of his films right now, and with Lawrence in it too, I can wait until it hits home video. Limitless was pretty cool, but other than that, he's nothing more than a pretty face. Meh.
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