Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Which Godzilla Zik? The only thing I liked about the Broderick one was Azaria almost getting stomped and the hilarity of Puffy's music video :lol:

JP2 was terrible but it was pretty funny to watch the T-Rex bust outta the boat and run wild on SD :lol: JP3 on the other hand :smh:
Got The Watch from redbox.. I knew it would probably suck, but I love Vince Vaughn and Jonah Hill.... Had to just turn it off.. Wasn't funny at all :lol:
I'm not talking that Matthew Broderick crap.

Aight...that makes more sense. :lol: That's just different strokes.

I knew it would probably suck l.... Had to just turn it off.. Wasn't funny at all

You dug a hole and buried the bar and it still couldn't get over it? :smh: :lol:
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The Watch was awful.

Speaking of Vince Vaughn, and speaking of awful.

Just got done watching The Lost World: Jurassic Park...


Not a fan. Liked Jeff Goldlum's character Ian much more in the first, the girl being there was just dumb. The whole gymnastics thing was so forced and you knew that would show up later in the film. One of the more predictable movies in a long time. Of the four people that Hammonds sent out to the island, I'm like well obviously Goldblum's not croakin, Vaughn... no way, and they're going to kill off the main character's girlfriend? uhhhhhhh no :lol: . Gotta be that other schmuck. And of course, two T-Rex's tear him in half :rofl: And when the ship crashed into the harbor? WHAT WAS EVERYBODY LOOKING AT? Get the hell out of the way morons. :lol: They just decided to sit there and stare and finallllllly begun thinking "hey it'd probably a good idea to move" right as the thing hits the dock after looking at it for a good 45 seconds :smh: That was just dumb.

Thought this one was just extremely boring to be honest. Gonna give the third installment of the trilogy a shot, heard the guy from the first is back.
Which Godzilla Zik? The only thing I liked about the Broderick one was Azaria almost getting stomped and the hilarity of Puffy's music video :lol:

JP2 was terrible but it was pretty funny to watch the T-Rex bust outta the boat and run wild on SD :lol: JP3 on the other hand :smh:
The OG. I haven't seen the 2000 version in a long time.
So I just watched the Sessions.. great movie.

I still have a thing for Helen Hunt, idgaf. :lol:

John Hawkes deserves to win Best Actor, IMO. He was really great in that role..

granted I haven't seen Lincoln yet, but he really killed this role.
Has anyone seen punch drunk love? Been catching up on paul Thomas Anderson movies.

Movie was so odd and it felt meaningless at points. Had its up and downs. Great shots. Great music. But just left me confused and feeling like I'm missing something

Then I go look for analysis online and read about the superman theory.

Mind blooooooown

loved it , one of my personal favorites of the year
Well...I mean he kinda is...

This **** right here, though. :lol: :lol: :lol:

**Heavy spoiler for The Wire.**

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re-embeded homie , not showing.

and in the midst of a breaking bad season break , where does one petition for a saul spinoff with bill burr and lavell crawford

for anyone not aware on bill burr , he's never not been funny in his life ....example A

So, I watched Lincoln last night. And it may not come out how I intend, but I'll try to make my comments clear.

So, this comes out any other time, maybe I don't think about it. Maybe I just watch for the brilliance that was Daniel Day, and that's that.

But Django just came out 2 weeks ago. Spike Lee mad, this person mad, that person, people talkin, askin tough questions, people are uneasy.

Tarantino put a rather rough time in our countries history right in front of us. Tarantinoed it up a bit, added some blood, some giggles, some wonderful imagery, and some dialogue. Some great, some that hurts your ears. And he caught heat for it. Understandably.

But he put this issue of slavery at the fore. And he put a leader in front of it in Django. A face. A hero. Man tryin to save his wife.

Steven Spielberg is an equally thought of Director. He does Lincoln, right about the exact same time period as Django. The 1850's. And he uses the N word multiple times, over and over, maybe not numerically as much as Tarantino did, but plenty enough.

One difference. In a 2 and a half hour movie, it's all about a bunch of white wig wearin white folk arguin about slavery in a courtroom, and not a single black man is given the chance to say anything. I sat there last night, watched the whole thing, lookin....lookin....is someone gonna come in? Will a black man come in, and sort of give a speech, or perform a heroic act, or even just a small token gesture to make white men stand up and look at themselves?


2 hours and 15 minutes in, he finally brings a couple of black men into the courthouse, to sit upstairs and watch, and watch only. While a bunch of white folk argue and fuss over whether those men should have the same rights as all others. With dialogue just as offensive, just with fewer colorful curse words, and all they do is sit up there. Then they get to hug and celebrate when slavery is voted down and the 13th amendment is passed. Might as well roll credits there.

So I ask. Why Tarantino gettin all this hate? He very clearly, honestly, put a rough time in full view for everybody, he showed whippings, the way they were treated, conditions they lived and suffered thru, and he gave them someone to come in and fight back. A voice. A name. A hero.

Speilberg put some token guys in a crowd, for 17 seconds of screen time. In a two hour, and 30 minute movie.

Now yes, in the opening 5 minutes, he had 2 black soldiers have a conversation with president Lincoln. That was a great scene, and I would have been very happy if that started the tone of the film, and it continuted in that manner, but it did not. Hell, the only other black male I saw til the hearing was a servant at the white house. Not a slave, but still someone to grab Abe's coat when he went out. A movie about the abolishing of slavery, and he hardly needed to cast a single black actor. And yet, Spike Lee says nothin. No one is angry with Steven. I don't understand.

Now, Tommy Lee Jones, Daniel Day Lewis, amazing. Truly fantastic performances. Sally Field had a couple of wonderful speeches delivered. But damn, Daniel Day.......that guy is ridiculous. The pace in which he spoke. The tone of his voice. His look, mannerisms, unreal. He alone was worth watching this movie, but I will never watch it again, ever.

I will watch Django multiple times in my life. 20-30 times I would imagine. And wonder why it was a better movie about slavery than the one made about abolishing it.
I understand where you're coming from the with "white savior" hollywood complex.  And I haven't seen Django yet though I have my problems with Tarantino (not related to racial issues)...

I did like Lincoln though, because it was a really nuts-and-bolts view of how politics works in this country, and how deals are made.  Passing one of the biggest bills in this country's history by making promises to people who are racists, giving essentially position bribes to people who are your political enemies, then dealing with your own side complaining you've gone too far, etc.

It's a great perspective on politics today and should remind people that there was never a "good old days" in Washington, that all the presidents who've done great things had to go through the same crap with congress that President Obama does.

Edit: I do think Obama has to deal with one of the absolute worst congresses in a century, but that's a different point.
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CP come on. The difference is lincoln is actually a historical piece and Django is pure fiction.
Ok, so if we switched the exact same movies, Spielberg is catchin heat for Django right now, while Tarantino is bein Oscar praised for Lincoln? :nerd:

You expect me to buy that?
Probably, but they're still just 2 stories being told. Nobody knows what was actually said in that courtroom outside of the official document and the vote tallies. So he chose to fill in the blanks his way, same as Cameron did in Titanic. Just because it has Abe's name on it shouldn't change any way it gets viewed as being "realer"
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