Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Literally 85% of the movie is filmed on an angle or a closeup of someone's face.

It won't win over anyone who hates musical or Les Mis. But it's definitely worth a watch just for Hathaway. She's outstanding.

I've seen the Claire Danes one, so I know how long Anne's in the movie. Might just check for that part and call it a wrap. :lol:
It's not on Instant.

And Mark Duplass is pretty awesome. Hilarious on The League, a good actor, and along with his brother I enjoy their directorial efforts. 

Saw Les Miserables today. I didn't have anything against Tom Hooper before this movie... King's Speech was good, don't think it was best picture worthy since it screamed "Oscar bait" and thought Social Network was more deserving... but DEAR GOD if I have to watch one more close up or dutch tilt I'm going to lose my mind. Literally 85% of the movie is filmed on an angle or a closeup of someone's face. Yes, I get the reasons for doing so, but it was way, way, way overused.

Songs were great. Jackman was strong, Crowe tried his best, Hathaway should win an Oscar, Seyfried was good, and overall enjoyable. It definitely dragged and I found myself getting bored here and there. It won't win over anyone who hates musical or Les Mis. But it's definitely worth a watch just for Hathaway. She's outstanding.
you think lil girl from beasts of the southern wild has a chance?

seems like les miserables is getting all the momentum going into award season
Watched season 1 of Walking Dead. Eh. It's alright so far. 6 episodes is a lite season. Love the look on wifey's face tho. She gettin confused whenever she's on her back now. :lol:

Why they kill the only pretty one tho? :smh:
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You just have to bide time until the mid-season finale on Season 2, and then it's steady uphill from there CP... Fight through it and you'll enjoy the second half of Season 2 and the part of Season 3 we've seen...
Watched season 1 of Walking Dead. Eh. It's alright so far. 6 episodes is a lite season. Love the look on wifey's face tho. She gettin confused whenever she's on her back now.

Why they kill the only pretty one tho?
Try Luther its like 6 episodes and then 4 in the 2nd season



Loved it, but I'm also a Poli Sci geek, so it was kind of up my alley.
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Might check it out tomorrow with the gf. Just doing a quick search on Google some said it could be a sneaky award season movie.
Watched season 1 of Walking Dead. Eh. It's alright so far. 6 episodes is a lite season. Love the look on wifey's face tho. She gettin confused whenever she's on her back now.

Why they kill the only pretty one tho?
if you didnt like season 1 your gonna have a ROUGH time with the first half of season 2 which is like 10 episodes per half

i liked season one and all but right now i think breaking bad, sons of anarchy , homeland and dexter are all better.

boardwalk is good too but i havent gotten excited about it for a while 

might get into newsroom if anyone's seen it , how'd you like the first season?
I'm in the minority, but I think Newsroom sucks. It's got everything going for it, and I love the topics it tackles, but everything it does is bad. The direction, the pacing, the writing, the acting, the characters, the stupid love triangles. :smh:

Great idea, though...and like 2 episodes work.

But that's just me. :lol:
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Just watched Looper...ehh didn't like it too much..thought it would be way better :rolleyes

edit- pg. 900 :pimp:
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Aaron Sorkin is like a substitute teacher who's pompously reading from chapter two and saying things like, "Now, I know this might be too complicated for you to understand, but let me explain..." when his students are already in chapter four. It wasn't always this way (The West Wing  and The Social Network  are great, and even Studio 60  had its moments of brilliance), but The Newsroom  was everything Sorkin had successfully skirted around before, but now totally failed at: it spoke down to viewers, created enough straw men to make a handbag, portrayed all women as either shrill little girls or idiots, distrusted technology, and preached like a minister raised on Mitch Albom columns. And it's only going to get worse in season two, when Sorkin tackles Obama vs. Romney. Did I say "worse"? I meant "better." There's no show as much fun to hate watch as The Newsroom...YA THINK.

Read more: http://www.uproxx.com/tv/2012/12/the-10-best-tv-shows-to-hate-watch-in-2012/#ixzz2HGGstOd0
Watched season 1 of Walking Dead. Eh. It's alright so far. 6 episodes is a lite season. Love the look on wifey's face tho. She gettin confused whenever she's on her back now. :lol:
Why they kill the only pretty one tho? :smh:

The second season is really hit-and-miss. There are some great elements to it, but a lot of it drags.

The series hit it's high-point in the pilot, sadly. Frank Darabont put a ton of love and time into making it, and after the first two episodes, it's never like that again. Some of the third season has been nothing short of excellent, but for me that first few episodes of the series will never be matched.

That's the issue with a lot of the series though... There seems to be a lot of behind-the-scenes anxiety about the producers and the show-runners. Drama between the producers and AMC. First Frank Darabont left, then part of the budget was an issue, and now Glen Mazzara (Sp?) is going to be gone after the end of the third season.

I still love the show, and it's my favorite on television, being a zombie drama. Despite that, it makes me kinda bummed that there's been so much unseen and really unwarranted drama going on. I really wish Darabont would've stayed on in some capacity, I love that guy.

Random, but...



I was checking Facebook for two seconds, saw it on my timeline. :lol:

I really want to go see a movie, but nothing out really grabs me right now. I know I'll see Gangster Squad next Friday, but I kind of want something to fill the gap.
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so i just watched true romance for the first time .......brilliant cast , brilliant acting

excellent script ..........its as star studded of a cast as your gonna get without it being too

forced.its a MUST WATCH in my opinion ,and smh at me for waiting this long to watch it
I was shocked to read this earlier this morning, thought I'd share..

'Behind The Candelabra,' Liberace Movie With Michael Douglas And Matt Damon, Deemed 'Too Gay' By Studios: Director


I'm shocked that no one picks this up. Soderbergh, Douglas, and Damon. Then supporting actors like Dan Akyroyd, Debbie Reynolds, and Rob Lowe.

I'd be intrigued if it were just a regular theatrical-run film, or if it were a limited-release; now that there's so much buzz about it, I really can't wait. Most HBO films are quality stuff.
Reminded me of this:

[QUOTE name="CP1708"]
Originally Posted by CP1708

ALL Quentin movies are MUST SEE in my book.  ALL of them. 

Even True Romance, and it wasn't even his direction, just written by him.  True Romance, another GREAT GREAT GREAT casted movie.  Slater, Patricia Arqutte, Hopper, Kilmer, Oldman, Pitt, Walken, Samuel L, Rappaport, Gandolfini, Sizemore, Chris Penn, Balki, Michael Beach,
  Like a who's who of Hollywood.  And as far as scenes go, the Hopper/Walken scene for 10 minutes was 

I'm a big Tarantino fan and True Romance is by far my favorite script he's written (Inglourious Basterds favorite he directed). Like you said, the eggplant scene with Walken and Hopper (way off topic, but I absolutely looooovvvveeeedddd him in 24 as Victor Drazen), the coolness of Patricia Arquette's character, Brad Pitt being a stoner, such an awesome movie.

Now onto Ska and his communist viewing habits, Pulp Fiction is a masterpiece and an American cinema icon because of the way the film's structured, like Dub said, the unbelievable script (top 5 of all time all because of the way the dialogue is broken down like a montage almost and gradually builds tension to the finish--just like the opening scene in Basterds with Landa and the French dude, asking for a glass of milk, stuff like that is what makes Tarantino a legend), the intricacies and quirks of all the characters (there are few characters better in cinema than Winston Wolfe, what Keitel did with that role in his 10 minutes or so of screen time is outstanding), the mise-en-scene (the mythological correlation between bandage on the back of Marcellus Wallace's neck and the highly coveted suitcase) and subtle revelations of Tarantino's foot fetish (the whole foot massage thing, then the quick close-up of the bottom of Uma's foot, the ceramic foot in the background in I wanna say the drug dealer's home), the goddamn gimp, "Zed's dead baby," it's just a freaking masterpiece, dude.

And what makes Tarantino one of the bests, is his ability to stray away from the blandness of characters (major problem in movies and books today) and truly churn them into three-dimensional beings (all the little bits of history he adds to the characters and builds them up before they're even physically introduce give them that extra dimension--Marcellus Wallace throwing Tony Rocky Horror out the window because of a foot massage, Vince Vega's trip to Amsterdam, Tim Roth recapping his past robberies before the badass diner scene that Samuel L Jackson massacres, the flashback with Bruce Willis as a child and the story of his father's watch, I could go on and on and on), especially women characters (nobody writes for women better than Tarantino: Shoshanna, the Black Mamba, Marcellus Wallace's wife, Patricia Arquette in True Romance, Jackie Brown), which are nothing but archetypes and charicatures in 97% of today's films (I'm praying Sucker Punch is awesome and helps segue things back to the glory days where women on screen were more than pretty people to look at); Bruce Willis's girlfriend wanting blueberry pancakes and a potbelly, Marcellus Wallace's wife's acting career and her overall swag throughout the film.

It's a movie of subtleties (Bruce Willis toasting a pop tart while Vince Vega's in the can), Ska, and that's pretty much the main reason why people can't give you the super informed answer you desire. You have to watch the movie yourself at least twice and catch every little bit of magic that Tarantino infused.

And Ska, the difference between Scarface and Pulp, is Pulp isn't an overrated piece of hit flick about a coke head that was carried by Al Pacino. Pulp is a goddamn masterpiece that hits a homerun in every category of the art of film, from the editing, lighting, score, etc.

Don't let your feelings about Reservoir Dogs sway you away from this film, either. Reservoir Dogs, although another masterpiece, is essentially a filmed stage play so it's reasonable for people not to like it, but if you watch Pulp Fiction and give it a meh, then your soul has already been sucked out of your eyes by some other briefcase.

Edit: It's fitting my longest post ever is about my favorite screenwriter


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Yeah I have a man crush on QT movies man. Love that dude.

Gotta check out True Romance
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