Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

JGL is linked to every single movie these days, is he not? :lol:

They need a name or two attached to that film. Not as many people are familiar with the franchise. It's not a household name like Spider-Man, Batman, or Superman. And it's not an easily recognizable name like Iron Man, Thor, or The Hulk.

That said. Yep. JGL name gets *****d around more than anyone in recent history. :lol:
They need a name or two attached to that film. Not as many people are familiar with the franchise. It's not a household name like Spider-Man, Batman, or Superman. And it's not an easily recognizable name like Iron Man, Thor, or The Hulk.
It will be interesting to see Rocket Raccoon in the film. I can't imagine it not looking ridiculous, but I hope I'm wrong.
They need a name or two attached to that film. Not as many people are familiar with the franchise. It's not a household name like Spider-Man, Batman, or Superman. And it's not an easily recognizable name like Iron Man, Thor, or The Hulk.
That said. Yep. JGL name gets *****d around more than anyone in recent history. :lol:

agreed, JGL is becoming a very recognizable face and name. IDK if he has star power to lead a film on his own yet, but he's getting there.
when I mean lead a film, I don't mean star and carry a film. I mean market it as his own vehicle and let him alone be the driving force and main star, a guy a studio can get behind and push.
I don't know about carrying a film but you just carried that conversation by yourself.
Caught Silver Linings Playbook last night.

Left impressed by Cooper's performance, and Lawrence, well, she can do no wrong in my eyes.
I was about to say 50/50 even though it wasn't some box office hit but Seth Rogen was probably a huge draw for anybody that went out to see it. I remember initially thinking it was gonna be a straight comedy about cancer.
Finally saw the ghost writer. It's no Chinatown or roaemary's baby but it's a pretty damn good thriller by today's standards. Many references to Tony Blair's relationship with Bush and Haliburton profiting off of war

VERY slow first half. I personally like the old school feel. Most movies these days don't let the film... Breathe? I think is the word I'm looking for.

The ending was good which is always important in a thriller.

I'm sure one can find inconsistencies and "plot holes" if you dig deep into enough into it. But for now just based on feel and mood I really enjoyed it. Ewen McGregor did a good job.

The middle part of Polanski's career was horrible due to financial problems mostly. Nice to see a return to form from him with the last few. Pedophile or not I love the guys movies
So CP, I know you have an opinion, but what's your Top 5 of 2012?
Also, on the subject of Django, what's everyone's thoughts on the soundtrack?
I loved the Django Theme (Roberto Fia), and all the old spaghetti western cues, but I'm still kind of indifferent about the Rick Ross and John Legend selections, moreso Rick Ross. I really like JL, so his song was alright, but I'm just not sure how I felt about the songs being in there.

The,e song been in my head for days.

The rap parts drove me crazy. I hated it.

I have this almost OCD reaction with period pieces having contemporary music. makes me feel annoyed and uncomftorble. Takes me out of the movie entirely. I don't know why I get such a severe reaction.

Even for a Trailor. Ruined the great gatsby.
^That scene in The Ghostwriter at the airport. So cold and matter of fact. That's never leaving my memories, ever.

Anyways...so many fine, prestigious films on deck to watch. So I'mma go ahead and watch an ADD marathon of not those, now.

Watched Dredd...I liked it. I mean, I get why the trailers were ehhhh...there aren't really those big trailer moments and the dialogue's kinda just there. But there are moments you're gonna wish you saw in theaters in 3D. They do some cool stuff, Karl Urban's perfect for it and Olivia Thirlby's a hell of a lot better than I thought she'd be. Trailers made her look like low-grade T&A. Oh and Avon Barksdale and Cersei Lannister are in this for some reason.

It reminds me of the first Mad Max, before they got a bigger budget to really go all out. And it leaves you wanting more. I want more. I'd be in a theater for the 2nd one. Looks like that's not gonna happen, though. B+

Total Recall is basically the best Syfy original movie since Battlestar Galactica: Razor. Seriously, when you watch it, it looks more like TV than movie. I mean, it's Caprica mixed with Firefly.

The way they bring in elements from the og movie is so awkward and funny. Or they'll just steal from the Bourne movies. You could make a drinking game of who can guess which Bourne this shot or idea came from, every scene. Every scene. It's like they watched 4 movies, Arnold Recall and the Bournes, got slammered, then went in on the script.

The car chase and last scene where they spent the whole budget were kinda cool. I won't lie though...it's almost good. Especially the first half, before it goes full ******.

I almost want to say this is one of the worst movies of the year, but it's comedy. And it kinda feels like they're in on the joke? You'll just laugh any time they try to get serious. Kate Beckinsale...she just trolls the whole movie. I can't blame her husband for making movies just to brag about what he's holding down, but that's some strawwwnnng hammy *** acting. Anna Faris would cringe.

It's really unintentionally funny, though. Jessica Biel is hot. Still got the range of Plank from Ed, Edd and Eddy, but hot. And it's like they only had time to do 2 takes of every scene and a part of me wants to say...I liked it.

You know what, I liked it. B

.........why was Bryan Cranston in this? :smh: :lol:
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Finally watched Warrior.. That **** was awesome
I'm telling you dog, that last scene had me in damn tears, sniffling and all 
Finally watched Warrior.. That **** was awesome

Yeah, Tom was SERIOUS with that ****. When he walked in the ring, broke dude in 3 seconds, turned and walked out, I coulda ran thru a brick wall. I was ****** hype.
Has anyone seen Hyde Park On Hudson?



Bill Murray as FDR sounds like win to me. I heard about it a while back (on Craig Ferguson's Late Late show due to shorty playing FDR's wife in the back on the left), forgot all about it, then seen the commercial for it. It's restricted in areas so now I'm on the hunt to see where in NYC they're showing it.
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Finally watched Warrior.. That **** was awesome

Yeah, Tom was SERIOUS with that ****. When he walked in the ring, broke dude in 3 seconds, turned and walked out, I coulda ran thru a brick wall. I was ****** hype.

They cranked the volume up so high in the theater. I swear, you could feel the punches.

Love that movie...hate the title, though. :lol:
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