Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Kristana Loken, you be the judge...

JA, I don't give a damn about antagonist, I wanna see Scarlett and Rachel ****, get a clue.
Kristana Loken, you be the judge...
JA, I don't give a damn about antagonist, I wanna see Scarlett and Rachel ****, get a clue.

Any other film with almost any other director, sure.

Not this one though. :lol:

And yeah, T3 ain't got much.
I didn't think Terminator: Salvation was terrible but I guess I did fall in love with this story finally being wrapped up in a trilogy with us finally getting to see this dystopian future where the machines have won. It definitely wasn't great and was barely good but I guess I can say I enjoyed it cuz I was looking forward to this whole story ending with w/e loose threads being wrapped up. It was the idea of it really and me finally seeing how this war goes down.

Didn't know Bale ****** it up that badly and made the pacing as bad as it was and after the whole blowout he had I probably shouldn't even be banking on a sequel let alone a trilogy.

T3 wasn't good, should've took their time in making that at least a good movie but eh.
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Zero Dark Thirty, Katheryn Bigelow film about the hunt and death of Osama.





this chick is everywhere...good. :smokin
I don't know if Nowitness is still around, but if you are, are you thinking of upgrading when The Avengers box set comes out? I'm torn.
Got an Iron Man steelbook on the way, and I'll get Avengers from somewhere... Probably going to sit out the box set.

On a completely unrelated note... I need to go see Paranorman. Nobody else is into that? 
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Question, i would love to hear your opinions on Black Swan :nerd:

me and my dude got into a discussion the other day because i told him i would rather watch Black Swan than Avengers :lol:
I should've seen Black Swan more than once.

Avengers is just suppose to be an action packed near epic superhero group movie. It's not going for depth just good dialogue and excitement. Black Swan is a whole other animal, and I can see why one could get a different kind of enjoyment out of it just due to the thought put in to it and the thought needed to keep up and interpret it in different ways, especially the ending.

Plus there's the whole Mila and Natalie sex scene which is the best thing in either movie.

Overall, ignoring comedies I'd probably want to see the movie that makes you think more than the movie that's just all action and adventure.
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I would definitely rather watch Black Swan than Avengers.

Swan has depth that challenges the viewer; Avengers has action that mesmerizes the viewer.

Expect JapanAir to say he loved Avengers.
Black Swan was one of the best movies of 2010. I'd choose that over many, many other movies any given time.
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Of course I loved The Avengers. I loved Black Swan too. :lol:

Nowitness, I feel like five of those movies are coming in the next few weeks. Frankenweenie. Paranorman. Hotel Transylvania.
Bout time someone else spoke of Cabin as something other than 'fantastically amazing and brilliantly reverent to the horror genre!!!.

I thought the concept of the movie was unique, but other than that it was nothing special.
To be honest...Avengers has like 40-50 minutes of worthwhile film. And even then, it's a crowd pleaser. You lose so much of what makes it so well liked, when you don't feel the whole crowd swell at the Battle of New York or lose it when Hulk-Loki happens.

And the first hour of Avengers is pretty damn blah.

Black Swan is forever. That movie's visceral. You feel the anxiety and tension of the moment from go and the performances are so strong. You could say Aronofsky's style is heavyhanded, but I love it. He wasn't going for subtlety and nothing in the film rings false, even though they turn the volume to 11 on the imagery and emotions.

It's well acted enough not to be campy. Jarring enough that you can never watch Black Swan and feel nothing or get nothing from it. And it's straightforward enough that it's pretty rewatchable. It's not Mulholland's Drive where you have to clear your day to pop aspirins while you're cleaning up the nosebleeds.

And I feel like, if you've seen and liked Angel and Dollhouse, you'd really, really enjoy Cabin in the Woods. I get why people are like ehhh overrated, but then I didn't get the universal praise the movie got. I like it for quirky inside Joss Whedon stuff like Wolfram & Hart, The Powers That Be, Amy Acker and Fran Kranz. It was like they distilled all the Angel season 6-whatever ideas into a meta-monster movie. And then Josh Lyman, the dad from Step Brothers and Tavon were just bonuses.
"Say my name" :smokin

I have about 3 episodes left of the Wire.....nobody do nothin yet, but I'm going to be batsignaling Allen, Cake, and True Blues for sure, then I know some of you have gone thru it too. I'll take whatever you all have, links, essays, former term papers, whatever. PM me, drop em in here, whatever. I'm going to go back and plow thru old threads. Should be done in a day or two, got some stuff on my plate, so could be mid week.

Grantland's sequel bracket today....... :nerd:
Season five has been substantially disappointing to me so far. A year-long break isn't going to do anything to make me appreciate it more, either.
Honestly, I hate that scene. I get that it shows Walts balls are big as basketballs, but real world, the other drug dealer shoots him in the face, killing the competition, and increasing his money that way. Then, he points the gun at Mike and Jesse, and says find where he stashed the Metholomine (not like there's a ton of options there) and waits til they locate it.

70% my ***, if the ice blue dude is dead, nobody to steal your thunder, you make ALL the money, no matter the quality of your product. And Walt sat there eggin him on? :x

For the show, great, awesome, Walt's a badass, but Marlo tells Chris and Snoop to shoot Walt 92 times in the face and leaves for real.

But for their purposes, kind of ok to have Walt actin tough, even if we know it's bs. At this point, Walt only has one option left, he goes out like Tony Montana next year. Pretty much all that can happen.
Walt...it's not even that he's irredeemable. He's a cartoon villain now. The only thing he doesn't do is twirl his mustache.

I just wish there was more nuance and method to the madness, like before. If it's bad or cruel or easy and it's there to do, he'll do it within 5 minutes of realizing that he can. Full-blown troll mode.

I think this show very badly misses the episodes AMC cut, because they're rushing everything and taking shortcuts all over the place and it's a shame.

I mean...it's hard to criticize Breaking Bad, when every episode this season has had scenes you could send to the Emmy Academy and the hype on the show is the highest it's ever been. It still has all the elements that make it such a great show, but it's skipping steps everywhere and having characters do stupid things consistently.

Like Mike...what he did last episode and this one.....

I loved the train episode and the Mike-centric episode, but the show's taken a step back. And scenes like "Say My Name!" That feels like the show just trying to be cool, now that it's the coolest show on TV. Now everything needs to be a catchphrase.
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I thought the concept of the movie was unique, but other than that it was nothing special.

Compared to what the horror genre has been in the past 15 years, it absolutely deserves all the respect it has gotten. If you're not a genre-fan and you don't like it, fine. But this is widely accepted in the horror community as one of the best horror films in years. It's re-sparked the love that many horror fans first had with films like Dawn of the Dead and The Evil Dead. Is it a perfect film? No, there's no such thing as a perfect film. Someone will dislike something about every movie.

There just hasn't been a film like this in a long time for horror fans. You don't have to accept it, but it's how most of us feel. Where Zombieland, Shaun of the Dead, and Drag Me to Hell fell just short, The Cabin in the Woods rose up. It was original, it was well-acted, and it flipped the script in the last 15 minutes and gave us horror fans carnage. It was an excellent payoff.

I don't see why people expect this to be a classic film in general when they don't really like the genre. I'm pretty sure me and Noskey are the only two who are horror geeks, and that's why we love this film. Joss made a film for horror geeks, he didn't try and poke fun at the genre in any way that would have seemed intrusive to the genre. He made a respectful, fun horror film. 99% of the time I've gone to see a horror movie since 2000, I never considered it fun.

The Evil Dead, Return of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, and The Cabin in the Woods.

And when I say Dawn of the Dead, I don't mean the goddamn 2004 remake.. :lol:
5 gotta be the only "5th" movie in a franchise worthy of seeding, and it gets a 3 seed. Act like ya know, boys. 8)

I finished Wire last night. *sigh* Wow. I need much more time to type up some thoughts, but this truly was an outstanding show. I'll go over some stuff when I get a minute. Then I'll bring in some in the know that helped me on my way. Ska, if you ever are lookin for a recommend, The Wire is that.

I can't wait til Breaking is done, so we can slot Wire, Bad, Sopranos, Mad Men, Dexter, Shield, Boardwalk,and anything else that may qualify. This past year has been fun learning all this stuff, last on my list is MM, and maybe I will get into The Shield at some point off ya'll's recommends.
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[quote name="CP"] Ska, if you ever are lookin for a recommend, The Wire is that.[/quote]Roger that. Was already thinking about going ahead and searching for S1 so I could start over and build up the complete set in between this Breaking Bad split season.

JapanAir, what do you think of Wire?
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