Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

im confused with all of this black swan and terminator talk, i thought this was a sports movie-book etc thread

I thought the concept of the movie was unique, but other than that it was nothing special.
I'm pretty sure me and Noskey are the only two who are horror geeks, and that's why we love this film.
lol never saw it.
Where Zombieland, Shaun of the Dead ... fell just short, The Cabin in the Woods rose up.
0] Fell short? Where did Zombieland or SotD fall short? ska stay outta this.

This reminds me I should probably find Cabin and give it a shot.
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I can't wait til Breaking is done, so we can slot Wire, Bad, Sopranos, Mad Men, Dexter, Shield, Boardwalk,and anything else that may qualify. This past year has been fun learning all this stuff, last on my list is MM, and maybe I will get into The Shield at some point off ya'll's recommends.
One of these don't belong.
im confused with all of this black swan and terminator talk, i thought this was a sports movie-book etc thread

This isn't the thread you're looking for
Zombieland and Shaun both fell short of being classics like The Evil Dead and Dawn of the Dead are, IMO.

Shaun was excellent, but borrowed a lot from Romero, while still paying great homage to the man.

Zombieland was a fresh idea, but was more comedy than horror.
SotD is a classic. It took the zombie genre and flipped it into a comedy while staying grounded and knowing where it came from (homage to Romero and such). And it worked the formula perfectly. The acting was great, the jokes were timely and delivered perfectly, and it still had heart and sold you on the characters, emotion, and the story. Shaun of the Dead was the comedy classic antithesis to a 28 Days Later horror classic.

Where's Chester to help me out with this? :nerd:

Zombieland, I agree not a classic, but it's a damn great movie that went above and beyond what I was expecting when I walked into the theater.
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Brilliant use of Obi Wan, absolutely fantastic. :lol:

And really? You don't think Boardwalk belongs yet? I just meant in terms of where it's heading and all that. I imagine it making it onto the list after another season or two.

And if you mean someone else, die.

I can't wait for you to see it Nos, I want you to tell me how great it is too, so I can kill somebody. A ******g unicorn stabs somebody. A unicorn. And this movie was considered "great" by many. The unicorn killed somebody, before the great big clown did. I wish, that I was making this up.
SotD is a classic. It took the zombie genre and flipped it into a comedy while staying grounded and knowing where it came from (homage to Romero and such). And it worked the formula perfectly. The acting was great, the jokes were timely and delivered perfectly, and it still had heart and sold you on the characters, emotion, and the story. Shaun of the Dead was the comedy classic antithesis to a 28 Days Later horror classic.
Where's Chester to help me out with this? :nerd:
Zombieland, I agree not a classic, but it's a damn great movie that went above and beyond what I was expecting when I walked into the theater.

I mean, I love Shaun of the Dead, and before CitW, I would have said it's probably my favorite horror film since the 80s, but it took it's place.

I agree though, 28 Days Later, and Shaun are both probably my most watched horror films since the early 90s.
I can't wait for you to see it Nos, I want you to tell me how great it is too, so I can kill somebody. A ******g unicorn stabs somebody. A unicorn. And this movie was considered "great" by many. The unicorn killed somebody, before the great big clown did. I wish, that I was making this up.
Thanks for spoiling that, mother ******. Lane Pryce hangs himself at the end of season 5.
J's talking about Dexter...right? :nerd:

that spoiler was cuz of Fast and Furious, wasn't it? dirty :smh: :lol:
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Maybe Dexter or Shield? Dexter is just falling off to me. By this time next year we'll probably replace it with Homeland. Theme wise Mad Men does not fit with the rest of those shows. The rest all deal with some criminal behavior and heavy violence.

Also from my understanding, AMC didn't cut any eps, before they started shooting they limited the # of eps they'd have for the final season so Gilligan put it together after that. Besides Breaking Bad makes AMC money, I don't think this is a situation where they're being cheap to give more money to MM. I think Gilligan wants to end this show in 5 seasons cuz I'm more than sure if he wanted he could easily opt for a 6th and final season but there's always chance of a movie :nerd:

And CP, no way does your scenario make sense. Kill the man who makes the best meth in the world, tell the other two to find the meth Walt hid or what? They don't find it and they get no money and this guy gets none of the stuff to make the meth. They find it and the truth of the matter is all of the money isn't going to that one guy when if you get in league with Walt you get the best meth and can make more money that they couldn't with their knockoff product. It makes sense to get in business with the better cook. Why you think Gus didn't just up and kill Walt and Jesse before offering them jobs as his new cooks?
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Way I understood it...everyone was signed for 5 seasons of Breaking Bad...Gilligan comes in and says, alright, I wanna end the show at 6. AMC said, **** that, we're not gonna negotiate new contracts for 1 more season, either give us 2 or 3 more seasons or we're ending this show at 5.

So Gilligan told them to go **** themselves, and that he could bring the show to another network to finish it, so they 'compromised' by adding 3 more episodes to season 5 and spreading it out over 2 years. They wanted 6 seasons, but instead they got 4 + 2 abbreviated seasons.

You can feel it in the last couple episodes, which should've been like 4 different episodes.
Who the hell is Lane Pryce?

And quit your ****** cryin, you really think I spoiled anything, really? That stuff I brought up don't mean a damn thing to the movie, other than it sucks.

Zik, are you aoihd7goihdsafihdsauihfpa? Cuz I haven't seen him since the move, and he was heavy in here, so I assume you are him, correct? :lol:
I dunno, if the only comp you have is dead, all the money to be made is yours. He was offered, 35% as a partnership, instead of 100% of whatever is sold, without his biggest competitor in the market. And one last reason why you kill him on spot, Gus Fring. Gus thought he had it, and he got got. So why take that chance when you have this guy dead to rights in your sight? Pop him, kill the comp, kill the guy that will come after you someday, and they all go on with life. Now, he may get 35% of whatever money, but think he's safe going forward? Say my name was out there with no gun, and no backup. When he said say my name I woulda guessed Smith and Wesson and called it a day.

"Everybody wins"

I could write this show. :lol: :smokin
Eh, when did Gilligan ask for a 6th season? Couldn't have been during season one but when worded like that it makes sense on both sides. It's rare as hell for a cast and creator to sign a 5 season contract in the first place. It's the same with movies when the cast signs on for a specific # of movies then somebody wants to do a 4th or 5th project and the cast isn't brought back so they reboot the franchise or set it in the past, future, alt universe.

I know there's a point of not sacrificing artistic integrity and making it look like you're milking the show but I feel Gilligan could've stretched this show to a season 7. Make half of S5 the build up to a drug kingpin then 2nd half boss kingpin. Then half of S6 more boss kingpin (maybe a conflict with another cartel) then the rest of the 2nd half S6 and S7 the fall of Walter White. Maybe even shorten S7 to a 10-13 ep season.

I recall LOST having serious problems with this due to the writer's strike where they then downplayed the issue for S5 and the final season instead of extending.
Zik, are you aoihd7goihdsafihdsauihfpa? Cuz I haven't seen him since the move, and he was heavy in here, so I assume you are him, correct? :lol:
I dunno, if the only comp you have is dead, all the money to be made is yours. He was offered, 35% as a partnership, instead of 100% of whatever is sold, without his biggest competitor in the market. And one last reason why you kill him on spot, Gus Fring. Gus thought he had it, and he got got. So why take that chance when you have this guy dead to rights in your sight? Pop him, kill the comp, kill the guy that will come after you someday, and they all go on with life. Now, he may get 35% of whatever money, but think he's safe going forward? Say my name was out there with no gun, and no backup. When he said say my name I woulda guessed Smith and Wesson and called it a day.

"Everybody wins"

I could write this show. :lol: :smokin
:lol: Zik = ATGD = Buddha Bless. I thought most knew.

As far as percentages go, it probably balances out. 35% of what they make off Walt's product is probably equal to 100% of his crap product. Especially when all the addicts realize his fake blue aint Heisenberg product and Walt eventually finds a different way to get his distribution up and going. To me offing Walt aint a real option with the money to be made. Walt a very reasonable argument for why killing him just wouldn't work out. Makes more sense to team up than kill dude, given the situation you don't know who else is involved or how Mike responds (dude doesn't know Mike and Walt have problems). Why should dude think Walt is coming to kill him? When dude is operating in a whole other region.

:lol: Everybody does not win with your way.
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Wait, what? Nah...Lost got all the episodes they wanted. In season 3, they felt like their story was getting watered down with 22 episodes a season, so they locked all their characters in a cage and told ABC, we'll let them out when we have a new deal. So ABC gave in and they got 16 episodes a season for 3 last seasons like they wanted, with the option to add more. Their problems were creatively, not with ABC.

But yeah, with Breaking Bad, because AMC gave so much money to the Mad Men guys, they wanted to cut Breaking Bad short or have it run much longer. Gilligan was ready to move it to FX or something, because they were being cheap...This is a better compromise than the alternative, but 3 (working on 4) Best Actor Emmy's, ratings steady going up, all the buzz and acclaim they could ask for...that's shiesty to renew The Killing and in the same breath do Breaking Bad dirty like that.

It's w/e, the last 5 minutes of BB were too good.
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Season 4 of LOST did not go the way they planned and # of eps played in to that. That affected how they executed S5. Creators listed the kinds of stories they had to cut and character subplots they had to drop and permanently left out due to the writer's strike.

I'm not saying they had problems negotiating the # of seasons or episodes. I'm saying episode management and telling the story got ****** up because of how the creators wanted to tell their story and what they were allowed to do.

But yeah AMC is a bit shady with it. When MM finally comes to an end and don't compromise on it they'll probably get treated messed up in some way but these actions will bite AMC in the *** when they realize after that they'll have nothing as good or as popular as MM or BB in their wake.
:rofl: :rofl: at the unicorn. This movie got SO much more entertaining as soon as the kids found their way into the control building. CP, you lose sir. This movie is ******g awesome. And it aint even over yet.

What's the twist? Did I pass it already? :nerd:

Oh god Sigourney Weaver :rofl:
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Damn, didn't take you long.

See, I knew you'd like it.. :lol:

For those of us that get it, and like what they are presenting to us, will absolutely love it. For those of you who aren't enthralled by the premise, won't love it.
It more than exceeded my expectations. I went in thinking it'd be another try-hard comedy/horror. I knew the plot, the setup, apparently the 'twist,' which I'm still not sure where it was, and the ending more or less. But it was fun. I should have had faith in Mr. Whedon. He kept me guessing on a couple things throughout the movie, and kept it entertaining without hitting all the try-hard cliches. Good movie, good movie.
Well, the twist I always refer to is revealed pretty much the second the film starts. The fact that the kids environment is controlled by those scientists. I had no idea going in what was going on, so it was a much better surprise. I strayed away from reviews, saw it opening day and was floored.
Season 4 of LOST did not go the way they planned and # of eps played in to that. That affected how they executed S5. Creators listed the kinds of stories they had to cut and character subplots they had to drop and permanently left out due to the writer's strike.
I'm not saying they had problems negotiating the # of seasons or episodes. I'm saying episode management and telling the story got ****** up because of how the creators wanted to tell their story and what they were allowed to do.
But yeah AMC is a bit shady with it. When MM finally comes to an end and don't compromise on it they'll probably get treated messed up in some way but these actions will bite AMC in the *** when they realize after that they'll have nothing as good or as popular as MM or BB in their wake.

The Walking Dead is actually more popular-- ratings wise-- than Mad Men or Breaking Bad. Although I wonder how many more seasons TWD could conceivably go? I'm unfamiliar with the comics, but are there any major plot lines the series hasn't touched?
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