Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

:lol: I ain't drunk, I'm at work. And I'm not even a huge horror nerd, not a nerd at all, just not sure what all the fuss was about with Cabin. And to knock the Scream franchise. :smh:

And Osh is correct, and to add to that, thank the Lord that role was not Keanu Reeves. And I like Keanu, but that woulda been terrible. :x
Keanu is a cornball.

I really liked Constantine, that and Scanner Darkly were probably the last good movies he's done? Then I hear, he turned down Constantine 2, because he's never doing sequels again after Matrix blew up in his face.

Now I hear he's working on Bill & Ted 3. :stoneface:
Let's see, we have the wonderful Timothy Olyphant making one of his earlier performances and doing quite well.
We again had no idea who the killer(s) were the entire time. And the movie/plot kept you guessing thru the whole movie.
It made you believe it was Derek, Syd's boyfriend, again, only to show in dramatic fashion that it was not.
You had the movie class, complete with Sarah Michelle at her peak, and of course Randy and one of the killers in the room at the same time debating stuff. Very underrated
Randy was fantastic in this movie, even better than 1.
The introduction of Liev Schreiber in the series, another actor who wasn't even all that big yet, but has become a fav of many.
Mathew Liliard being in the movie and no one noticing. :lol:
The new cameraman was funny
The way Stab made fun of its own self. Not just the horror genre, but they made fun of their own damn franchise, complete with Tori Spelling and Luke Wilson doing the best Billy Loomis impersonation you could ask for.
Billy's mom, being in front of us the whole time.
All that, plus a pretty solid young cast, even without any true dynamic performances acting wise, I'm sorry, there wasn't jack **** for acting in Cabin either. And that story turned into a complete bloodbath of "gore" that was really just chaos. Did it have an interesting look at things? Yeah, sure. But why did it try to be serious, and then scary, and then just give up the last 15 minutes and make it all lame and stupid? It was only a 95 minute film, why they stop at 80 minutes? Don't even get me started on the magical invisible barrier. What the **** was that supposed to be? :smh:
You just called those movies cartoon, and back Cabin? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It doesn't try and be subtle about it's cartoonish.

Timothy Olyphant was nothing in Scream 2 until they "shock you," that he's the killer, in reality when you don't even care. So the two killers are Neve's boyfriends friend, and Neve's ex-boyfriends mom. That's trivial when you don't care about any of the characters. They try and make you care, and then try and make fun of the genre and itself, and then try to make you care again, but it's too convoluted. I don't care enough about Billy's mom to care that she's terrorizing Neve. It's not a plot-twist that I can honestly sit back and say that it changed the film for me. Why? Because there's never enough tension in the film to get me to care.

Debating stuff? You mean the scene where they talk about sequels better than the original? Who cares? If I want to have that debate, me and you will have it, I don't need Sarah Michelle Gellar and Jamie freaking Kennedy talking about it. Jamie Kennedy was a eye-sore through the entire franchise. He can't act. At least Matthew Lillard can overact to the point where you can buy it, but Jamie Kennedy has always been terrible. Having Lillard in the second film was completely unnecessary. It's stupid to have him in it, I don't care if he recorded it in the past, when he was a baby, or is coming to us from the future.

Liev was one of the better things about this movie.

The cameraman was the most stereotypical black man you could find. Way to go Wes, way to take your franchise over to the upper-echelon. Not to mention the horrid soundtrack that had Master P on it.

Stab is probably the worst part of the entire franchise. They get cameos that no one cares about, and they just make fun of themselves, which is utterly boring because there's not much about the franchise worth caring about.

You didn't even get into the craptasticness of Scream 3, where the killer sends you fax messages while blowing up your house. I'm shocked he didn't page them while he had the chance.

Cabin NEVER tries to take itself seriously. When in that film do you ever feel like it's trying to be serious? The opening scene is the two ring-leaders of the operation having simple conversation? Neither films have acting to write home about, but at least Cabin had Richard Jenkins and Bradley Whitford. The entire film is about the sacrificing of the kids and finding the most twisted and sadistic way to kill them. The sacrifice went awry, the kids got into their underground lair, and basically unleashed hell, akin to The Evil Dead franchise.

The difference with Scream and Cabin is that Scream is so in your face with it's satire that it's annoying, especially in the later films. Cabin takes place in a cartoonish world, full of garish things, while Scream tries to replicate humanity a lot more than Cabin does.
Anyone see shadow of a vampire? Malcovich and Defoe. It's on IFC, I'm recording it

IFC has been very good for the last year
How you gonna hype it up when it's halfway done and there's no other showtimes? :lol:

But yeah...IFC's been stepping their game up...speaking of...I still gotta watch Bullet in the Face.
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I didn't hype it up I wanna know if it's worth watching lol.

I'll let you know when they play it again they always end up looping movies. They have been playing sling blade a few times each month and I still haven't been able to catch it. I haven't seen it before

I'm watching the first episode of bullet in the face now. I've never seen anything like this on TV before. It's like an incredibly violent funny comic book.

Some of you will love it.
I always find myself unable to engage in horror films if they're not mixed with the psychological thriller genre. The suspense of a regular horror movie tends to bore me and literally put me to sleep and then I feel like I'm wasting my time. I may have missed a few good movies in that category but most times when I check them on dvd or on a cable movie channel it's a snooze fest.

Damn Dub, I been slipping on my IFC watching. To me they've been re-airing Teeth TOO much and I've been re-watching Reservoir Dogs on showtime the past few days.
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I been watching IFC alot more since they got malcom in the middle.

increasingly poor decisions of todd margret is funny too. I think it was only 12 episodes all together.

I been catching up on louie. that show is probably the best comedy on TV. Besides Curb.
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^ Suffice it to say you're a fan of the Saw line then, right?
Hell no. I mean actual psychological thrillers. Not MacGuyver meets an inescapable death trap.

I'd say I liked Hostel although that has no psychological thriller elements in it and leans more to suspense and a lil mystery.

Can't really think of any movie at the moment. I'm drawing blanks on titles.
Seven? Inception? Shutter Island?

I know those last 2 are definitely more 'psychological thriller' and less 'psychological horror', but just throwing some names out there.
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Yes, Seven and Shutter Island for sure. I don't count Inception much as a mix of horror and psychological thriller though but I love that film.

Stuff like The Shining (best example I can think of), American Psycho (I guess fits), Cape Fear, Psycho, Sixth Sense (maybe?)

I dig the sci-fi horror too. The rest I can pass on; slasher and gore stuff stopped being scary to me after I grew up. I watch that NC-17/banned in a few countries movies though like A Serbian Film, Human Centipede, etc. just to get desensitized :lol:
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Not to derail the horror discussion, but I just caught the Tribe Called Quest documentary on cable. I thought it was very well done. I don't know that it would be all that compelling to someone that wasn't a big Tribe fan -- which I am -- but I thought it was a solid doc on its own merits too.

And speaking of documentaries, here's a link to the trailer for a documentary my friend produced and directed about the 1992 Lithuanian Olympic basketball team, called "The Other Dream Team." http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/independent/theotherdreamteam

It got good reviews at Sundance this year and will be getting released in theaters in the fall. If you like basketball and documentaries, you should like this one.
Human Centipede... just to get desensitized :lol:
That movie blew. Nothing about it was close to good, especially for desensitization. Salo > HC for poop eating. "Circle of ****" was by far the worst thing I've seen in a movie that involved dinner plates. HC just made me angry at the stupidity of the characters and weakness of the 'shock' moments.

Everything else you mentioned though (minus Serbian Film cause I havent seen it),


Also, did you like the first Saw at least?
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Human Centipede... just to get desensitized :lol:
That movie blew. Nothing about it was close to good, especially for desensitization. Salo > HC for poop eating. "Circle of ****" was by far the worst thing I've seen in a movie that involved dinner plates. HC just made me angry at the stupidity of the characters and weakness of the 'shock' moments.

Everything else you mentioned though (minus Serbian Film cause I havent seen it),


Also, did you like the first Saw at least?
Oh trust you need to see A Serbian Film :x in all kind of bad ways :lol: I just mentioned Human Centipede to bring up the type, there are definitely better movies in that lane.

When I say I didn't like the Saw movies it's from an angle where I wasn't scared or freaked out by any of the explicit gruesome scenes. I can enjoy and have a good laugh to pass the time. I definitely enjoyed the first one, didn't think it was anything great but good. All sequels kinda ruined it similar to how it wasn't a good idea to have a Hangover 2 and expect it to be just as funny or funnier. Stuff like that is the kinda movie you watch when Spike or TNT is showing it and you're trying to smash the chick you invited over.
Not to derail the horror discussion, but I just caught the Tribe Called Quest documentary on cable. I thought it was very well done. I don't know that it would be all that compelling to someone that wasn't a big Tribe fan -- which I am -- but I thought it was a solid doc on its own merits too.

And speaking of documentaries, here's a link to the trailer for a documentary my friend produced and directed about the 1992 Lithuanian Olympic basketball team, called "The Other Dream Team." http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/independent/theotherdreamteam

It got good reviews at Sundance this year and will be getting released in theaters in the fall. If you like basketball and documentaries, you should like this one.
Still haven't checked the Tribe doc. Been slippin. I'm backed up on my movies to watching dating back 2 years or so.
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Not to derail the horror discussion, but I just caught the Tribe Called Quest documentary on cable. I thought it was very well done. I don't know that it would be all that compelling to someone that wasn't a big Tribe fan -- which I am -- but I thought it was a solid doc on its own merits too.

And speaking of documentaries, here's a link to the trailer for a documentary my friend produced and directed about the 1992 Lithuanian Olympic basketball team, called "The Other Dream Team." http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/independent/theotherdreamteam

It got good reviews at Sundance this year and will be getting released in theaters in the fall. If you like basketball and documentaries, you should like this one.
That Tribe docu was great. I feel like I've lowkey been waiting for it for 10 years. Even adding a little more because of all people, Michael Rapaport made it. :lol: :smokin

And I heard about that docu...I'll have to check it out now.
I just feel it'll be a waste of time akin to HC or other random terrible 'gore' films. Unless you just mean watch it to see them pushing the boundaries on what should or should not ever ever EVER be put on screen. I'm desensitized to films for the most part (Salo was the last one to bother me, more due to a sense of hopelessness and despair; I was depressed for like 2 days thanks to that movie) thanks to real life **** posted around the net, and my friend basically tricking me into watching a few of the more popular vids when we were 15.
I thought I was pretty desensitized too...but yeah...Human Centipede is practically a comedy compared to A Serbian Film and Martyrs.

I remember me and my boys went on a ****** up movie marathon, Centipede was last and we ended up skimming through it, because it was both the softest of all of them and a complete joke.

Between Serbian and Martyrs...one of those two will probably hurt you I think.
I cant remember if I've seen Martyrs. I know I had a big thing for foreign gore a few years ago and I tried getting in the big name French films (High Tension is still a guilty pleasure). I might find that just to make sure I've seen it. And if I havent, I'll see something new :D Regardless, I doubt it'll do anything to shock me. Serbian Film might just because I've read the synop and that was... well I never thought I'd read about a movie like that.

Been meaning to say MrO, your sig? I love it.
it looks good but idk how i feel about the beef. i feel like he has potential to detract from the whole film.

not surprised the tribe doc was dope; michael rapaport is that dude. he filmed an upcoming movie Last I Heard right around the block from me.
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See that adds to it for me.

It's like there's a great actors' film going on, right? But then at the same time they made an avant garde documentary on drunk Even Stevens a la Joaquin with a beard.

Dude looks like someone's son stumbled onto the movie. :lol:
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