Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

You said it, and sound stupid doing so.

I said it moreso just to poke fun at you, but for me not being a huge guy into cars, seeing my favorite action stars from the 70s, 80s, and 90s?

Can't beat it man. :pimp:

Dolph was great. Crews was great. Chuck was awesome.

They know exactly what they're doing in each film, and they deliver.
Can't believe this about Tony Scott. :frown: RIP man.

JA, where ya been man? Aren't you the one that was askin about the American Reunion a while back? I finally got to that this weekend (first new movie I've watched since TDKR) and I actually liked it. They did a real good job, much better than American Wedding. Wonder if they do a 5 somehow. It clearly lacks the buzz of the first 2, but as a franchise, it's held up fairly well. Weird tho, not a one of them actors/actresses made it outside of those roles. They've all failed elsewhere minus little bit parts. Even Suvari who looked on the come up after American Beauty, Stifler flopped, Klein, Biggs meh, Shannon Elizabeth, the hell happened to her, trainwreck Reid, Christ, Stifler's mom and Jim's dad have had more run than the young kids. :lol:
ABC News is reporting he had inoperable brain cancer. I completely understand suicide in that case.
Yeah, completely understand. Still sucks though, and dude had movies in production. Sad day.
I understand it but he could've still done some worthwhile stuff before it got bad and then did this but hey maybe he crossed off everything on his bucket list already.
Well now TMZ is saying he didn't have brain cancer.. so I'll wait until there's some official word on it.
Kind of not gotten used to the new format, that's all CP. I've watched a ton of movies since I last made a lengthy reply. Off the top of my head, seen for the first time: Crazy Stupid Love, Dark Knight Rises three times, Expendables 2, The Campaign, Hope Springs, Piranha, The Thing (2011), Exorcismus, and a few more I can't think of off the top of my head. With the exception of The Thing, they were all pretty enjoyable.

I thought Reunion was pretty good for the most part, if you enjoy the films. I was excited to see so many of the same cast members back. Jim/Jim's Dad/Stiffler stole the show to me. Kevin was just there, and I thought Oz was terrible in American Reunion. I found him and Mena Suvari's character in AP2 to be rather enjoyable, because it's something I could personally relate to, but man, he sucked hard in Reunion. He could pull off the naivety 10 years ago, but not today. I thought the payoff with Stiffler getting Finch's mom in the end was pretty satisfying.

As for how they've ended up as actors, I'd say Seann William Scott probably had the best springboard from the franchise. I enjoyed him in Role Models, and that's probably the movie I enjoy most out of anyone who's from the AP cast. He still just doesn't seem right when he plays anything other than Stiffler. Just got type-casted.

If they do a fifth, maybe American Funeral? :lol:

I'm watching The Help right now, maybe I'll swing by tomorrow and play catch-up.
Hell, I'm an idiot. I forgot to mention the film I enjoyed the most out of the entire chunk I've seen recently.


It's a genre-flick that appeals to me in every way a film probably could. Plot, premise, acting, directing, score, cinematography, editing, etc. I loved it. I felt ashamed I didn't go catch it in theaters. I wish I hadn't waited so long. I can appreciate a lot of the jargon in the film having a science background, and it's a more methodical approach to something like 28 Days Later sans the thriller element, substituted with a mystery-plot.

Enjoyed it a lot, one of the better genre-films I'd seen in a while, probably since The Raid: Redemption, which I also watched again recently. Those damn Indonesians speak so damn fast... :lol:
And throw punches faster :smokin God The Raid was amazing. Picking it up tomorrow w/ the new Bloc Party album if Best Buy has it. If not, Amazon's my plan.

RE: Contagion. I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would. It was solid, and kept me interested in the multiple plots, but all in all I didn't find the suspense I thought it's offer. Jude Law didn't really get into the **** storm of conspiracy I thought he would. A little... too realistic? Is that a thing? I feel really bad about wanting something more sensationalistic when a couple pages ago I was *****ing about Fast & Furious franchise being too cartoonish :lol: Regardless, good movie.
I loved The Raid. It wasn't just that the fighting was cool. Like the fighting in Ong-Bak and Troy were cool. It's that it was so clever, like they kept asking themselves halfway through fights, what would Jason Bourne do?...if he killed people. :lol:

But yea, Contagion...I liked...Marion Cotillard...Jude Law was good...maybe underused.
And Gwyneth Paltrow had a great scene with Matt Damon. :nerd:

It's just...the Fishburne/Winslet/Damon's kid stuff was ehh to me.
Nothing really grabbed me or stayed with me from the movie though.
I loved The Raid. It wasn't just that the fighting ... It's that it was so clever, like they kept asking themselves halfway through fights, what would Jason Bourne do?...if he killed people. :lol:
Exactly why I love it. The use of the environment and way that the fighting styles changed during the fights, as the guys got tired down and more desperate, was phenomenal. Favorite foreign film since 13 Assassins.

Phyllis Diller died. RIP Peter Griffin's mother |I Wonder who the third will be.
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RE: Contagion. I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would. It was solid, and kept me interested in the multiple plots, but all in all I didn't find the suspense I thought it's offer. Jude Law didn't really get into the **** storm of conspiracy I thought he would. A little... too realistic? Is that a thing? I feel really bad about wanting something more sensationalistic when a couple pages ago I was *****ing about Fast & Furious franchise being too cartoonish laugh.gif Regardless, good movie.

That's the thing I think that a lot of people don't like about the movie, and what I enjoyed about it. That it was a little too realistic. I had an emphasis on microbiology my last year of college, and maybe it was just a perfect storm for me. I'll agree with the critics about Jude Law, but I didn't think Damon was bad at all. It takes the polar opposite of approach to 28 Days Later, which is the best film I can compare it to (I haven't seen Outbreak in over a dozen years). It takes all the action and thrills out of that film, and instead takes the approach of how to treat the problem. We get a more global approach to the issue, which I really enjoyed. It's a slow-burn though, and in terms of what happens in the film? Not too much. That's completely fine with me though. I enjoy a slow-burn. I'm by no means calling this a film for everyone, but for me I really enjoyed it.
Got to Cabin in the Woods last night......

It was good? :\

It was, ok. Smart. I guess it was a little unique, but good? A dude got stabbed by a unicorn. A clown got shot 6 times and still stabbed somebody. A giant spider? And whatever the "Gods" were below, were just mythical beasts.

And Sigourney Weaver.

Yeeeeaaaaaahhh. It was alright. You could pay me to give it a 7. We'll stop there, given O saying that TDKR was an 8.5

Is that the entire movie of Moon in here????? :wow: Am I missing something? :lol:
Bout time someone else spoke of Cabin as something other than 'fantastically amazing and brilliantly reverent to the horror genre!!!.

Oh, I rewatched all the Scream movies except for part four. Maaaaaan. Scream 2 and 3 suck. Ain't no beating around the bush. Wes Craven is just stroking his proverbial **** in those last two films. They're terrible. There were some things about them that I thought was okay, but for the most part? Stupid. Dewey and Gale are the only two characters I continued to watch those movies for. The acting, script, soundtrack, gore, editing, all pretty crappy.

If people don't like Cabin that's fine. CP if that's what you're going to nitpick, the realism of the obviously cartoonish elements, go watch your Vin FF films. :lol:
Let me see if I have this right, Scream 2 and 3 sucked, while Cabin in the Woods was great.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Enlighten my ***, tell me why Scream 2 and 3 were anything but pure and utter garbage. Because they kept making fun of the horror genre?

Keep your Scream and Fast and the Furious movies. Talk about cartoon....

You don't like Cabin? That's fine, but sitting here and crapping on Cabin while trying to defend Scream 2/3?

The first Scream is average at best.
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Let's see, we have the wonderful Timothy Olyphant making one of his earlier performances and doing quite well.

We again had no idea who the killer(s) were the entire time. And the movie/plot kept you guessing thru the whole movie.

It made you believe it was Derek, Syd's boyfriend, again, only to show in dramatic fashion that it was not.

You had the movie class, complete with Sarah Michelle at her peak, and of course Randy and one of the killers in the room at the same time debating stuff. Very underrated

Randy was fantastic in this movie, even better than 1.

The introduction of Liev Schreiber in the series, another actor who wasn't even all that big yet, but has become a fav of many.

Mathew Liliard being in the movie and no one noticing. :lol:

The new cameraman was funny

The way Stab made fun of its own self. Not just the horror genre, but they made fun of their own damn franchise, complete with Tori Spelling and Luke Wilson doing the best Billy Loomis impersonation you could ask for.

Billy's mom, being in front of us the whole time.

All that, plus a pretty solid young cast, even without any true dynamic performances acting wise, I'm sorry, there wasn't jack **** for acting in Cabin either. And that story turned into a complete bloodbath of "gore" that was really just chaos. Did it have an interesting look at things? Yeah, sure. But why did it try to be serious, and then scary, and then just give up the last 15 minutes and make it all lame and stupid? It was only a 95 minute film, why they stop at 80 minutes? Don't even get me started on the magical invisible barrier. What the **** was that supposed to be? :smh:

You just called those movies cartoon, and back Cabin? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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