Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I get why people don't like it, but I really love that movie. Michael Shannon is great.
How could ppl not like it? The transitions from nightmares to real life were seamless (until the part in the living room with the furniture). I liked the whole take given I was coming in with no expectations or what kind of movie it was. I saw it based off ONegative's sig and the fact that Shannon was in it. I didn't know if this was horror, psychological thriller, supernatural based given the premonitions of something bad coming and the details in the disaster, or if it was just a regular old story about some guy going from paranoid to insane.

Given how character centric it was Shannon's performance was all that mattered and he definitely carried the film.

It's funny though cuz this reminded me of another movie I saw dealing with the main character being paranoid of a pending natural disaster except there was no illness involved and it was really low budget and basically an all black film, I know Hill Harper was in it.
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Take Shelter is such a great film.

Realized The Raid came out on video this week, but my Best Buy didnt have it in, despite the spot on a shelf for it :rolleyes I'll just wait until it goes on sale now. Still watched it, still amazing. The choreography and brutality in the fights are really the best I've seen.
So, I finished season 4 of The Wire.......

Man, it hit me for the first time how sad I am going to be watching the final season. This **** is incredible.

I'll hold it all in til I finish it all, but it's truly special. Soon as I'm done, I'm lookin up all the old Wire threads, the character matchups, the old Simmons articles, all of it.
So, I finished season 4 of The Wire.......
Man, it hit me for the first time how sad I am going to be watching the final season. This **** is incredible.
I'll hold it all in til I finish it all, but it's truly special. Soon as I'm done, I'm lookin up all the old Wire threads, the character matchups, the old Simmons articles, all of it.
Season 4 was probably my favorite out of the five. I'd say season 5 is probably better than 2 but not up to 1 or 3. Let us know how when you finished. For real though emotions are had when such great tv ends.
When I'm done, I'm batsignaling all Wire folks to come talk to me and post their essays they've got saved and what not. I can't wait to read all of it. I've avoided them for so long because I didn't want to spoil anything.

I should get thru 5 within a week or so.
I watched all 5 seasons of the Wire, twice. :lol: I wish there was a blu-ray version of that ****. By far my favorite show ever.
A part of me doubts I'll ever rewatch The Wire...
I've seen the first episode like 8 times.
These things are related.
A part of me doubts I'll ever rewatch The Wire...
I've seen the first episode like 8 times.
These things are related.

You can't do that to me. What're you sayin here? I don't even know if I remember the first one, minus McNulty sees Stringer, talks to the judge, and it begins. Other than that, I don't remember much. Why does that shut you down when you try to re-watch?

Hell yeah. Fast Six. :pimp:

Didn't even know Gina was joinin the crew, but she'll fit in perfect I'm sure. May 24, 2013 can't get here fast enough.
The Fast and Furious franchise would be good enough if they were just racing/action movies with beautiful women. But thankfully, they've recognized the inherent absurdity and comedy of the series and have definitely played into it... which makes it even better.
Christopher Nolan needs to make a F&F. People need something dark and serious, not this cartoon **** that cant be anything more than a late night Tuesday smoke sesh movie. Something to counter balance the F&F franchise, the Speed Racer, Redline, Driven, etc ****. Because that's the racing movie we need, but not the racing movie we deserve right now.
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A part of me doubts I'll ever rewatch The Wire...
I've seen the first episode like 8 times.
These things are related.

You can't do that to me. What're you sayin here? I don't even know if I remember the first one, minus McNulty sees Stringer, talks to the judge, and it begins. Other than that, I don't remember much. Why does that shut you down when you try to re-watch?
:lol: nothing especially...my mind just gets racing when I see D'Angelo and Bodie. It's a mix of me being impatient and really wanna jump to _______, or I just really want to slowly digest every episode and never pick it back up? It's the knowing. Knowing how depressingly certain strands end. Seeing the 'happy' beginnings just gets me wanting to put that off posthaste. And that turns into...lemme check what's on the DVR or something, without fail. :lol:
Ahh yeah Zik you missed the ****storm that happened when I said I hated Fast Five. This is like F&F fanboy central.
It feels like everyone in this thread loves (for the knowing lulz) or hates (because it's a joke) F&F...no real in-between. :lol:

saw the first 1 and last 2 in theaters. no regrets.
I am pretty sure I saw the first one in theaters. I didn't see the last 2. I did see the Asian one somehow. It's a testament to how lazy hollywood is but whatever
I think 5 was the first I saw in a threatre, but Ima be front row for 6. Me and Nos checkin that **** out IMAX 3-D midnight ************* showing. :nthat:

Anybody that hates that franchise got no heart. :smh:

I just checked the search function on The Wire in General, I am the excite. TONS of **** in there. I can't wait to dive in that.

Avengers 2, May 1 2015. :pimp: Really surprised they do the May 1 thing when kids are still in school and not try to take over the July prime slot. They stamp their date in July, nobody gonna match it, studios would steer clear of that weekend for weeks. Why do May? Oh well, 600 mil easy anyways with a bill worldwide. :smh: I shoulda been a producer.
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