Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

As longs he's not playing a superhero or in a major role, whatever... I think he can handle directing.
I know everyone said the same thing about Favreau before Iron Man, but I can't pretend like this'll end well just to not have my foot in my mouth or ignore the irony of a ****** superhero directing a ****** superhero movie or act like the world before Gone Baby Gone didn't happen.

We'll see, but cmon. That's Ben Affleck. :lol:

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The timing is really humorous and yeah, it's Ben Affleck... But he can direct. Of the many, many things standing in the way of a Justice League movie being anything but awful, I don't think Ben Affleck directing is one of them.

Having to replace THE Batman, hoping Zack Snyder doesn't bomb Superman, having to make Flash and Wonder Woman into reasonable on-screen characters, needing a complete reboot of Green Lantern less than two years after releasing the movie... Having to establish 3 of those into the gritty, realistic world you've created with your two headliners, especially after you made that ridiculous GL abortion.

Are you going to try and adapt Darkseid for your gritty world? Are you going to bring Lex Luthor and The Joker and the Injustice League together? Are you going to go against gritty and real and do one of their many alien villains? You can't do the stupid *** evil twins thing from some of the comics, can you?

If there's one thing Marvel showed us, it's tht something like this takes planning and foresight. It feels like DC is forcing the issue to get something out against Avengers 2 and to keep from losing the steam of Nolan's Batman.

Take some time, reboot these characters around Man of Steel, and do it right.
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I like Ben as a director but I don't want to see him doing a superhero film unless it's some gritty lesser known character or something.
Ben Affleck let that dude direct him in his role of Daredevil. No way I'd trust him to direct a superhero flick let alone JL when it's already up in the air if it'll work out and translate well.

But at this point I don't mind or care much anymore. I'm fine with DC/WB's first attempt with a JL movie failing epically so they can learn from it and try again and get it right in 2025.
Jennifer Garner as Wonder Woman, book it. :pimp:

:lol: Naw but I don't see the problem here. I think Ben has shown he can direct, and I bet Argo is going to make it clear. If he gets Argo right, and goes Gone Baby Gone, The Town, Argo, well then what more do you need?

And how was Daredevil not gritty? People may not be in love with it, but it was grittier than any other comic movie outside Nolan's work. Tellin the kid he wasn't the bad guy, pullin teeth out his mouth, the darker tone, the backstory of his father, helluva lot grittier than The Avengers or Spiderman is.

Dirk is correct tho, this is a 5-7 year project. And they have to NAIL a new Batman, which could be almost impossible. Pray that Man of Steel works (and if Nolan is involved with the story, I'm betting it will) then he can work around the rest. It's possible, POSSIBLE, they go with just MOS, then a Batman reboot, and straight to Justice League. Introduce an easter egg with Wonder Woman in MOS, throw a Flash cameo in the new Batman, hope and pray that a Green Latern sequel will work out better, and then mix them all together in one fell swoop. Do NOT try and give a Flash or WW movie ala Thor/Captain America, you don't have that kind of time. New Batman will have to be like 2016 or so, MOS and a sequel within that same time frame, Latern in 2015 or something, should be able to have Justice League by 2018 I bet. If you bump the others up a year, JL goes to 2017. Eh. Not horrible. Not great, but in terms of doing it properly, yeah it'll have to do.

Or, you fly in BLIND as a bat. And just simply go, Ben directs, Justice League, 2015. Everyone pretend you already know Batman and Super, now here's some other folks too, introduce bad guy, begin.........

That to me, is riskier. Sooner, but riskier. Do this right, get billions of bucks. Screw it up, everyone loses their jobs, a true, real good adaption of Justice League may not happen til 2025 or some ****.
I'll just quote what I posted in the Avengers thread.

[QUOTE name="solarius49"]

But why would DC have a big reboot job? All they have is Superman to reboot lol, and the worst Superman movie isnt touching Ghost Rider, Ghost Rider 2, X3 Spider-man 3, Punisher War Zone ect as far as terribleness goes

Well...the goal's gotta be Justice League. After Avengers, if you don't go all the way to Justice League, aren't you chicken %+@#?

None of those other movies have anything to do with the Avengers movies. Most moviegoers wouldn't even assume they were in the same universe. They got a clean slate and a bunch of unknown film characters to mess with. And they absolutely nailed the casting with RDJ, Hemsworth, Norton/Ruffalo, ScarJo and I hear plenty of people like Chris Evans.

And regardless of my issues with them, all of the solo films (except IM2) are well done, good on their own and connected in clever little ways.

DC just had a Green Lantern movie that more or less killed the character for a good while coming. How do you run an ad for a new one without people rolling their eyes?
They've been trying and failing to make a Wonder Woman film for a decade+ Joss Whedon wanted to write/direct it. They said no thanks.
Nolan's Batman is iconic and about to end for good. Rebooting and distinguishing yourself so soon after such a successful and accepted series? G'luck
...Zach Snyder's Superman is supposed to lead it off? Unknown actor? Snyder's first all-around good film since Dawn of the Dead? (less you count 300, I don't) I mean you could say the same thing about Favreau directing an action movie, but they have a Robert Downey Jr.

I think what they did with these Avengers films was a much more seemless task than the job DC has in front of them. There a ton more fans of the characters, but a lot more expectations and baggage and hurdles. Who was gonna be mad if Cap or Thor turned out only decent? Who's your quarterback? There's no Nick Fury in DC, is there? Is Martian Manhunter gonna show up in Man of Steel or something? They don't have a Hulk. They have a Superman: a Captain America who's so powerful they're gonna have to b#^&% him out to make sense why anyone else is important. And they're gonna have to gadget up Batman until he's on their level. Just imagine. They're gonna have to be the first ones to make Batman (in costume) work during the daytime. And on top of that, everyone has a secret identity to juggle too? The realism of Marvel's superheroes is something DC is gonna have to deal with too. Their most realistic superhero has an amazingly successful franchise and he doesn't even fit in?

Avengers biggest issue was that some...important, but still bonus members of the team couldn't join. And mind you, Avengers barely pulled it off. Thank Joss Whedon.

I think DC has a tougher job.
And their answer is Ben Affleck. :lol:
I have no reason to think this, but i feel like Afleck has a little bit of nerd in him which you would assume helps in a justice league movie

I wasnt ever into it. Except when I heard batman learned about everyone's weaknesses that sounds good
Gritty? That Daredevil movie was hollow. That was that faux grittiness. I did not believe in that. Shallow... and pedantic. It did not in anyway take me in to Frank Miller's New York when he was on Daredevil. To me it felt like they thought they could get away with a bunch of rooftop fights and tinting the lens on the camera so it could look a certain way visually.

Yeah, Ben has nerd in him for sure. I recall him rubbing shoulders with Jay and Silent Bob in a few movies but to me I'd like WB to get a guy with a more proven track record. The Town was great, I haven't seen Gone Baby Gone (I think or I did and it's become forgettable for me) and I don't think a 3rd movie would solidify his skill as a director, especially when it comes to taking on a task like a JL movie.

Anyone seen Grimm? is it a good watch? the preview from this upcoming season have me :nerd:
I think rushing this and putting it out in 2015 is a grave mistake and will bomb this attempt at making JL work.

Marvel was smarter and more insightful than you in putting this kind of project together. Tough pill to swallow, sure, but you cannot rush this just for the sake of competition and let it get steamrolled. If you're going to go this route, you've got to take the time and make it right.

Put Ben in place for Justice League. Fine. Give him a kind of creative oversight like Joss now has with Marvel and let him put his fingerprints on the FRANCHISE.

Do Man of Steel now. That's your Iron Man. You introduce Superman, maybe do a post-credits Wonder Woman intro. There's been a rumored Wonder Woman script out there somewhere, get that thing primed and ready for early/summer 2014... You need to introduce Flash. HAVE TO. Get people working on that now and have your Flash intro movie in late 2014.

If you want to ride with Ryan Reynolds, whatever. But I think you need a complete removal from that garbage and a fresh start. Get Green Lantern ready for Summer 2015.

You have to distance from Nolan's Batman. You have to. Get your reboot in the works NOW and be prepped for that to drop Christmas 2015. That movie is your peek into everything you want Justice Lague to be.

Maybe you drop another Man of Steel in 2016 to set everything up. I don't know. But I think if you plan Justice League for Christmas 2016, that gives you time to get everything set up and have everybody introduced.
but how much do people care about wonder woman and the flash though? unless superman is mega hit and they come hard on the next batman pause, i can't see any reason for there to be a justice league movie.
People will care if you do it right. That's the biggest thing. Do it right or don't do it.

How many people actually care about Ant-Man? Edgar Wright has me buying into it but the actual character? Meh. Guardians of the Galaxy? A giant tree and a talking, gunslinging raccoon? Really? It's all about building the hype by doing it the right way. At this point I trust Marvel to put the right people in place and not move forward without a great story/script in place, so I'll see just about everything they put out.

Warner Bros and DC would've been a lot better off if they would have had the vision to build all this around Nolan's Batman. Hindsight, I guess.
No one really cared about Iron Man until they saw it was done right.
but how much do people care about wonder woman and the flash though? unless superman is mega hit and they come hard on the next batman pause, i can't see any reason for there to be a justice league movie.
This...it's a huge mistake rushing a Justice League movie...but then they BEEN should've gotten a Flash and/or Wonder Woman movie out and really needed Green Lantern to not be one of the worst movies of last year.

At this rate, Man of Steel might only do as well as Amazing Spider-man next year. By the time Justice League would come out...with nothing but new Supes to lead it off...it'd just be a waste of potential, wouldn't it? Even if it's good, with only a one-off reboot to build it up, people are not showing up like they did for Avengers. Regardless of your intent, you don't announce and find a director for Justice League, before you even figure out the individual characters' movies.

And worse, Warner's is acting like Disney/Marvel are done dropping 2 movies a year.

Warner's is on their Isiah era Knicks front office. :lol: :smh:
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The real money in the JLA franchise is the inevitable Superman vs. Batman film.

Otherwise, I could care less. Wonder Woman, Lantern, Flash, and Aquaman really aren't that compelling to me.
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