Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Now, that's clever.

What's everyone's go-to movie when they're feeling like total %*!+? Whether you're stressed, angry, annoyed, feeling like a little kid who just lost his ice cream cone, whatever.

I ask because I'm trying to think of a good one, but I'm drawing a blank. I'll probably choose one of my favorite comedies (Big Momma's House 2), but yeah...

Might end up watching Like Crazy again. I can't tell if I really like it and it's a good movie, or it's awful and pretentious. Either way, I like the lead girl and Jennifer Lawrence is in it a bit as well.
Casino, The Town, Matrix Reloaded, Wedding Crashers, any Lethal Weapon, The Devil Wears Prada, Good Will Hunting, Rounders, Someone Like You, Point Break, Along Came Polly, The Break Up, Dexter and probably some I'm forgetting.
Anyone else know that Johnny Depp was in 21 Jumpstreet? My mouth literally hit the floor when I saw him.
Originally Posted by JPZx

Anyone else know that Johnny Depp was in 21 Jumpstreet? My mouth literally hit the floor when I saw him.
thanks for ruining it.
hope you get your ____ shot off.
What's everyone's go-to movie when they're feeling like total %*!+? Whether you're stressed, angry, annoyed, feeling like a little kid who just lost his ice cream cone, whatever.

- Finding Nemo
- Coming to America
- Wall E
- Up
- Half Baked

To name a few.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by JPZx
thanks for ruining it.
hope you get your ____ shot off.


If it's any consolation, you wont see it coming. Nor will you be disappointed you knew it was gonna happen. I knew it before going in, and it still caught me by surprise and it was lulz.
And so, after purging 1/4 of their characters at the end of season 1, losing their lead actor to cancer, losing a quarter of their actors to other roles as they waited to see if their lead would get healthy...

Spartacus ended this season on a $%*%%#@ tear. Jeez.

Got me feeling like Wrestlemania 17 all over again.
Had to walk that $##% it off.
Getting representation sucks. I hate those stupid query letters and the fact they basically control your destiny with 10 pages.

I used to watch 40 Year Old Virgin every Saturday for literally 6 months so I guess that's my pick. Still love that film and crack up at pretty much every scene I did the first time around.

Wrestlemania 17 lulz my 9 year old self was in paradise throughout that show.

Btw, what do you guys think about manhunting? I was watching an episode of Archer earlier where they go to arrest/kill that drug dealer in South America or something and wind up getting captured and hunted, and it got me thinking of that movie with that premise from sometime when. I feel like there's something in there but then again, wouldn't it basically be First Blood? Reminds me of that Sunny episode as well; classic.
So I kept seeing you guys talk about attack the block

Watched it with a few of my fiends and everyone loved it. Great movie. One of my pleasant surprises of the year
ATB was awesome. I've been waiting for the BD price to drop for awhile now...

For you Harry Potter guys, the 3D bluray set is 10 bucks at Bestbuy this week. Great deal.
What I said has absolutely zero impact on the plot or outcome of the movie and is what anyone could have easily taken in just by looking up the cast on IMBD.

Have a good day.
it was all jokes man.

Just finished rewatching Game of Thrones. Some things here and there didn't hit flush, but just about everything they added or changed from the book worked beautifully.

Hard to keep my expectations down for this season.
Pretty sure they a going to change it more this season. Things in different order, different dialogue
That surprised me, reading the book, just how much of the dialogue was written by Martin. This dude is a genius, he's great at like 5 different types of storytelling at once. I don't know how a person writes this.
yeah ive also had times when i stopped and was just like "how does one person write this?"

guess it's just other level talent
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

ATB was awesome. I've been waiting for the BD price to drop for awhile now...

For you Harry Potter guys, the 3D bluray set is 10 bucks at Bestbuy this week. Great deal.
You got a 3D TV? How is the presentation compared to theater?
No 3d tv yet, but at $10 bucks it's worth getting and stashing if I ever do make the jump. Came with the BD and DVd too, so it's a nice deal...

Good GOT episode tonight... I'm wondering I'd they'll write in more stuff for Jaime during this season because he was almost nonexistent in the second book until the end...

Has anyone seen the red band for the Ted? I giggled at that bear real hard a couple of times..l

Total Recall trailer
I'm only up to Tyrion's 2nd chapter in A Clash of Kings and I gotta know...is this whole book gonna be them obsessing over what happened to Ned and Joffrey's parents? ....And I just got crazy hyped for a scene in next week's ep.
my dude Tyrion.

Total Recall trailer


looking extra decent

MrONegative wrote:
23ska909red02 wrote:
What are you laughing at ska? That Total Recall cast is stacked.
Because the original Total Recall movie was horrible, in my opinion.

are you a ginger??


and real talk...has Kate Beckinsale been in a good movie? ever?
is she the ultimate "you're so hot, that'll I'll give you another shot" actress?
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