Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

It's moreso the way it was shot and edited that bothered me. Rue's death was fine, but literally every other death was handled poorly. Very poorly. Even then, I hear Rue's death was handled much better in the book.

And CP, maybe I just completely turned my brain off for the first few minutes, but all I got from the beginning that there's a 74 year tradition of the slums giving up their children to sacrifice in a battle. That's as far as it got for me,
. Maybe it's simply because the material was too new for me to digest every single detail, or maybe I just didn't get it.

I thought I was the only one looking forward to American Reunion..

But what they going to do after this? American Funeral?
The only thing I really did not like about the movie was that it was almost a direct translation of the books... With the way the books are written (as blood type says, at points rather poorly), you lose so much of the detail because it just doesn't translate.

There are things you need to do to work around the fact the source material takes place entirely inside Katniss' mind and try to find different ways to portray some of that on screen. And Gary Ross didn't bother to do that. I'd so much rather have a director have some balls and put his own spin on it and take some chances with the material than just give me exactly what I already read and have no regard for filling in the blanks that simply do not come across on screen.

They missed some opportunities to really do something with several scenes. The violence, whatever I don't care. I can get past that. But there are several times during the movie that I wanted to see something more. That I already knew what I was going to get but I just wanted Ross to take that extra step and tell his story, not Collins'...

The whole thing with Thresh bothered me to no end, too...

You've got so many good actors to work with here and it was like Gary Ross gave them the book and told them he wanted exactly what they read from the page. Have some balls about yourself and take some chances here.

But this is what you get when you sell a property this big to a collapsing studio.
Dirk, you know DAMN well what gets said if they change a single thing.  Shoulda stuck to the book, book was better, etc etc.  Hell, you see the anger from folks over some of the casting? 

So to put any spin on it would only cause more problems. 

But the root of what you're getting at, yes, I agree, I would love to see an "adult" version.  Gimme some 20 year olds in those trees and have some of them be real bad apples, that'd be great.  But can't call it Hunger Games no more, gotta change it. 

To me this is no diff than all of us wanting the preeminent Alien Invasion movie, or the preeminent Vampire movie, etc.  You can take pieces of Battle Royale, pieces of Hunger Games, but not have a total true vision of what some people will want.  I don't need a God damn love story in my Vampire story, don't need people batting their eyes in the forest during the Hunger Games. 

JA, I think your issue with Hugo was zero expectations, vs huge ones for this movie.  At the core of Hugo, it was a dude that lost his pre historic You Tube videos.  And lil man helped him get them back.  Yay.  Filmed well, story told well, solid movie, but if it had half the hype that Hunger did, it would have crashed and burned and pissed people off.  You need to get it off that pedestal quick.  Cuz if I see you compare Avengers to Hugo in terms of film experience, I'm %#+#+*@ you up. 

Why this stupid picture disapear?  

Anyway, I waited thru 7 God damn movies to see Voldemort and all I got was 20 minutes at the end of the 8th film.  Thought it was a big nose at the time. 
Only Gripe I had about the movie was when Katniss was given the Mockingjay at the Hob. That never happened in the book and makes it kinda pointless IMO. They also left Madge out completely. I thought it was great and I'll be watching Catching Fire when it comes out.
Yea...Hugo was me just waiting to roll my eyes and +#!* on it, but that never quite happened and pretty good, really well made movie came outta nowhere.

And Dirk, with waiting on a more adult Hunger Games...

This anime movie, the first one I ever saw or really liked came, was around since '88, I guess. It was called Akira. I didn't know anything about it except that it was incredibly well regarded and when I got around to seeing it, I was floored. Apparently they drew every single frame, which is unheard of. It looks better than most animated movies still today. And the story and the science fiction and lore behind it just amazed me. The action and the characters more than anything. This connection between the leads Kaneda and Tetsuo. I loved the movie more every time I saw it again. So much that I read the graphic novels it was based on a few years ago...6 volumes...2400 pages.
And they're so well done. They're like A Game of Thrones...how does a person write this? The fact that the author could distill them into their bare emotional and philosophical cores and squeeze it into 1 feature length narrative is amazing in itself. But he did it. And that movie is timeless.

Anyways I've been wanting a live action version of it for forever...so when I hear they're finally making it and Leo Dicaprio is producing, I start drooling. I hear they're getting the Hughes Brothers to direct. Joseph Gordon Levitt and Leo might star...

But then...then I hear maybe Keanu Reeves to star as the teenage lead...
Then just an endless barrage of names, good and bad, like Zac Efron and Justin Timberlake, Capt Kirk, Prof X, Tron dude, new Spider-man, Paul Dano. Then I hear it's basically confirmed Kristen Stewart is gonna play the female lead.

Long story short, I got over it pretty quick, when a movie called Chronicle came out this year. Completely stripped of the political allegories down to just the emotional and sci-fi core, holding onto some of the action beats, this is Akira. And that's good enough for me, I'm not gonna worry about what garbage comes out years from now, or hold my breath for a 2nd shot at getting Hunger Games right. It is what it is.
Originally Posted by jcmojica24

Only Gripe I had about the movie was when Katniss was given the Mockingjay at the Hob. That never happened in the book and makes it kinda pointless IMO. They also left Madge out completely. I thought it was great and I'll be watching Catching Fire when it comes out.
You know I completely forgot that. (+with The Hob, they didn't get across that it was the black market at all)

I mean they probably didn't have time to obsess over some jewelry you're not even gonna see for most of the movie, but that was pretty important. Wasn't it like Madge's sister died wearing it in her Hunger Games years ago? It was why Rue trusted Katniss in the first place, because they have them in her District and let them explain what Mockingjays are and those genetic warfare animals like the trackerjackers and those dogs at the end. Damn.

I mean the 3rd book is called Mockingjay....
but that was pretty important. Wasn't it like Madge's sister died wearing it in her Hunger Games years ago? It was why Rue trusted Katniss in the first place, because they have them in her District and let them explain what Mockingjays are and those genetic warfare animals like the trackerjackers and those dogs at the end. Damn.
Well +!!%.  They translated that into bought it at a flea market huh?  Wow. 

On some random stuff, caught Liar Liar last night for about my 50th time, maybe thee best role of his life, even with Ace and Irene on the resume, I loved that movie so much when it came out.  (off topic, Krista Allen's 22 seconds on screen, bliss + perfection, when I found out she was Emmanuelle for a minute......)  .....Uh, what was I saying?  Yeah, Liar Liar, loved that movie.  I miss that Jim Carrey. 

Later I caught the middle of Lethal Weapon 3.  Possibly the best action franchise made.  Every single character comes back each movie, and they add a new one to each.  Pesci in 2, Russo in 3, Rock in 4.  Same wife, same Captain, same kids, same everybody.  LOVE that +!!%.  I could put ANY of the 4 in and watch it happy as can be.  Try watchin Die Hard 4.  Or Indy 4.  Or Mummy 3.  Weapon 4 was just as great as the OG's were.  +!!%, I wish Gibson didn't go nuts so they coulda done a 5, now it would probably be just like DH 4, Mummy 3, and Indy 4 the abortion.  Some day Ima win the lottery and sit with my 118 inch 3D Plasma and watch all 4 Weapons in a row and call it a day.  8 hours of Weapon, not a damn shall be given. 
To me this is no diff than all of us wanting the preeminent Alien Invasion movie, or the preeminent Vampire movie, etc.  You can take pieces of Battle Royale, pieces of Hunger Games, but not have a total true vision of what some people will want.
Was thinking this last night.

There are so many ways to go about the kids being forced to kill kids premise, too.

Saw meets Battle Royale/The Hunger Games - kids who bullied a school shooter or something are kidnapped and forced to fight to the death
Martha Marcy May Marlene meets Battle Royale/The Hunger Games - a cult recruits kids strictly to do the same thing
Dogtooth meets Battle Royale/The Hunger Games - abusive parents who shelter their children from society condition them for this literal battle for their affection

Have to go overseas to make most of that !+%*, though.
You know that kid kidnapping bullies stuff isn't bad...

Involve the social networking stuff like twitter and facebook. Things are permanent once on the Internet. Once you send it out it's out there forevr
Maybe kids put it on a webcam.

Script like that would probably be impossible to sell. Have to be independent.
Script like that sounds more like a Lionsgate movie than Hunger Games.

Which one of yall gonna start writing it?
I'm trying to write one indie darling, one mass appeal joint and then I'm out with a couple million. Maybe become a high-priced script consultant after that.
I'm too lazy to read all the posts in regards to The Hunger Games, but in short. The film is a 7 out of 10 at best. I'm sure most people here loved it, so I'm just going to exit swiftly after I make this post. 

In terms of the site launch, I'll e-mail the members an update soon (yes, I am still working on it). I've been in L.A. the past two weeks, working on the final draft of my screenplay and some other "side" assignments.

And on a side note, I posted it on my tumblr a couple days ago, but the Index Card App for the iPad is awesome. Really makes the horrible chore of organizing scenes via index cards almost bearable. The fact you can export into an rtf/txt file was a godsend.
Just the opposite with Hunger Games...most of us (or just the outspoken few) sound sorta disappointed or resigned that it's meant for kids.

What's the logline on that script?
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Script like that sounds more like a Lionsgate movie than Hunger Games.

Which one of yall gonna start writing it?

GROUP SCRIPT!!!! HahaI feel like those never end well. Everyone has their own visionBut I def think a few of us should mess around and bounce ideas off each other. Maybe write something together. You never know. I been thinking of a modern Cather in the rye that ends with the murder of James dolan.
We could all write a sentence and pass it along.

there'd have to have a lottery to see who gets to write the murder scene though...
Originally Posted by MrONegative

We could all write a sentence and pass it along.

there'd have to have a lottery to see who gets to write the murder scene though...

ol michael scott "he has a gun" lines
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

University of Nike:
I take back almost every mean thing I've ever said about you.
smh, hugo was great. Had everything, comedy, drama, film history.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

and uh....Luther is the goods. Idris Elba rips apart every damn scene he's in.
It turned out so much heavier and ruthless than I ever thought the show could be.
The ruthless of the show is what kept me like
every damn episode, first season you just imagine what is going to happen and bam, it hits you harder than you thought...

Idris Elba killed it
He surpased Stringer Bell like it was easy...
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