Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

So last night I watched this HBO movie from last year, Thurgood...A one-man play by Laurence Fishburne...it's amazing. I can't think of anything nearly as powerful that could've come from making a straight biopic. Very understated directing and editing, just the right distance to make it personal and intimate, but be a part of the audience too. Because it's one man telling his life story This is so much smarter and stronger and direct this way. One man, explaiining his life story. It doesn't even feel like Fishburne is acting. Hell even real people talking about their lives like this would feel like they're acting more than he is.

And just the message...the life and times of the first black Supreme Court justice. Growing up in Baltimore (which counts as being from NY), fighting through racism and just the politics of him getting into college and appointed to the court. It's halfway between a college seminar and a grandpa telling stories.

Best role Fishburne's played since...the first Matrix?

Loved it. 8.5/10
[h1]'Bully' to screen for minors with permission at AMC Theaters, lands 'Pause 13+' rating from Common Sense Media[/h1]

Usually, when a film is released without a rating by the MPAA, it’s because it contains so much mature content — usually sexual in nature — that it was going to get an NC-17. In turn, major theater chains have traditionally treated unrated films as if they have an NC-17 rating, and won’t screen the film for anyaudience.

AMC Theaters, however, is making an exception for the documentary Bully, which the Weinstein Company announced yesterday would be released this Friday unrated after the MPAA refused to lower its R rating for the film. Today, AMC decided it would allow ticket buyers under the age of 17 to see Bully — with permission. “AMC will be presenting Bully…as not rated,
I really can't believe those stupid old morons at the MPAA are making matters come down to this. Film industry as a whole is so backwards and idiotic sometimes, it's like they're ran by Congress.
That's awesome news

Also not sure who brought up the avclub but it's a remarkable site. Probably big j on some community post.
It was probably me. Speaking of Community, on the last episode before their hiatus, people continued to comment on the review and they made it to over 30,000 comments.

Most of the big shows, Breaking Bad, Mad Men, etc. all huge fanbases on there so you always see a lot of great discussion or interesting reviews. I'm pretty sure a large portion of Community's total viewership is on that site, even last week's episode has 4500 comments
As usual, anything on the internet will feature a lot of idiots or mindless bickering.. but it's been one of my favorite sites for TV discussion, especially if I don't have someone to talk to about a show I like.
Fun fact. I've never made it through the Xmas singing episode. And I'm a huuuuge fan of the show. I hated that episode. Tried twice its insufferable and corny. Only the rap withabed and Troy was somewhat decent

It's gotta be the most hit or miss show ever made. Not including sketch shows
So you didn't get to Britta singing in the Christmas pageant? That's one of my favorite Britta moments and Dean lines.
Originally Posted by Kevin Cleveland

Charlie Kaufman is writing a novel...

I don't even...

....know who that is.  Is this a good thing?  Bad thing? 

Funny, but looks like most of us watch the Real World/Road Rules challenges, and they've never been brought up in here. 
  Last night was crushing.  I wanted CT to get one finally. 

Big J, what is the link to that site you frequent that is movie/tv discussion?  It's an open forum like this, or just comments after each article? 
Sure you do. He's the guy responsible for mind-rapes such as Being John Malkovich and Synechdoche, New York, and literal mind-rape, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
Safety Not Guaranteed is going to be awesome, been following the production for a long time. Love Aubrey.

And I agree with Community being really hit or miss. I love the show, but it really can be great or on the other side of the fence. That's why Parks and Rec is so much better, the episode are beyond consistent, best comedy show on TV bar none

The section TV Club is the most popular. As far as I know there's no forums, but you can register and comment on articles or reviews. They have reviews for tons of shows, most of the popular ones at least. Reviews of big episodes/finales can easily get a few thousand comments/replies. They also go back and review select older shows like the Sopranos.
Originally Posted by Kevin Cleveland

So you're actually in the process of trying to get it read, huh? What's that like?

SS: And how did those writers get to pitch you? How does anyone get to pitch you?
ML: When I was the VP at HQ Pictures, we had a strict policy of not accepting unsolicited material, much like most of Hollywood. That means we only accepted material and pitches by writers who were repped or came through a personal referral.
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