Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I had watched the trailer last year, yeah.

My excitement to watch it tempered a little bit when I saw that it was 130 minutes (especially because I started it at about two and was already tired), but after that first hurdle, there was never a point where I was watching the time or anything. And my interest almost always fades when I watch long movies at home by myself, even if I like them.
I've hated Kirsten Dunst since forever...since Bring It On, maybe? Jumanji, vampire, suicide Kirsten, sure...everything else.

So it took a while for me to really sink into the movie and give it a fair shot.
But after watching Another Earth, I think I can replace my Dunst hate with Brit Marling hate.

I'll try again with Melancholia one of these days.

There's another really good movie, though, that this reminded me of called After The Wedding starring the bad guy from Casino Royale. Go into it knowing nothing if you're gonna check it out.
EXCLUSIVE: Director Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio are committing to make The Wolf of Wall Street their fifth collaboration. The film is based on the Jordan Belfort memoir of his days as a hard partying, drug addicted stockbroker who was indicted in 1998 for security fraud and money laundering and served a 22-month federal prison stretch. Shooting will begin August in New York.

The film will be fully financed by Red Granite Pictures, which acquired The Wolf Of Wall Street at the last Cannes Film Festival after Danny Dimbort, Christian Mercuri and Joe Gatta formed the international sales company. Red Granite got involved early with the just released comedy Friends With Kids, but this really is an opportunity to be put on the map, much the way GK Films did with Gangs of New York and The Aviator. The film will be produced by Scorsese and his production head Emma Tillinger Koskoff as well as Irwin Winkler, DiCaprio and his Appian Way partner Jennifer Killoran, and Alexandra Milchan, who long developed the project before becoming an executive at New Regency. Red Granite chairman/CEO Riza Aziz and vice chairman Joey McFarland will be involved in producing capacities as well. There is no timetable to set a domestic distributor, but Red Granite will certainly sell territories at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival.

Both Scorsese and DiCaprio were in the mix for several big feature projects, but they always wanted to make this film together and finally felt the time was right. The script is by Terence Winter, the exec producer of The Sopranos and Boardwalk Empire, and he will polish his script before going into production. Belfort came of age on Wall Street in the ’80s and early ’90s, and his success was undermined by the decadence fueled by the endless money he made in New York at that time. Though a period piece, this tale is all about extravant excess and that certainly resonates with those who mistrust of Wall Street excess after the 2008 financial collapse that was also based on greed.

For Scorsese, this will be his fifth time directing DiCaprio, after Gangs of New York, The Aviator, the Oscar-winning The Departed and Shutter Island. DiCaprio has a ways to go to catch up with the eight seminal films that Scorsese directed with Robert De Niro, but Scorsese and DiCaprio certainly bring out the best in each other. Scorsese is coming off his Oscar-nominated 3D film Hugo, and DiCaprio most recently wrapped the title role in the Baz Luhrmann-directed The Great Gatsby.

Terence Winter writing the screenplay is another strong element that shouldn't go overlooked.
Anybody ever read 'The Devil in the White City' .... that novel that Ry reccommended in General? Leo's going to be starring in it and all that. I'm about 160 pages in, it's awesome so far. However, I wish it were a tad more graphic, but oh well.

Any news on when we're going to get a Django teaser trailer?
That's a great book, JPZ... The story should play out well on the big screen, too.
Originally Posted by JPZx

However, I wish it were a tad more graphic, but oh well.

Just wait

JRS, you should read it now. Trust me, you wont be disappointed about not waiting.
i havent been able to ready anythhing besides game of thones books. But im finally on the newest one
I'm this close to reading that Walking Dead spoiler in the other thread... 

There's a season two marathon on all day, by the way.
I can't make myself get started on the third, Dub... I'm so beat down by the length..
I have to make sure that I don't spoil myself by coming in here, or going online in general later. Last episodes big spoiler was revealed via Twitter and I was heated.

I'm not going to be able to watch this weeks episode until tomorrow night at the earliest.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

I can't make myself get started on the third, Dub... I'm so beat down by the length..

the third is by fat the best book. read that one ASAP and put the 4th on stand by
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

I can't make myself get started on the third, Dub... I'm so beat down by the length..

Trust when you start reading the third book you won't be complaining about the length.

I'm up to episode 6 of Homeland now.

Damn Carrie.
 Talk about conflict of interest; looks like it will continue for at least the next episode too. This twist is obviously going to come back to bite Carrie in the %!+, looking forward to seeing how it unfolds.

Brody taking the polygraph.
 Dude look directly into the camera on that last question about being unfaithful to his wife on some "Deal With It" steez. 

Great show.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

JapanAir21 wrote:
I know I'm jumping the gun, but we should make an anticipation list,

Just like Top 10 Films for 2012 that we're looking forward to.

Kinda been working on one

Django Unchained (Quentin)
Looper (Brick is one of my favorites and this sounds amazing)
Gravity (...absolutely loved his last movie Children of Men)
The Master (really respected and loved parts of his last movie, There Will Be Blood)
Seven Psychopaths (writer/director of In Bruges with Farrell again)
Wettest Country (I really, really liked The Proposition and this cast is amazing. Tom Hardy's my fav actor right now)
Gangster Squad (sounds like LA Confidential meets The Departed...and that cast)
The Raid (that trailer
Skyfall (loved Casino Royale and after hearing what happened to Quantum, I'm all in)
The Cabin In The Woods (Joss Whedon wrote it, enough for me)

Then the big movies you end up seeing regardless: TDKR, The Avengers, The Hobbit, Hunger Games
Prometheus or Cloud Atlas *crosses fingers* one of these has to be incredible, that simple.

I know trailers lie, but if it's gonna be...that's about what it'd look like...
Okay, yeah, I'm going to go see Prometheus about 17 times...

I'd go just to watch that clip.


I like that Idris Elba has that Keith David feel from The Thing.

I'm going to love that damn movie, I know it already.
That trailer was amazing.

Michael Fassbender's in it, and I'm a fan of Logan Michael-Green
Pretty gnarly.

They revealed the mystery character on the aftershow. Also said that one of Merle, Morgan and Duane would show up in season three. Easy to guess, I would think.
I came across this list from Death Valley Driver (Wrestling Messageboard). They went through each decade with lists of the Top 250+ movies. Here are the links to each decade

2000s: http://board.deathvalleyd...topic=56359&st=2100#
90s: http://board.deathvalleyd...topic=23474&st=1060#

80s: http://board.deathvalleyd...wtopic=44525&st=900#

60s & 70s: http://board.deathvalleyd...wtopic=44525&st=900#

So you all can get some ideas of movies to watch in there. For someone like me, I don't watch many movies this can help me out with selections.
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