Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Heard a ton of hype for Hunger Games. Was really interested......unnnnnntil I found out it was essentially Battle Royale recycled. Popped in the DVD a couple hours ago.

Hunger Games interest level gone.
Trust me, I love Battle Royale.
This is not Battle Royale at all.

The world and the history are too big, the adults and families are too important, the kids don't know each other (which was a huge part of BR), there's no guns, no houses, no technology in the arena, the cameras and the audience matter way too much, what happens to the dead...what's waiting for them in the arena...

Trust...that's like saying you don't wanna see Animal House, because you got enough of house parties from Project X.
This theater I'm in is packed for an 11:30am showing of Hunger Games.. And considering the estimated 30 million it did for midnight showings, this movie will have a monster opening weekend.
Action: Casino Royale, Matrix Reloaded
Adventure: Indiana Jones, Point Break
Animated: Despicable Me, Aladdin
Comedy: Wedding Crashers, Me Myself, and Irene
Crime: Heat, The Town
Drama: Casino, Goodfellas
Epic/Biopic/History: Gladiator, Troy
Horror: Scream, Nightmare on Elm Street
Martial Arts: Hero, Chocolate
Musical: Chicago, Grease
SciFi: Star Wars, Aliens
Thrillers: The Fugitive, Usual Suspects
War: Saving Private Ryan, Platoon
Western: Tombstone, Django Unchained
Random: Pulp Fiction, Grindhouse, Good Will Hunting
Watched The Help last night. 

What a sad movie. 
  I know it was a different time/era, but God damn.........
  I can't even fathom the world that way.  (thankfully) I know things are %@$%%$ up now but I rather be in today, then that. 

FANTASTIC performances however.  Emma of course, Viola and Octavia Spencer were superb and sadly Bryce Dallas Howard was great (tho I doubt she wants to be proud of that)  She must have hated filming that movie.  But she never for a second broke character, smug and vicious as @#$%.  Allison Janey is always great, and I was a little miffed that she was evil in this, until the end and it all made more sense to me.  She was what I was expecting.  Even Spacek was great in her small role. 

Ummmm........ok, I knew the name.  Ya'll made sure of it.  But uh, you did not, I repeat, NOT tell me that THAT was Jessica Chastain.  Sweet mother Mary mercy me, lawd almighty. 

From now on @@%@#*$!, pictures.  Talk about a newer named chick, drop a pic.  Pics would have helped me get to this movie MUCH quicker.  Movie wa'dn't eeem over and I was searchin other movies she done, que them %!!$!#!%%%%%! right on up. 
  Her performance was also very good, spacey as !*%%, but played it really well. 

It was hard to watch.  Hard to listen to some of the dialogue.  My wife and I started it and were sorta doin other things, talkin and lookin at phones etc, and after a few lines our ears perked up like "what?" ......... the rest of the movie we didn't do or say much else other then groan hearin some of that mess. 
  I have to imagine that filming that movie was incredibly tough for those ladies, and I bet that's what made the movie that much more compelling. 

And I kid you not, as I sat thru it, I thought immediately about what it will be like to watch Django Unchained.......on Christmas. 
  Man, that guy.......

9/10, Ska - recommended. 
^ What's the movie about, though?

Set in old times. Got it.

*%++@! up. Got it.

Some badass chick. Got it.

And the movie is about... ?

Hackers stuck in the 1600s? Aliens that turn into glittery vampires? Blue people on a sinking ship?

I know nothing about the movie.

Sorry, I'm on a kick right now. My FB status: "What the hell is The Hunger Games? Yes, I know it's a movie. Seen the trailer. Some people run into a forest. Some chick said she volunteers for... I don't know what. I hate nondescript trailers."
Yeah, Jessica Chastain is awesome. After I first saw her in Tree of Life, the rest of her movies were watched immediately.
Pretty rich white women, with "slaves" they called The Help in the 50's-60's Mississippi. 

Women good enough to raise their kids for them, but not enough to use the same bathroom as them. 

Go in blind, you shall not be disappoint. 
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Yeah, Jessica Chastain is awesome. After I first saw her in Tree of Life, the rest of her movies were watched immediately.

Can I get her in a Basic Instinct remake? 

Anyone?  Can it be done?

*goes to research Tree of Life to see what J talkin bout*
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Django and it ain't even out yet.
Aye, cool it Bambi. 

I don't like many Westerns, but Django is a sure thing.  I read the script, close enough. 

Pretty rich white women, with "slaves" they called The Help in the 50's-60's Mississippi. 

Women good enough to raise their kids for them, but not enough to use the same bathroom as them. 

Go in blind, you shall not be disappoint. 
Aaaaand I'm in. Difficult topic, sounds like there's at least one character who is forced to rise above a very difficult struggle while the audience is challenged; I'm in.

*adds to media To Do list*
I didn't read the books, but I enjoyed The Hunger Games. Jennifer Lawrence continues to impress, she's a star. I liked all the supporting characters, good action, tension, and an interesting setting/universe.

I certainly felt like it could have been better. More violence, more sci-fi elements, more dystopian social critique, etc. It was balanced, though, so it's hard to complain about anything specific. I don't know the source material, so I can't tell if it was right on the money or if they skipped over certain elements in favor of others.
ska, read a synopsis. You can find out what movies are about without spoiling them for yourself. 

Oh, I know. But read the description CP just gave and tell me where I can find a website that has short, 'real' synopsis' (sp?) like that. It's like if we're all sitting around watching a game and you mention something that someone might not know about (say the infield fly rule, or a 4-strikeout inning). Of course that person could look on their phone, but sitting around w/ friends, just ask them. You know?
J, I'm takin my daughter to Hunger Games tomorrow, anything I need to worry about there?  She's only in Elementary school, they PG-13 it enough for her?

She likes Darth Vader and Darth Maul, so I mean, we know the kid is cool, just don't want to traumatize the poor girl.  Not tryin to win meth daddy of the week or anything.  
I don't know how much of it carries over to the screen, but most of it isn't like sci-fi fantasy violence. It's real !+%*. Arrows, tridents, spears, knives, broken necks, slit throats...
J Edgar:
Not as bad as expected. Was thinking Milk the way you all  described it. Sure there were a lot of ideas that the film touched on and left out for the remainder like RFK, the mafia etc but I think it gave a wider audience some info on his impact while leaving some drama to please moviegoers not interested in history.
Leo should've changed his voice a bit in the elderly age. Still for a 2hour plus film it left ALOT off.
Originally Posted by CP1708

J, I'm takin my daughter to Hunger Games tomorrow, anything I need to worry about there?  She's only in Elementary school, they PG-13 it enough for her?

She likes Darth Vader and Darth Maul, so I mean, we know the kid is cool, just don't want to traumatize the poor girl.  Not tryin to win meth daddy of the week or anything.  
There's neck breaking, kids dying, blood, knives, spears, etc., it's not gory, but you certainly get hands on violence.. compared to more of the menacing and "scary" villains like Vader and Maul. 
From what I'm reading its a solid movie, that doesn't have as much substance and social commentary as the critics wanted.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Django and it ain't even out yet.
Aye, cool it Bambi. 

I don't like many Westerns, but Django is a sure thing.  I read the script, close enough. 

U mad?

I ain't blaming you, I'm sure I'll love it too.
Kevin Smith may be retiring from filmmaking after his upcoming hockey comedy Hit Somebody, yet not even this is enough to stop Smith from revisiting Clerks at least one more time. According to his Twitter feed (as picked up by MTV), Smith is currently working with the slowly rebuilding Miramax on possibly resurrecting the quickly canceled yet still cultishly adored Clerks: The Animated Series for another batch of episodes in 2013. “Miramax 2.0 and I are hoping to give you new eps weekly next year,
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