Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

its so damn hard to write a screenplay

i got 40 pages through it when i was younger and more excitable. then tried to turn it into a comic book. then gave up.

if i write anything i feel like it would be a book. Because the way i see it everyone is on equal ground. you can always self publish. If a book is THAT good, it's easier to get it out there. its so damn hard to get a screenplay to it's finished project.
Watched American History X for the first time last night. Shocked I hadn't seen it before, as I'm quite a fan of Ed Norton. I loved the style of the film. It was a hell of a ride to see Norton go through his different stages in the film. Kind of just goes to show you how much racism is still alive today, even in states you think might be a little further along with those kind of issues. I thought it has aged gracefully, it seems like one of those timeless films.

I found it intriguing how different this diverged from a show like Oz in terms of prison-life. Oz pretty much stuck to their own fractions. The blacks, black-muslims, the Italians, the skinheads, etc. I liked how Ed Norton hated that races intermingled, and that was his downfall. The shower scene was quite brutal, but I suppose as any rape scene is. Maybe it's just a fear of mine to see anyone I know getting abused like that. And then also his savior was a person of color, which makes sense story-telling wise, but it really worked. I don't know that actor, but the dialogue between Norton and him was awesome, especially the Lakers/Celtics stuff.
. It was quite fun to see how basketball was woven into the story too, I wasn't expecting that. Those parts a bit dated, but I still enjoyed it.

The skinhead gang was quite scary in their portrayal, especially during the raid of that grocery store. Looking at it now, it's not all that graphic at all, but it hurt emotionally. It was hard to watch. All the scenes with those idiots being overtly racist was always unsettling.

I liked how the night that Norton's character killed off the black men was slowly revealed to us slowly, as well as their father-figure. It was quite graphic even though they didn't show anything. It got to be quite sadistic towards the end of the revealing scene when he was arrested.

The entire time I was wondering, one of them was going to die, and I was going back and forth at who it was going to be. At first I thought it was going to be the Furlong's character, then I was like wait, no, gotta be Norton. Nope, it's going to be Furlong. Then I was convinced that it was going to be Norton. Then the gut-shot of it being Furlong, it hurt. Loved the way it was shot. It's strange how much I liked Furlong's early stuff, but after that I couldn't stand him. Once he became an adult I guess, I just wasn't interested. Loved him in T2, Pet Sematary 2, Brainscan, and then now in American History X.

I was shocked to see that the film is basically disowned by the director, as he had nothing to do with the final cut. Regardless, I loved the style with the switch between black-and-white and color, and then the transformation of Norton from your typical skinhead to a man who just wants to protect his family.

It's hard to say what else could have been added to make this a better film, but I would've liked to see there be maybe another half-hour added to the film, with some more stuff between the principal and the brothers. They had great on-screen chemistry.

9.5/10, 14 years too late.
I just watched the sitter. Pretty bad. But I laughed a couple times. Music pretty good. Just wanted to watch a dumb movie.
my girlfriend made me watch Friends with Benefits Friday. Wasn't the worst movie I had ever seen, but I had seen it six months before seeing No Strings Attached.
It was a different take on the same formula that No Strings Attached did. It was a little more emotional and I liked it a bit better, just because I like Justin Timberlake better than Ashton in films like this.
Saw Hunger Games Saturday.

WOW. Dude straight snapped that kids neck.
(and nobody better call that a damn spoiler)
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Watched American History X for the first time last night. Shocked I hadn't seen it before, as I'm quite a fan of Ed Norton. I loved the style of the film. It was a hell of a ride to see Norton go through his different stages in the film. Kind of just goes to show you how much racism is still alive today, even in states you think might be a little further along with those kind of issues. I thought it has aged gracefully, it seems like one of those timeless films.

I found it intriguing how different this diverged from a show like Oz in terms of prison-life. Oz pretty much stuck to their own fractions. The blacks, black-muslims, the Italians, the skinheads, etc. I liked how Ed Norton hated that races intermingled, and that was his downfall. The shower scene was quite brutal, but I suppose as any rape scene is. Maybe it's just a fear of mine to see anyone I know getting abused like that. And then also his savior was a person of color, which makes sense story-telling wise, but it really worked. I don't know that actor, but the dialogue between Norton and him was awesome, especially the Lakers/Celtics stuff.
. It was quite fun to see how basketball was woven into the story too, I wasn't expecting that. Those parts a bit dated, but I still enjoyed it.

The skinhead gang was quite scary in their portrayal, especially during the raid of that grocery store. Looking at it now, it's not all that graphic at all, but it hurt emotionally. It was hard to watch. All the scenes with those idiots being overtly racist was always unsettling.

I liked how the night that Norton's character killed off the black men was slowly revealed to us slowly, as well as their father-figure. It was quite graphic even though they didn't show anything. It got to be quite sadistic towards the end of the revealing scene when he was arrested.

The entire time I was wondering, one of them was going to die, and I was going back and forth at who it was going to be. At first I thought it was going to be the Furlong's character, then I was like wait, no, gotta be Norton. Nope, it's going to be Furlong. Then I was convinced that it was going to be Norton. Then the gut-shot of it being Furlong, it hurt. Loved the way it was shot. It's strange how much I liked Furlong's early stuff, but after that I couldn't stand him. Once he became an adult I guess, I just wasn't interested. Loved him in T2, Pet Sematary 2, Brainscan, and then now in American History X.

I was shocked to see that the film is basically disowned by the director, as he had nothing to do with the final cut. Regardless, I loved the style with the switch between black-and-white and color, and then the transformation of Norton from your typical skinhead to a man who just wants to protect his family.

It's hard to say what else could have been added to make this a better film, but I would've liked to see there be maybe another half-hour added to the film, with some more stuff between the principal and the brothers. They had great on-screen chemistry.

9.5/10, 14 years too late.
Sucks reading that the director wanted Norton to return to his skinhead ideology.
Friends with Benefits was solid and already in the rotation for go to movies when the wife and I watch something late that's mindless and fun.......Nos, I work 90 seconds around the corner from Fry's dude, nothin gets past me.
Anyone else watches Bob's Burgers?

That's my favorite show on the Fox Sunday lineup.

Louise > *
Yea, dude wanted the last shot to be Norton shaving his head again.

He made a really really strong documentary, Lake of Fire, about abortion too.

Fighting the urge to write a JA sized thing on Hunger Games...again.
yeah i been watching it mainly because of the guy who does the voice on home movies and archer

FX has slowly become one of my more watched stations. It's always Sunny, Louie, Archer, American Horror Story, Unsupervised

unsuprivised grew on me. its like the main characters are just as dumb as it's always sunny, but they are good hearted and trying to do the right thing.

that one change completely changes everything
Bob's Burgers is awesome, I'm so glad to have it back. Louise is easily one of my favorite characters on TV

Also, Mad Men absolutely crushed it in their return tonight. I've made a thread in General here
I do not think I could watch 2 hours of madmen in a row so I recorded it.

Im a big fan but it's a slow show
So it almost made Dark Knight money
...made more than the last Twilight...
I can get behind that...even if they cheaped out on making it.
I mean Chronicle did the same thing.
Bob's Burgers is lulz.
Just started watching Archer an Unsupervised, both shows are great.
Any of y'all watch Ugly Americans? First two episodes so far this year have been solid.
Bob's Burgers is halfway between Home Movies and The Oblongs.
That show is the goods and lowkey edgier than Family Guy.
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