Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T


greatest sports movie...remember the titans

best bball movie..above the rim

most shows dont do well after 4 seasons...usually gets too drawn out.  


the wire



breaking bad is doing it right.
wow we made it to 400 pages

finally getting around to the new season of dexter. just watched the first two episodes.

i was already spolied about what happens with deb undfortunatly

This year gon be big for us too.  Hunger Games, Avengers, The Dark Knight Rises, Django, Bond, Spiderman, and tons of others I'm forgetting because I don't know. 

How has some other mod not stumbled in here yet and shut this party down?

I crack up every time someone comes in here and posts sports stuff.

I'm really wearing out on TWD... Just getting kinda beat down by the whole thing.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

How has some other mod not stumbled in here yet and shut this party down?

I'm really wearing out on TWD... Just getting kinda beat down by the whole thing.

ska pulling power moves

How can be getting worn out on TWD? They just started getting things back on track with these past few episodes. The pacing is up, the drama is actually dramatic, zombies are back, hated characters could start dying again, no more spending 52 episodes on a search for someone, etc.
I just hate every character so much. I literally cannot stand any of them. It got so slow for so long I'm just struggling to get back into it I guess.. David Morrissey coming in as the Governer might save it for me if they really start to cut loose and let the show have a little bit of leash.
Glenn and Daryl though? 
And from what I've heard about the comics, the Governor is supposed to be like the greatest character ever? I'm excited to see about that. If I didnt have like 5 books waiting to be read I'd get TWD comics and run through that...

'A Single Man' is a real good movie, too, if y'all havent seen it. Colin Firth is, of course, outstanding (he got Oscar nominated for this role). Tom Ford directed it, and it's almost distracting how much his clothing style is front and center (I enjoyed it though). Because every. single. person. in the movie is dressed great; Colin Firth looks like he stepped into a time machine from 2009 to go to the 60's. Warning: It's got a bit of male nudity if y'all are prude about that.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

How has some other mod not stumbled in here yet and shut this party down?
Eh, I don't see why they would.  We all get along in here, don't break no rules, police ourselves correctly, it's all lumped into one single thread instead of us bringin this stuff up in every thread, why would they not like that?  I asked a couple mods before this got started, told them the goal I had in mind, said I would veer it back to sports at any moment if needed or asked.  I don't see anything wrong.  Golden St team thread has dudes in there talkin colleges, dating, all kinds of stuff, but they all fans of the same team, that's how I view this joint.  We talk random stuff, and are all fans of the same team.  At least, that'll be my appeal if we get clipped. 

Watched The Blair Witch X Men last night, aka Chronicle.  Interesting.  Mildly surprised.  Zero character depth/development, they HURRY thru the "script" rush to the good stuff, and go.  This film has no chance in 1992 but with today and the attention spans of people, come in, 75 minutes, boom-done.  Skip any meaningful dialogue, skip backstory, development, all of it, just get to the story, film it sideways with a runny nose and call that a movie.  And it worked.  One of you said it was done on the cheap, how did they manage that?  The effects were decent, how they do that so cheap???  I feel like they COULD have slowed it down, filmed it normal, given more substance, and had a 2 hour movie, and a shot at sequels, but maybe this made it even more memorable and a better shot at lasting.  Course, if they did slow it all down, they would absolutely be flirting with X Men, and they didn't want that.  This was a decent ride, but the whole entire time, Blair Witch needs more respect.  That movie opened more doors that I could have ever imagined.  It is so clear now.  All these CAM movies that get made now should all thank Witch in their closing credits. 

Actually, the first one which was mildly successful was The Last Broadcast CP, it wasn't nearly as popular as BWP.

And if you really want to get technical, Cannibal Holocaust first really came up with the idea, although there was "edited," footage in between. That one is an exploitation film where a reporter digs around the story of a found film of people exploiting local cannibals. That was back in the 80s, extremely gory, extremely controversial (the director went to court), it was banned in many countries for a number of years), and not as good, but all shot-on-video films owe their money to Holocaust.

Personally, I liked that Chronicle brought a ton new to the shot-on-video genre.

I can't get enough of these just because I always find them very innovative and normally very suspenseful.

[REC], Quarantine, BWP, Paranormal 1 & 3, Chronicle, The Last Exorcism, they all can do no wrong in my eyes. Cloverfield wasn't bad, but it wasn't my kind of thing. I really liked all the previous films though.

There are some bad ones though, like The Fourth Kind, Diary of the Dead, and the god-awful The Devil Inside.

May 4th can't come soon enough...

Day after me and my girls three year...
Kinda been wanting to watch Chronicle. don't really like the idea of them rushing forward with the script, but rather see that than 3 hours of boredom in between action sequences.

Really can't wait for The Dark Knight Rises.
They didn't rush through the script, the pace is really organic and smooth. CP just forgot his fish oil pills.

Young Adult is finally out.
Good find, thank you.

Been meaning to ask some of you, J you specifically as you were one of the first to post and mention the show.  What was it about Friday Night Lights that caught everyone?

If I allowed only part of myself to vote, that part would say Lila Garrity, happily I might add, but with the rest of me, outside of the parents of all people, and Riggins, alot of that cast was meh.  Streeter made me want to kick a dog, Smash was ok but more loud than anything, Seracen (sp) was good, but anti Smash he was so damn quiet, Julie was hidden for the early part of the show, til she was of age to exploit, how on earth did they make it?  Berg? 
I liken it to 90210 in that you have all the kids to focus on, and then the parentals.  90210 eventually outgrew the parents and got rid of them.  FNL ended up being ABOUT the parents, something that makes ZERO sense.  The show was fantastic, I loved every season of it, even if 4 started to waver a smidge, it got back to where it needed.  But the way it came together is just unique to me.  And I think many many people missed out on how great it truly was. 
I easily remember my favorite scene, when that coach came into the locker room and put hands on Riggins, and coach Taylor grabbed that coach and threw him up against the wall, I literally (kid you not) stood up off my couch and was ready to hit somebody. 
  Anybody that has played and had a coach that they looked up too and followed anywhere and saw that, knew that feeling.  Tremendous television right there.  I'll remember that scene forever. 

Who else in here actually stayed with that show 5 years? 
Writing in spoilers so if you haven't seen the show you've been warned... and also judged because you should watch the show.
By stayed with the show, you mean watched it all 5 years? From episode one I was hooked and never stopped watching. What caught me was from the pilot you could tell that you were entering a distinct environment that was very different from a lot of other shows and would provide a lot of unique moments, that you would only get from this show. The same with The Wire and the Sopranos a bit too.. I didn't feel like it was just a show that I was watching weekly, but it felt like I got to look into a different world and be a part of it. The pilot itself was probably the best pilot of a TV show I've ever seen. It introduced most of the major characters, gave you their defining traits, got you interested, then gave you a huge sucker punch and left me saying "wow that's great TV" after the final voiceover by Coach Taylor.

The biggest problem of the show was the football might have turned off viewers (women in particular) who wouldn't be interested in a sports drama... and then you have men who might not care for teen pregnancy or husband and wife drama (or non-football stories). With that in mind, my mom watched the show and admitted she didn't care at all about the football, but she liked everything else that it didn't take away from the show.

I think the kids themselves were hard to fully get behind and support.. not that they were bad or evil but they had something you might not like or be disinterested in. Smash was too boisterous, Riggins was Riggins, Saracen was too meek, and then the transfer to the new kids (which I thought I would have hated but ended up liking), they all had certain character faults that might annoy you. But that was what made me love the show.. they were real people.. with flaws and annoying qualities. So you watched Riggins ruin his life at times, watched Smash almost lose everything and despite it all you really wanted them to succeed. When Smash finally gets to college after everything I was legitimately happy, when Saracen's dad dies.. that made me sad. Riggins going to jail for his brother made me proud of his sacrifice. That's what makes for good drama.. not just going through the motions and the audience recognizing what you should be feeling, but actually feeling it.

The focus on the parents made logical sense. You couldn't keep the kids around the whole time because they had to graduate. You could keep them in the town for a bit, or make them a coach, or find some reason, but that also adds to Coach Taylor's story, he's always getting new kids and with that comes new stories.

I used to love reruns of Early Edition back in the day, so when I saw my dude from that was on this show they were making from that great movie, I thought why not? The girls were hot, the football was better done than I expected, characters were all acted well and the dialogue and filming style just felt natural like the movie. They constantly went to places where I'd normally roll my eyes and call it a wrap on a show and just defied expectations. I mean TV wives are supposed to suck, but Mrs. Coach.
...They had the annoying pro-active daughter, Degrassi kids, it was a show about the South.

Shows about the South. This show legitimately changed and formed most of my opinions about Texas. And more than anything, so much of how natural and real the show came off came from the fact that almost all of these actors are unknown. That's a big one. Anytime I see a show with mostly unknowns that's a huge ensemble....but each new character and actor after another kept working. And it really does help when that central force of the show is as great as Kyle Chandler was. And that amazing pace they had the first season, mapping out the tensions of the 6 days between games was just this perfect cadence to the show.

And then that soundtrack. That soundtrack is manipulative. It can raise and fix any scene, no matter what.

That culture the created around the production of the show, on location had to be amazing. And the fact that they could almost bring anyone in and have them find their strengths and come into the fold naturally most of the time...that's rare. And you see that from the very first episode all the way to the last.
Good stuff you two. 

I want to know Dirk's perspective, (if he watched the show) dude lives out there, I wonder what he thought of it all. 

That Sopranos link that J posted, did you see that link within it to that 22,000 word one? 
  That thing is MILES long. 
Holy Hell. 
I'm tryin to read thru it right now, that is incredible. 

The main one that J posted, I loved what he said at the end about Breaking Bad was afraid to leave it uncertain, and made absolutely sure we all knew the final scene of the season (or possibly show if it died there) If they left it open to interpratation it could lead to similar 22,000 word sites about that last episode.  I think I remember someone saying in the General thread they wished they hadn't shown the final scene so everyone would be left guessing.  Not sure, I read thru that thread after I caught up and blitzed thru it. 
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