Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

That was actually a satisfying episode of The Walking Dead. Loved those two hea-uxs (censored? 
) doling out reality checks to one another in the kitchen. Too bad they lived through another episode.

So much for Rick not being able to protect anyone, huh, Shane? It would have been cooler if he left him to die, though. Bummer.

Eastbound and Down, on the other hand...

I thought Life's Too Short was pretty awesome again. But I tend to like dry British humor. If you don't, you'll probably hate it.
Rocky IV might not only be my favorite sports movie, but probably my favorite movie of all time. he got game is also legendary
A very Rick/Shane-centric episode, and that was a good thing. Kind of a bummer that we didn't see any Glenn/Herschel/Daryl, but whatever.

And yeah I would have loved this episode of Rick left him to rot, but I guess they aren't allowed to kill him off just yet. Which is quite the tragedy because they're going to milk this for probably another two-three seasons before killing him off, which is far too long in my opinion.
mibad, forgot to post this in here

Best All-Around Actor nominees (The Chris Paul Award)
George Clooney (The Descendants, Ides of March)

Michael Fassbender (Shame, X-Men First Class, A Dangerous Method, Jane Eyre)

Ryan Gosling (Drive, Ides of March, Crazy, Stupid, Love.)

Tom Hardy (Warrior, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy)
Brad Pitt (Moneyball, Tree of Life)

Christopher Plummer (Beginners, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo)

Best All-Around Actress nominees (The Bostrich Award)

Rose Byrne (Bridesmaids, X-Men: First Class, Insidious)

Jessica Chastain (Tree of Life, The Help, Take Shelter, Coriolanus)

Marion Cotillard (Midnight in Paris, Contagion)
Carey Mulligan (Drive, Shame)
Emma Stone (The Help, Crazy, Stupid, Love.)

Kate Winslet in (Contagion, Carnage)

Best Actor, single performance

John Boyega for Attack the Block

Dominic Cooper for The Devil's Double

Jean Dujardin for The Artist

Brendan Gleeson for The Guard

Michael Shannon for Take Shelter

Best Actress, single performance

Viola Davis for The Help

Kirsten Dunst for Melancholia

Rooney Mara for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Kristen Wiig for Bridesmaids

Best Supporting Actor, single performance

Albert Brooks for Drive

Nick Nolte for Warrior

Andy Serkis for Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Best Supporting Actress, single performance
Elle Fanning for Super 8
Paula Patton for Mission Impossible 4

Octavia Spencer for The Help

Shailene Woodley for The Descendants
I think I loved that last episode. It's like they finally understand that people hate their characters (no matter the intention) and love zombies, so they put a bunch of good zombie deaths and had their worst characters (Lori last ep, Andrea this one) go full heel.

And they somehow actually made random Herschel farm child of the corn #5 into a real character.

If they keep this pace, there's a good show in here.

edit: where did I get Patricia from?
This weekend I knocked out The Woman in Black and Hugo. 

Woman/Black, eh, seen the formula about 3 times a year since the 6th Sense, would really love if we could move past this now.  Had a few scenes, couple moments, a "scare" or two with flashing images, all the typical formula stuff.  But at the very least, I enjoyed the way they ended it, that was a solid finish, a way to tie it all up, and I was ok with it.  Harry Potter was solid, he's in 99% of the scenes, so those are always tough, but he carried it well.  Probably never watch it again, but worth a single glance. 

Hugo was solid, not sure it was movie of the year as JA claims, but very good for sure.  Loved seeing Borat in a more serious role, loved seeing Jude Law onscreen for only about 2 minutes, and as usual Ben was Ben.  Of all of it, I was more impressed with Scorcese than anything.  I always feel like I am "learning" something from his films, even if it's not true.  The way he set up those old pictures and the way they were made, destroyed and all that, made me at least think that's how it was back then.  Same thing as how a Casino was run (even knowing there is more to it than that) or how the mod works in Goodfellas, true or not, it's close enough in reality that it's almost as if you are watching a behind the scenes type of deal.  That was very interesting to me.  The imagery was pretty good, story was ok (anyone want to fill me in on the sudden ball of fire that sweeps up Hugo's dad, uh, for no real reason?
) Just a solid overall film and even my questions/complaints aren't that big of a deal.  (Not like I wanted to see more of Jude anyways, damn near stood up and cheered when he entered Backdraft 2: Lights Out) 
A 9 seems about right. 
It was a well-directed film first and foremost. It had some good performances but that's the extent of it, no Oscar worthy acting performances.

I only thought it was one of the best films I'd seen just because I hadn't seen much of the main critics picks for the Oscar that's all
. I still hold my stance that it should have been a movie you saw in theaters. The visual elements really popped in 3D.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

A very Rick/Shane-centric episode, and that was a good thing. Kind of a bummer that we didn't see any Glenn/Herschel/Daryl, but whatever.

And yeah I would have loved this episode of Rick left him to rot, but I guess they aren't allowed to kill him off just yet. Which is quite the tragedy because they're going to milk this for probably another two-three seasons before killing him off, which is far too long in my opinion.

I seriously doubt this will happen.

I enjoyed Andrea putting Lori in her place. I absolutely loathe that broad.

How she has  the audacity to say Andrea doesn't do anything when all she does is stir up drama, destroy people's property, and get pregnant?

I liked how they used the zombie wandering alone in the field to symbolize how Shane is alone in the group.

Finished up Season 3 of Breaking Bad,

When does new seasons of Breaking Bad normally debut? I'm debating waiting for the Season 4 DVD to drop or watching the Season 4 now since it shouldn't be too hard to find. I'm afraid they might release the Season 4 DVD too close to the Season 5 debut and I wouldn't have enough time to watch Season 4 before Season 5 starts.

Do you know something I don't know? If you're basing it off the comics, then uhh, apparently Shane was dead LONG ago.
Originally Posted by toine2983

I'm debating waiting for the Season 4 DVD to drop or watching the Season 4 now since it shouldn't be too hard to find. I'm afraid they might release the Season 4 DVD too close to the Season 5 debut and I wouldn't have enough time to watch Season 4 before Season 5 starts. 
lol wut? 

Anna Gunn has watched some pretty amazing things go down in playing wife to meth maker Walt White on AMC's "Breaking Bad." But at the Screen Actors Guild Awards on Sunday, she said she now felt she could bring a level of "cool" home to her family.

"I'm starstruck!" she said. "One of the cast members from 'Glee' came up and said he liked MY work!"

Which plucky star was it? "Darren Criss. My daughter is going to flip out. She will flip out!"

Gunn said production for the fifth season of "Breaking Bad" will start this month, with eight episodes slated to shoot. The highly anticipated final season will be broken  into two shortened mini-seasons. The last batch of episodes will probably shoot in winter 2013, she said.

"It's been an incredible ride," she said. "And you wouldn't think so with such an unusual story line like ours."

Why are they checking out after 5 seasons?  (5, kinda-sorta bein 6 with the half, etc)

I don't know if I'm ready for the whole 1 ep a week thing for this one.  And can you imagine the final 2-3 episodes? 
AMC is cheap. Mad Men was their Kareem. BB and Dead their Magic. Dead probably the part where he was most popular, but got sick...

But yeah, imagine they overpay the hell outta Kareem and have to shortchange BB and Dead. Enough that they basically tried to cancel BB last year, til the internet got pissed and the creator threatened to move it to a new channel. They slashed the budget on Dead. BB and Dead have all the Emmy's and ratings now, but AMC !@*#%%* up. I guess Mad Men's creator, who people hate now, put the show on strike until he got movie money on his niche cable showfor himself and his writers.

Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

A very Rick/Shane-centric episode, and that was a good thing. Kind of a bummer that we didn't see any Glenn/Herschel/Daryl, but whatever.

And yeah I would have loved this episode of Rick left him to rot, but I guess they aren't allowed to kill him off just yet. Which is quite the tragedy because they're going to milk this for probably another two-three seasons before killing him off, which is far too long in my opinion.

I seriously doubt this will happen.

I enjoyed Andrea putting Lori in her place. I absolutely loathe that broad.

How she has  the audacity to say Andrea doesn't do anything when all she does is stir up drama, destroy people's property, and get pregnant?

I liked how they used the zombie wandering alone in the field to symbolize how Shane is alone in the group.


First off: Wowwww that was a great episode. I LOVE that the writers/directors are finally putting this show into Rabbit after spending half a season at Turtle.
Now, I agree about Andrea putting Lori in place, but I still hate Andrea too
Only thing she's done is pout and echo things Shane says. All these women are worthless (save Maggie who actually goes and gets medical supplies and %%!@ with Glenn).
And that zomb in the field was great. Mirroring the living in Shane and the dead in that zombie was done perfectly.
Only thing I think they could have done better was spend less time on the depressed girl this episode. Not that it was bad, but it took time away from Rick and Shane; who I dont think will make it through the end of this season if we're lucky.

LOOOLLLL at Sacha Baron Cohen last night.
I really liked the suicide girl. First person outside of Maggie they've made work as a character on the farm.

And I love the trick they're pulling. They get that people hate the characters. And every time they show Daryl do something bad-#@# or Glen and Maggie it just reminds you that you hate everyone else. So they hid Glen, let Daryl go crazy quietly, took their worst characters and stopped trying to make them likeable. They're hateable on purpose now and more importantly the writers sicced them on each other really well. There's conflict because you don't know who you hate more. And somehow the characters are rounding out from these fights. Like it would've been terrible if Glen was with Rick and Shane. You'd just end up hating both of them again. Or if Daryl was involved, the kid woulda been dealt with easily. And they did a good job juggling Maggie.

And yeah the pace. There's no place but up.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by toine2983

I'm debating waiting for the Season 4 DVD to drop or watching the Season 4 now since it shouldn't be too hard to find. I'm afraid they might release the Season 4 DVD too close to the Season 5 debut and I wouldn't have enough time to watch Season 4 before Season 5 starts. 
lol wut? 



I was just wondering if I should watch Season 4 now or wait for the DVD to release. Some shows release their previous season on DVD shortly before the new season debuts which might not give me enough time to finish Season 4 before Season 5 starts.

Anyway I watched the the first episode of Season 4.


That scene was amazing. Walt's, Jesse's and Mike's reactions to what Gus did was priceless.

Looking forward to the rest of the season.
Originally Posted by AirRodman93

Larry Bird and Magic Johnson's autobiography When The Game Was Ours is a really good book
This is the one co-written by Jackie Macmullan right?

If so, it is a good book, read it a while back.

5 seasons is perfect.

They have 16 episodes to finish their story. Plenty of time to get it done without getting too repetitive or drawn out. How many shows have gone 5+ seasons and truly gotten better? Sopranos could have told their story with less episodes, Dexter struggled with the endgame and dragging things out, etc. If any show could have continued, due to their shift in focus each season, is The Wire.. but even that show saw weak points by their final season (McNulty's storyline got fairly absurd).
There's also something to be said about going out on top. The longer the series goes the more writers or producers you lose (to other series or tired of the show), actors possibly leaving, and the show getting stale. People could probably think up 3-4 more seasons just for fun, but ehh.. Expectations will be high enough for a 5th season even if it wasn't their last, so there's no guarantee they can top last season. 
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