Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

No matter how hard I try I cannot make it through an episode of E&D... Danny McBride sucks.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

No matter how hard I try I cannot make it through an episode of E&D... Danny McBride sucks.

I'm sure I'd enjoy 30 that much if I lived in NY. It involves the city in ways that Parks does, making it its own character.

And just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in... to spend more money. The Godfather restored collection is on Amazon for $25. All 3 films. Blu ray. Restored. $25. Not $59. Just thought y'all would like to know
I'm sad that more of the actors from Oz didn't pan out. Most never broke out into movie roles, and are relegated to TV shows.

There's probably 20 guys on that show that I loved. Easily one of my favorite shows ever.
Just saw Drive. Wow. Talk about a disappointment. Got great reviews too. I thought it was awful.
NT Film Awards Prestige Films


NT Film Awards Popcorn Films


Everyone, nominations. Rank from best to worst the ones you've seen, leaving out or marking the ones you haven't, so we can get this done.
I'd do it, but only seen 3 of the Prestige films, and 3 of the Popcorn films. Realizing how different my tastes are from a lot of yalls.
Originally Posted by dland24

Just saw Drive. Wow. Talk about a disappointment. Got great reviews too. I thought it was awful.

2 movies called Drive came out last year? Weird.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

No matter how hard I try I cannot make it through an episode of E&D... Danny McBride sucks.

you're a huge baseball guy... from Texas, nonetheless... and you can't even enjoy the show for what it is?  i mean, i know it's gonna get tired, if it already hasn't, but c'mon.
you're Un-American.

just saw Drive the other day... was expecting Gone in 60 Seconds part 2 for some reason.  cool movie, especially when he smashes dude's face in the elevator.
Finally got to J Edgar last night........I dunno man, I kept waiting for Heath Ledger and Jake Gyhlenhall (sp) to show up at any moment. 
  I thought the start of the FBI was an amazing story, a freaking kid basically being handed over the keys to the government, starting it all from scratch, all the cases, all the things they learned, and instead you focus on dude and the Winklevoss twins? 

This made absolutely zero sense to me.  I know that Leo pulled off sitting in a room naked eating ice cream once, so you thought you could replicate a man's life like that again, but why?  The subject matter of the forming of the FBI, as well as the Lindbergh (sp) baby case, finger printing, the library of congress, picking new recruits, I mean damn, there is PLENTY of material to focus on and show how the dude got things done, you did not have to go all the way deep into his closet.  Hint at it, ok, show a scene or two of questionable nature, ok, but Clint went way too much into his private life to try and define him that way.  I think that's where Clint lost the movie.  And while we're here, why make Leo old?  They couldn't have just hired Philip Seymore Hoffman to play Edgar at the end?  Dude looked like a damn stunt double for Capote, it was distracting. 

Naomi Watts was great, they did such a wonderful job concealing her, I had absolutely no idea it was her til the end.  I knew her voice, know her face, everything and yet they hid her perfectly, she blended in like camouflage.  Judy Dench was awesome, her line towards the end about rather having a son dead than a daffodil. 
  That scene was outstanding. 

Overall, 7.5/8 maybe, but I thought it SHOULD have been a 9 if Clint would have stayed on course and not tried to show this dude out, regardless of the rumors and all that @#$% the story was bigger than who he was attracted too and such.  If they ever make a movie about Marv Albert, it should be about the games he covered, how great he was at his job, not the leather bras he wears during broadcasts, same here with Edgar.  You can allude to it, or find a way to make mention of it so you aren't avoiding, but to spend 45 minutes on it......swear I was expecting to see a pillow with teeth marks in the closing credits. 

Leo, get back to work, stop trying to show us every nutjob from the 1920's and all their craziness.  Knock that @#$% off. 
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by dland24

Just saw Drive. Wow. Talk about a disappointment. Got great reviews too. I thought it was awful.

2 movies called Drive came out last year? Weird.
Really?  I saw the Ryan Gosling one.  You know the one that was supposed to be Thriller?  The only thing that thrilled me was the movie ending. 
Thriller? You were lied to by whoever told you that it was a thriller. I went into it knowing it's a tense drama with a few scenes of 'shocking' violence. Sure, it was billed as a 'fast action thrill ride' by the studios, but you can never trust the studios. You should give it another go, without expectations, in a few weeks.
I hope you're not implying that Leo taking the role of H.H. Holmes wont be the most epic, awe-inspiring role of his career.
Originally Posted by Kevin Cleveland

Leo, get back to work, stop trying to show us every nutjob from the 1920's and all their craziness.  Knock that @#$% off. 
How about the 1890s?

An architect works to build up the 1893 Worlds Fair, while a serial killer uses the fair to attract and kill women.

That's different, that involves a knife or a gun or an ax or whatever, that's cool, eating ice cream naked or holding hands with another dude, I don't need that kind of depth in a bio. 

If he woulda pistol whipped Winklevas for touching his hand, that would have made a better J Edgar imo.  Maybe that's just me. 

So they didn't shy away from J. Edgar's hidden life, nice. I might actually give that flick a shot one day then.

I need to find Drive, The Artist, Margin Call, 13 Assassins, The Descendants and The Devil's Double

Got Hobo on the DVR, gonna watch that later.
Saw A Better Life, which Birchir is nominated for. The son's character was a bit cartoonish but Birchir was great. Still don't think it's Oscar worthy


Also saw Midnight in Paris. Not bad, all the historical figures


Are you guys  gonna make an oscar thread or  include it here?
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Are you guys  gonna make an oscar thread or  include it here?
We have one goin on in here.  That's what MrO is postin about, we just got rid of the stuffy Oscar label and went with our own. 

Read an article last week about how The King's Speech was a horrible Oscar choice, great movie, well done, Oscar performance by both male leads, but the movie itself was not the best of the year.  The Social Network and it's impact on the year, the "today" of movies if you will was far better (per the writer I was reading)  Thinkin about it, I agree pretty solidly.  I've already watched Social Network over a dozen times, barely made it thru King's Speech and won't ever watch it again, even liking it.  Network was just the better overall movie.  Performances were just as solid, bottom line was the subject material was less "Oscar" which is a shame. 

Have any of you heard of this site that you can sign up for and receive screenings for movies that aren't out yet? 
  My friend went and saw a screening of 21 Jumpstreet last night, and he sent me a link for how to sign up, any of you on to this yet?  (BTW, he said Jumpstreet was pretty good actually, little over the top, crude, but good overall, he's a fairly decent movie guy.) 

Yea...I get why it's a horrible Oscar choice. That's a movie that reaffirms every bias the Oscars have, and one that does so little to describe or reflect film of that year or any year. You just reminded me that King's Speech even won best picture. I forgot it existed.

As far as a film award thing goes...that might be a good idea. I've mostly been holding off trying to let people watch the movies, but there's some definite holes. You gotta think, a general thread thread where people can only contribute if they've seen a decent amount of the shortlist means it won't turn out like the 90s draft.

Shaun, been meaning to check out A Better Life. might push that down the list then. If you've seen a decent amount of the movies on the lists, feel free to do nominations.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Finally got to J Edgar last night........I dunno man, I kept waiting for Heath Ledger and Jake Gyhlenhall (sp) to show up at any moment. 
  I thought the start of the FBI was an amazing story, a freaking kid basically being handed over the keys to the government, starting it all from scratch, all the cases, all the things they learned, and instead you focus on dude and the Winklevoss twins? 

This made absolutely zero sense to me.  I know that Leo pulled off sitting in a room naked eating ice cream once, so you thought you could replicate a man's life like that again, but why?  The subject matter of the forming of the FBI, as well as the Lindbergh (sp) baby case, finger printing, the library of congress, picking new recruits, I mean damn, there is PLENTY of material to focus on and show how the dude got things done, you did not have to go all the way deep into his closet.  Hint at it, ok, show a scene or two of questionable nature, ok, but Clint went way too much into his private life to try and define him that way.  I think that's where Clint lost the movie.  And while we're here, why make Leo old?  They couldn't have just hired Philip Seymore Hoffman to play Edgar at the end?  Dude looked like a damn stunt double for Capote, it was distracting. 

Naomi Watts was great, they did such a wonderful job concealing her, I had absolutely no idea it was her til the end.  I knew her voice, know her face, everything and yet they hid her perfectly, she blended in like camouflage.  Judy Dench was awesome, her line towards the end about rather having a son dead than a daffodil. 
  That scene was outstanding. 

Overall, 7.5/8 maybe, but I thought it SHOULD have been a 9 if Clint would have stayed on course and not tried to show this dude out, regardless of the rumors and all that @#$% the story was bigger than who he was attracted too and such.  If they ever make a movie about Marv Albert, it should be about the games he covered, how great he was at his job, not the leather bras he wears during broadcasts, same here with Edgar.  You can allude to it, or find a way to make mention of it so you aren't avoiding, but to spend 45 minutes on it......swear I was expecting to see a pillow with teeth marks in the closing credits. 

Leo, get back to work, stop trying to show us every nutjob from the 1920's and all their craziness.  Knock that @#$% off. 
What was it about the film that was your main gripe? I'm a little lost in your post. The fact that they delved into his personal life too much? And the fact that they made him old?

I actually thought he looked great old. On the other hand, his partner looked absolutely atrocious.

I do also wish they would have focused more on the FBI, maybe some of the drama with SCLC/SNCC (they hit on it several times, but I thought it could have been a bit more).

They tried to touch on every major thing that happened in Hoover's life and his power as the head of the FBI, I feel like they did a good job of it. The scenes with Bobby Kennedy and Nixon were great. Those were probably my favorite scenes. Then him telling his secretary to write the suicide threat to MLK was also a good scene.

I thought each of the actors that were in it were great, especially Watts and Hammer, and I can see why you'd think they delved into his personal life too much, but, that's the directors choice, and the subject matter of the movie shouldn't hinder it too much. It was Eastwood's choice, he did it, and I thought they pulled it off well.

Personally I thought it was a 8.5/9, not too far off with your rating, but I thought your gripes weren't worth nothing, personally.

The makeup definitely looked off on Hammer though, he looked like he just got off the set of !#$$$*$.
I didn't need to see Brokeback J Edgar.  I just wanted to see the power, the position of J Edgar, and what he started, that has turned into one of thee most powerful "armies" in the world. 

Why I need to see him turn down 3 obvious ho/es to hang out with his "partner" is beyond lame. 

As I said, if that was a part of his life, then fine, make a mention, give a nod, a wink, show that you, as the director, think that he had somethin else goin on with his right hand man, but you do not need to give me 45 minutes of it.  That, is a waste of time, my time, your time, screen time, all of it. 

Clint/Leo could have knocked this story out of the park if they chose to follow the story of the FBI's origins, rather than GUESS what they think might have been goin on behind closed doors. 

Jesus, it's right there, you want to take guesses?  You want to guess what J Edgar was about, what he was doin, well how bout guessing them secret files?  If you're going to reach, and try and take every old rumor and put it as a sort of truth on film, well then why not take those same kinda rumors, and give me some guesses as to those files?  Tell me who the second gunman was.  Take a guess at who ran organized crime after Capone got locked up.  Anything.  Make something up.  Talk about Area 51 for all I care, those files would be infinitely more interesting than anything Edgar and Social Network did in their closet, bedroom. 

That's my issue.  The parts where he was forming the FBI was OUTstanding.  Loved it.  Wanted more, I got Too Wong Fu instead. 
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