Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Did you forget to put Psycho and The Birds?

Also, if you're into the noir stuff, check out Notorious, I dug that one. Not as much as Strangers, but still, it's one of his better works.
Any of you watching that new series The River?
Sooo... nobody, then? Yeah, me neither. Directed by Steven Spielberg? [nash] Psh, no thanks. [/nash]
Spielberg ain't directed jack.

Dude will put his name on anything and it'll do well financially/ratings wise.

But no, personally I haven't. I have a hard time getting into new shows. It takes a lot for me to watch a new series.

I wanted to watch American Horror Story but just didn't have the time. I've wanted to get into Boardwalk Empire, but again, time just isn't on my side.

It's much easier to commit an hour or two to a single movie than it is to a show. Once I see an episode or two of a show I feel obligated to keep watching. That's pretty much how I've been with Dexter.
I've wanted to. I love the idea of Steve Buscemi in a straight role. I love the setting, I've always thought the Prohibition Era would make a great show, and this is it. I'll probably get into it this summer in between new episodes of True Blood.
Martha Marcy May Marlene. Wonderful. Elizabeth Olsen is a star.

Thanks for the link, pal.


Spoiler [+]
Absolutely my kind of movie. Real. It almost played like a doc, it was so real. Dismissive for some, but not me.

Nothing was simple or pleasant, but not for shock value or cheap thrills. It was ambiguous, but not empty.

The final minute was perfect, I thought. She clearly feared going back, but was it her only option? She could explain everything to her sister during the ride, but she sat there in fear and silence. A teacher and a leader, she was not. Simply taught and led.

And just to state the obvious, plenty of Manson Family elements, which was gripping in its own right.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Michael Bay gonna be doin Transformers 4, June 29 2014. 

I know the second one pissed folks off, but I've actually enjoyed this franchise alot like the Fast/Furious movies.  Bay gets a little off track sometimes, but he can clean it up when he's motivated to prove himself. 

No word on any of the cast comin back or not, too soon for that. 

Bay's next movie though is gonna be Pain and Gain with Wahlberg and The Rock. 
Whas wrong witchu man? 

My freakin file for Carnage is @#$%^& up so I don't get to watch that one. 
  So I sat thru Tower Heist instead, and honestly, it wasn't as bad as I expected.  I thought it was gonna be horrible, but it actually was semi ok.  Eddie Murphy was a bit over the top, tried to go back to old Eddie or somethin, but overall it kept my attention the whole way.  Little silly towards the end with the way it all went down, but decent enough.  Obviously not as slick as an Ocean's Eleven or even a Fast Five, but for a bunch of comedians and has beens it was watchable.  I would never ever see it in a theatre or anything, probably never even rent it, but on HBO or somethin, 2 hours to burn, eh why not?  Stiller was solid, Alan Alda did something decent for the first time since Mash I think, and Tea Leoni is back, made me want to watch Bad Boys again. 
I caught the Bad Boys on Encore HD the other week and man.. Tea Leoni was looking good. She reminded me a lot of Megan Fox actually.
Nos...latepass, but how come none of that music you recommended was M83's Midnight City?

Been busy/waitin til I watched a couple more of these movies.
We're gonna do some open nominations today.
I'll work up a ballot, then we can start voting...Monday? Monday.
Originally Posted by Kevin Cleveland

Attack the Block is on the Starz network now.


Thank you for the heads up, I'll get that on DVR and check it out. 

Watched The Rum Diary last night.......was ok.  Depp and Eckhart were a good duo, Ribisi did a wonderful job in his role, but the story sort of....drug on a lil bit.  I really don't get the big hub bub about a hotel bein built, and secret meetings and confidentiality's and all that @#$% but whatever.  Apparently that's bad.  I understood the whole money off shore thing, but that part of the story seemed forced.  Same with people being on the private island, I thought that was gonna be some big plot or angle, no, just yelled about it for a minute and then never heard about it again. 
  Pretty sure I don't have to explain the best part of the film of course, not sure who this Amber Heard is, but count me in for havin a Scarlett clone roaming free in hollywood.  *nodding like Jack Nicholson gif*  She is somethin else.  Glad I watched it, may need to watch again sometime to maybe pick up a few more things but it was fairly underwhelming to me overall.  Got that 6-7 range feel to it. 
Happy 1st Year Anniversary to this thread.
Just got around to watching two films from the 30's, M and Modern Times. I'm really interested in watching the 90+ minute cut of M because a lot of the second act of the 117 minute version seemed a bit drawn out. As for Modern Times, another Chaplin film that doesn't disappoint. Both recommended.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Nos...latepass, but how come none of that music you recommended was M83's Midnight City?

Dont know. Must have slipped my mind.

Only good thing about that Iron Sky trailer was the music.
Originally Posted by CP1708

 not sure who this Amber Heard is, but count me in for havin a Scarlett clone roaming free in hollywood.  *nodding like Jack Nicholson gif*  She is somethin else.  
I've been a fan of hers since I saw her in Pineapple Express. Unfortunately she isn't in too many good movies, but I've still suffered through a few just to watch her.
She came out as a lesbian a couple years ago, but she said she's attracted to both sexes... so that means I totally have a chance with her.
I watched M in my Silent Film class last year, excellent film, although I don't remember if it was the 90 or 117 minute cut. You ever see City Lights, Ill? Probably my favorite Chaplin film.
And the award for Weirdest Intro to a Movie goes to...

Hobo With a Shotgun


The hell is this joint even about?
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