Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Roger Ebert on Oscars- "They wuz robbed" http://blogs.suntimes.com/ebert/2012/01/they_wuz_robbed.html

Filmspotting's (best film podcast out there along with /Filmcast) top 5 most anticipated for 2012:

[table][tr][td]Friday, 27 January 2012 00:00[/td][/tr][tr][td]

  1. The Master
  2. Django Unchained
  3. The Bourne Legacy
  4. Jeff Who Lives at Home
  5. Looper


  1. Gravity
  2. The Great Gatsby
  3. Moonrise Kingdom
  4. The Dictator
  5. Frankenweenie
Quick note: 13 Assassins should be included in the Picture category. It's head and shoulders above the likes of MI:4 or popcorn flicks.

I recently picked up a few films that'll be discussed, so I'll try and knock them out soon.
The 1st Annual Shynops


Ummm… maybe… how 'bout The Bastitches?
"And the Bastitch for the Best Supporting Actress goes to…"
I'll participate in this event. I might not understand the whole nomination process... in order to get nominated, the actor/movie/screenplay has to be nominated by an individual member with a short write up. Correct? So then is there 5 nominees per category? And if there's an excess we vote on the nominations first? It's probably simple, but it's not computing in my mind
Nominations, everyone votes for 5 directors, actors, actresses, scripts, films, movies etc.
(If the votes are really close a 6th or 7th nom might get in.)

And the writeups are just to try and get people to watch movies they haven't seen before the noms, kinda like a For Your Consideration type thing.
It can be as simple as just posting a trailer and a few words here and there or quoting a review you already did.

And Nos, that's me wanting 13 Assassins to have a shot at getting nominated and more people seeing it, but I get what you mean.

Really good Ebert article, Hank. I forget dude sometimes.
I'm just goons hang back and make comments here and there.

Who decided to give rob shredder a show?
Breaking Bad fans, this is a tribute video that basically tells the entire story up until now. It's basically a five minute reminder of everything awesome that's ever happened in the show, and why its arguably the best on TV.

Those who haven't seen the show, beware.. it pretty much spoils everything that happens.
^ Good thing I read your post before clicking on that Breaking Bad video, I'm only a couple of episodes into Season 2.

 @ the "Shynops" and "Bastitches" I would recommend the henz0's but that award took a turn for the worse in General.
What's a Bastitches?
MrO PMed me, asking if I had any suggestions for names on this little awards thingie (thingy?) you guys are doing. I just felt like answering in the thread, and the first 2 that came to mind were Shynops and Bastitches.

Wait, you're not asking what Bastitch is in reference to, are you?
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

So, what if I haven't seen many of the main films nominated?


But seriously, who cares? It's freaking awards. Awards are often lame. A tier of excellence is far better. Best drama films, not best drama film. And naming it after people who I have never seen in this thread is offensive. Name it after CP. Dude lives for this thread. Go look at the table of contents in the OP. This is serious bidness. 
Uh huh. I threw you a bone cuz you said you haven't watch a new movie in a decade, and you give me...The Bastiches...

I think that dude gave me a sig ban too.
If we name it after me, how bout the Chesters Daddies?
Or some friends I've made on here instead of Henzo's, we could go with DooZoVets.
And Bastitch is a mod, but no clue why we namin anything after him. Zero. Has he never watched a movie before or something?
Originally Posted by JPZx

Considering a movie marathon at my local theater...

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier Spy (7:15 PM)
The Descendants (9:50)
The Grey (11:59)

Did it.

I know this will garner hate, but.... Liam Neeson deserves a nomination for Best Male in a Leading Role after this. I know the Academy doesn't look back this far.

Just see the film, and you'll see.
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