Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Just watched The Game... thought it was the worst of the David Fincher movies I've seen so far (Se7en, Black Swan, The Social Network, Benjamin Button, Dragon Tattoo, Fight Club).

Michael Douglas was tantalizing, that was one of the only things I came away impressed with. The story was trying too hard to be interesting, and it just wasn't. Also felt like Sean Penn was underutilized... only three short scenes or so with him. Deborah Kara Unger, the woman who played Christine, gah I feel like I've seen her somewhere before but I can't place her. Was she the bleach blonde chick in the first Matrix movie?

The near death experiences were supposed to make him appreciate life
.... someone goes through an experience where they nearly drown, fall to their death, placed underground in a cemetery, that would make me appreciate life even less and despise the people that put me through those catastrophic experiences. Who could guarantee that he would get out of the submerged car? Who could guarantee that the giant air bag would be in the right place? How would they know WHERE he would jump? Even IF you find out that it's been a game the entire time, how can you go from the frame of mind of committing suicide to enjoying your birthday party. Realizing that the entire thing was a game would drive me even more insane and make me question again if that was real or not.

Weird movie, seemed pretentious, tried too hard.
NNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! You take that back; you take that back right now!

I love this movie!
And if he hadn't made it out the car, there were scuba divers down there; that's explained in the end, when everything is explained to him. They explain something about him jumping where he did, too; can't remember what it was. I think they had Spiderman on deck or something.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by DubA169

told yall it was a terrible year for movies. just look at that list. damn.

2012 should be much better

Never judge cinema by its circlejerks. The Interrupters, universally acclaimed as the doc of the year, is not even a nominee. And guess what? Hoop Dreams, seen as one of the greatest docs of all time and by the same director Steve James, was also not nominated during its year. Award shows are a joke.

I am well aware that these shows are jokes. Kubrick doesn't have an Oscar for directing or writing. There are Plenty of politics. but I'm not just going off the Oscar list. This just isn't a memorable year. Recommend me some movies of the year besides that doc
Sonny: Kiss me.
Det. Sgt. Eugene Moretti: What?
Sonny: Kiss me. When I'm being %%%#@%, I like to get kissed a lot.

Originally Posted by DubA169

Sonny: Kiss me.
Det. Sgt. Eugene Moretti: What?
Sonny: Kiss me. When I'm being %%%#@%, I like to get kissed a lot.

Love that scene. Such an awesome movie.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by Noskey

'Niketalk Official Film Awards' has a nice ring to it 

Eh? Eh? Anyone feel like forming a committee of our own? Eh?

Sounds interesting...but getting everyone to watch all of the well regarded films from last year....

What do ya'll have in mind? 

From what I remember about the Game (only saw it once, long ago) it was slow as hell to begin, but the ending was pretty good, if I remember right, it had a lot of Inception too it.  Lot of crazy nonsense that left me spinning wondering where I was within the movie.  Maybe I'll check it out again at some point and see if I like it better. 

Sat thru the new Fright Night.  I like it better than the OG.  Course, I never liked the og, this one was at least modern and gave me a moments interest.  Colin is so much better understated.  He's better with a smirk on his face, or a bewildered look.  Makes him so much better than giving stiff dialogue.  Like how they completely misused him in Miami Vice.  That role should have been NAILED by him, instead he comes out with that ridiculous pony tail and terrible lines.  Fright, he barely says much, just uses facial expressions to get his point across, much like when he was Bullseye.  I doubt I'll ever watch it again, but worth a single look. 
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by Noskey

'Niketalk Official Film Awards' has a nice ring to it 

Eh? Eh? Anyone feel like forming a committee of our own? Eh?

Sounds interesting...but getting everyone to watch all of the well regarded films from last year....

What do ya'll have in mind? 

We doing this?

Well if someone went through all the trouble...we'd have two best film categories.
We could get pretentious with it. One Best Movie (Best Horror, Comedy or popcorn flick)
And one Best Film (Drama, Prestige, serious movie)

We'd go through critic awards, end of the year lists and just our own viewing to get a big list together. Then have each of us vouch for few nominees? Once we get something manageable (Best Actor, Actress, maybe Writing or Directing but none too technical) we'd have people lobby for their favorites. Because that's a lot of movies to try and get people to watch, so we'd have each of us pick a nominee from each category or whatever you felt like doing and explain why it was the best ______.

We'd give a few weeks to marinate, check this out that out, then have a vote. (Gotta all happen before the Oscars though) And then maybe open it up to the gen forum to get some of their input or votes to, work a balance where they have a little say maybe. Really depends on how many of us joined in.

...something like that?
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by MrONegative

Sounds interesting...but getting everyone to watch all of the well regarded films from last year....

What do ya'll have in mind? 

We doing this?

Well if someone went through all the trouble...we'd have two best film categories.
We could get pretentious with it. One Best Movie (Best Horror, Comedy or popcorn flick)
And one Best Film (Drama, Prestige, serious movie)

We'd go through critic awards, end of the year lists and just our own viewing to get a big list together. Then have each of us vouch for few nominees? Once we get something manageable (Best Actor, Actress, maybe Writing or Directing but none too technical) we'd have people lobby for their favorites. Because that's a lot of movies to try and get people to watch, so we'd have each of us pick a nominee from each category or whatever you felt like doing and explain why it was the best ______.

We'd give a few weeks to marinate, check this out that out, then have a vote. (Gotta all happen before the Oscars though) And then maybe open it up to the gen forum to get some of their input or votes to, work a balance where they have a little say maybe. Really depends on how many of us joined in.

...something like that?

You know I'm in if you get the amount of people you want.

How many you think you need? 

If you takin it to General, you need a qualifier for voters.  Don't take random SN's words for @#$% they have to be pre approved. 

I'm in man, just tell me what you want me to do and when.  And which category I get to vote Fast Five for. 

You testin my patience dude.  Quit dissin my movie like that, you don't see me in here dissin your little foreign flicks 8 other people seen globally now do ya?  Knock your @#$% off. 

You ain't seen it yet have you?  I just thought of that, you don't even know the series do you? 
I swear to Tebow, my first thought was I can't wait to vouch for Fast Five

I figure the Oscars are a month from now, so get an 'eligible' list together the next few days.
We got 4 people, already, see how many we have by then.
Start the nomination 'vouch' thing next week and maybe use that to screen gen forum people/check movie threads.

Try and have our noms and members by about the Super Bowl and that'll give people a couple weeks to try and watch the movies/keep lobbying for your favorites, then a week to get your votes in.

So for now let's see who's in, then try and get lists of good movies, films (think that'd cover directors/writers) and actors/actresses.

Any other categories? Cuz I think it'd be much to try and get people to watch a few documentaries or foreign films as well as everything else.

Supporting Actor and Actress? 

That's 6.  What else would we want to cover?  Screenplay?  Or is that too deep? 


Fill in the blanks if you want more info, just copy this and add if you want more, etc. 
I figure the Oscars are a month from now, so get an 'eligible' list together the next few days.
We got 4 people, already, see how many we have by then.
Start the nomination 'vouch' thing next week and maybe use that to screen gen forum people/check movie threads.

Try and have our noms and members by about the Super Bowl and that'll give people a couple weeks to try and watch the movies/keep lobbying for your favorites, then a week to get your votes in.
Should I just go ahead and lock this thread now, or actually wait for things to play out and reply with "Well, this thread was fun while it lasted"?
Originally Posted by CP1708

Comedy/Horror/Blockbuster (need a name for this)
Drama/Prestige/Indie (this too)

We'll see about Supporting Actor and Actress, depending on participation/nominees
Script might be too much, but we'll probably end up going for it.
We just gotta avoid too much overlap and keep it simple.


So I take it you're in ska?

nah, with the gen forum, we'd do it like last time and just hit up a few people we think know what The Artist is and have seen Shaun of the Dead or something. It won't be like Walking Dead where 1 guy opens a door and all the zombies bust through. And it's mostly if we don't get enough people from here...15-20 sounds good?
23ska909red02 wrote:
I figure the Oscars are a month from now, so get an 'eligible' list together the next few days.
We got 4 people, already, see how many we have by then.
Start the nomination 'vouch' thing next week and maybe use that to screen gen forum people/check movie threads.

Try and have our noms and members by about the Super Bowl and that'll give people a couple weeks to try and watch the movies/keep lobbying for your favorites, then a week to get your votes in.
Should I just go ahead and lock this thread now, or actually wait for things to play out and reply with "Well, this thread was fun while it lasted"?
Eeeeeeeeeasy there big guy, we're a little bit more organized than that. 

I was thinkin we simply open a thread in general, with no mention of this one at all.  We take info from the posters we feel deserve to have their voice heard, then tally that stuff in here with the folks we already know in here. 

Make more sense? 

MrO, you agree with that process?  Or were you planning on PM'd multiple General dudes privately?  To which I say, enjoy that process. 

Originally Posted by CP1708

You testin my patience dude.  Quit dissin my movie like that, you don't see me in here dissin your little foreign flicks 8 other people seen globally now do ya?  Knock your @#$% off. 

You ain't seen it yet have you?  I just thought of that, you don't even know the series do you? 

I just hate the movie and most people in the movie lol. I have the ticket stub to prove I've seen it
The only one of the series I haven't seen is #4. And I know I'm not missing anything.
Yea, I'm reading what I wrote again and pretty sure it was supposed to sound like what you said. It's like what we did for the first draft.

...and Nos...you didn't see Fast and Furious?
That explains everything. Son, it's a process...4 reminds you that the movies sucked because the main cast wasn't there. It sticks with you, because there's real style and mystery to it and they're at least pretending the characters have depth and gravitas. And then Fast Five is my jam...it hits the ground running showing they can still kick @%% and entertain and assumes you ain't like 'oh these old %@+$#!$#+%%#+ still alive?' since you saw that last one. So it never really wastes time getting you to like them again.

This dude had all the jelly without the peanut butter.
at dude watchin 5 without 4. 

Man, come all the @#$% way on.  You lose a damn bet or somethin? 
  No wonder you been hatin on that @#$% all week in here. 

Dude they've somehow put that series together PERFECTLY, and it was a total accident. 

Vin thought he was too big for 2, so they moved on. 

It didn't do as well as they hoped, so Walker left, and they went complete other direction for 3, by the end of filming, Vin realized he sucked, got himself a tiny cameo, somehow that revived the franchise. Add to that, another lucky break, one of the guys from 3 was really well received, well liked, they found a way to re-use him in 4-5 without a certain issue from 3 mattering.  No need for any sort of time continuance, simply write well, and it all goes away easily.  Totally a lucky break there. 

4 comes up, Vin signs on, Walker wants back in, that gets Jordanna, and boom, we got a movie again. 

They managed that movie real well, set themselves up nicely for a 5 (which after 2 seemed like a waaaaaaaaaaaay out there longshot) and when 5 gets set up, they make the ultimate move, they land the Rock.  In a PERFECT role for that man.  He and his cocoa butter absolutely NAILED that role. 

And now, we have it all set up for 6, why?  Because of the final scene after the credits, the return of a ghost. 

They have pulled off a way to get AT LEAST 6 movies from a franchise about cars. 
  Imagine Gone in 60 Seconds getting even 2 sequels, Fast has FIVE in the bag, and a possible 6th if the next one does well. And they are making MORE money with each one, more buzz, more approval, all of it is gaining steam.  4-5 years from now, we could have 7 Fast and the Furious movies. 

It's too late for you, you seen them all @#$%^& up, so I won't tell you to go back and watch 4, you have your opinion already formed, but this franchise has lucked into a great spot.  I can't think of too many franchises that people are more hyped for a 6th installment, than the 3rd or 4th or whatever.  Instead of deading themselves, they are gaining steam and momentum, and that's plain unheard of. 

If I'm not mistaken, didn't you like the movie Drive last year?  Didn't you think that movie did well?  But you can't get with F&F? 
  That don't make no sense. 
1st F&F: Classic.
2nd: Ultimate failure in sequels. The epitome of trash.
3rd: Not even a F&F movie.
4th: The trailers were enough, and I know what happened in it thanks to the internets.
5th: Lame jokes, corny sentimental moments, terrible acting. Terrible use of the Rock. He was worse in this than he was in DOOM.

If I'm not mistaken, didn't you like the movie Drive last year?  Didn't you think that movie did well?  But you can't get with F&F? 
  That don't make no sense.
Yeah, it's crazy what good actors and a good director can do to make someone enjoy a movie. Maybe if F&F had those, it wouldn't suck

FTR, I dont hate FF5 as much as I make it seem. It's just fun to troll y'all that love it so much 
But it really does suck. And I do hate the movie.
Originally Posted by Noskey

5th: Lame jokes, corny sentimental moments, terrible acting.
All of these were on purpose...they know what they are.
Terrible use of the Rock. He was worse in this than he was in DOOM.
On this...you right, you right. He was just so damn serious and heavy handed and deadpan and official...
...but when he stopped giving a %++*?? Realized where the hell he was and went wild
...he fit right in.

If I'm not mistaken, didn't you like the movie Drive last year?  Didn't you think that movie did well?  But you can't get with F&F? 
  That don't make no sense.

Son...Woman Sues Because ‘Drive’ Isn’t Enough Like ‘Fast and the Furious’

FTR, I dont hate FF5 as much as I make it seem. It's just fun to troll y'all that love it so much 
But it really does suck. And I do hate the movie.

and the Best Movie Henzo goes to...Fast Five
Someone wants to go see Hangover 3?

Not after Hangover 2, no thanks. They already duped me into seeing the second one, pass if there's a third.
Nah, when he realized where he was and went wild... that's when I absolutely hated the movie. This dude was punking suits all movie long and hunting Vin down like his life depended on it... then he saves him from extradition? Twice? *+*# outta here. At least give it time to build up; The Rock had a change of heart in less than 3 seconds. Out of nowhere. Lazy, terrible writing.

And a few of the lame jokes worked; Tego Calderon and Don Omar were good in their roles as the clowns of the group.
Fast Five was alright...a lot of lame joke though
...I wish they kept the series more about the cars though...now its just turning into an action series...can't blame them though bc there is about a be 6 damn movies
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