Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Speaking of crap, I watched Devil OnDemand last night, really glad I didn't waste my money on that. There's good stuff somewhere in that movie, but it just didn't work.
That's the one with the people in the elevator, right?  If so, I caught most of it on HBO one night.  Yeah, its ok.  Not horrible, but just didn't exactly work.  I don't recommend. 

Originally Posted by DubA169

Pleasantly surprised with the decendents

Very solid movie. Clooney actually didnt play himself thankfully. I don't know about it deserving an Oscar for best movie but it won't be as much as a travesty as I thought it would.

Anyone else see it?

Go 2 pages back, or maybe even last page.

Its written about my high school too 
Wall e is probably the most impressive pixar movie. There wasn't much dialogue in it. Also loved the space oddesy references and social commentary

It's the most "grown up" pixar movie. That isn't even a kids movie. It has some very depressing overtones.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

It didn't work because M Night is a hack...
He writes all his stories for his kids and you can tell.

Not only was the script terrible, but so was the acting. The twist actually got me, I don't necessarily regret seeing it, but it's not something I'll ever revisit again.

The black dude in it looked so damn familiar. I looked him up and couldn't find anything that I would have remembered him in, but I feel like I'd seen him somewhere. Just reminded me of a poor-mans Keith David.
I cannot believe Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is nominated for best picture. I believe with the new nomination process, 5% of voters have to pick a film as the best in order for it to be nominated... but still.. that seems like too high of a number.

Albert Brooks is another one missing for Drive, I would have been pleasantly surprised if it got nominated for Best Picture, but I figured his best supporting actor nomination was a given.
The tree of lfe was one of the most pretentious movies I've ever seen. I couldn't get past 40 minutes. Very annoying movie.

Having 10 movies nominated for best picture is a joke. I def wanna see midnight and the artist. I'm actually shocked at myself that I still haven't seen midnight.
To be fair, only nine were selected this year, and it has to be between 5-10 total. I understand their reasoning, though, it allows more commercially successful films to be chosen to grab the interest of the viewers.. but for the most part it comes down to a few movies each year so I don't think it makes the awards any better.
to me they do it because a movie gets more sales when you slap "oscar nominated for best movie" on the cover of a DVD

im watchinbg the inbetweeners movie now. heard it was horrible but whatever
Originally Posted by DubA169

The tree of lfe was one of the most pretentious movies I've ever seen. I couldn't get past 40 minutes. Very annoying movie. 
agreed, I walked out of the theater 30 mins into it

Guesss I better find out what's good with The Artist.
This is it though?
That's seriously all that came out last year?
Feels more like a Golden Globes list than the Oscars.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Real Steel,
. I ain't ever watching that crap.
Well, it was good actually.  Can't believe it, but they really did pull it off.  It's not Gone With the Wind or anything, but the kid has a lot of heart, and that drives the movie.  Jackman does just enough between down on his luck type dude, and daddy issues type guy with the kid.  Story is actually reasonable for what we're dealin with here, the Robot stuff is decent, even if far fetched, bottom line, I was never bored, I never rolled my eyes like it was way over the top, they stayed in their lane and finished the job well.  Better than it should have been really.  When I saw the first preview, I thought Jackman owed the IRS money or something, but it worked out. 

So yeah, don't give that a shot, but watch Devil, much better choice. 

Originally Posted by Big J 33

I cannot believe Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is nominated for best picture. I believe with the new nomination process, 5% of voters have to pick a film as the best in order for it to be nominated... but still.. that seems like too high of a number.

Albert Brooks is another one missing for Drive, I would have been pleasantly surprised if it got nominated for Best Picture, but I figured his best supporting actor nomination was a given.
Features Tom Hanks, about a kid that has to go on a quest after his father died during 9/11, doesn't surprise me. Typical Academy-loving @!$@%#!$.
told yall it was a terrible year for movies. just look at that list. damn.

2012 should be much better
Originally Posted by Big J 33

I cannot believe Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is nominated for best picture. I believe with the new nomination process, 5% of voters have to pick a film as the best in order for it to be nominated... but still.. that seems like too high of a number.

I'm not surprised at all.  The first time I ever saw a preview for that movie, the words "Oscar bait" immediately came to mind.  Part of the reason I never was interested in seeing it was because, IMO, it seemed like it was made for the purpose of winning awards or at least getting some nominations.  That's not to take away from whatever meaning/message the film is trying to convey, but just my feelings about it.  Other than Extremely Loud, I'd like to see all of the best picture nominees other than Tree of Life and maybe Descendants, but I'm on the fence about that one. 

Sidenote, Jennifer Lawrence is hot.
I've seen it mentioned a few times in here but anyone care to give a synopsis of what Tree of Life is about.

Based on most of the responses in here it seems to be a love or hate movie, with most people leaning toward the latter.

Finally got around to watching Alcatraz. It isn't groundbreaking television but it isn't as bad as I thought it would be reading some of the responses of those who watched it already.

I like the concept of the show and will continue to tune in.
First 40 minutes are about the formation of the Earth.
Rest of the movie is about a 1960s Texas surburban family.
Quick shot of the Earth stuff again at the end.

I've seen four of the best picture nominees so far: Moneyball, Tree Of Life, War Horse, and Midnight In Paris.
Drive was only nominated for Sound Editing? 
Ryan Gosling and Albert Brooks are rolling in their graves. Melancholia for nothing??

What a terrible year for the Oscars. This is almost as bad as the Grammy's.
What a list 

Oscars are about 30% as important as the studios and media try to make it to be.

They need to start making these like the olympics. Every four years.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Real Steel,
. I ain't ever watching that crap.
Well, it was good actually.  Can't believe it, but they really did pull it off.  It's not Gone With the Wind or anything, but the kid has a lot of heart, and that drives the movie.  Jackman does just enough between down on his luck type dude, and daddy issues type guy with the kid.  Story is actually reasonable for what we're dealin with here, the Robot stuff is decent, even if far fetched, bottom line, I was never bored, I never rolled my eyes like it was way over the top, they stayed in their lane and finished the job well.  Better than it should have been really.  When I saw the first preview, I thought Jackman owed the IRS money or something, but it worked out. 

So yeah, don't give that a shot, but watch Devil, much better choice. 
Hey man, I like horror, leave me alone.

Am I the only one who is kinda surprised Girl /w the Dragon Tattoo isn't nominated for best picture?
I don't think it'd ever win, but at least have the prestige of being nominated.

Shocked also that J. Edgar didn't get any nominations for ANYTHING. I didn't think it was the best movie, but I thought Leo and Armie Hammer might've gotten a nod for Actor/Supporting Actor.

Also surprised none of the Hugo cast got any nominations either.
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