Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Noskey wrote:
CP1708 wrote:
Ill, how can you bottom ten Fast Five?????

Because he's seen good movies this year too.

Don't you have some feminine sensitive music to go listen too?  The hell up.  Fast Five was awesome and Six will be too. 

Since the Laker game already had me in a depressed mood, I decided to watch The Descendants, and I saw that Venom hated it, I thought it was alright.  Tell ya what, it's one of the first movies I can remember that George Clooney didn't play himself in a movie.  A husband, a father, he knows nothing about such things, and he pulled it off well.  He wasn't Danny Ocean walkin around with a smirk the whole time, he actually had to act for a change.  Even when he was Michael Clayton, or Ides, or any other character, he's George Clooney doin that, in this one, he's just another lost husband with 2 daughters and not a clue as to what to do next. 
The movie overall wasn't fantastic or earth shattering, but at least I got to see Clooney do somethin new.  No happy ending, no magical moment, just raw sadness and searching for how to take care of your two girls.  Any dude that has a daughter can watch that movie and get it. 
The girl that played his daughter, supposedly some up and coming girl, she was good, but I didn't think Oscar watchin her, least not in this role.  She cried underwater though, that counts for something. 

Pretty solid cast too, Lillard, Fern Mayo (Judy Greer, I just always think of her as the chick from Jawbreaker) Max Cherry (forget his real name, but dude from Jackie Brown) and one of the brothers  @#$% can't think of names right now, oh Beau Bridges.  Not bad.  They all did pretty good for their roles, hell, first time I ever seen a Mathew Lillard role where I wasn't supposed to laugh the whole time, I kept waiting for him to tell a joke or something but he never did, he was just a dude that risked his whole family for a smash. 
watched The Help last night.

What a great movie. Viola Davis was unreal, my vote for Best Actress is between her and Rooney Mara.

Yet the film had great performances from everyone, Emma Stone, Octavia Spencer, Bryce Dallas Howard, Jessica Chastain, Allison Janey all were exceptional.

Easily one of the best movies of 2011, i kept putting off watching it because I didn't think i'd like it and I was wrong. Check it out
Pleasantly entertained by Contraband last night, just a good over the top action movie I can dig.
Just saw Beginners.

Easily one of the best of 2011 and might be my favorite. Melanie Laurent was adorable, and Plummer and McGreggor gave brilliant performances. Plus that dog... I had read great things about it, but I was glad it didn't disappoint. Funny and charming, sad and emotional, just a great mixture of a lot of quality elements.
I didn't know she was in it, so I was pleasantly surprised. I've wanted to see more of her after Basterds.
Big props to you Big J, I read so much of those links you posted, and then I went and found the thread in General and read so much of that joint. 

I have a few seasons of Mad Men that I can get too, but I'm curious, should I just shelve those, and go for The Wire first?  I want to know which is truly the better one, since I know Mad will slide somewhere in the Soprano/Dexter territory, with Bad and Wire 1A-1B.  Or should I let Bad digest and sift thru MM for a bit and then save The Wire for last? 

You guys that have seen both series, what say you? 
Originally Posted by RyGuy45

Pleasantly entertained by Contraband last night, just a good over the top action movie I can dig.

I don't know if you're saying the movie was over the top or there was just over the top action, but there wasn't much action at all. I can think of maybe 1-2 scenes.
Watch The Wire

Can't find my post on why I gave up on Mad Men, but even though Don Draper is that dude, imagine how you feel about Walt's wife and Hank's wife...combine them and that's 3 of the 5 main characters to me.

January Jones doesn't have a soul.

Well, it looks like The Wire is getting cheaper.  Seein seasons in the 25 dollar range, found a place thru Barnes and Noble that sells the complete series for like 80-85 bucks, but how do I know if those places are legit?  Anyone ever buy thru a seller off Barnes and Noble? 

Either way, I'll start tryin to locate either season by season, or maybe cop the whole joint at once. 
If you care about watching it as it airs, then with the new season in March, you can catch up on Mad Men in time to watch it live.

The Wire is the superior show, but that doesn't take away from Mad Men. As with any show, there might be some who gave up on it or dislike it, but not like with Dexter the past couple seasons. I don't know if its gotten better or worse as its progressed, but its still of high quality.

Mad Men is similar to Breaking Bad in the sense that one character is the primary focus, with a couple secondary characters getting a lot of attention too. I really love the show and despite some flaws I'm still very invested in Don Draper and the rest. It doesn't provide tension or jaw-dropping moments like BB does, but that's the nature of the show.

The Wire is brilliant for all the reasons you've probably heard already, they're two very different shows so its a tough call. Comes down to, preference to catch up and be able to watch live.. Or the better show in The Wire.
I saw the trailer for The Help on a preview of something else recently, it seemed like it might be good, but that it also might be very cliche, but after seeing that one woman won a Golden Globe, I'm considering getting it.

Is the general consensus is that it's pretty good?
Y'all see this?
Scientific Method:
Kevin Durant is looking for extras for his new movie if any of you have nothing else to do Monday and Tuesday. Pay is 7.50 an hr and they need 500. It's just to be Thunder fans for his movie, "Thunderstruck," no acting I don't think.

Here is the “Thunderstruck
Originally Posted by CP1708

Noskey wrote:
CP1708 wrote:
Ill, how can you bottom ten Fast Five?????

Because he's seen good movies this year too.

Don't you have some feminine sensitive music to go listen too?  The hell up.  Fast Five was awesome and Six will be too. 

Feminine? You mean contextual. Dont you have some remedial, talentless productions to watch? The +!*@ up
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by CP1708

Noskey wrote:
Because he's seen good movies this year too.

Don't you have some feminine sensitive music to go listen too?  The hell up.  Fast Five was awesome and Six will be too. 

Feminine? You mean contextual. Dont you have some remedial, talentless productions to watch? The +!*@ up

Seeing as I loved Fast Five and Annie Clark is a national treasure, yall both need to pump your $@+$!$# brakes.
While I've been working on the 2nd draft of my screenplay, as a side project, I was thinking about launching a movie review site. It'll mainly be for leisure and depending on how well it works, maybe even a jumpoff point for some of us who really want to pursue a film related career.
This is just something in it's infancy. All I have done so far is develop a rating scale and registered a domain (which I am currently using for my Tumblr). I'm mentioning it here because I'm looking for people who want to participate in reviewing. Just drop me a message if you're interested.

BTW, also went on a movie binge this weekend. Decided to revisit Total Recall and caught up on some animated flicks, Wall-E and Chico and Rita. Wall-E is definitely my new favorite Pixar film, and if you're a fan of animated features, I consider giving Chico and Rita a shot (even though it probably would have been better as a live-action film).
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

 Wall-E is definitely my new favorite Pixar film
+1 on that.  Wall-E really is a pretty amazing movie.  My Pixar top 5 is: (1) Wall-E; (2) Toy Story 3; (3) Ratatouille; (4) Incredibles; (5) Finding Nemo.
Wife and daughter got me to check Despicable Me and I thought that was pretty good.  Those 2 watch all those cartoon/pixar flicks, I just catch peices here and there.  Tangled was another one they both love.  Shrek, etc. 

I watched The Sting this weekend, never seen it before, wanted to get it off my list.  Pretty good, little predictable, but I imagine back then there's no way I woulda seen that coming.  Seemed to be were all the Ocean's Eleven originated from.  Was good though, glad I saw it. 

Real Steal tonight I think, just cuz.  Also got Kings Speech and Let Me In on DVR as I never got to those, I'll chime in when I get to them. 

Ya'll see that preview for those 2 spies with Reese Witherspoon during the games yesterday?  Tom Hardy, AGAIN???  Is dude in every single movie now or what the @#$%? 

Reese tho.... *bites lip* 
Of Pixar films, I still like Up best.

Real Steel,
. I ain't ever watching that crap.

Speaking of crap, I watched Devil OnDemand last night, really glad I didn't waste my money on that. There's good stuff somewhere in that movie, but it just didn't work.
Pleasantly surprised with the decendents

Very solid movie. Clooney actually didnt play himself thankfully. I don't know about it deserving an Oscar for best movie but it won't be as much as a travesty as I thought it would.

Anyone else see it?
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