Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

@ MrO

And I just saw the pilot episode of Alcatraz.


I'm sure I'm missing something, and you guys will love it.
Alcatraz terrible? Not surprised. I watched the first five minutes because I was bored, was slightly intrigued then lost all signs of boredom when that lady cop had the cliche "new partner" moment, and moved onto reading the Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami.
Noskey wrote:
And... does Walt still seem like some scrub in over his head now?


He won, because it's TV and he has to win.  Real life?  He's finished out there in the dessert, when he's on his knees crying with a bag over his head.  Gus does that, then goes to Jesse and says you WILL cook for me, or I will pick up your mom, dad, brother, girlfriend, and her son.  Jesse, will have zero choice and cook.  In that meantime, knowing that Jesse will look for a way out, Gus keeps looking for a chemist to continue the work. 

But for a tv show, yeah, Walt does fine. 

The third to last episode, where he's in the crawl space and the music amps up, and he's just plain delirious, and the answering machine is goin off about Hank's in danger etc etc, that was an AMAZING moment/episode.  To me, that was as good a stand alone episode as the Buffy silent episode or the final scene season four of Dexter.  Incredible moments.

My guess, for season 5 is Hank wakes up, and starts to piece Walt together.  Bruises, the car accident for no reason, sudden money, as well as at some point, Walt and Jesse will need to cook again as they are short on cash now.  (Well, Walt is) Once blue starts hittin the streets again without Gus, Hank will start to catch on.  This is my guess anyways. 

And Jesse, he now has no idea that Walt watched his girl die, AND poisoned a little kid.  If that ever comes to light, that's a problem.  But honestly, I'm done with Walt and Jesse fighting, I like them better getting along and working together.  BTW, LOVE that while Jesse tells him to get the hell out of his house and never come back, and yet still stands up to Gus and says flat out no, no deal if he is harmed, that's good @#$% 
  Jesse's character has easily become one of my favorites, and I thought he was gonna be nothing but a burn out.  Hell, he was supposed to die season 1 I am told. 

JPZ, as we start getting more and more people watching 2012 flicks, I'll start a list and update the OP.  So just keep a tally somewhere for now, but no need for me to enter in 2 movies as of now. 
Alcatraz terrible? Not surprised. I watched the first five minutes because I was bored, was slightly intrigued then lost all signs of boredom when that lady cop had the cliche "new partner" moment, and moved onto reading the Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami.
Yeah, it just… well I don't want to talk too much about the show since there are a few people that have said they still have to watch the pilot, but I think 'cliché' was a perfect descriptor to use.

To me, it was cliché, the attempted subtleties were too obvious, and two of the main characters (the old guy and the blonde) were just not good actors, at least not to me.

It did have one moment of redemption, though. There was a 'Hurley moment' that I enjoyed. He has a line, "The doctor said… *puts head down*… it might be temporary, or… *picks head back up*… or maybe not so temporary." His delivery of that line, his 'bearer of bad news who softens the blow by being a gentle giant' totally made me laugh and took me back to LOST for a sec.

So there's that.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Alcatraz terrible? Not surprised. I watched the first five minutes because I was bored, was slightly intrigued then lost all signs of boredom when that lady cop had the cliche "new partner" moment, and moved onto reading the Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami.

my man
... got it and heard ridiculously good things

...if I was literate and had an attention span that wouldn't be collecting dust right now.

JJ Abrams
iono, I've given a shot to almost everything dude's done and they came up short most of the time. Think I'm gonna pass on Alcatraz
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Alcatraz terrible? Not surprised. I watched the first five minutes because I was bored, was slightly intrigued then lost all signs of boredom when that lady cop had the cliche "new partner" moment, and moved onto reading the Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami.

my man
... got it and heard ridiculously good things

...if I was literate and had an attention span that wouldn't be collecting dust right now.

JJ Abrams
iono, I've given a shot to almost everything dude's done and they came up short most of the time. Think I'm gonna pass on Alcatraz

I'm only 200 pages through it, but it's really good so far. Definitely give it a try, i've got a feeling the payoff is gonna be really dope at the end.
Big J, thank you man.  Thank you. 

Hoily @#$%

These are two very different men, and I guess we always realized that. Walter White is a man who is one of the world’s greatest liars. He is a man who lies to his family, lies to his friends, lies to the world about who he truly is. But what I think makes him a standout liar is that first and foremost he is lying to himself. He still sees himself as a good family man who does things for very pragmatic, practical reasons. He doesn’t examine himself too closely; he doesn’t see the truth of his reality. And Gus Fring is someone who does know who he is and where he fits into the universe. He does accept that he is, in fact, a bad guy. Walter White doesn’t see himself as a bad guy. 
If you start with that premise, you come to realize that Walt wants to be Gus Fring, even though he probably won’t admit it. He chafes at having to work for someone like Gus who is as smart, or probably smarter, than he is. That chafes him, the idea that he’s second best in any way, shape, or form.

That explains his drunk @#$ tellin Hank that the other dude wasn't all that smart, etc etc. 

No way I would have thought of that in this manner.  Those articles are $$$ dude. 
When a movie says 'Presented by', does that mean any number of different things?

As an example, I'm watching Hostel, and it says 'Presented by Quentin Tarantino', so I was wondering what his contribution was. I would assume if he directed it, it would just say 'Directed by'.

Just curious.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

When a movie says 'Presented by', does that mean any number of different things?

As an example, I'm watching Hostel, and it says 'Presented by Quentin Tarantino', so I was wondering what his contribution was. I would assume if he directed it, it would just say 'Directed by'.

Just curious.

Different for everybody, but in QT's case, it's usually something he recommends.  Basically adding his name as a favor so as to attact his audience to someone else's work.  He and Eli Roth are cool like that. 

Eli Roth's Hostel, get no viewers, Quentin Tarantino presents Eli Roth's Hostel, gets millions of viewers. 

Least, that's how I take that stuff. 

QT recommended the movie Hero in that way, I went and checked out, rented, watched, fell in love with it.  One of thee coolest movies I have ever stumbled upon.  NO WAY do I find that movie without QT, unless I started back tracking Jet Li years later. 

And Hostel was a really solid flick imo.  For what it was meant to be of course.  And lord I love me some Natalya (the brunette)  That girl was piff. 

One of my favorite avys on NT is Carano sitting in some crowd, laughing, biting her lip.


Midnight In Paris.... FAVORITE MOVIE OF 2011!

The simplicity, the artistry, the music, the cinematography... just everything. It's a work of brilliance, and I definitely look forward to checking out more of Woody Allen's work if it's anything in the same criteria as this. I was absolutely enchanted by this film, everything about it just flowed so well. It doesn't hurt that I'm a huge Owen Wilson fan to begin with
. How in such a rancid year for film like 2011 that Midnight In Paris didn't receive more publicity, I'll never know. A well-known director, star-studded cast, critically acclaimed... I mean what is there left to criticize?

I am beyond in love with Marion Cotillard after this role, it's hard for me to even tell you
. The way Gil Pender put her beauty in the movie is the purest way to sum her up: "Enchantingly lovely." I always thought when I saw Inception, Contagion, etc. that "Okay, yeah... she's good looking. Nothing that exquisite or spectacular though". Gil and I just can't resist I suppose.

Speaking of looks, Rachel McAdams
... that bleach blonde look is great for her. She looked as beautiful as I've ever seen her. Her range in acting is astonishing to me as well... to think only five years ago or so she was Regina George, then only a few short years later THIS.... playing a clever, witty and elegant woman... it's spectacular. She was top notch in this film.

Owen, McAdams, Brody, Bates, Cotillard, Sheen, Hiddleston, etc. This movie is as loaded as any I have ever seen, and it WORKS. I've said this before, star-studded casts usually creates a bounce-around effect that screws the flow up, but not here. Also, I'm really becoming a fan of Tom Hiddleston. That guy's going to be a star. He was wonderful in War Horse, Midnight In Paris, and he's going to be one of the top villains in the new Avengers movie coming out in the Summer.

The only gripes I have with the film and/or plot holes is this... it was little too convenient that he met that many celebrities in such a concentrated area. Yeah, it was the place to be when you were an artist, writer, singer, whatever... but still. Dali, Picasso, Hemingway, both Fitzgerald's, etc. Also, why didn't Owen bring his wife back to travel the 1920s Paris with him once he found out the car came at Midnight? If you'll remember, he didn't find out that it came until 12 o'clock sharp until she had departed... which, if he wanted to convince her he wasn't a nutjob, would have been easily done.

Wow. Finally sat down and watched Let Me In. Amazing. I don't know what took me so long to watch this one, I loved every second.

Beginning to end, I thought it was near-flawless. The two kids are, that's for sure. I don't like some of the performances of the other minor roles, but it's trivial when the movie is so centralized around Abby and Owen. Some of the CG effects were kind of off for my taste, but it's something I could get over. The relationship between the kids is what makes it so interesting. That and the realization of what Abby is looking for, and the sadness that comes with her being a vampire.

Her performance was much better than Owen's I think; I don't know if that was delivery or script, but I thought at times the kid was a little too sadistic given his situation. Maybe I just don't understand pre-pubescent children enough, so that could be it. I thought the movie very easily could have gone unbelievable at times, but they teetered along it very well. Once you realize that Abby's father isn't quite her father, that it's a strange relationship that they have, you get to realize the kind of pain she goes through on a daily basis, and will continue to go through with Owen later on in his life.

Not to be a complete pedophile, but I'm in love with Chloe Grace Moretz. Kickass, Hugo, and Let Me In in a span of two years, three movies that I absolutely adored, and she is the reason why. This could very well turn into one of those actors that I go see every movie of theirs just because I'm so fond of their work.

Loved it, loved it, loved it.
JPZ, you have me intrigued at Midnight in Paris now.  I never gave that flick a second thought when it came out, but maybe I'll take a shot at it. 

Friend of mine may be hookin me up with The Immortals, Contraband, and The Descendants tonight.  Thank you Sopa. 

Course, as ya'll know, can't watch that @#$% til after the Laker game. 

Kev, you been MIA a minute now, where you at dude, new job or somethin? 
Originally Posted by CP1708

JPZ, you have me intrigued at Midnight in Paris now.  I never gave that flick a second thought when it came out, but maybe I'll take a shot at it. 

Dialogue wise, I felt like I was watching a Tarantino movie. It also has that "nothing happens" feeling that Tarantino frequently concludes his movies with. But just like all of QT's movies, it was beyond a treat. You'll fall in love with both McAdams and Cotillard too.

Haven't seen hardly any of Woody Allen flicks Dub... my biggest brush with him before this is that Kramer ruined one of his movies in an episode of Seinfeld
. I'll definitely be checking out more of his work after this.
Speaking of, I just saw Tarantino had Midnight In Paris as his favorite film of 2011.
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