Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

 at him walkin to the sniper.  I get the whole they need me alive angle, but let's be real, one dude has a sniper rifle, the other dude has only a face.  I'm keepin that face safely behind some walls for a bit and not takin a chance the dude sneezes or something with his finger on the trigger, but thas me.  I'm not exactly a chicken slinging drug lord so I wouldn't know.
You laughed?! Dog, i was like "Thhhhiiiiiisssssss guuuuuuuuyyyyyyy." I mean, thinking that a sniper needs you alive isn't a mistake you live to talk about.
Jesse has def entered my realm of like. 
  That kid is way outperforming what I thought he was going too when season 1 started.
My opinion on Jesse in comparison to Walt is that Jesse knows full well what he's getting into, and has known full well all along. Even when the show started and he was just a basehead going nowhere in life just helping out his old science teacher make meth, he still knew what was behind the phrase 'drug money'…
Walt's speech to the wife when he tells her he's not afraid of them knocking on his door, he's the one knocking. 
  Great scene.
… whereas Walt, in my opinion, still isn't fully cognizant, and this scene right here was evidence of that to me. My thoughts when he said that to Skyler? "Bro, you aren't running anything, and you never have. You ain't knocking on anybody's door, nobody's scared of you. You just have a GREAT meth recipe, and a bunch of other things have fallen in place for you, but you still have no idea what you're into."

And after reading Noskey's reply, I gotta say you better not miss the game tonight.
Lakers > TV

There is no question. 

I forgot to talk about that, I have some friends here that were pushin for BB too, and one of the things I have complained about to them, is I don't buy tough guy Walt.  It annoys me.  I buy tough guy Jesse. I buy the kid that sees his bag of money is missing and sits down and plays video games with the drug chick just cuz.  He knows he'll be dead soon anyways, who cares?  I buy that Jesse feels some remorse for shootin a guy in the face.  But at the same time, shootin the dude that capped Mike off instinct.  Or told the lab guy in Mexico he was an %%+@#%# and didn't back down an inch.  This is his world, he knows it and understands it.  Walt got no idea what he's doin, he's just got a brain, and gets lucky a lot.  When he ran over the 2 dudes, gets out, picks up a gun and splats dude in the face, I didn't buy that.  Not one bit.  That was $$*+$%@@.  Same as walkin into Tuco's building with an extra bang snap it in his pocket.  Didn't buy that either. 
The scene with Skylar was at least intense, and well acted was what I was gettin at, even if he's full of @#$%.  Bottom line, he's done and seen a lot more than most dudes that get involved with big dog drug kingpins, so he does have somethin to stick his chest out about. 

One other thing, random, maybe I'm reaching WAY too much.  But, as the seasons get better and better, 4>3>2>1, episode by episode, I was thinking how cool that would be if it was a way to turn you into an "addict" for the show, ala the subject material they are dealing with.  I know that't not totally possible, and I am stretching big time, but it gives me that vibe at least, a sense that each episode builds and builds and builds, I am way more tense now than I was season 2, etc etc.  I did NOT feel that way with Sopranos, given seasons would ebb and flow, Dexter is not like that, one season is great, the next is not, then it comes back and so on.  Breaking just seems steady, and if season 5 tops where this is headed for me, that can't be a coincidence can it? 
Breaking Bad >

you gotta front before you get your stock up and he's been operating on nothing to lose for a minute. The way I felt, those close calls in the beginning, that stern and stubborn need to be that guy and deflect all blame off himself is what drives dude. He's had so many opportunities to come clean or take his foot off the gas, but if it meant humbling himself or admitting his mistakes, he's too bullheaded and proud. When he blew out Tuco's place with that mercury bomb, I bought that 100. He outsmarted him. That's what Walt thinks he can do to everyone in every situation.

Ever since he got humbled into being a lowly high school teacher after his boy made off nice with their science and then got the death sentence with nothing to show for his genius, dude has slowly been forming into this...thing...Heisenberg. And every step of the way it's cold calculation. The mercury's gonna work, the science is right and I won't be made anyone's #!*%#. It's alright to kill them, they're drug dealers and murderers. I'm not killing her, what if I showed up 10 minutes later? She was dead anyways...I'm not even supposed to be here. Thing's will be better this way anyways.

That's him, that's the character I've seen. I get that, I hate him a lot of the time, but I understand what he is.

And pick you pipe back up and smoke the rest of this season asap. #%%* the Lakers
you gotta front before you get your stock up and he's been operating on nothing to lose for a minute. The way I felt, those close calls in the beginning, that stern and stubborn need to be that guy and deflect all blame off himself is what drives dude. He's had so many opportunities to come clean or take his foot off the gas, but if it meant humbling himself or admitting his mistakes, he's too bullheaded and proud. When he blew out Tuco's place with that mercury bomb, I bought that 100. He outsmarted him. That's what Walt thinks he can do to everyone in every situation.

Ever since he got humbled into being a lowly high school teacher after his boy made off nice with their science and then got the death sentence with nothing to show for his genius, dude has slowly been forming into this...thing...Heisenberg. And every step of the way it's cold calculation. The mercury's gonna work, the science is right and I won't be made anyone's #!*%#. It's alright to kill them, they're drug dealers and murderers. I'm not killing her, what if I showed up 10 minutes later? She was dead anyways...I'm not even supposed to be here. Thing's will be better this way anyways.
Hmmm, interesting.  I get that. 

I just don't like the Tuco scene.  I get your point, and that's fine, but normal humans don't expect to walk into the center of a drug lord's joint alone, armed with only a flash bang and survive. 
  Hell, I'm surprised he didn't wet hisself. 

If that's what they are going for, his transformation though, I could get behind that.  But to me, so far, up to this point, he's still this soft dude that is for some reason hell bent on saving Jesse more than his family most of the time.  He even called his kid Jesse in the last episode I watched.  As much as he has stuck his neck out for Jesse so far, he coulda had it cut the hell off and left his family jack @#$%, but he keeps doing it.  So you may have a point on the Heisenberg angle, but I still see a weak old man, just a smart dude with science as his best weapon.  In the real world, that ain't gettin you far.  For instance, in the Wire, he'd already be dead. 
Originally Posted by CP1708

So you may have a point on the Heisenberg angle, but I still see a weak old man, just a smart dude with science as his best weapon.  In the real world, that ain't gettin you far.  For instance, in the Wire, he'd already be dead.

You know what... your train of thought here will be tested in the 2nd to last episode. Believe me, it will give you the final impression of Walt that you'll need to know who and what his character possibly still is, or has become. It will happen. But I wont tell you if you'll love it or not.

And Lakers in Portland > Breaking Bad > Death > Rape > Mavericks >>> Lakers.
Eating a cheeseburger > Taking a dump > Watching paint dry > Watching WNBA > Watching "High School Musical" > Getting kicked in the balls by a horse > Dying > Lakers.
^ Speaking of LOST, in the past few days, I've seen trailers for TV shows that had Hurley, Ben, and Locke. Pretty sure it was Locke, anyways.
I've got Alcatraz on the DVR... Will probably see what the reviews look like and go from there tomorrow night.
After NBC ran four million promos for their new show Smash, I decided to give it a shot since it was released early online. I must say, it's a pretty great pilot. Plenty of story introduced, get a lot of history and information for several characters, Katherine McPhee was hot. If you have zero interest in Broadway or singing, I don't know how much you'd like it, but I wouldn't say it's impossible. I'm not a Broadway fan, but I still liked it a lot. They use the songs a lot better than Glee, it's really polished and well produced for TV. All in all I was impressed.
Son of a.......maaaaan, that title threw me for a loop. Face off, I thought they meant like head to head or face to face, not face.....off.
That was awesome, but man.....he got that little kid sick. He set that up. Gaaaaaad damn. My fav ep was the 11th one, where he ends the show in the crawl space laughing hysterically, the music blaring, the phone message, that was
I'll be in AM to dissect some more. Had feel like show was over ya know? They made that ending feel like a series finale. No clue how they move forward.
Where they go from here is showing Jesse's rise to power next season, with Mike now being Jesse's henchman, and Walt will die penniless.

Movie to follow and tie it all up.
CP add Contraband to my 2012 watch list. (I'm probably going to be annoying you all year with this %%*@.

Haywire has a 88% on Rotten Tomatoes (14 fresh, 2 rotten)

Interested in seeing the reviews for Man On A Ledge. A little intrigued by it, but the sheer absence of creativity in the title almost makes me want %%*@ a tractor.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Son of a.......maaaaan, that title threw me for a loop. Face off, I thought they meant like head to head or face to face, not face.....off.
That was awesome, but man.....he got that little kid sick. He set that up. Gaaaaaad damn. My fav ep was the 11th one, where he ends the show in the crawl space laughing hysterically, the music blaring, the phone message, that was
I'll be in AM to dissect some more. Had feel like show was over ya know? They made that ending feel like a series finale. No clue how they move forward.

Interview with Gilligan said he thought about how he'd want the story to be as close to wrapped up as possible in case he didn't get the 5th season approved. And... does Walt still seem like some scrub in over his head now?
CP, here's a massive interview and episode by episode breakdown with the creator, Vince Gilligan. Set aside some time and give it a read, it's great. It's four parts and each link might have a couple pages in it.




I felt the same JPZ, I saw the trailer and thought "hmm, interesting" but part of me also thought "it has to be bad"
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